now I am adding a license feature, so I need to not display some buttons... so I need to convert my ribbonbar to MVVM, and since I already have the commands in ApplicationViewModel, I need to pass them to these ButtonViewModels or something I'd guess
i'm literally just creating DAL for my new project
I've created POCOs and then Code First maps on top in seperate EF project.. thus i can use EF when i need to but others can use POCO project for other client stuff
so by that logic, ProjectModel shouldn't be able to save itself anyway :)
@BradleyDotNET my question is, have I refactored this to a method correctly, as in, is there any code in the model that shouldn't be there? I know the UI stuff should go in the HomeViewVm
so apart from this, I'm thinking the only code that needs to be removed from the model to the VM is, the code that sets browser visibility and code that sets txbx text value? Everything else is good in there?
Obviously now though I have the problem that these properties can't be accessed in my VM which is throwing errors, so my next step woul be to implement the change notifications?
You can remove the "NotifyPropertyChangedInvocator" bit, too - it looks like that's used by R# to generate the properties (but correct me if i'm wrong).
so this revision basically just sets up the properties and adds a listener to check for changes in the properties. My next question is how is this connected to my VM, how do the properties within my VM loginInit() access the properties within the model?