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is calling a function that modifies an objects state in a FirstOrDefault call, against practice?
coll.FirstOrDefault( x => x.TryDelete(item));
i'm guessing it is and that's why they something like int.TryParse takes an out param
My understanding was always that the TryParse and TryGetValue stuff took an out param because the implementation basically has to get it anyway
I don't see anything wrong with that use of first or default, except what happens when it's null/default value?
return false if null
If the default is null, then you're getting a NullRefEx with that Action, right?
and basically hope the method you're making the call to isn't accessing members, and if they are, they are doing it carefully lol
I can't wait for the null-propagating operator
@NETscape yes ;) that's ugly
@ReedCopsey Any tips debugging the behavior of a Grid's column's width determined by a SharedSizeGroup?
Snoop it ;)
referencesource.microsoft.com otherwise ;)
@ReedCopsey I did:
There are some rows that are hidden when the view is loaded, but checking a checkbox loads them
Loading those rows means loading a wider column in that group, so the width grows
Unchecking the checkbox hides the rows, but the width stays
Setting those UIElements' visibility to collapsed explicitly seems to solve the problem
But there should be a better way to do that
Currently, everything is hidden from a homegrown derived type that inherits from AdornerDecorator
@Jeremy use a bool to vis converter?
@NETscape Where would I use it? There's other UI logic that governs the UIElements' visibility property, too
Though, I guess that makes sense
I'll try it.
also if there are something like grids in the rows, they will take up all the space they can
so maybe use something like a StackPanel
with horizontal orientation
how else were you binding vis? lol
There's a Revealer : AdornerCreator which has a grid as it's child element
Revealer has an IsExpanded property
And that would do the work of setting visibility on the child
IsExpanded being a bool?
The issue is that the thing in the sharedsizegroup is a child element of the grid
So modifying IsExpanded wasn't doing anything for us
It seems weird to have to modify everything we mark with that sharedsizegroup
But I don't want to crawl around in the visual tree where I shouldn't be... ;)
At this point though, I've spent so much time thinking about it, that I just want the stupid thing to work.
@Jeremy oh
are the rows loaded in Revealer?
Just one row per revealer
So there's like a parent grid
with the ColumnDefinitions, and the shared size group for the first column
Then certain rows are wrapped up in a revealer
one row per revealer, what holds all the revealers
A parent grid
Make it a border, I believe
Hmmm... maybe. It looks like some rows do that.
What does Border get us? I'll have to read up on MSDN.
basically Grid is going to use up as much space as it can
@Jeremy or specify a HorizontalAlignment to left, right, or center i think
I see what you're getting at. The UIElement itself (in the grid's column that has been defined with the shared group) is a textbox, though.
@Jeremy yeah, sorry, don't use border lol
does the parent grid have a a shared group
The parent grid isn't in one, no.
Though, it's columndefinitions do define the shared group for the first time (i.e., uppermost in the tree)
set the HorizontalAlignment on the parent grid to left, center, or right, and tell me if that'll do what you want it to
i'm not sure what shared group is doing/needed for at this point... does each Revealer have a column whose size depends on the parent grids column that has a shared group assigned to it
Setting HorizontalAlignment on the parent grid didn't do it
It looks like the purpose of the shared group is to have grids within grids
Sometimes, we put our child elements directly in the grid, without the revealer
if that was always the case, we wouldn't need the revealer
but some are hidden until the checkbox is checked
To provide an animation for that, the hidden rows are wrapped in the Revealer
@Jeremy You probably need to use a converter on visibility - adorners aren't part of the visual tree (by design)
And a new grid is created as a child of the revealer
oh, man, that sucks
but makes some sense
So every time I create a descendant element with that size group, i'll have to hook up the booltovis converter on that UIElement?
Is there some re-architecting I can do to make this more maintainable?
it sounds like you might want to reconsider Revealer
it'd be really nice if I could add it as an attached property to something
row definitions?
I'll give it a shot.
well you show the same thing based on the type... however you present something different based on a bool
aka one control should handle whether it is presented as expandable or presented normally
@Jeremy right?
Maybe. Though normally each row isn't a control, and I'm not sure how easily I could make that play with the SharedSizeGroup
The reason that this is an AdornerDecorator rather than just an adorner is so we can grab all UIElements in a row
Though, maybe that's not a necessary restriction.
i guess i'm not sure of everything that needs to be done. It sounds like an ItemsSource-based control with a ItemTemplate and whos ItemContainerStyle is bound to the bound objects bool property
selecting the checkbox would make the all the items in the bound collection set their bool property to true
but it seems like there is something a bit more complex
Hmmm... yeah
I think for now I'm just going to try to wire everything up with a boolean to visibility converter
And see how that works out
It's not maintainable, and anyone adding a new row with a revealer will probably break it
you should take a screenshot of the control or MSPaint it up, interested to see what ya got right now
Yeah - I want to also get a minimal working example, but it's been hard to tell exactly what the source of my trouble is
I'll work on it tonight at home, probably
Can you use .GetAsync(string.Format("users"); with a sort of.. 'WHERE' clause?
(C#, windows 8.1 app)
restful call to web api
Whats the return value?
im trying to get a user based on two pieces of identification
if they exist, return true
the return value from the call
How does that work with a "Where" clause
is a user model
i need the user model that matches the two ids passed in
so return userModel != null?
im more curious how i tell it to find the user with employeeNumber = 2 and truckNumber = 4
pass it on the query string
I'm a little new to this
how do you do that?
when you do a "Get" you do it against a url, like : Http://
Where( x => x.employeeNumber == employeeId && truckNumber == truckId )? lol
Well, if you append a "?" to that, you are in the query string
haha i cant linq my friend, I am sorry to disappoint
Then on the web API side those are just parameters to the method
... i feel stupid. thank you for your help, again :)
@BradleyDotNET so I'm going to create a IDevice interface
and I'll have 5 different Devices
Sounds like a good idea
the IDevice interface will have a Discover(SerialPort) method
I'll have 5 different types of IDevice (uninit'd)
when someone clicks Discover, how should I enumerate the types? simple state machine?
The one time I did this (and it may be a good option for you) is to load them with MEF
It will create an instance of each one, and store it in a collection for you
then you can enumerate the collection
I did it with factories btw, since I needed more than one of the real types in actual use
int step = 0;
    case 0:
        discovered = DeviceType1.Discover(port);
    case 1:
massively hard-coded
I'd go the MEF route
You can use an AssemblyCatalog so it only picks up your types. Or a directory catalog if you want to support plug-ins
this sounds like a case NInject might be plausible too? @ReedCopsey
or am i thinking wrong... isn't MEF for DI?
I have to get going, but let me know what you figure out in the morning!
MEF is extensibility, not DI
ahh gotcha
Unity is the Microsoft DI framework
right. thanks for the suggestion!
Anyways, good luck!
thank ya. i'll have to go home too. almost 8 here
solid 12 hours today.
Heh. So much for developer day
spent my day banging my head against a wall
Are BooleanToVisibilityConverters not supported in windows 8.1 apps?
@ReedCopsey is COM the multi-platform-esque version of MEF?
@JTester not sure, googleable
according to google it is
you can always write your own converter, i'd hope
according to visual studio, it isnt
and i wrote one, and thats whats giving the error... super strange
what error?
BooleanToVisibilityConverter is not supported in a Windows App project.
trying to add it to my page resources
well thats interesting
might have to good more, maybe ask in C# room.
9 hours later…
posted on February 13, 2015

Recently I wrote an iOS app using C# and the Xamarin tool chain. In addition, I thought it'd be an interesting exercise to record the design and development of the app as it progressed (silly me - it turned out to be a major undertaking!). The app is called Workout Wotch and its goal is to facilitate working out (duh) without requiring much attention be paid to counting sets and reps

1 hour later…
Only 3 hours left of the working day!
it's 7 am. :(
and now it's about 15-30 minutes break
7 am... do you start that early?
I'm usually in at 5:30-6. I get most of my work done before 8. I spend the rest of my day in meetings, helping other people with their projects, and so on.
I get most of my work done from 16 and forward.. before that I must ask other people for help and arrange meetings ;)
now fika! I'll be back
fika? Sounds like a German metal band.
hi everybody
how are you guys?
I'm facing a strange behaviour...to be honest it is strange for me but maybe it is the correct behaviour...
I use XmlSerialize object to write an object into XML file
When I need to read data from XML I invoke the Deserialize() method
That makes sense.
In my application I have nested objects.
For example I have a Father objects that has a Child object
So when I create the XML using the serializer with Father, inside I have the Child
I can also use serialization directly for Child
the issue is that if I delete the Child XML file and I deserialize the Father object, Child XML file is recreated
is it normal?
fika is same as coffe break
not normal @FrancescoDS
I've never encountered it. I have more questions than answers on what you've described.
@Markus right on.
I need to inspect the code
and maybe I will found where object is serialized
2 hours later…
доброе утро
1 hour later…
hi again
anyone here?
I'm trying to refactor my home view now, any advice? Not sure where browser loaded code should go, its own model?


@BrianJ Separate things into Domain Model logic, View Model logic, and View logic
The first should be a basic CLR representation of what's in your data store, the second should be the result of whatever domain models you've busted into shape to be useful in your code, and the last should be whatever is unique to presenting the data in your ViewModel.
looks like you should have some type of homeviewmodel
and this is the HomeViewModel:

I'm thinking I should create a model for the code inside, WBrowser_OnNavigated, invoke the method in the VM and raise it in the View? Is this correct?
where INotifyPropertyChanged?
I haven't implemented this yet
should I create a login model first?
to house the code inside WBrowser_OnNavigated?
INotifyPropertyChanged is how your Domain Model will notify your View Model of changes, and your View Model will notify the view of changes.
If you don't implement it, how will changes in the view model be communicated to your view?
okay I've implemented this in the ViewModel now, at the moment I'm creating a method in my new class UserLoginModel to house the login code from WBrowser_OnNavigated
@BrianJ Have you looked at the Example MVVM project in the sidebar? It might help with some of the basic architecture.
Good morning all
@NETscape Did you figure out your type enumeration issue?
MEF looks like it would do the job
but i'm considering the communication design right now
and how to handle messaging.
since i have a half duplex network, i can only send requests to one device at a time. If I identify 4 devices on the network, then i'll initialize their types and i'll know all the messages each device wants to send to the network
That sucks
but since they can only go one at a time, i'm not sure how i should implement it
Sounds like good old producer-consumer
potentially with command objects
should i have a "Mailman" that polls each device type in my application, or should i have my device types push requests
They should push
polling = bad
okay, should they just provide the mailman the entire collection?
so the mailman would have 4 collections, and he would decide on the ordering of who is getting served
I would think your mailman would have a "CommunicationRequestQueue"
Why 4?
Have one collection they all populate
with data in the queue as to who the sender is, if necessary
Then you can just consume that collection (thread-safe), and they all produce to it
Unless there is some priority scheme, its a simple way to get everybody's work done, one at a time
that's what I was thinking,mailman would have a queue
and in device types, I would call mailman.ReadValues(values);
I'm not sure I follow that
and then the mailman would add all the values to its queue
is "ReadValues" just a way of inserting commands to the queue?
right, but i have the whole list of values i want to read, right away.
so lets say each device type had a collection of 100 values it wanted to read
I would just name it differently then.
I could read all 100 before moving on to the next device
"ReadValues" doesn't tell me "QueueWork"
Just like a standard list has "AddRange", just call it "QueueRange" or something. The fact that its going to go get values is irrelevant to the mailman
He's just making sure everybody shares the network resource
or I could have the mailman sort them, so after one value is read and pushed back to device it moves to the next device, after a read it pushes value to device, move to next device read... etc... until all devices are done reading
Sure, that requires you to implement some sort of priority scheme though, or go to 4 collections, which isn't as extensible
well it would be N number of collections.
basically my 4 devices (in application) would call mailman.QueueWork(addresses);
then I'd call mailman.Start() somewhere
and since the mailman wasn't delivering when QueueWork was called, it would sort the addresses
if QueueWork is called while delivering, it would just append addresses to the end of the queue
the other thing is do this async, or multithread? I plan on somehow providing % complete to the UI
@NETscape I'm rewriting the AdornerDecorator as a dependent property in the row and column definitions as a side project now, and just leaving the thing broken until it's done
@NETscape Re: the thing from yesterday
You seemed curious
basically I think I have to eventually do a "turn based" communication design at some point. We will have a logger feature which will have to query device; push values, move to next device, query device; push values, move to next device, forever loop
It should eventually be pretty cool - there's a lot I can do with it already
hysteresis and all
@NETscape Turn based I wouldn't do any sorting. Instead, have each device "register" with the mailman, which generates a queue for it, then you could iterate over each the list of queues to find the next work item
And the mailman would definitely have to run on its own thread :)
It would be easier to just use one queue
but that makes it harder to share
so it depends on how likely you think it is for one device to "hog" the system
eh, i think its okay if a device hogs it (no sorting)... i may go with one queue
and what do you mean "register?"
In multiple queues, you would need a method that causes the mailman to generate a queue for you
I would call that method "Register" or something similar
because you are telling the mailman you exist, and will be needing him to do stuff for you
right, thats what i thought
if i went with one queue, then I'd just have mailman.QueueWork(addresses) which returned values eh?
I wouldn't expect it to return anything
I would think you would invoke a callback/event to give the data back to the device
so device would call mailman.QueueWork(addresses, this);
so the mailman can invoke the callback when completed
i could call await if QueueWork was Task<ushort[]> and then just call WaitOne() couldn't I... but it would be kinda pointless
Yeah, the issue is that QueueWork is just adding to a queue
it should immediately return
Some other loop is controlling when that work gets done
Note that the work being queued could easily be a "Command" object
that includes the callback as a delegate
so you don't have to pass "this" around
Command as in ICommand?
or RelayCommand
I wouldn't use that interface
probably make my own
The command pattern is more than just WPF commanding :)
ahhh, isn't Undo/Redo a Command pattern
Granted, you could use it
Like, in general?
The command pattern, in its most basic form, is an object with one public method "Execute"
thats it
got a link? not sure how that includes the callback as a delegate.
you'd just pass it Action<T> right
It really depends on exactly what knowledge each device object has
If they already have the network code, and just need to run a function given its their "turn" then that would work fine
wouldn't mailman be doing the network code?
I have a 3rd party library that hands the protocol and transport, given I provide it valid SerialPort. I just have to implement open/close logic and exception handling
You could certainly write something like this:
private void HandleQueueItem(Action<SerialPort> queueItem)
      catch (Exception ex)
Not sure that would fit your design, but it sounds like something close to what you are talking about
so I would think that device objects would queue up work to the mailman... the mailman create, open, close the SerialPort object and make the third party calls like ushort[] data = master.ReadDeviceAddress(deviceaddress, addresses);
So depending on exactly what defines a "work item" you may or may not need a callback
With that example, I suspect you would
@Bradley this is how I imagine it:
Users clicks Read
Application gets all the checked profiles in the treeview
Application creates a mailman for each "unique" (by COM port name) profile
Application tries to discover device for each checked profile.
If device is discovered, create a Device object of that type then
Make call to add Device's AddressValuesNeeded to the mailman queue
After discovery is done, start the mailman by calling StartWork() which opens SerialPort, reads values and when done per each device notifies each device the values have been read
Ok... the design really depends on what you can/need/want to pass to the mailman
Mailman mailman = null;
    mailman = PostOffice.FirstOrCreateMailman(profile);
    var device = mailman.DiscoverDevice(profile);
    if(device != null)
        mailman.QueueWork(device.InitializationParameters, ...??...);
if(mailman != null)
profile has the device address, com port name, timeouts, retries, etc.
Is DiscoverDevice going ot be expensive?
Because that code will block there
Also, FirstOrCreate is much easier done as an Instance property that returns the Value of a Lazy<T> member :)
DiscoverDevice(profile) would be like:
public IDevice DiscoverDevice(Profile profile)
    bool found = false;
    foreach(IDevice d in MEFIDeviceCollection)
        found = d.Discover(commLib, profile.DeviceAddress);
        if(found) { break; }
that code doesn't make sense
its pseudo
@BradleyDotNET just wondeting where to start with the re factor of the HomeView code?

I've created a UserLoginModel, to place the code from WBrowser_OnNavigated and create a method from this, also commented out any UI related stuff, is this along the right track to start off?



horrible pseudo but i am trying to convey basics in little time--gotta go shortly
Just be careful, it looks like its expensive enough that it blocking the calling loop may be undesirable
Too much domain knowledge required to be sure :(
why are you using statics?
for things like "Name" - that seems like a red flag
And if you are asking if you should be taking all that code out and putting it into your model, then yes :)
it it'll at most do like 10 serial reads, i don't know if there would be a way around blocking?
It might be Ok then, just something to be aware of
You almost always want your I/O to be non-blocking
@BrianJ at this point you're better of putting your entire project on github... clicking each individual link is painful
@ReedCopsey ummm if(found) { return d; } haha
@NETscape I'm having trouble committing changes using Team Explorer, but its saying I have to resolve conflicts then brings me to a window of conflicts. Not sure what action to take..
you could download the GitHub for Windows application
might be easier through there. never used team explorer.
How the heck are you getting Merge issues if you are the only one on the project?
i'm assuming you'd want to keep local copies since those are the most up to date
might be working from home + working from work, big file differences? he is refactoring
I copy pasted the original project, when I started refactoring for MVVM as I didn't want to break the working project. I know kinda stupid
Still, it takes effort to merge conflict with yourself :)
@NETscape easier to do:
public IDevice DiscoverDevice(Profile profile)
    return MEFIDeviceCollection.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Discover(commLib, profile.DeviceAddress));
so keep local then
@BrianJ if you want the code you have now, just say "Keep Local" for everything
@ReedCopsey definitely, i kinda kept out serialport creation, IsOpen validation, etc.
I think I'm not following the correct procedure when syncing my local project to Github.
this is what I do
anyways, everything would be a Model that we talked about, exception for the application handling part
(clicking buttons, collecting checked profiles, etc.)
right, at least its all in the model
distributed between the device, the mailman, and whatever code has that function you posted
go to Team Explorer tab --> home -->unsynced commits --> sync, then

home --> changes --> enter my commit message --> click commit button
Heh, haven't tried VS->Git yet
okay its the other way around, 1)commit 2)sync
now I get it
so this is my GitHub repo, just don't steal my idea and make millions without telling me :P
@ReedCopsey thanks that did the trick.
@BradleyDotNET so it terms of the HomeView would I be correct in moving the code in WBrowser_OnNavigated to it's own model? ie, UserLoginModel
@ReedCopsey "why are you using statics?
for things like "Name" - that seems like a red flag" that was the default from the solution I grabbed this from, what access modifier would you recommend and why?
static data is rarely the right solution ;)
That movement would seem to be reasonable
so just public then? or private?
that's your choice
go google C# access modifiers
public it is then, will need to refactor again to the VM.
2 hours later…
everybody take off early? :)
I wish
just.... writing unit tests
to cover this massive amount of uncovered code
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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