my internet traffic is still getting routed through Taiwan. Not tickled about that. I feel like I ought to VPN back to the states before I check in my code.
I'm writing code for a security company. In America. My code is going through China, with whom America's relationship is tenuous.
well, it's not going through them because I'm not checking anything in... regardless the network guys have dropped the ball.
The reason I'm concerned, in case it wasn't clear, is because my code travels from here to TFS in cleartext (I think) which means it can be modified in transit. Not to mention the credentials that I don't want to transmit.
shit, they're on to me. I'm trying to pull up a reference page on MSDN and I'm getting prompted for a login.
Well a folder is just really a container I'm thinking
so in my case the deepest a project could go is 3 levels including the root
and folders
if I just have Project, and that has Files... and a File has a Path... then I could technically save it as a two level structure
ahh nevermind that
because the file structure is there
Folders actually exist in the directory
I was thinking File would have Path like \FolderName\FileName.txt... and when I open, there wouldn't actually be a FolderName folder, instead I would just add a placeholder folder to the treeview/project named FolderName
so im trying to write an XML serializer to marshal some streams on an Endpoint which could be serial or socket.... and I got to looking at this code another dev wrote. In here he defines an interface called IEndpoint, which declares a few abstract methods, and strangely.... 3 events. The events cannot have access modifiers, and I read that thats because they are public implicitly, and no access modifier (including public) can be explicitly provided in source (enforced by the compiler)
so theres another class called SerialEndpoint, which redeclares the same events
because without declarations in SerialEndpoint, they are not available in that context
what purpose are the events serving in the interface?
so the properties and events are just methods that you have to implement, which the most convenient way to do that is to just write the same code that does implement a backing field
wierd to that you cant put public in the event declaration in the interface
I get that it can ONLY be public, but you would think the compiler woudl let you explicitly say so, so that another developer doesnt have to just 'know' they are public
I guess if you thought about it enough it would reason out that way
im not sure I understand.... in java, if I call a GetClass() (I think this is roughly the same as typeof in .net) on an interface type, I will get the concrete implementations class name as a return value
It seems that XMLSerializer can't serialize interface. But, quite frankly, my ViewModel have ICommand. There's some solution I read about tagging [NonSerializable] to that. If so, isn't that command will be missing if I load the saved file again? Or not? Since the it's the initialization of the ICommand that is saved in the file? So, the interface doesn't really need to be serialized?
so in java, there is a framework called Spring.... one of the features that Spring provides is this idea of a Bean.... basically there is an interface your class can implement that contracts a method called afterPropertiesSet(). Spring can take an XML file which defines the values for fields / constructor args in the XML, and marshal an instance of a given type via injection of the values in the XML into the constructors / fields, then run the afterpropertiesset method
we used this in java all over to make it so that we could configure any type of endpoint we wanted
but he's going to want to save IEndpoint right? I don't think XmlSerializer persists any type information when you serialize, so you can't really deserialize because it can't create a IEndpoint type, I could be wrong though.
no, I was hoping to use it in a similar way.... but I doubt it will work out that way
basically im looking for a convienent way of defining everything that makes up a concrete implementation of an interface / abstract class in XML (or other human readable serialized format) and be able to marshal that concrete class as the interface / abstract type at runtime
I dont need to be able to serialize, but I must be able to marshal
I have two classes ABase and MyClass where MyClass derives from ABase In your example I could create an XmlSerialzier of type ABase, deserialize an XML storing a MyClass objects fields, and put it in a variable of type ABase
you could test it out.
public class SerializeData
public List<MyClass> Classes {get;set;}
public class MyClass : ABase
public string Name { get; set; }
{ Name = "Class"; }
it makes it convenient, because we can just deploy an XML for any type of endpoint we require for that implementation, without having to modify code.... its just 'oh this is a serial connection, heres the serial XML you need' then move on
if this works out in the same way it did with Spring
human readable so you can like... just edit the XML to change a com port or whatever
public abstract class BaseItem
public class FolderItem : BaseItem, IItem
public class FileItem : BaseItem, IItem
public class Root
List<BaseItem> Items;
// or should it be List<IItem> Items
right... however if you do a Select and are returned a IEnumerable<T>, you could loop through it and yield each item... but that's kinda pointless I'd assume
or should I create new CompileViewModel(compile) for each item in Project.Items. then enumerate all the CompileViewModels and determine if they are in a folder, and if so create a ProjectViewModel.BaseTVItems.Add(new FolderViewModel().Items.Add(compileVM))