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Hacked this, just a prototype/proof of concept thing.
6 hours later…
Hello every one
4 hours later…
For our friends in the big ol' US of A: Happy Thanksgiving! :D
For everyone else, back to work. cracks whip
Black Friday is closing in, any planned purchases?
If I had some wits about me, I would have saved and bought myself a PS4 and Xbox One
That reminds me I need to get my free copy of Destiny
both PS4 and XBox? You don't have any girlfriend right? ;)
I'm unsure if that refers to money or time, either way it's hugely irrelevant
I want an Xbox One cos Halo
I keep believing in improvements of PC games industry. Thus I do not want to buy neither PS4, nor Xbox One.
I don't even play my xbox as it is :D
And then PS4 cos then I only have to deal with people going "FFS why are you never online" instead of "Get a good console"
Rudi wants me to get a PS4 to play Destiny with him
I just claimed it, can't remember what I chose
Which console, that is
I will be a very sad puppy, if GTA5 on PC will be as bad as GTA4. Performancewise.
And no, in case it wasn't clear from the obviously defensive and pissy tone, no GF
It won't be as bad as GTA4
GTA5 will be ported to PC not developed for PC too
GTA4 was intended to be a game for everything
While GTA5 was just like San Andreas, ported by Rockstar North
And ports usually suck.
Not Rockstars
Hoping so.
I mean, GTA Vice City, GTA 3, GTA San Andreas are excellent at their ported versions
I always read that with Mr. Hankys voice
            <SolidColorBrush Color="Red" />
            <Style TargetType="{x:Type FrameworkElement}">
                    <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding IsChecked, ElementName=CheckBox1}" Value="True">
I want the background to go from green to yellow and vice versa
You don't need data triggers
I guess
No, shut up Andre
Erm Remove the Value="False" thing
Dude, I need coffee, I checked my code, it is not EndStoryboard
I oversimplified my problem
You need <DataTrigger.ExitActions>
I can't because in reality the property is not a boolean but an enum
Checkbox IsChecked?
there are more than 2 values
o.o what?
in reality I'm not binding to checkbox.IsChecked but to an enum property, which have more than 2 values
The ExitAction will trigger when the StartAction was already triggered to a value and that value changes
but to what value am I suppose to set the property in the ExitAction, I can't know
None ?
Let me write it ._.
        <ColorAnimation Storyboard.TargetProperty="Background.Color"
                        To="Green" Duration="0:0:1" />
Does the code not compile with that ?
To="Green" <- I can't know it's green
You can bind it
nope, To is not a DP
it's been a week André
Is it something you don't want to do it in the Views CodeBehind?
what do you mean ?
codebehind is prohibited
Where does the color comes from ?
they are static resources
I''m trying to formulate a freaking sentence, hold on
You said I can't know it is green, that means the color would change depending on other behaviors, right ?
consider 3 datatriggers instead of 2, setting the property to 3 different colors
in one trigger's exit action, to what value is it suppose to reset the property ?
(in other words, there's only "To", "From" is unknown)
Default - "Known Color A"
IsChecked True ? To="Known Color B"
IsChecked False? To="Known Color C"
IsChecked Third? To="Unkown Color" ?
But do you need From ?
I'll make a better example
I'm back.
hacked all the gibsons (Maybe... still have to analyze results)
Hi back
where can I paste code ?
Other way around I guess
Sooo, what is the problem ? You want to fill the From value ?
yes, but there's two possible froms
But why would you need the From value ?
if you try the sample you'll see it returns to red after any animation
because of FillBehavior="Stop"
if I use default FillBehavior (HoldEnd), the animation locks the property and other triggers won't do anything
hi @Maverik ;) ;) ;)
I'm trying
@Billdr hi bill, what are the gibsons ?
It's a slang term for a computer.
what computer did you hack ?
It comes from the movie 'Hackers.' It is an homage to William Gibson, the guy who coined the phrase 'cyberspace.'
He also writes books that are pretty good.
I'm not at liberty to discuss. Two of them are ones I hacked last year, and they're still broken in the exact same ways.
This third one is new. I think it's vulnerable to heartbleed, so that's nice.
Maybe a vulnerability needs to grab more headlines before they fix it.
@franssu is it dynamic the combobox items ?
the combobox is just there for the sample, my DataTriggers are bound to a ViewModel's property
(I couldn't send anything to the chat, I got 'ParseError', I had to reload the page)
@Sean GFs are for the weak! Men play games!
It happens
what is dynamic ?
So, is it dynamic ?
Just answer me ! D:
wow I answered you in the past
Hm, ok ._.
I don't know if the chat is bugging or what..
I'll assume it is dynamic
47 mins ago, by franssu
there are more than 2 values
@AndréSilva the datatriggers are bound to a property of my ViewModel... I don't know what you mean by is it dynamic, this property can change obviously because I trigger on it
Infinite amounts of items inside combobox
Not a static quantity of items inside of it
Because I think IsSelected for the ComboBoxItem would work
Go to lunch
And I've finally caught up on transcript
forget about the combobox
it's just there to provide a binding source
interesting problem there Franssu :) I haven't played with storyboards in ages.. like years
:( I'm off to lunch, CU
Bye bye
See you
I'll check out your git
I think it works now
@franssu Try this
nice one andre
I don't know, it seems the first one is still a bit buggy
Praised be!
Hey Denver
Oooh lawdy
and Mav
Damn. My wireless modem works so bad in new office.
Like 200KB/sec is the best I can get.
That is bad
While in previous office I could get up to 3MB/sec.
Hi, Billdr.
And Andre.
And Mav.
And all the people.
@AndréSilva doesn't work
you can see the red color when changing (from (blue) to (yellow or green)) or (from (green) to (yellow)) because of the order of the datatriggers
What ?
I had tried it before :p
:( Sorry then, I really don't know
And I don't have MSBlend with me right now
I guess there's no clean way to do it
I may use MultiTriggers and have an OldPropertyValue in the VM to trigger properly depending on the old property state
Hi Bill / denver :)
@franssu i dont?
I see only when any goes to yellow ;/
double checking
I'm using VS2010
when you go up in the combo maverik ?
from the last item to any item upper
1 to 2 ok
2 to 3 ok
3 to 1 red appears
2 to 1 red appears
1 to 3 ok
3 to 2 -> red must appear too ?
I think RemoveStoryBoard is not the answer but thank you Andre
Maybe if there was a BeginTime for RemoveStoryBoard, it could be your solution
reading up - it is indeed going backwards that we have a problem (which makes sense - it always reverts to default)
another solution I was looking for is to trigger a setter at the end of the animation
I was thinking the same thing
I wasn't ._.
but there was even more crazyness down that path
my related question on SO : stackoverflow.com/questions/27146459/…
            To="Yellow" Duration="0:0:1"
            FillBehavior="Stop" AutoReverse="True">
        <i:EventTrigger EventName="Completed">
            <ei:ChangePropertyAction PropertyName="Background.Color" TargetObject="... the object being styled, not the ColorAnimation">
                    <SolidColorBrush Color="Yellow"/>
...I fail to target the object being styled...
I've always had that problem
wow I just realised I haven't thought about using the visual state manager
never figured the logic of how to use TargetName
I was thinking about that too but haven't checked it out yet
can't use TargetName in a style :(
yea same
but VSM does sound right for this sort of thing
i was thinking along the lines of One animation with three KeyFrame animations
with each keyframe animation using gradiant fill
that is pretty much what VSM's GoToState should be doing
I'll try that's my last chance I'll have to pack my things if that doesn't work
Pack your things to go home right ?
yes and drink alcohol
Oh ok
"If I don't complete this job, I'll pack my stuff..." seems like you were going to get fired
and hit my GF
that's what I wanted to sound like :p
works like a charm.
Hoorray !
I'm having a Microsoft.Expression.Interactions.Orgasm right now
string\u180ex = "b"; wot?
Now you can go home drunk and beat your wife !!
Saved and bookmarked, for sure I'll need that
apparently ascii and unicode are different things, who'da thunk? gist.github.com/anonymous/c59a113ce5da0913e1f9
(That's from Skeet)
holy shitballs it works.
and breaks visual studio in the weirdest way
twitter.com/jonskeet/status/537602795311218688 <--read this thread, crazy weird for me.
hi everybody
@franssu how are you?
hi Billdr
fine and you ?
good ty
do you remember about last conversation? we have talked about IEditableObject
and the possibility to link it with CollectionChanged
Googling around, I've read about IEditableCollectionView...have you ever heard about it?
oh ok...I thought that it is possible to use this interface to allow commits and rollbacks on objects of ObservableCollection
sometimes happens...:)
it might be possible to do that Francesco
hey guys
it's on the new iMac 5k
can i ask something
too late
on iMac? wow...great bug!
shoot Samy
See, I'll try to explain my problem
Im using the AdornedElementPlaceholder for showing validation errors on my form
and I've bound its visibility with the control so it show/hides together
but I have a telerik Expander on my page for expand/collapse sections of the form
now the issue is during the expand/collapse animation, all the validation errors are shown above everthing else, and hides only when the animation is complete
Which must be the right behavior Samy?
@Franssu, about IEditableObject, where do I need to implement it? On object of ObservableCollection or on View?
on the object you want to edit ?
I've never used IEditableObject
I guess that would be the object in your VM
see, the last name error message dispalys while the reservation Info section is collaplsing
I know the reason for this,
the control visibility does not changes untill the collapse animation is complete
but I don't know how to resolve this
can you provide atomic code that reproduces the problem ?
in textbox style I have this
<Setter Property="Validation.ErrorTemplate" Value="{DynamicResource errorControlTemplate}" />
@franssu So the interface methods must be implemented on VM
and the errorControlTemplate:
<ControlTemplate x:Key="errorControlTemplate">
            <BooleanToVisibilityConverter x:Key="booleanToVisibilityConverter" />
            <AdornedElementPlaceholder x:Name="adornerPlaceHolder" />
            <TextBlock TextAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Margin="0,1,0,0" Style="{DynamicResource errorTemplateTextBlockStyle}" Text="{Binding ElementName=adornerPlaceHolder, Path=AdornedElement.(Validation.Errors).CurrentItem.ErrorContent}"  Visibility="{Bind
@FrancescoDS ... on the object you want to be editable !
@SamyS.Rathore can you try to remove from the code anything that's not directly relevant to the bug ?
OK franssu, but how to do directly on the object? for example, if the object is IntermediatePosition, in the BeginEdit() I need to backup the object itself...it seems strange...or am I completely out of the logic??
why wouldn't you need to backup the object ?
alright, here's the minimal xaml
<telerik:RadExpander x:Name="reservationInfoExpander" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" ExpandDirection="Down" Style="{DynamicResource RadVerticalExpanderStyle}" >
                                <TextBlock  Text="Header" VerticalAlignment="Center" />

                 <Grid >
                    <TextBlock  Margin="20,0,0,10"  VerticalAlignment="Bottom" text="FirstName">
and the control template
@franssu I try to explain with code...
here there is the example
<ControlTemplate x:Key="errorControlTemplate">
            <BooleanToVisibilityConverter x:Key="booleanToVisibilityConverter" />
            <AdornedElementPlaceholder x:Name="adornerPlaceHolder" />
            <TextBlock Text="Error" Visibility="{Binding ElementName=adornerPlaceHolder, Path=AdornerElement.IsVisible, Converter={StaticResource booleanToVisibilityConverter}}" />
yes @FrancescoDS ?
sorry, I was afk
In the sample, into the BeginEdit method, there is this.backupData = custData;
backupData is not the Customer object, but CustomerData, that is a struct inside the object
so backupData could not be Customer, because it is not possible to backup the object itself
CustomerData is the data from the customer that you want to edit/save/cancel
so do I need to create the struct too?
IEditableObject is an interface
you have to implement the contract defined by this interface
BeginEdit -> Begins an edit on an object.
CancelEdit -> Discards changes since the last BeginEdit call.
EndEdit -> Pushes changes since the last BeginEdit or IBindingList.AddNew call into the underlying object.
those are the actions YOU need to implement
it won't happen by magic
@FrancescoDS so yes, you need to create whatever you need to be able to implement that contract
OK franssu
were you confused about that ? it looks like you were but maybe not !
no, I was not confused about method implementation, but on struct implementation
I thought it was unnecessary...
Another question about it is, always looking at the example on msdn...
if I implement both IEditableObject and INotifyPropertyChanged interfaces, in setters do I need to perform both the assignments?
this.custData.firstName = value;
_custData = value;
what's _custData ?
I am wrong...
_firstName = value;
you should get rid of _firstName
because IEditableObject does something similar?
IEditableObject does nothing @FrancescoDS !!!
it TELLS what it can do
Yes, yes...it is an interface...
sorry...I need to learn to be clear! my english is often not so clear...
however...it does not work :(
@franssu it seems that properties of Customer does not change when CancelEdit is performed
only values into struct are updated
but maybe I've not implemented OnCustomerChanged()
Does any one have any idea how to do video chatting using SignalR in a wpf application
uhm...now I need to implement also IBindingList...?
I've done the streaming w/ SingalR, but never with WPF
Can you guide me?
Sounds like you are doing it wrong if you have to implement that; but I don't have all the context.
Well, up to the WPF part :)
I haven't done live image rendering with that before
When I did it, I had a camera (obviously) and when I got a frame I would serialize it out to a byte[]
Then send that out over signalR
Then make an image out of that and render to the screen.
The tech I was using had an easy(ish) way to do that, not sure how you would go about it in WPF
I can Google it, but so can you :)
Have you started at all? Have any questions about it?
I am searching for some good library which can give me both audio and video so that I can pass that stream to signalR
can signalr do that?
SignalR can take the stream and pass it on to other people connected to the hub
I suppose there's no reason for it not to. That's really interesting to me. Thanks User, I'm going to meditate on that for a while.
I obviously don't have an answer for you.
Have you looked into AForge at all
I don't think it does audio...
but thats what I used for my video stream
Yes I think it doesnot support Audio
4 hours later…
The only weird thing is the local event variable in the "On" pieces
I would have just checked against the original variable
@BradleyDotNET that's not thread safe - the local handler is the proper way to raise events in C#
weirdest thing to me is that this is static - why would you have/want static navigation events?
navigation doesn't seem like a global concern
(and seems like a huge risk of memory leaks)
Application.Current.Navigating is pretty global
yeah - but the WPF navigation stuff is stupid (and broken) anyways, so I avoid it
so it is a dumb idea.
first I wanted to raise the application navigation events but ctors for args are internal
tricky spot now, I know it is dumb. Do I continue? :)
I can find an argument for that navigation is a somewhat global concern, it is from ome part of the app to another.
@ReedCopsey Without a lock; what does a local variable buy you?
@BradleyDotNET the local creates a copy of the multicast delegate
so you get the invocation list at that point in time
Delegates are value types?
Or am I just thinking about that wrong :)
they are immutable
They can also be set to null...
new instance
Answer my own question: blogs.msdn.com/b/ericlippert/archive/2009/04/29/… Learn something new every day :)
No need for Lippert when you have Reed :)
resharper implements it like that if you alt+enter an event btw
man, it does not have to be much more than trivial before things go wrong
I think unit tests have damaged my brain, I don't even try to think.

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