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@ReedCopsey, Is there a way I can run a checksum on a database (localdb data.mdf file) without it being accessed by another process? Even if I do a checksum OnExit() in app.xaml.css, it is still being used by another process
that explains it
if your database is open, it probably has access to the data.mdf file
if you access it using readonly attributes you probably can.
@KalaJ Depends on what process is accessing it, and how they've set up things
@NETscape Not really - if it's a large set of changes, it's often faster to just build a new one, and replace the entire collection - depends on how many changes there are, though
What is meant by readonly
I can add things to the db
@ReedCopsey, what do you mean by process? I mostly just access the db using using(var db = DataContext()){} tags
and I checked that all the tags having using tags
I'm not sure where it's leaking
Shouldn't nothing access the database OnExit()?
Is there an easy way to clear a textbox when a checkbox is unchecked? I want to avoid relying on the property setter
@MarkRichman, I would just set the property = null;
@KalaJ where and when?
I think you have a bool for IsChecked or not
If the bool IsChecked = false
then set it to null
not understanding my question
I have this:
<CheckBox IsChecked={Binding ConnectToExistingDB}/>
@MarkRichman Do it in the setter of the ConnectToExistingDB property
<TextBox IsEnabled={Binding ConnectToExistingDB}/>
and bind the TextBox's Text property to something
thats what i'm doing
What's wrong with the way you're doing it now?
public bool ConnectToExistingMainDb
            get { return _connectToExistingMainDb; }
                _connectToExistingMainDb = value;
                if (!_connectToExistingMainDb && DatabaseType.Equals(DatabaseType.Main))
                    MainDbmdfFilePath = string.Empty;
that _connectToExistingMainDb is false when the box is checked
and i dont want too much logic in a setter
Is MainDbmdfFilePath's setter calling a NotifyPropertyChanged method?
Otherwise the UI won't update
I use [ImplementPropertyChanged] but yes its the same thing
this is the only control pair i have this problem with
Should be working assuming your binding is set properly in the View. Did you set a breakpoint and check the value of the second part of that if statement?
yes that is correct
or at least set a break point inside the if-statement to makes you're entering it
make sure*
im at a breakpoint now - the box is checked, yet _connectToExistingMainDb == false
when you hit the breakpoint what is "value"'s value?
"value" is false
Make sure you bound the checkbox properly
<Label Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="0" Content="Database Name:" ToolTip="Name of the Main database" />
<TextBlock Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Text="{Binding DatabaseName, Mode=TwoWay}" ToolTip="Name of the Main database" />

<CheckBox Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="3" IsChecked="{Binding ConnectToExistingMainDb, Mode=TwoWay}" ToolTip="To connect to an existing Talisma Main database, specify the path of the .mdf file">Connect to existing Main database</CheckBox>

<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="3">
I have Mode=TwoWay on that checkbox -- could that be doing it?
Shouldn't be causing an issue
didnt think so
The default for checkbox is TwoWay anyway
ah good to know
thank you
Did you say this works just fine with other checkbox's?
yes but I think it may have something to do with IEditableObject
like maybe its not preserving the values across OK/Cancel
Sorry to but in but the database exception code I'm getting: _COMPlusExceptionCode = -532462766
Not quite sure on that one. Using a vanilla checkbox control and databinding this should work straight up with no problem.
use a trigger on your textbox
that sets text to "" when checkbox is checked
Julien i was thinking that but dont know how :)
that would solve my problem
Yeah that's a XAML solution
id like to try that if you can help
<DataTrigger Binding={ElementName MyCheckBox.IsChecked} Value=True>
<Setter Property="Text" Value="" />
I put that in Window.Resources ?
in the checkbox i believe
<TextBox><TextBox.Resources><Style><Style.Triggers><DataTrigger />
very verbose
confused now
does the trigger go on the checkbox? (yes?)
For something like this, can't you use have a separate method
you might be able to do it that way but its not as easy
youw ant the textbox to clear when the checkbox changes
where you set everything to null or string.empty
so the trigger is on the textbox
and call it when it's needed?
I want the textbox to clear when the checkbox clears
The Textbox is going to kinda bind to the Checkbox
Q: WPF TextBox trigger to clear Text

PaN1C_Showt1MeI have many TextBox controls and I'm trying to write a style that clears the Text property when the Control is disabled. I don't want to have Event Handlers in code behind. I wrote this: <Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}"> <Style.Triggers> <Trigger Property="IsE...

You'll need to modify that to point at the checkbox
but that all should go under TextBox not Checkbox?
imo yes
although im sure you could do it the other way
but then it means you are changing the textbox properties from the checkbox
I believe that's kinda the behavior he wanted but the end result in both cases should be the same.
isnt that what i want?
shouldnt the checkbox trigger the textbox?
since my trigger is on the textbox, you can diretly manipulate the text property
unless i dont understand triggers
if you put the trigger on the checkbox, you have to reference the textbox
and change its text property
so imo its less clean
like i said it would probably work both ways
i dont think you would want a bunch of controls that alter properties on other controls
would be a mess to maintain
its conflicting with a style I have in Grid.Resources
you have another textbox style you are using?
its global to all textboxes in this control
in your new style tag, use BasedOn={StaticResource ExistingStyle}
then it will inherit existing stuff
there is no name for ExistingStyle
<Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}" BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type TextBox}}" >
                        <Setter Property="Margin" Value="0,0,10,10" />
                        <Setter Property="Height" Value="24" />
should i just name that?
if theres no name i think you might have to manually apply it
i dont think that will work
if you name it then it wont apply by default to everything
i think i'm starting to hate WPF
wpf is sweet
if everything is easy and has no bugs lol
Lol don't man, this is just a slight learning curve
the xaml bit is super verbose but really flexible once you get the hang of it
ive been at this 4 months
This checkbox thing?
it feels like im back in my MFC/ATL days lol
checkbox bug is today
just my general frustration level
triggers at the 4 month mark seems about right :D
How can I close my localdb connection manually? Like overriding any connections to it?
wait until DataTemplateSelectors hehe
@KalaJ why dont you comment out all your startup code in your app, and do the checksum first thing, without doing any other code
ok so i cant use my style or i cant use my trigger - pick one?
and see if it still says it is in use
Also is detaching a db the same thing as closing a connection?
just add your pre-existing style values to your new style mark
yes, its annoying, but not worth struggling over
or, name your pre-existing style and do the basedon
but that new style only applies to one control
thats fine
@Julien, I was thinking that, but don't I need to check if db exists first
thats what i asked
can i name my existing style
and connect to db first?
when you name your old style, it will stop auto-applying to all your textboxes
so on your textboxes you'll have to specify which style to use
you have to choose which way is easier for you
"Property Style is set more than once"
@KalaJ do you need to connect to the db to do a checksum of the file?
hm no
you probably have style tag in the <TextBox> and in the <TextBox.Resources>
<Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}" BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type TextBox}}" x:Name="TextBoxStyle" >
<TextBox Text="{Binding MainDbmdfFilePath, Mode=TwoWay}" Width="200" IsEnabled="{Binding ConnectToExistingMainDb}">
                            <Style TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}">
                                <Setter Property="Text" Value="{Binding Whatever}" />
                                    <Trigger Property="IsEnabled" Value="False">
                                        <Setter Property="Text" Value="{x:Null}" />
Like i have something like this
using (DDataContext context = new DDataContext())
Should I run my checksum before that
or after
you need <TextBox.Resources>
not <TextBox.Style>
im just going by the SO link posted earlier :)
i have no idea what i'm doing yet.
i always use the resources style
also im pretty sure you want a DataTrigger not a Trigger
"Property Resources is set more than once" LOL

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