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how are you doing the binding?
10 hours later…
@NETscape 'AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory'
good noon si'ams
you're a si'ams.
(What's a si'ams?)
._. Not even google answered that
for some reason it thinks it means sims
No explanation still..
@Maverik don't leave us hanging
Q: drag drop not working.. want to trigger the DragOver command when you drag and drop some object from the view in it

Harjeet SinghI am trying to implement Drag-and-Drop in MVVM, but when I try to drag the item, the event doesn't get triggered. However, when I drag the items from outside, it starts working. I want the first case, make it working while dragging. Is there any special way? I am using behavior and relay command...

sowwy, work :(
Si from Sir -- 'am from ma'am
i changed my mind half way :)
damn I had guessed
I'm better than google
that you are!
thus you haz italikz
good noon asfe'#)fds
I never would have arrived at that.
I was thinking you picked up some Swahili or something.
someday you will :D
now I should obviously drop italics of my own cos i can't guess his cryptic code :)
@Maverik did you see my question yesterday ?
about exposing VM to UI when views are resolved via DI
before DI I would just add a DataTemplate with DataType = TheVM
@franssu That's we currently use. We use DI for everything else, but View<->VM matching is done with the datatemplates.
gaaah. The conversion of a datetime2 data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
1 hour later…
you're probably using datetime.min / max stuff
Anyone know a good website or something related to teach someone who know nothing about C# and web things
I got a new trainee and he has some knowledge ( very basic ) in OO
But never worked with C# and I want to teach him, but I can't do much if I'm not at work
I'd say if he can't google a hello world and take it from there, he's already a lost cause
@Maverik No, my model was datetime, but apparently efcf translates that to datetime2, whatever that is. So I did a weird explicit cast-type attribute because that's what google says is the answer. It solved the problem.
@AndréSilva I started learning programming about 8 months ago. Before that I had just a little experience with Lua scripting language. When I came to job, I said I want to learn. They gave me 1 month and PC with installed Visual Studio. And told me to write random bitmap generator.
@AndréSilva www.asp.net
So I just started VS, created new project and learned C# like that. First I put few labels and stuff, then tried to understand code behind etc.
tell him to go straight for mvc.
And I read few books partly. So I believe practice is better way to learn something, than reading books.
Or sites.
yup programming is all handson
and you NEED to be able to learn on your own from day 1
only pointer I'd give him is to search for C# Hello World
that's it - from there he should be able to find and expand
So true
well hello stranger!
Hey mate
I'm still wandering around
someone figure out how to stop running Java Platform binary for me :)
end task!
not shown in there or services afaik
nevermind :)
God damn meetings
@Billdr Those new stuff won't work, we are an absolete company haha
The idea was to train him with really basic.. I mean.. really, but really basic stuff
How would I draw a path on top of each selected item in a listbox?
Good morning!
@AndréSilva For web give him relevant RFCs so he understands how http works. And for C# I highly recommend to teach him how CLR works.
CLR makes no sense haha I find it so wrong
Basic compentcy test for any language, Read in a file, Process it in some way (I like counting letters, but it's fine otherwise), and output the results ina different file
But I mean.. I just had to explain to him what <table><tr><td> was
@AndréSilva Hmm? How id one going to write stable apps if does not understand what is underneath?
I think that is too advance for him yet
In that case web with C# is too advance then.
You can't teach someone who never programmed profissionally the intermediate/advanced stuff
can you get him up to Hello World?
Let him play with C# not in web environment.
I guess he can since he saw some basic stuff in Java at college
saw? as in just looked at it?
Well ;p He did programmed a bit
lol, I'd hope so.
He has just the basic knowledge about what you get in 2 and half years in college
C# isn't a terrible language to learn, but learning it AND modern HTML formatting at the same time is gonna be a struggle
Modern HTML ? haha Dude we work in a auditing and consulting company
Designed prior to DHCP.

Designed after BOOTP.
nice descriptions
Take a look at this
        <asp:Button ID="btnCadNovoProfissional" runat="server" Text="Cadastrar Novo Profissional"
            OnClick="btnCadNovoProfissional_Click" Visible="false" />
People here make stuff work and then I get it to write it correctly
Speaking of which...
could I get someone to look at my question?
To be quite fair, I don't actually know what's wrong with that. Never messed with asp.net, and my HTML is rusted right rhough.
Probably should do something about that...
Fixed it
That mix of stupid and HA
2 hours later…
Hi every one
does any one use WPFToolkit ?
it is in .net 3.5 platform
I try to convert it to .net 4.0 and get a lot of Error and warnings
Is WPFToolkit in .net 4.0?
why do you need to convert it
a .net 4 app should be able to use a 3.5 library
err, the main version is .net 4
3.5 is old
oh i am looking at Extended WPFToolkit
not the same thing i dont think
what are you using from the wpf toolkit?
for some calender
@Ahadaghapour because most of the WPF Toolkit is included "in the box" in WPF 4
persian calender
now how can convert it to .net 4.0 >
I think the calendar control is pretty much the same as the one in WPF 4 in System.Windows.Controls.Calendar
just remove the wpf toolkit ref, and fix namespaces, and it should work
but it doesn't work in Persian calender
are you using the PersianWpfToolkit?
(that's a separate project)
if so, you could consider using codeproject.com/Articles/43521/… - which does target .net 4
@ReedCopsey are you recruiting users to F#... sheesh!
yeah :D
doing what I can
we had 3 rows of users earlier today
(well, onto the 3rd row at least)
you've done it all Reed...
hehehe - I'm excited
just published FSharp.ViewModule NuGet package that works with Xamarin.Forms :D
updating one of the charles petzold samples to use it now
ahhh nice!
question, trying to update property if focus is lost on a textbox, however on textbox.text property changed I also want to validate user input.. how can i do that?
any thoughts @ReedCopsey? UpdateSourceTrigger=Explicit maybe?
so you want to validate as text changes + set on focus lost?
mind some VM hackery?
right, see print preview in Word with multipage doc. start changing page number and notice it has a max.
but the page doesn't try to actually get loaded until losing focus
so - just let it update on every char
but bind to a separate property you're validating
and add a behavior that triggers on lost focus to copy to the "real" property if validation is sucessful
gahh behavior again. did you say you usually do yours in Blend?
I use the Blend SDK
I just writ ethe xaml by hand, though
I don't ever actually run blend
right. not sure how to write the actual behavior portion
Just subclass behavior, and override OnAttached and OnDetached
in OnAttached, subscribe to LostFocus
you can add a DependencyProperty for an ICommand to execute
as in, how can i tell my VM to use the valid value
from a behavior, if the behavior is view related.
that - or just use the built in EventToCommand ;)
and bind it to a command
the behavior can trigger an ICommand
that copies the vlaues
no custom code required for that one :)
1 hour later…
Question, I need to do the following in an MVVM way and am not sure how. I need to add a item to my ListView/Canvas which is Templated as an Image. This is the part I already know how to do.
But I need it to immediately animate over to a new position then be removed from the ListView.
that is the part I am struggling with, esp, doing MVVM friendly
as in animate the Image?
no, just move it for now
from point a to point b
its the making it go away part that is really throwing me
I think I can accomplish the rest with bindings to the underlying object
well it's all view related
going from point a to b
I assume I set up a storyboard that changes the x and y coordinates
there should be an animation with a Start and End position
but how do I have it removed from the list when the animation finishes?
and I assume I can have the animation trigger when the object is put into the list
so your VM should have a ObservableCollection
actually I'm going to stop myself, I'm not really sure.
why are things being added to a list just to be destroyed?
I want to show an arrow moving from shooter to target when it is fired
you should have a position
and your collection to be a list of positions
and when that collection changes, you create a new image and animate it towards the position
@ReedCopsey am I thinking correctly?
scratch that
I'd just have an "arrows' collection, and move it in the VM
and bind to them in the view
seems easier...
ahh okay, that's what I was going to say, but moving it sounds viewy
well, an arrow sounds model-y to me
shooter / target / balistics / etc are all model ;)
It is really just a visual effect, nothing else happens while it moves. and it has no life outside of the visual effect. I suppose I could make a background thread add the object, move it and then delete it
well, you'll have to bind the coordinates to the view, so you'll have to update the view on the UI thread
@ReedCopsey I would agree, ahh so yeah, that's where you would put something like collision detection right, in the view model?
@NETscape I'd normally bake that into the model
I don't need collision detection. this is not a real object, there is no physics. This is a roguelike and I just want a visual effect
the VM would trigger the move attempt
ideally, I would just add it to my ListView and the datatemplate for that particular type would start the animation, then remove the object when the animation is done.
collision detection sounds like its exhaustive.... would it just be something like public bool HasCollided(Person otherPerson) and you just constantly are calling that while looping through all persons
I could do it with visibility and keep the arrow around to re use if that is easier to trigger. IE the animation is triggered by visibility becoming visible then changes it to hidden after the animation is done
right, I gotcha Dread...
@NETscape normally, you do more of a bool TryMove(... type of operation, and it'll return false on a collision - often with info about what it collided with in out params
@ReedCopsey I see... so is that you can run through other players in like a MMORPG because it is to expensive to prevent users from running through one another
@Netscape more to prevent griefing I think
blocking doorways to venders and such
I think I am getting there. @ReedCopsey Is there a way to animate the position in one animation? or do I need to do a doubleanimation on x and y separately?
I would much rather have wpf do the math
oh wait, never mind. I just put the start and end on each and it should figure it out
can I use point animation on an image? I didn't think there was a coordinate attribute, just X and Y
There isn't an X and Y either...
Are you using a TranslateTransform on the RenderTransform, or something?
in that case, animate x and y separately
my listbox's panel is a canvas
so you're trying to do Canvas.SetTop(x) etc?
crap, I thought I could do it with a simple loop in my UI using Task.Delay to refresh the screen, but it would require me to retool about a hundred routines to return void instead of bool, and add another was of signaling success.
back to trying it with animations
why would you need to change so much?
seems like you could make a single method that does it easily enough
because await requires async all he way up the chain, unless I am mistaken
which I may be
there may be another reason my thing wasn't showing up
but I have to go for a bit. I will try more later
you could just do something like:
async void MoveArrow(Point start, Point end, TimeSpan duration, int steps)
    Point current = start;
    var direction = end - start;
    var length = direction.Length;

    if (length == 0)

    var move = length / steps;

    var step = new TimeSpan(duration.Ticks / steps);

    for(int i=0;i<steps -1;++i)
        await Task.Delay(step);
        current += move;
        // Set point to current
it'd be "fire and forget"
but it should work fine
and no async req. anywhere in the chain - just call it

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