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@Maverik have you ever worked with linqtoldap and the thumbnailPhoto attribute on users?
2 hours later…
I have worked with L2L but not thumbnailPhoto
still no reason why it shouldn't work - you should be getting a byte[] back
got it to work and convert it to base64 string
1 hour later…
Q: Skype video calling using .Net

MegaMindI am working on a wpf application which is suppose to have video calling feature. So I am going for Skype to provide me with the solution. I am using Skype4COM library to do it. I got all the friends from Skype in my application, I can make call to my friends and even can do video call, but I ca...

Why is it when I put WindowStyle="none" in my XAML, the design doesn't remove the freaking border
do you guys know how to set positional offset for an ui element in winrt?
1 hour later…
nope sorry no winrt
hi everybody
posted on February 21, 2014 by Eric Lippert

The nice people at DevProConnections asked me to write a beginner-level article for them about the perils of arithmetic in C#; of course these same perils apply to C, C++, Java and many, many other languages. Check it out!

@AndréSilva someone in this chat (Brock?) put up a great guide on how to custom chrome your windows.
dont have the link sorry :s
i need a fancy calendar/date picker style control and all the available ones are junk
i get a range of up to 30 dates and i have to present them somehow
@AndréSilva Designer doesn't do that regardless of what you do - if its working at runtime than its working.
@Julien does this help: codeproject.com/Articles/88757/… ?
no. my problem is that my dates can have big gaps in between them. i dont think theres a calendar control that would work for what i neecd
i am trying something else
thanks though
why are canvasses so weird. i put one in a listbox item and it sticks out halfway
guess i am just canvas noob. margins make it behave strangely
@Maverik Just for an easier way to see the beauty I have to do :(
yea - no borderless support in there
i work with mahapps - and only way to know wth am I really doing, i have to run it
so i tend to do view first coding when i'm in MahApps domain
1 hour later…
so whats the best way to kill your app through a DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEvent handler...
args.Handled = true;
that isnt shutting down right away and its trying to run it twice
Environment.Exit(-1) is not right, right?
I mean, that works heh, just wasnt recommended but I've already handled the error and shown a friendly dialog now I want it to exit so... thanks ducky.
Environment.Exit will kill it much faster
Application.Current.Shutdown is a bit nicer,though
posted on February 21, 2014 by Eric Lippert

Someone at Reuters is having too much fun: China threatens drama if Obama meets the Dalai Lama Followed by Obama meets the Dalai Lama despite China drama I am reminded of the immortal words of Ogden Nash: The one-L lama, … Continue reading →

Is there a built in utility for creating links for usercontrols/pages?
I see so many strings in the code
want something more refactor friendly
R# looks at strings when changing names of classes and stuff and fixes it automatically
It even looks in XAML
yeah it does a pretty good job
guess I just want to refuctor things :)

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