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Yo Yo Yo
Time for me to get some WPF done today :)
not if you keep playin with that yo-yo
Hey greg!
Hey Mav :) - hows it going?
Not bad, thanks
how about you? hows uni? hows dissertation?
Glad to hear :).
Yeah Im fine thanks. Only started monday - but have mondays and wednesday off and today my lectures were cancelled :). Doing some of my project now :).
Lazy students
nuh uh...
Hey Rudi :P
lucky students even :p
we had fire in our data centre yesterday.. we failed over to our backup :(
no cancelled work here /sigh
they actually restored power to our primary data centre in a few hours so even if we didn't have backup, we'd still be out for only a few hours.. along with a few hundred of our customers & redistributors :)
Mav, storm hit you?
nah there was no storm.. at least not that I'm aware of.. just fire that burned two floors of our data centre
not sure how it started.. tons of paperwork in progress :)
oh wow
morning Julien
Could not load file or assembly 'WPFToolkit.... same dll is referenced that is used in another project that im simply trying to duplicate this one functionality and it just wants me to die
we can trade our nightmares if you want? :)
I have a much simpler issue at hand -- Get-PublicFolderStatistics... 5 minutes and counting..
I dont understand, I'm referencing the DLL and I keep getting either converter resource not found or the entire WPFToolkit not found

{"Could not load file or assembly 'WPFToolkit, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.":"WPFToolkit, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"}
have use used depends.exe on the dll you're referencing?
that name doesn't feel right to me
it should either be full assembly name with version and everything (i think) or just the assembly name
not the hybrid you have there
plus, what does the fusion log say?
so I have a file that gives me "packets" (I make a model for each) of data that the user will never be able to change... should i create a vm it (each model) that is simply just getters, or should i just put getters in my model?
my current plan is to copy the data into a VM object and just get rid of the models since they won't be changed.
Ripped out all wpf references, copied the dlls to project folder, manually added those dlls..... 'Provide value on 'System.Windows.Baml2006.TypeConverterMarkupExtension' threw an exception.' Line number '85' and line position '22'. ......... Could not load file or assembly 'WPFToolkit, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
put your initializecomponent in a try/catch
try to find an innerexception
might be XAML?
@NETscape whats the difference between your model and VM right now?
you don't need to get rid of setters.. just set them private
that should be minimal change and if you change your mind later.. easy to revert
that is the inner exception
dirt buddy.. you need to paste the fusion log if you want to get anywhere
i dont know how to use that arg
didn't the link from yesterday make sense?
step one .. enable fusion assembly binding log by tweaking registry key
well I'll have to look again as the scenario has changed
step two, read the log from windows folder
if you're using VS 2012+ .. i think it can read fusion logs
(or may be that r# adding it in -- dunno)
=== Pre-bind state information ===
LOG: User = NOTTHOR\dirt
LOG: DisplayName = WPFToolkit, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35
WRN: Partial binding information was supplied for an assembly:
WRN: Assembly Name: WPFToolkit, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 | Domain ID: 2
WRN: A partial bind occurs when only part of the assembly display name is provided.
WRN: This might result in the binder loading an incorrect assembly.
WRN: It is recommended to provide a fully specified textual identity for the assembly,
All im doing is copying a theme from one project to another what the hell
{"'Provide value on 'System.Windows.Baml2006.TypeConverterMarkupExtension' threw an exception.' Line number '87' and line position '22'."}
InnerException: Could not load file or assembly 'WPFToolkit, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
do you also reference System.Windows.Controls.Input.Toolkit
WPFToolkit, System.Windows.Controls.Input.Toolkit, and System.Windows.Controls.Layout.Toolkit
this works fine in ProjectA in same solution..
even went as far as copying the references from the .csproj files manually
whats Copy Local set to for those references?
aka are they both set to true in both projects?
WPFToolkit: True, SWC.Layout: True, SWC.Input: True --- all same as ProjectA
ProjectB is a Class Library type is the only difference
you read this?
i'm still thinking its XAML
event though xaml probably isn't in your class library proj
it is actually
ok im gunna be pissed if that was it....
the reference to the image is invalid
why the hell that would throw a cant find WPFToolkit reference........
trying to use a converter in that dll? idk
son of a whore
thx....... so mad >_<
i'm curious now.. how old is this wpf toolkit?
i was under the assumption you were using this wpftoolkit.codeplex.com
in C#, 14 hours ago, by zneak
I'll just leave this here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dotnet/archive/2013/09/30/ryujit-the-next-generation-jit-compiler.aspx
I dont even know any more theres apparently references to both the orig and extended toolkit
    <Image Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="2" Source="{Binding ImageName.Gear, Converter={StaticResource ImageConverter}}"
           DataContext="{Binding ProgressViewModel}" Visibility="{Binding ProgressEnabled, Converter={StaticResource BooleanToVisibilityConverter}}">
            <RotateTransform x:Name="ProgressRotateTransform" Angle="1"/>
            <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Image.Loaded">
It's throwing exception on <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Image.Loaded">
my breakpoint in ImageConverter isn't being hit so its not getting the image?
Thanks @JohanLarsson - very nice read
@Maverik I have used them a little, even answered an SO q about them :D
I was waiting until they were stable as I intend to use that heavily
and of course last thing i want is to go back and change all implementations >.<
should come really handy with concurrent threading as most of my apps are generally readonly
@dirt Are you sure the binding is correct?
do you have any binding errors in the output window log?
1 hour later…
I'm taking a step back, too many changes made,
@ReedCopsey these both work for me (finally...) any advantage to using one or the other or are they essentially the same?

<Image Source="/BootstrapperCustom;component/Resources/Images/gear.png"/>
<Image Source="pack://application:,,,/BootstrapperCustom;component/Resources/Images/exit.png"/>
hrmm is pack:// absolute and non-pack relative?
(trying to RTM)
The second works better when used in libraries, depending on how they're loaded
but both should work fine
@dirt Yes
I've found the absolute paths work even when loading assemblies at runtime via extension points, and relative sometimes fails - technically, both should work fine though
(I think relative can fail in that case if the assembly hasn't already been loaded - not sure why though)
I made my first real UserControl and it works in the designer, I love WPF!!!!! >_<
@Nanako what does the control do?
Actually it is a single Label, styled a bit and wrapped with some logic to make it's background brush color to some 'short' properties of some class. But it was kinda exciting to see it actually roking in the designer :)
/cheers for @Nanako
now quit while you're ahead and everythings working!
Really after generating Tab controls for settings dialog on the runtime, based on some database data and different classes properties it's nothing :)
But the designer is soo cooool
And it changhes color if I change property
like a baby
whoah what kind of babies are you hanging out with
I'm like a baby, I'm not used to any IDE actually
@dirt he hangs out with us
maketools + git + vi/vim, I even made some flash apps using that stack
vim users love vim ime
I tried it once but it looked like 1986 so I did not write anything at all :D
@Nanako have you checked out DataTemplates?
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:ReportsViewModel}">
    <uc:ReportsUserControl />
<ContentControl Height="600" Width="875" Content="{Binding CurrentModule, Source={x:Static vm:SessionViewModel.Instance}}" />
No, I've read about it, but never tried
:) @JohanLarsson got me onto DataTemplates pretty sure
that little snippet probably took me a week to figure out at least
It's key to using MVVM ;)
at least if you use VM-first MVVM
I cover them a bit in my MVVM/WPF series: reedcopsey.com/2010/01/04/…
I didn't realize VM-first was a thing, I just happened to do it that way I guess :x
I have Dictionary<ushort, List<BaseClass>> and my BaseClass has a ushort MyType property. I can't seem to write a LINQ statement that will give me a IEnumerable<ushort> where each ushort is a distinct ushort.
I thought it was supposed to be more like View -> (codebehind set datacontext to) -> VM -> M
@ReedCopsey Whoa, your blog seems useful to me
I get good feedback in that series
@Nanako Reed is all-knowing
"scientific analysis and visualization" that's what I'm trying to do right now
lol - hardly ;)
what are you working on?
stock exchange HFT robot
I got 4D surface in it and working on visualisation right now
i tried doing the answer with 247 upvotes but I just get all my objects back
I also went a long way DevExpress -> amCharts -> SciCharts -> LightningCharts
var ushorts = new ushort[] {1, 2, 3, 3};
IEnumerable<ushort> distinct = ushorts.Distinct();
@NETscape That should work as long as your items are actually distinct
you need to make the class implement GetHashCode properly and equality properly
I read the q poorly
i hate that i can't see the items of a collection when debugging
i have to dig... deep
tried reapplying SP1, tried going into debug options. nothing
custom collection?
i have to go at least 3 levels
for generics
add a watch?
that's slow
i used to be able to
i.e. var col = values.Where(x => x == 3);
once I step over that line, I can't mouse over col and see anything
what about in the locals window?
The name "col" does not exist in the current context
are you sure you're in that scope?
problem is kind of like this
yes lol
unless its optimizing since I'm not using the variable anywhere
i think thats the case
cause I can do List<ushort> d = col.ToList(); then i can see col
well, with an enumerable, unless you throw somethin gin there to enumerate it
it doesn't actually exist
since it's using deferred evaluation
You can do var col = values.Where(x => x == 3).ToList(); to get it to populate and execute
same go for IList and what not?
no - just LINQ queries, mostly
i just reset all my vs settings
no idea what it was, but its back to normal
sigh love it when VS is the culprit
MS is perfect though...
60% of the time it works every time
private Version version;
public Version Version
        if (null == this.version)
            Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            FileVersionInfo fileVersion = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(assembly.Location);
            this.version = new Version(fileVersion.FileVersion);
        return this.version;
Thats returning even though the assembly version is 1.0.5022.29549
assembly version & file version are the same values*
Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); shows
I haven't stepped through it, I just have a bootstrapper xaml that is bound to Version which is showing
is the assemblies version 1.0.5022._ and the application using the assembly
when the application is installed, or when I view the properties of the file, I see 1.0.5022.xxx
bootstrapper.exe is showing 1.0.5022
GetExecutingAssembly() in VS, by default, will return the hosting proc
MyApp is set to 1.0.*
are you getting the app.vshost.exe and not app.exe?
I'm not running in VS, actually running WiX Bootstrapper on VM
Oh, I bet its the BootstrapperCustom that does the UI
how to get assembly version of referenced project?
bah its not even a ref project, guess I have to look at the file in the MyApp\bin folder
nvm I guess just setting them all to use 1.0.* they get the same v so thatll work
WPF applications are like Onions....
damnit I was afraid of that, the projects are compiled milliseconds apart :)
MyApp: v1.0.* == 1.0.5022.30026
CustomBA: v1.0.* == 1.0.5022.30030
evening all
evening night
lol :)
everything good? don't mention any Java, just say no if so :)
yea just woke up ready for another night of fighting javascript
j-word, foul!
lol sorry
do you still hate it?
ProjectA [Ref:ProjectB].... in ProjA how do I get AssemblyVersion of ProjectB?
Assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies() - msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/…
Gives you all of the AssemblyName instances
you can LINQ query them to find the right name
and pull out the version
@JohanLarsson well put it this way, id much prefer being wrapped in a lovely wpf blanket :0
Russian dev told me today that HTML is more complicated than WPF.... IN SOVIET RUSSIA
why are you working at night?
grr so that didnt work as I expected; foreach (AssemblyName an in a.GetReferencedAssemblies()) <-- never shows the project I am referencing
        Assembly a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
        foreach (AssemblyName an in a.GetReferencedAssemblies())
does not give all for me either
A: How to check the version of another project from the same solution

LuceroType.GetType(assemblyQualifiedNameFromProjectB).Assembly.GetName().Version Or with any other instance (via instance.GetType().Assembly) or type of someting coming from ProjectB. You can also load the assembly explicitly and then get the version of that.

        //var restClient = new RestSharp.RestClient();
        Assembly a = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
        foreach (AssemblyName an in a.GetReferencedAssemblies())
doesnt seem to work just referencing Project itself though: var x = Type.GetType(My.ProjectB.Namespace).Assembly.GetName().Version;
uncommenting the line adds Restsharp to output
WPF had just blown my mind
I had tiny tiny code like that
public string Caption
    get { return this.caption; }
        IndicatorLabel.Content = value;
        this.caption = value;
And to both work in designer and bind I had to turn in into THAT:
public string Caption
    get { return (string)this.GetValue(CaptionProperty); }
    set { this.SetValue(CaptionProperty, value); }

public static readonly DependencyProperty CaptionProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Caption", typeof(string), typeof(Indicator), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(string.Empty, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsRender, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnCaptionChanged)));

public static void SetCaption(UIElement element, string value)
    element.SetValue(CaptionProperty, value);
Seems like a lot of work, is all that necessary? (considering I dont know what 1/2 that is and I'm 3/4 through my first app)
Works like a charm btw :)
It both binds and shows in editor, all this necessary yes
dps are pretty ugly syntax
are you using NotifyPropertyChange ie MVVM?
I had removed the unnecessary routed events
I have AppDataContext object that "updates" GUI
My favorite part is
((Indicator)obj).IndicatorLabel.Content = (string)args.NewValue;
Accessing private dynamic property from a static method
@dirt actually I use NotifyPropertyChange only in one Class, that holds all data for the GUI
And other objects just kick it
Yeah we do something like that with a shared dialog view:

LogInOutResult = ((LogInViewModel)LogInOutView.DataContext).Result;
Alright gents, have a good night!
@JohanLarsson Do I really need to implement routed events?
I have never done it I think
I hope I won't have to either
It's even more code O_o
And my styled Label is over 100 lines already
R# has a nice temlate for dependency properties btw
R# looks handy
sleepy now, nite
@Nanako try the trial?
I'll try it

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