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Hi, anyone is familar with WPF touch development?
Q: How to make WPF input control show virtual Keyboard when it got focus in touch screen

Jerry BianFor our WPF application, when it runs on touch screen(Surface Pro .etc), the TextBox/PasswordBox control cannot show virtual keyboard when they get focused. Any good way to implement this feature in WPF?

Q: How to make TabTip.exe window Maximum when popup it

Jerry BianI want to popup the Virtual Keyboard using below code: var info = new ProcessStartInfo(@"C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ink\TabTip.exe"); info.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Maximized; var p = new Process(); p.StartInfo = info; p.Start(); But the window still popups using las...

above questions torment me a lot...
2 hours later…
Morning all
1 message moved to recycle bin
bonjour, le mav
wow suddenly there's life in channel :)
hi all three :P
@RudiVisser Whenever I see something like that, i keep asking: why are we not using Rx to solve that?
What I say is: Why the Hell should we listen to an idiot in a cowboy hat on a professional resource site?
as for fun times: one of our data-centres suffered power loss today owing to fire across multiple floors
doesn't get much more fun than that!
sadly due to our backup data centre we're back online otherwise we could have had a nice off day :(
haha awww
Damn and there I was thinking if I set the place on fire Mav could have a day off
I have a XAML with a style declared within a Window, how can I move the style declaration to another file?
Is the Resource Dictionary the easiest way?
        <ResourceDictionary Source="Dictionary1.xaml"/>
SO much code just for one import
Obviously not like <link href="/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet">
Well, it is like that.. Just that XAML actually has structure to it
"When you reference a ResourceDictionary in XAML, a ResourceDictionary object is created each time you reference it. So if you have 10 custom controls in your library and merge the shared ResourceDictionaries for each control by using XAML, you create 10 identical ResourceDictionary objects. You can avoid this by creating a static class that returns the ResourceDictionary and merging the resources in code. "
Is that correct?
I'm sorry for dumb questions, but I really care about preformance and best practices.
It's the same as any object in that sense, but you're actually merging the dictionary above into the UserControl's own Resources, so you're not recreating it every time
That would be stupid
yes it's dutch, it's funny regardless
hi @NETscape
I'm gonna star that rudi even if i'll be takin it off later! :D
@RudiVisser I'm actually not sure about this. Logically it should create the RD over and over (per UC)
the way to avoid that would be through theme framework i'd say
If you ain't Dutch, you ain't much.
@Maverik It seems I read it wrong, yes it will be created per instance obviously, but for some reason I read it as something else, eugh. Illness!
aa ok :) thought i was missing something
i still have to dive into themeing framework to properly style things
@Maverik @RudiVisser So what is the best possible course of action? Create static proxy class or create custom theme for all application?
@Nanako depends on what you're trying to achieve.. if you're not going to use this usercontrol frequently.. go with static resource for ease of code
if you are going to use it frequently, go with themeing framework for your style needs
(themeing is built-in to wpf just in case you're wondering which framework to use)
I need to style some of my labels all over the app. I don't want to create a custom control just for the styling issue.
My app is WPF, so it's ok
It's like 12 windows each one holds 5 to 20 labels, which are bound to some indicators. I need borders, text adjusted to center, etc.
I guess custom control is an overkill to style labels
Ah okay, I better create custom control to add some bells and whistles :)
no @Nanako - if all you want is to change default label style, just create an implict style
<Style TargetType="{x:Type Label}" >
    <Setter Property="Color" Value="Red" />
that will change all labels to have red text that fall into scope
I dont know what I did but now when I deploy my app its crashing missing a DLL thats been there since like day 1
haapy mondai
binding override?
check your app.config if you have a binding override defined under <runtime>
this happens when you tick "use specific version" on a referenced dll
    <NetFx40_LegacySecurityPolicy enabled="true" />
nah then thats not it
use FusionLog to figure out what its doing
All I did was Uninstall-Package Parse.... Install-Package Parse
may be reinstall failed?
It runs locally but not when deployed :'(
runs in VS
i'm having that issue with ServiceStack
everytime i upgrade the dll.. i have to manually edit package.def file and reference files
use that on deployment machine to figure out whats going on
Q: How to get the path for the SetBinding method on an IContentItemProxy in LightSwitch?

Wayne ArthurtonI am trying to create a binding to change the background color of a label based on a property of the selected item. I'm using the form: this.FindControl("ItemDisplayTitle") .SetBinding(TextBox.BackgrounProperty, **PATH**, new MyIconverter(), BindingMode.OneWay); If I use...

So I copied the Parse dll into my project manually adding a reference to that DLL and when deployed it still "Could not load file or assembly 'Parse
fusionlog it is
and of course the fucking SDK wont install on the guest os
hej killar
Hey Johan
MediaElement was not a very awesome experience
Missed a lot of dps imo
Also pretty sluggish with large files
what are you doing with large files?
MediaElement isn't really a media player but rather meant for animations
if you're trying to do a movie player then yea probably better off with vlc
It is at the lower end of good enough for what I need. Might check vlc out if feeling really strong sometime :P
posted on September 30, 2013 by Eric Lippert

Last time in this series proper we implemented integer addition recursively; today we'll jump right in and go to multiplication. As before, null is illegal, so we'll start with a public surface operator: public static Natural operator *(Natural x, Natural … Continue reading →

Tried ModernUI and it was really nice
So I run project locally fine, I run on deployed VM and it wont get to MainWindow constructor 'The invocation of the constructor on type 'GPFC.ProfitPOS.MainWindow' that matches the specified binding constraints threw an exception.' Line number '4' and line position '5'
defining variables before constructor :x
private x y = new x(); <-- error thrown here
constructor() {};
i dont see any problem with that as it is
other than naming convention
something fishy going on
like, squiggly line disappeared while I was reading what was missing
ok tracked it down it fails on deviceFactory = new DeviceFactory();
oh son of a @JLott
As far as C# room turned into a trollercoaster I'll ask here
Task task = new Task(() =>
    MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure?", "Confirm please", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning, MessageBoxResult.No);
    if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
        UIDispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => InitSettingsDataSet()));
I fire a MessageBox like this to prevent UI Redraw blocking, works ok, but the Dialog I fire the MessageBox from doesn't get blocked
Task.Run() is cleaner
@JohanLarsson Ok, I'll change it
The question is, how can I do that modal.
but why do you do it from a task?
Like ShowDialog instead of Show
Reed will tell you soon, I don't know
There is some logic after the task start
I mean, If I simply show it the UI thread got locked until I press a button,
There is a chance that one of my client COM objects runs in a Single Thread Apartment, so I can't block the main thread at all
All routines that can possibly block the main thread are wrapped with tasks, in other case I can loose some data
If you want it modal, don't do it from a task
you can't have it both ways - modal (by definition) will block, though it shouldn't be an issue
(and I also agree - use Task.Run, never use new Task)
@ReedCopsey UIDispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => windowToToggle.ShowDialog())); doesn't block the thread, but appears modal
Thx for the task run both of you
It will run in the UI thread
so it still blocks the UI thread ;)
won't block the thread that's calling it
but when it actually shows, the UI thread will do nothing but show that dialog
so if that's all you're doing, don't use the task - just show it
Can't block the thread at all :(
I think when Nanako says UI Blocking - hes concerned with the OnPaint() not getting through
maybe you should not run the sensitive stuff on the UI thread?
The problem is that the COM object I use can run in STA
@Nanako If you're showing a modal dialog, by definition, you'll "block" the UI thread. It's not actually blocked, though - since the modal dialog is still pumping messages
that doesn't matter - you can use STA COM and still call modal dialogs
you can set ApartmentState of a thread
it shouldn't be an issue, unless the COM component is poorly behaved
if that's what you're concerned with
COM component is kinda old
it still shouldn't matter at all
So if I got COM object that fires it's messages from the same thread the UI is redrawing does modal window block event handlers?
I wouldn't expect it, but I'll let the expert have the final say on it :D
I guess I have to do some research :)
Why did Microsoft decide not to .Sum() a ulong ?
@Maverik where you will store ulong+ulong?
of course I can do the same thing with .Aggregate() and that's what i did, but why would you have a .Sum() for long but not ulong
the result have at least to be double
uint - uint = uint, byte + byte = int
@JohanLarsson Not really - the same can be true about anything
Nanko by that logic long.Max + long.Max have the same problem
sum of an int could overflow too
it'll simply overflow
yea overflow isn't a problem - i'm just wondering why they ignored ulong out
@JohanLarsson When I had some work in real company, we covered with tests all the overflows possible
@ReedCopsey mine was not really related, just a random fact I learned yesterday
yeah - the byte -> int promotion is annoying sometimes
interestingly, I never knew that automatic promotion
@Nanako Yes, but running ANY code in the UI thread blocks (more delays) the event handlers. The COM event handlers won't go away, they just wont run until the dialog's closed
the chances of me overflowing ulong are next to none. and if i do manage it, i do want to crash!
@ReedCopsey too bad for me
@Nanako Any time you run any code (even just showing a window, an event handler, etc) it does the same thing
it shouldn't be an issue
My code is covered with waits, pulses and all that stuff, so all the logic doesn't block itself
But all the pain starts when I have to do something with the UI
jeez sounds ugly
and completely unnecessary ;)
I even used named pipes to run that damn COM object in separate process
43ms delay is sometimes deadly for me
Ther're 2MB/s of incoming data, and I have to write it to database, preform some statistical analysis and fire a lot of commands, not mentioning redrawing a UI every 50-100ms
While it was a console app everything was fine )
if it's really that sensitive, you should probably just isolate it somehow
ie: shove it in its own appdomain or a private STA thread
It's a stock exhcange software
I'm actually separating trading engine and gateway from the UI and controls into two separate apps
But I have to make it work altogether somehow right now
So far I found out: DevExpress sucks, async await is useless for me, PostgreSQL is awesome, C# is quite fast
Nanko AppDomain may be the way to go if you're separating apps yet have to make them work together
@Nanako async/await shouldn't be useless for you at all, given what you're describing
it actually sounds like it would be incredibly beneficial
(I agree with your other three comments, though)
Two seperate apps will get you the same result but two appdomains are easier to handle
@Maverik thx
async stuff may be useless for him if the right asyncs aren't in place (or hes targeting a lower version)
I found out that async in .net 4 sucks on xp
@ReedCopsey I used async/awaits while writing to database, as I was waiting for results
4.0.3 claims to support async feature yet fails miserably on xp 4.0.3
(yes I realise we shouldn't be on xp - but this is real world.. executives refuse to update their machines and we have to deal with that mess)
I'll try to use async a bit more, maybe I was a bit fast on judging
@Maverik And that's the least of your problems if you're still on, and more importantly, actively developing for, XP
nah fortunately I'm not - i told my director in start of the year that I won't develop for xp anymore - he agreed
its only a pain when i have to dig out an older program and then be frowny face that i can't use the new stuff in there
does anybody know if there's a tool that can go from SQL to LINQ ? :)
not that I know of
but it's typically easy to get help if your stuck with the translation ;)
I just decided to discard sql completely and follow my linq logic -- i have it up :)
SyncDeviceMgmtSummaries.Select(s => new {s.Id, s.UserConfigId, s.UserConfig.DisplayName, s.UserConfig.MailboxSMTPAddr, s.IMEI, s.IMSI, s.ICCID} )
	.Join(UserStats, x => x.UserConfigId, u => u.Id, (s,u) => new { s.Id, s.UserConfigId, s.DisplayName, s.MailboxSMTPAddr, u.LastFwdTime, u.LastSentTime, u.LastContactTime, s.IMEI, s.IMSI, s.ICCID }).Dump();


SELECT [t0].[Id], [t1].[DisplayName], [t1].[MailboxSMTPAddr], (SELECT [t3].[LastSentTime] FROM (
													SELECT TOP (1) [t2].[LastSentTime]
@Maverik maybe Linqpad, have not used it much though.
of course linqpad!! its a daily compainion
@JohanLarsson nope - though it's great for testing it and fine tuning the linq
oh yea. not for reverse translation
you can always ask in c++ :D
but its a lot easier to just pick final select arguments and reverse engineer from there while looking at involved tables
(the above query is btw for BES users if you ever run into the need to interrogate their Db)
Q: Is a custom `RadioButtonList` based on `ListBox` necessary in WPF?

AMissicoI inherited a project that uses a RadioButtonList which inherits from a ListBox. It was taken off the web (currently cannot find a link to), and contains RadioButtonList.cs (which contains six dependency properties) and RadioButtonList.xaml (which is just styles). This control is used in over a ...

Judging by the actual query that was generated as a result of my LINQ, i'd say the query i was reversing was a linq query at some point but then changed into SQL for some other reason :)
@Feeds interesting question
i got this thus far but i don't really know what he wants it to look like
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding}" x:Name="rad1">
        <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type local:myitem}" >
            <RadioButton Content="{Binding}"
                         GroupName="{Binding Path=Name, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type ItemsControl}}}" />
@E.LDunn I was thinking the same but could not figure out a way to bind selectedvalue
maybe a trigger could work
also gravity was high in Sweden so could not lift hands to keyboard and write code
1 hour later…
how do you remove event handlers that are set like this: analogChart.LayoutUpdated += ( s, end ) =>
@NETscape You can't
you need to either use a method, or store the delegate
EventHandler handler = (s, end) => {...};
analogChart.LayoutUpdated += handler;
analogChart.LayoutUpdated -= handler;
the thing is i'm looping through a list calling:
analogChart.LayoutUpdated += ( s, end ) =>
    digitalChart.Margin = GetMargin(analogChart, digitalChart);
@ReedCopsey do I have to call LayoutUpdated -= the number of times I called +=?
each += adds a subscription
I'd, persoanlly, rethink it, though
store a single List<T> with the objects to update, maybe?
and just add to the list in your loop (or build it via LINQ)
and have one handler do all of them ;)
Well this control is in a content control
so the items in the list will need to be cleared/unsubscribed everytime user changes selected treeview item
i would need to keep a copy of each handler if i did it that way, right?
if you do it the way you're doing now, yes
you'd have to store the delegates
(which is ugly)
sure is
the way I'm saying, you'd just change the list of items each time
and have one handler (which doesn't necessarily have to be removed)
well I'm calling myGrid.Children.Clear() and my memory usage isn't going down
so i'm thinking its this handler thats holding onto reference
where myGrid.Children are RadCartesianCharts
where there is only 1 analogChart, and many digitalChart
Yes, the handler will hold references to all of the objects where it's closed
what do you mean by "(which doesn't necessarily have to be removed)"
and would I need List<T> if myGrid.Children has the same thing my List<T> would have?
yeah - you could just go thrtough the children
not seeing how I can use only one handler... unless this is right:
handler += (s, end) =>
        analogChart.LayoutUpdated += (sa,edd) =>
                for(int t = 1; t < chartsGrid.Children.Count; t++)
anybody there ?
please i want to ask about how can i get the value of keyboard keys
i just try txbPinCode.Password = txbPinCode.Password + Key.NumPad7;
but it turn "NumPad7"
i want to get the vakue "7"
can you help me please ?
@NETscape You'd just have the one LayoutUpdated subscription - you wouldjn't need to add and remove it at runtime, since it always works against chartsGrid.Children...
@AbdusalamElsherif txbPinCode.Password = txbPinCode.Password + ((int)Key.NumPad7).ToString(); does that work?
@NETscape i will try it now
@NETscape no doesn't work, it return ""81" ???
@NETscape no doesn't work, it return ""81" ???
probably not a "typical" way to get "7"
why do you want to do that anyways?
@ReedCopsey this is what I'm doing, but doesn't seem to be freeing resources.
@NETscape i have a 'touch login page' with keypad on screen, if the user want to used the physical keyboard when he press the number i want the passwordBox get this number.
@NETscape I'd recommend making a method
you may be recreating the delegate, which means it won't unsubscribe
NETscape, is there any idea ?
maybe a switch statement. I'm not sure what best practice woulud be
@NETscape okay, anyway thanks alot for your time. and i will keep trying to get the best solution for my issue.
1 hour later…
@ReedCopsey ah, maybe another source? If you programmatically bind to something, do you have to clear that binding?
zoomBinding = new Binding("DataContext.Zoom");
zoomBinding.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay;
zoomBinding.Source = digitalChart;
digitalChart.SetBinding(RadChartBase.ZoomProperty, zoomBinding);
that'll keep digitalChart alive until you rmeove the binding
mhmm, still nothing.

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