Speaking of historical data: I had to write my own recorder, it saves both level1 and level2 data and the output is about 4Gb per instrument per day. Our exchange sells it for $500 for a "month" of data, so I guess it was worth to simply buy it, sharing with someone
I guess the roundtrip time is high, because I use intermediate protocol of my broker. If I'll pay for direct connection to the exchange it will be much faster
no, it is all about prediction. it predicts direction of next movement each time it has the data, if movement is opposite it reverses, if it predicts no movement it closes position
So "predictor" fires a series of "Up", "Down" and "Flat" events and engine tries to perform trades asap
Predictor uses a bunch of data sources and "predicts" trend power, so it announces flat and reverse a bit before it actually happens. All I need is price to move more than two pips on each unified movement
So if trend power is abouve 0 but doesn't exceed the threshhold, it says nothing, that kinda saves it from unprofitable trades
it's all about trend power actually, I don't use any of standart indicators except ATR for a stop-loss calculation
And I'm stuck creating interfaces right now, because I need all data visualised and be very FAST
And I got MTA apartment, so i'm in threading hell right now
All data comes from exchange like an events, fired from threadpool. I need to write it and kick the predictor to make a decision, but the recorder has to write it to database and I need some parts of UI redrawn. But all that must be postponed if the new data arrived.
So all my code is in Monitor.Pulses, locks, invokes and all that stuff
I wish there was a File.ExistsAsync()
I have:
bool exists = await Task.Run(() => File.Exists(fileName));
But spinning up a thread for this feels like an antipattern.
Is there a cleaner way?