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Soo, good morning
Hey guys, long time since I have been here, how are you all doing? :°)
feel free to take a look at my question if you like a challenge ;)
Q: C# WPF Is it possible to bind the itemsource of a datagrid to an observablecollection of classes with element a list?

EnricoHi, Thank you for reading my question. My situation is the following: In C# WPF, I have a datagrid which itemsource is bound to an observable collection. ItemsSource="{Binding MeterValuesList, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" AutoGenerateColumns="true" This MeterValuesList is an observ...

1 hour later…
How do I attach the DataContext to a listbox but in the <ListBox DataContext="???" /> row?
as opposed to
      <vm:ViewModel />
maybe a binding Markus?
define view model as a resource somewhere then refer to it
I want to do the exact same thing in the first line as is done on the second example
hmm define as a resource...
Ok I won't know how to explain this, but...
So let's say I have two controls, with different viewmodels in my view. And I want to compare two values from the two vm's. how is that done?
Good morning fine peeps
Morning Mav
@Markus you will have to elaborate
just a little :)
hmm... galaxy honeycomb crisp... this is new
that's odd even
well, in one window, I (well not I but my collegue) have two UserControls (sorry Sisyphe), the UserControl have their own ViewModels. in both view's there's a TextBlock. And the content should be compared and if they are the same a color should change in one of the textblocks
well you could use a MultiValueConverter
which takes both vms in wherever you want the colour changed.. and return the color you want based on values
which takes both vms in wherever you want the colour changed?
in the textbox
your color binding will take in this multi-value binding
yes ok, and which are the inputs into the converter?
the vm values you want to check for equality
this guy is doing a visibility thing.. but i think you get the idea
you'd want the vms as static resources within proper scope so that they don't interfere with other things being static resource.. but you are referring to the same VMs within this converter
(or i suppose you could use relative binding)
ahh ok I'll have a closer look to this
Hi, anyone met this strange issue: we have a WPF application, and host(use WindowsFormsHost) a winform control, inside the winform control there is a ActiveX(third party), then we build the WPF app under X86 platform, the ActiveX couldn't show, but if we build under 'Any CPU' platform, all works fine. By the way, both situations are run on Windows 7 X64. Very strange, anyone has ideas?
i always default to Any unless i'm forced into choosing one
so far to date MS Exchange Powershell embedding is the only case where my hand is forced to target .net 4.0 x86 assembly
why are you doing an explicit x86 platform?
we have to build the app under X86, other component need X86,
If we build under any CPU, the issue I mentioned has been OK, but other parts of app may fail
we use a lot of stuff we cannot control
chip chip cheery, g'day European mates.
I am a master of dialects.
Hey CC
hey billdr
Hi Maverik. Angry code is angry. Head down, presenting this in a few hours :/
3 messages moved to recycle bin
Yo :)
Hi Dirt
its friday people YAY!!!
how is everyone
loaded question
you still a rage monster billdr
I've got everything working except this one bit. Presentation is in 38 minutes.
it's not critical, so I'm not sweating it. I am curious how a DOM element can have a mousedown event but not a mouseup.
is it not firing at all or not after a mousemove
ya'know, I'm not sure. I can confirm it won't fire after a mousemove
stackoverflow.com/questions/9506041/… might not help but hey least i tried :)
it was the mousemove that did it.
It's just a bit of UI flare that will probably go unnoticed. I'll come back to it later. Thanks :)
morning ya'll
afternoon :)
morning/afternoon/evening to people who have come in :)
how goes it mav
Morning co-western hemispherian
Speaking of western-hemi.... anyone watch fooseball last night?
The guy I'm playing against in the fantasy league I was forced to join had Manning. Everyone wants to tell me about it.
"How you feeling, Bill?"
Er, what?
"67 points last night. Dominated, lols!"
Is that a lot?
Needless to say, I'm traumatized.
I was thinking about creating my own style... but do I have to do it with text? I thought that blend would come to the rescue...
PPR league, guy has Manning + D Thomas... 109.38 points... could break single-game record with that start... I've failed to hit 100 before with all my players :)
Welp, guess I'm not going to win this week.
never know :)
The site we use sends out emails. After the draft it made fun of me for picking a defense round one.
Okay, time to go set up. Be back in 30 or so.
Could you help me?
You should be made fun of, even by robots
"How do I use a font not installed in my computer in Visual Basic?" ==> Install the font..... how do you expect to use something w/o having it?
@dirt even if you install the font. You still can't use it in VB. See my last comment there.
what kind of font file is it?
@NETscape ttf file. The code that Hans Passant showed, it's working but the error showed up again when the form where the label is closed and showed again and the label's boundary intersects with a moving picturebox boundary
I want one of those :(
and sorry E.L Dunn.. i'm darting in and out a lot :)
mostly out!
Learning jquery... didn't realise how cool it can be :)
love me some jquery
quite nifty :). learning some javascript too.
using a site called codeacademy... its quite good site really :)
jquery is javascript ;)
posted on September 06, 2013 by Eric Lippert

Hello all, I am back from vacation, but rather than get right back into programming language design, let's have some fun for a Friday. Most of you are probably familiar with iambic pentameter, which is the poetic meter that Shakespeare … Continue reading →

longest 30 minute meeting ever
What's the term for bugs that only show up during demos?
haha did that happen to you @Billdr?
whats the term called when you're expected to meet a deadline with no specifications aside from "yeah I like that" or "no change that"
Yes, yes it did.
how bad?
Core functionality failed.
It's a site where users can upload and download files. Files were missing from the list, and would not download.
and does Dictionary<> use both Equals and GetHashCode to determine if an object is already in the Dictionary?
I have no effing idea what happened.
works at your workstation though?
The demo was on my workstation.
did your ip address/subnet change when switching rooms?
The only thing that changed was the tv I was connected to. I'm connected to a tv at my desk.
does it work now?
and when did it last work?
Last time I touched anything back end was Tuesday.
you using a live database?
Live as in other people can touch it? No.
our IT dept changed ip's of the whole company over the weekend and it cut alot of our static ip stuff off, so we couldn't access alot of stuff
Oh no, the entire solution is on this machine.
along with the subnet. no UDP discovering would work.
It is still broken now, so... I dunno wtf.
breakpoints man
2 hours later…
hey i need help :/
When I was young so much younger than today
If dlbar.Dispatcher.CheckAccess Then
Dispacher.Invoke(New MethodInvoker(Sub()
dlbar.Maximum = CSm
End Sub))
i need help with this :/
cant fix progressbar threding
What seems to be the trouble?
I don't speak VB, and I only have vague ideas on wpf.
but you are Bill, dr Bill
@Billdr this or this any good?
@Onlykl exception?
guys any help? :/
sec @JohanLarsson
@Onlykl we need more info
@JohanLarsson At the office, can't listen to it
can i send picture?
yes, just upload, button here --------------------------------------------------------------------->
actually, it's EoD, so... muddy waters it is.
@Onlykl also, instead of dlBar.Dispatcher, its often safer to call Application.Current.Dispatcher
(Yes, Muddy Waters is good)
@Onlykl can you post the entire code on pastebin or gist?
@CharlieBrown why?
The early blues men were all super bad ass imo. Their guitars barely in tune, their voices raspy from whiskey and smoke
@JohanLarsson why wat?
errors will post now in pastebin
There's a documentary called "It Might Get Loud" that's totally worth checking out.
@CharlieBrown why is it safer? Not saying that it isn't just that I don't know
Anyone have any experience with listboxes and touch on win7?
@JohanLarsson @CharlieBrown pastebin.com/6zMiRRA5
@Onlykl What's MethodInvoker supposed to be?
@Billdr yeah, I have not listened much to blues but I like the raw
Im using threading to download files from xml
I have an issue with it. If I touch an item and drag, it'll create a sort of preview selection on the item I touched.
@JohanLarsson ah, yes. CurrentDispatcher is not guaranteed to return the ui dispatcher, in some instances it creates a new one
It wont actually change the selection, it'll just show what I could've selected.
Resulting in this odd looking listbox with two items selected.
It doesn't serve any purpose in my application and I'd really like it disabled.
@CharlieBrown ty
I've been thinking about overriding the template and remove it, but I have no clue which part it is.
@Onlykl use Action instead of MethodInvoker
how? sorry im begginer in wpf so if you could help me out
@CharlieBrown i tried this:
If Not Dispatcher.CheckAccess Then
Dispacher.Invoke(New Action(Sub()
dlbar.Maximum = CSm
End Sub))
dlbar.Maximum = Csm
End If
but still shows me error for dispacher then
is the error underlining Action in red?
no its underlining only DISPACHER
nothing else :/
I never used Dispatcher.CheckAccess
@Onlykl i dont see that in your screen shot, what does the error say?
Place the caret in Dispatcher and hit Ctrl + . see if it suggests anything. :)
@JohanLarsson its actually an extension method
"Dispacher is not declared"
you have a typto
missing T
for the life of me I cant get TreeView / DataGrid to combine like I want aaaaaaaaaghrgs
omG! :O
tnx xD
Mmmm, beer
@Onlykl You really gotta learn C#!
For Each Filesss made me giggle
Oh yeah he's in VB.NET
yeah, learn C#, nicer language and better help here
What I mean was learn programming
How you
@RudiVisser Really good
@JohanLarsson Good good (and tell them to hire someone dedicated!)
@RudiVisser and you? New girl?
Yeah I'm awesome and yes!
star for that then
Almost a month since I wrote code, think I forgot most of it by now
I felt the same, but got engrossed into a project on Wed, wrote from 9am - 8pm in office :D
Felt good, <3 MVC
3 hours later…
how can I make ary[] { "1", "2", "3", "4"} yra[] { "llama", "goose", "duck", "sheep" } into aryyra[,] = { {1, "llama"} , {2, "goose"} ... } ?
where order is important
so ary[1] must be with yra[1], etc.
feels like a for loop
okay, was hoping there was some kind of LINQ
can be but I can't think of any

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