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Interesting chat last night I see
Evening sir richard
Would this be a good approach:
Rudi do you feel like you're stressed? you can use a track to help you focus? :)
Not stressed, v good actually
But totally listening
MMOs have come sooo far.. that's the sort of quality in quests that I could never have expected
-Give my UserControl all the dependency properties that are members of the model
-Add an additional CLR property for an instance on the model that when set, updates the dps and `get` creates a new instance of the model using the dps and returns it
(that was my last nights quest to follow the sirens song and kill the source)
though this is the first MMO that is 35 GB in size O.O (WoW with all its expansions combined is about 36)
oh also, dfx released an update to version 11
I hope it will stop taking my 32gb ram now
how does one release a kernel driver with memory leak in it!
@Kian What's your intention?
@Kian I'm not exactly following you but i have a simple question: why DPs ?
@Maverik Quite easily unfortunately
I suppose they don't keep their machines running 24/7
I've made it my routine now to leave my new software running over night at least to see if its leaking on its own at least
@Maverik No reason
don't do DPs if you don't actually need them
you'll know when you need them :)
So implement INotifyPropertyChanged?
unless you'd prefer Rx
show us the rx! :D
someday Johan :) some day!
Woo it works
Kian u so pro
Well I didn't realise that I could just have {Binding Path=Model.Member [...]}
So I don't know about that
Morning dirt
how you guys doing
I've hit another wall
Take a sledgehammer and smash through it
Mav, so I have a List of parameters, where each parameter has a "IsVisible" property... There are about 1K parameters... would it be better to create another property OC<Parameter> ViewableParameters { get { return _parameter.Where(x=> x.IsVisible); } } or store a different list?
If you're gonna do that at least cache the results of the .Where
How do I bind the members of that model to something else (the selected item in a combobox)?
cache, meaning? I'm thinking create another List when i think of cache
Well it depends, is the result of the .Where() going to vary?
An OC would be pointless on an IQueryable.. just return IEnumerable<Parameter> and you'll be fine
you will need to raise notification though when you want wpf to pull new result -- since there's no change notification in property itself, there should be no need to cache
though of course if you are going to do this over and over for calculation purpose, yes by all means cache it into another list but if its only for binding you can get away without caching
@Kian have you tried binding on SelectedItem ?
@Maverik My question was bind what to SelectedItem?
    <x:Type TypeName="local:DataModel.BodyPatterns"/>
Whatever you want to be selected
^ When I do that to bind the Items of my Combobox I get the error that Nested types are not supported
and DataModel is a class and not a namespace
I feel like you're overcomplicating things
why do you need to do it that way? (or in other words: why are you using ObjectDataProvider)
Do what which way?
Good point
That was to bind the items of an enum to a combobox
you'll keep your life a lot simpler if you just follow DataContexts around
ok thats a valid use
where does that value get assigned eventually?
I'm having a problem getting results from nested dialog windows back to the originating viewmodel, code: gist.github.com/dirte/7b13d9adb74ff8bda01b basically VMA opens WindowA which in turn opens WindowB, when WindowB closes I never get back to VMA code handling WindowA
@Maverik The value of the combobox? I want the value of that to affect the value of the Silks usercontrol
I'll upload some code
The idea is to reproduce this: britishhorseracing.com/colours
Only there's also a name
I dont see the name in gist
but the idea is simple, just bind to control by ElementName in SelectedItem Binding
since your SilksModel is DP, it can be used in Path
But how would that work?
@Maverik In the Owner_Editor.xaml file
I could be blind but i see this: <Controls:Silks Margin="5,0,0,0" DockPanel.Dock="Right"/>
But line 46 is the name text box
You can't bind SilksModel={Binding [Several cmb.SelectedItems] } can you?
A no
Binding is a 1-1
I'm going to guess your model is wrong
nvm, you're fine
you have SilksModel.BodyPattern .. so each combobox can get its own path
so for "cmbBodyPattern" the binding could be like: SelectedItem={Binding Path=SilksModel.BodyPattern, ElementName=Silks} assuming you put a x:Name="Silks" on your silks control
Oh right so something like this Combobox [blah] SelectedItem="{Binding SilksModel.BodyPattern1, ElementName=Silks, Mode=OneWayToSource}"
Is the Mode necessary?
I normally find it good practice to include it
assumptions are mother of all eff ups
I believe the default is Mode=OneWay on SelectedItem -- not sure though (not the mode you want)
according to that, editable controls generally use Mode=TwoWay as their default -- but it can vary from DP to DP.. so.. unless you're sure, be explicit
OK being explicit
I've also solved the other problem
Because I refactored some stuff out the DataModel class and made it a namespace
sounds like its a good day!
Yeah! Thanks to you
happy to help
and lets not forget our mr awesome & helpful Rudi!
you should always be thankful to His Grace!
Pretty sure I didn't help
But yes you should
Is there a way to add instance methods to the enum type?
Just I don't know where else to put this:
public string GetHRString<T>(T EnumItem) where T : struct { return EnumItem.ToString().Replace('_', ' '); }
Why not make it an extension off of string?
So String.GetHRString?
Yeah good idea
you can't have Generics in Extension Methods
so either make it based of enum specifically (as I think you're going) or use a Converter
Converter is a better idea if you have multiple enums using this
@Maverik How?
umm what do you mean how :D where are you trying to do this?
I want to do use it like this as well though:
return ID + ": " + Name + " - " + GetHRString(Silks.BodyColour1) + " " + GetHRString(Silks.BodyPattern);
@Maverik how do you mean?
@JohanLarsson you can't do public static class Extensions<T>{ public T Hello(T data){}}
@Kian put that in a converter and apply converter to Enum input binding
but you can do:
public static class Ext
    public static T DoNothing<T>(this T stream) where T : Stream
        return stream;
aa yes, you can with a where
interesting, I didn't know that you can't actually use a sealed class as a constraint!
works without it also but gets kinda strange then :D
I must be doing something wrong then
it kept saying you can't have generic in extension method
the class cannot be generic I think
thanks for correction :)
it wasn't
public static ReadOnlyCollection<T> ToReadOnlyCollection<T>(this IEnumerable<T> collection)
			return new ReadOnlyCollection<T>(collection.ToArray());
that's what I was trying to do and it indeed works now
i think i was missing out <T> after function name
beta coming up in 66 days and no spec!
what beta?
I've been doing this stuff for years without spec
you'll be fine ;)
I wish it was possible to do where T : IA | IB (for com stuff)
I love it when things work when you haven't even finished
when you finish is when it all breaks
Why are there these red lines around my comboboxes now that I've bound them?
validation errors would be my guess
red means its working
^ Johan
But where is this validation coming from?
Oh I get Value " could not be converted
validation errors can come from exceptions, dunno if it needs to be turned on explicitly
If you have something like a grid with column that holds an int, and you type anything in, that would cause an issue because any text you type in will be string... you need to user a converter to parse a string to an int for that column.... I think I'm correct on that. someone can yell at me if not.
at least with the RadGrid I'm using that happened I think
or trying to change the value to '' isn't a valid int either
are you binding the size of the column?
@Maverik but how much scrutiny do you get and from how many people... I have like 4-5 people that I can run an idea by, when its done and they see it, 2 of them say why did you do that, and then i have to catch back up with everyone else to see if they agree blah blah blah
was that to Kian, Johan... or me? I was just giving an example
oh I misread then, multichatting :D
@NETscape umm i was supposed to be a supervised developer but they quickly realised that I far exceeded the skillset of my supervisor or even his supervisor.. so now I'm my own man and whatever I say goes :)
(i was actually hired as an aid for the said supervisor / developer)
and you aoutpro'd 'em
I can't imagine your supervisor being that happy about that
I wish that was my case
Actually he was ok with it i think.. or so I think now that I've been with him for past 4 years!
even if he was disappointed, it was for the best -- i couldn't help him much (they hadn't told me at the time of hiring that they were hiring me for web development)
so what kind of project are you working on now
so while in general i cover a lot more techs than him, restraining me to web would have meant one i'd have to learn something brand new that i don't like and two even if i stayed long enough to make an impact, i wouldn't have been happy and my skillset wasted
right now I'm dealing with infrastucture reporting
eventually it'll serve BI & Billing automation projects
pulling the information out of infrastructure is relatively easy.. but pulling it with speed.. that's where most of my time is spent
example: I have this query that results in 1500ish AD users
a small number that you'd expect to have returned in under a second
but as soon as you throw security groups into mix -- ok now you've properly complicated things!
so are you using WPF?
so far my best run is at 100 users processed per second (down from 2-3 minutes!)
nope - this is all happening at service level right now
where is the bottleneck now?
my director / ceo aren't sure what they want.. they don't even realise the wealth of information that I can pull
so I'm just exposing as much information as I can
biggest bottleneck is transitive group memberships
a typical membership is 7-10 levels deep based on which i need to set flags
leaving it to framework meant tons of processing on AD and still repeating same queries per flag
so I've dropped that bit down now by skipping framework stuff and dealing with ldap stuff directly
I only need to figure how to get service stack to run things in parallel
that and how to get System.DirectoryServices.Linq framework to do things in parallel
once I get that in place, i'm very sure I'll drop the time to at least 5 seconds
Then I have Exchange hell to play with :) -- a simple question: what's the size of mailbox right now? that query takes multiple seconds per mailbox -- scale that up again to 1000s of mailboxes and you can see how my days are spent :)
Then I have Sage SDK to learn to dig out information relating to finances -- then some VMWare stuff to deal with physical infrastructure / provisioning
sounds fun no ? :)
THEN i can get into wpf and start building client
uhmmm no thanks
what do you mean AD?
I would guess Active Directory
It adds a DisplayString attribute to an enum
And you can bind to it
Only the implementation is ugly
do you want a combobox bound to an enum?
I want the items to be all the enum items, and the selected item to be bound to a CLR property, and I want to display the enum value like this value.ToString().Replace('_',' ')
yup Johans right.. AD is that :)
if this was a DB query it'd be a lot quicker but going from AD Storage to byte[] to SecurityIdentifier to NTAccount just to figure out what the hell am I looking at (and we're talking 10,000 groups roughly that can be mashed together 7ish levels deep) requires a lot of time :(
@Kian like this? Extremely sloppy example, reused open project
Wow yes
I think everyone in here deserves a cut of my pay check
think of it like you deserve more and more, then take it!
lol if everybody did a 10th of their pay cut at this rate, us residents would be rich! :D
but what if they could sue?
sue us? mm that would mean admitting to the fact that somebody else was doing your job
i very highly doubt anybody would admit to that!
out of curiousity: kian are you still 16?
I think I've decided on implementing an Owners property for the Owner editor and binding everything to that
O.. and you're already on wpf in a production environment! nice!
but think of it, a letter in your mailbox suing you for 100M due to handing out antipatterns in a public place :D
lol Johan
that is a scary thought.. but.. as luck would have it.. my best mate has already done something similar
and having seen him deal with it, (it was on much smaller scale of course) I'll just do the same.. declare bankruptcy and you can have whatever you can get your hands on :D
Well it's freelance for a friend's brother
a year later i'll be back in full swing
well regardless, you're writing wpf and whatever you're writing is getting you a pay check.. that's production code in my books
Woo hopefully it helps in later life
:) pretty sure it will
it already is
programming is one of those fields that is best started at a young age - you get to play around with sooo many things
and playing around is what will get you the big bucks in the end
In October, I'll be able to say that I've been programming for more than 50% of my life
its rare to across somebody who can say that!
75% here :D
I might never be able to say that, started at 30+
i think I started around same age as Kian
judging by 50% comment & his age on profile
not sure I will be coding much @60
well i dont think developers can go past 50
well i'm not even sure of 40 -- after that i think it becomes really hard to keep up
of course you can be one of those developers who stick with just one age old tech and a lot of enterprises will take the said developer in for his "seniority" & "experience" but I don't count them as developers
(by you of course i'm not talking about you!)
Better start saving for an early retirement then
@JohanLarsson Is there any reason for using an observable collection?
My values won't get added to or removed
if it changes Observablecollection notifes the binding
@Kian you need Dispatcher.Invoke if doing it from another thread
Oh right thanks
View Model creates a new View.ShowDialog and the view has a Command bound to a button and when clicked it executes the command but then never returns back to the next line in the VM who called the View.ShowDialog..... what the balls
are you running as Modal and closing the window?
well ShowDialog should do modal.. so silly question there!
lmao yesssssssssss
my brain
is it friday yet
no but it is 7pm so my brain is already fried
I've implemented INotifyPropertyChanged
But the PropertyChanged event is null?
means nobody is listening
Bonjour :)
But why not?
Can you not have INotifyPropertyChanged on a page?
Hey greg!
@Kian you can have it on anything you want but that doesn't mean things will automatically start listening for notifications
It feels weird coming on at this time lol
But a Window does?
there's no such thing as magic / automatic in programming kian
there's always a cause and thus the effect.. INPC is no different
What do I have to do then?
window must have needed to receive notification for some reason (most likely some binding somewhere) so you had a subscriber
Generally a binding will trigger subscription
But I have got a binding
Oh it wasn't a proper one
@JohanLarsson Looking at your example again, surely the SelectedItem would be a string?
Think it works fine with the enum, pretty sure I ran it
implicit cast somewhere
Wow awesome
Hey guys
I'm planning on making a WPF application which isn't going to be really large and has a few (max 5) users. The main goal is that these users are using the same database so that the data is synchronised. I was wondering.. do you guys know of some sort of SQL server cloud database?
I don't want to host my own or build a WCF layer onto it since it's rather basic.
we are using parse
mongodb frontend, free million requests a month
seems to work for our dev env so far
but may be more than what you are looking for
I used Parse for my Xamarin mobile applications
Azure is another alternative right
from what I know, yes @Mittchel.
i think they have stricter limits
Limits regarding?
storage / bandwidth
and I'm headed home.. catch ya guys tomorrow
bbye *poof
i'm getting an object not set to an instance of an object on my Win8 machine but not my WinXP machine... huh?
my application runs, but when i try to open a file/parse data
typelib. aha

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