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A: Saving ALAsset URL in NSUserDefaults

KrumelurThe NSUserDefaults only takes a restricted set of classes as objects. See the documentation. You must take care only to store values of these types (NSData, NSString, NSNumber, NSDate, NSArray, or NSDictionary, and of course it applies recursively) in the dictionary. To store the URLs in the NSU...

You could convert each NSURL to a string using [someURL absoluteString].
Do u have any sample code?
I added some code to illustrate my example.
can this be used? <code>ALAssetRepresentation *rep = [[info objectAtIndex: i] defaultRepresentation];
UIImage *image = [self scaleThenRotateImage:[UIImage imageWithCGImage:[rep fullResolutionImage]]];</code>
Sorry, you lost me there. You get the URL from the asset using [representation url], or [[asset defaultRepresentation] url]. But I am not sure how it relates to your example. You are not storing the UIImage itself in the user defaults, I hope? :)
Sorry my bad, the image is for my nsdocu. But the url above is what is in my array. Can that be converted to string then be retrieved then?
I was able to save the url, but what I need is to save the whole property like the above
sir please help me
Did you want to save more than just the URL? In your code I did not get what this information was. Was it "Type:Photo"?
3 hours later…
It was a ALAsset Object, Can it be saved in core data or somewhere even not in NSUserdefaults, I need it as a whole,
1 hour later…
And yes i want to save more than just the url

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