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Good Morning :)
gud mrng
Hi all
Howdy all
Does anyone know if it is possible to run location tracking services after an iOS application loses focus?
Are you meaning losing focus as app went in background? @JoshuaLambert
That is what I mean. My Android app can still track even after the home button is pressed. I'm curious as to if this can be done on iOS. @Splendid
@JoshuaLambert Yes, possible. there is Significant location service provided by IOS SDK, u
Okay, thanks! :D
@Splendid hai
hi all
hi all gud morning
Guys , i have issues regarding access token for Linkedin . I am stuck after storing i need the saed access token to be used next time use logs in . Kindly help as how to do it ?
@Sudhanshu. Have not worked before linkedln api. Folks do help if anyone have worked
can any body give me any soap based iphone library /tutorial?
Hey guys any one know how to send audio and video file theough MFMessage composer
I dont think it is possible via MFMessage.
Hi @Rajesh_Bangalore
one small prob... subview controlls not working
@Splendid :}
@Rajesh_Bangalore. explain it.
in my view i called a subview which has some textfield and buttons.. after the subview called i cant click the textfield or anything @Splendid
@Rajesh_Bangalore. Check the user interaction is enabled or not. or check if there is uiimageview as subview
yeah enabled
check if there is uiimageview as subview
wat is this means?
If you add textfield or button to any imageview, you cant get user interaction unless you enabled user enabled=yes
Oh... i have added before then i deleted still its not working
check the code, els paste the code
i implemented uiimage view in iterface builder and then deleted it
no coed
no code
i see, then check all the view there is user interaction enabled. iN IB, check there might be any unknown view above the textfield and button
one view under that 4 text and 2 button
Known things sometime make us dry. To avoid, just create new project and do the same subview, textfield in IB.
its realtime project... steps alot...
Just be cool and review the IB
3 hours later…
i found ans to my prb
but i need to know how to mplement that
yes plz ask
i try my best ..if i help u
in Cocos2d, 4 mins ago, by Rajesh_Bangalore
Q: addSubview in UIViewController's View has no response

Shivan RaptorNewbie question. I created a UIView named TestView with 2 IBOutlet UIButton. I would like to add this view to initially launched view controller. The header file of the TestView is as follow: #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface TestView : UIView { IBOutlet UIButton *btn1; IBOutlet...

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