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Good morning All :)
@Shreya @jordan vGm have a nice day....
@MUSTHAFA v gm :)
@Shreya @MUSTHAFA dropbox ??
@jordan No, I haven't work on it before
anyone have a top paid app?
@MaxHasADHD yes :) erlier my app police scheduler ..cost 4.99$ :)
does it have a lot of UI? you still work on it?
no actually clint remove dat app .. for new updating
no it dosnt had a lot of UI just simple app .. i don't knw y? it cost so much :p
oh, im jw cuz i have a API for apps, and it would be good on apps with lots of stuff like multiple menus and such, but need top level apps to use it so more devs can see it
its a themer, its all doen except i didnt add it connecting online, but basically the point is, that i can make a file, put it on a site, then in the app, connect to it, and it can theme the app, all from online!
@jordan what is dropbox?
@MUSTHAFA dropbox.com chk dis .. dropbox is actually a on9 storage for your files
@MUSTHAFA its really gud ...
@ShineethHamza hie
@jordan ur developing on dropbox API?
Good Morning to All.... -)
gud mrng @Tauseef
@jordan good morning bro...
any body know how to convert old app to iPhone 5 ?????????????????????????????????
no bro...sorry
its easy
@VishnuRKaimal which version of Xcode ur using?
@Tauseef Thank u bro...
ohhh i would like to know @ShineethHamza
@Shineeth now using xcode 4.5
i am using XCode4.3.2 @VishnuRKaimal
@Tauseef gud mrng bro :)
@jordan VGM bro... -)
@VishnuRKaimal Add [email protected] file with resolution 640x1136
@VishnuRKaimal And config all ur XIB files with proper Autoresize MAsk
@Shnieeth Okk.. Thank u.. let me check it...
hey does any one know how to get an extension of a file ?? i mean i want to know if a file is jpg or png
@Shreya lastpathcomponent
Hi All!
@Splendid hie
@Shreya NSURL *url = [NSURL urlWithString:@"http://www.google.com/a.pdf"];
NSString *filename = [url lastPathComponent];
try something like dis.... it return last path component or extension
@Shreya [fileType pathExtension]
@jordan @Shreya [fileName pathExtension]; will return extension
@jordan :)
@jordan, DO you have any idea about how Fatify app was doing 3d animated images?
@Splendid i think u need to integrate 3rd party API .. it is same as getting OLD app in iPhone
if i am getting an image from library how would i know its file extension.. and if I am not wrong image taken from camera are of png extension by default??
didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo method's NSDictionary info always give file name with jpg extension
@jordan, So far in my research, I dont find any 3rd party API, seems required to do it ourself. Spent lot of time and find lot but nothing.
@Splendid ok i do ..a small research 4 u .. later win i finish my work
@jordan, Awesome! Thanks for replies.. :)
in app i am using picker.allowsEditing=YES;
using this after taking image i am getting another view with crop functionality there if i want to save top position of the image i have zoom the image is it possible with out zooming image can i save top position of image
@Splendid @jordan can u help me
some one can help me
@ganeshmanoj, Its by default scrollview zooming and scaling of UIImagepickercontroller.
I Suggest best you dont want YES to allowsEditing. Have custom controller to zoom the image.
is it possible to set top position with out zooming
no i want to crop photo
so i am using yes
@ganeshmanoj, I understand. But for crop also, im saying to do it custom class.
Dont use default editing
not sure, this is right way
even we can use overlayview for custom camera
just i want that crop functionality so trying to use default methods
Overlay is ok, but after shot a picture, pushview to new controller and why dont we write custom crop functionality
can i have code for that
takes more time, at this time I dont have code. but you can google it on SO, will get
thanku @Splendid mainly i have overlay cam but tying for this defaults methods but only the problem is this croping
@ganeshmanoj,Using default methods wil reduce our coding pain, but there might be no way for customize the picker controller defaults edit.
@ganeshmanoj yes ?? sry i was bay
its ok @jordan thnx for response
its k fed .. sry 4 late reply :)
no need :D
I have implemented Facebok SDK 3.1 in my iOS app .... I trying to use this code :
for picking one friend from the list
How can I navigate to a new view once I am able to select anyone of the friend from the list ... I just need to pull his profile ID on a new screen
@int3rc3pt0r question not clear bro .. plz explain a little more
i think win u getting his profile id .. use PushViewController to move to next view
when i click any of my friend from FBFriendPickerView i want to navigate to other view means i want to implement didSelectRow functionality as in tableview
@ganeshmanoj any idea ?
@jordan basically .. I want to login > select a friend from the picker > new view with the friends name displayed on a label with his profile ID on another label below .
- (void)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component
in dis i think u write to move to next view
Its FBFriendPickerView ... how do we implement in their delegate ...
We are trying to use the sample code I have given in the above link
k let me chk
thank you :)
3 hours later…
hey does any one know how to upload video using ASIFormDataRequest
I am new to I phone development
a month back joined in a cmpny
a task has given to me..i.e to get 10-10 records from web service
when he last record is getting loaded its getting crashed by saying must return a cell
I checked the code for several time but I didnt find the errir
could any body solve for me please
m posting the code
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
self.navigationItem.title = @"VIDEOS";
self.videoarray=[[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
//videoarray=[[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
tblView.separatorStyle = UITableViewCellSeparatorStyleSingleLine;
[self parseMethod];
//-------Parsing the Data(modified by Swaroop)-----------

// self.startValue=[startValue intValue];
NSString *urlstring=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"http://www.myappdemo.com/koptalk/getvideos.php?start=%d",startva
@Shreya, Check out the asi sample IOS projects, you will see how they were doing uploading and downloading

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