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I'm going to dump details in here in the hopes you have time to look them over and possibly fix the issue. :)
As mentioned in comments, I'm using OpenGL coordinates. Here's the code I'm using:
I've confirmed that the quaternions used by the engine happen to be in WXYZ order (not XYZW). (Confirmed empirically: if I swap the order of values in the quaternion everything rolls upside down when I look down the -Z axis.)
As mentioned in comments, when I look down the -Z axis (from <0,0,20> towards <0,0,0>) I get the correct result: q is <1,0,0,0> and I see a cube placed at the origin centered in the view and correctly up.
However, if I lift the camera, looking from <0,10,20> towards <0,0,0>, the quaternion does not change. It's still <1,0,0,0>, and the rendering confirms this: the camera is facing parallel to the -Z axis, lifted above the cube.
Note that those values are after normalizing the quaternion. If I remove my normalization, the quaternion happens to get w=sqrt(2)/2~=0.707, but the results do not change.
All of the above is if I don't swap Y and Z in the equations. Doing so causes the result to not work even when looking directly down the -Z axis.
That sounds very weird; I'll have a go at debugging your gist code in C++ (more familiar than Lua)
Totally understandable.
Note that Lua tables (arrays) use 1-based indices, so [1] is intended to be .x when accessing vectors, and .w for the WXYZ quaternion.
I'm going to dump FSU (sorry about changing R to S, if that causes you trouble) for the lifted case and give some values.
thats fine no problem
Given a camera location of `<0,10,20>` and a target of `<0,0,0>`, I get:

F: <0.00 -0.45 -0.89>
S: <1.00 -0.00 0.00>
U: <0.00 0.89 -0.45>
trace 1.0

which puts us in the first branch of the code, where `s` is then ~`0.35355`
/me glares at Markdown markup present in confusion
That part looks correct - this is before applying the fudge fixes above right?
Uncertain what you mean by fudge fixes. This is with no Y/Z swapping.
oops yeah I meant that, slightly misunderstood your description
after staring at C++ all day it's kinda hard for my brain to revert back to English
Given those numbers, the quaternion does end up as <0.707 0.000 0.000 0.000>, since U.z==F.y, and F.x, S.z, S.y, and U.x are all 0.
Which smells wrong (having the same value as what you get when parallel to -Z axis) since we want the quaternion to tilt downwards.
No worries about English, BTW. I super appreciate your help thus far, and whatever you can do to get me sorted out :)
A question: is it possible that the matrix notation used by EuclideanSpace is the opposite of what you assumed? (rowcol instead of colrow)? For lack of any better thought on what to try, I'm going to try redoing the code based on that assumption.
I was thinking about that as well - that could be a possible fix
also, I just tried the original code I had in C++ with the glm library, with Y-Z swapping
the values are almost correct, but one of the signs is flipped when I convert the quaternion back into a matrix (using a library function)
that does suggest either a coordinate handedness issue or a transposed matrix as you mentioned
Ah, no, at least in the first code branch, the differences are all between symmetrical cells, so treating it as transposed only flips the sign of the differences, which doesn't help with all the zero values. :)
damn, why does OpenGL's YZ flip always trick my mind lol, perhaps I'll try pen and paper
ha ha
FWIW, I've no success with the method marked as "Alternative Method" on the EuclideanSpace page. Although there's a chance I've flubbed transforming his matrix into my vector lookups, I'm getting a quaternion <0.707 -0.707 0.0 0.0> for the simple test case of looking down -Z, which should be unrotated.
I get this for the 2x2 permutations of rowcol vs colrow (using the matrix you supplied in your answer), and swapping Y/Z in the vectors vs. not. I find it fascinating and frustrating the quaternions seem to be so poorly understood that a page like EuclideanSpace would just post code snippets as-is that appear to be untested.
One of the four code permutations looks like this:

local function copysign(a,b) if (b>0 and a<0) or (b<0 and a>=0) then return -a else return a end end

function V3:lookAt4(dest, rotation)
   local q = rotation or Q

   q[1] = math.sqrt( math.max(0, 1+S[1]+U[2]+F[3]) ) / 2
   q[2] = math.sqrt( math.max(0, 1+S[1]-U[2]-F[3]) ) / 2
   q[3] = math.sqrt( math.max(0, 1-S[1]+U[2]-F[3]) ) / 2
   q[4] = math.sqrt( math.max(0, 1-S[1]-U[2]+F[3]) ) / 2
they would both give the correct answer assuming the "normal" XYZ convention we are taught in school
however OpenGL's YZ flip is messing this up
Which handedness is the normal XYZ, upon which we believe all this code to be based?
Right-handed? (+X left, +Y forward, +Z up?)
(well actually X is right, Y is up and Z is forwards)
Gah, something is wrong, then. Even if I translate my coordinates into that space, I get the same unrotating behavior when I lift up. Let me dump more data, using traditional +Z up:
So, now I'm looking from <0,-20,5> forward and down to <0,0,0>. I get this:
F: <0.00 0.97 -0.24>
S: <1.00 -0.00 0.00>
U: <0.00 0.24 0.97>
trace   1.0
s       0.35355339059327
0.70710678118655        0.0     0.0     -0.0
That's using worldup as <0,0,1>. The orthonormal basis looks correct, and yet the formula results in an unrotated quaternion.
(At least, I think that <x,0,0,0> is unrotated. Am I wrong?)
What do you get in C++ for that case?
Sorry, I'm still trying different things at the minute, will get back to you on that
I'm just seeing if the "normal" ordering convention works, and then just swapping the Y and Z in that code
Right! Sounds good. That's what I tried to do.
(I owe you a six-pack, or alternative beverage of choice, when this is done :)
I just found this source which clears up the "transpose" issue, it might be the key to all this malarkey
not at all, I haven't done 3D stuff in a long time so this serves a nice revision exercise :D
huh, whaddya know, I just used glm's built-in quaternion to matrix function and it worked perfectly
i guess instead of wasting time scratching our heads here I'll just reverse engineer that haha
Ha ha! A coworker told me to just use glm, but I'm stuck in Lua land at the moment.
they always say that
it's either glm or Eigen
I gotta go grab some food, bbiab.
no probs, sorry for being so slow lol
but this reverse-engineered snippet finally works

float A = S[0] - F[1] - U[2];
float B = F[1] - S[0] - U[2];
float C = U[2] - S[0] - F[1];
float D = S[0] + F[1] + U[2];

int I = 0;
float E = D;
if (A > E)
E = A;
I = 1;
if (B > E)
E = B;
I = 2;
if (C > E)
E = C;
I = 3;

float V = sqrtf(E + 1.0f) * 0.5f;
float M = 0.25f / V;

switch (I)
case 0:
return quat(V, (F[2] - U[1]) * M, (U[0] - S[2]) * M, (S[1] - F[0]) * M);
case 1:
return quat((F[2] - U[1]) * M, V, (S[1] + F[0]) * M, (U[0] + S[2]) * M);
So this lua snippet should work (I hope):
function V3:lookAt2(dest, rotation)
   local q = rotation or Q

   local A = S[1] - F[2] - U[3]
   local B = F[2] - S[1] - U[3]
   local C = U[3] - S[1] - F[2]
   local D = S[1] + F[2] + U[3]

   local I = 0
   float E = D
   if A > E then
      E = A
      I = 1
   if B > E then
      E = B
      I = 2
   if C > E then
      E = C
      I = 3

   let V = math.sqrt(E + 1.0) * 0.5
I think the glm version is cleaner tbh, all cases are "equivalent" so to speak
Nice, testing now!
And is this code in the Z-up space?
No this is in Y-up
reverse engineered from GLM so it adopts the OpenGL convention
and oops float E should be local E of course
Sadly, no glory. If I look directly down the Z axis I get NaN for the quats. Checking for source.
Ignore that, I'm a liar :)
oh lol, I was gonna ask if you meant (0.0, -1.0, 0.0) or (0.0, 0.0, -1.0)
(I had my worldup still set as +Z.)
Good to know that it explodes when looking straight up, but no worries there. I can special case that later if necessary.
So, looking in -Z direction with Y up, quaternion starts rolled 90 degrees. quat: <-0.707 0.000 -0.000 0.707>
ah. I'll take a look
F: <0.00 0.00 -1.00>
S: <1.00 -0.00 0.00>
U: <0.00 1.00 0.00>
A:1.000 B:-1.000 C:-1.000 D:1.000 I:0.000 E:1.000 V:0.707 M:0.354
hmm my glm code works fine (get X = -0.707, W = 0.707, Y = Z = 0 as expected); guess it was just lost in translation
Is your GLM code the one above the Lua snippet? If so, I'll check the translation.
And was that one based on Z-up or Y-up?
the glm code is the C++ snippet (the un-formatted one), and that was Y-up because it was directly translated from the glm source
and the lua code was translated from that
i tried to take care with the indices but I guess i might have got those wrong
isn't your quaternion XYZW?
   local v1x, v1y, v1z, v1w = v1[1], v1[2], v1[3], v1[4]
So <-0.707 0.000 -0.000 0.707> is also right
identical to the GLM/C++ result
Oh man, my own direct conversion of your code produces even more different results. Amazing.
Let me try rotating the quat indices.
I'm not 100% certain if the quat expected by the engine is XYZW or WXYZ.
(Rotating indices in either direction did not help.)
are there any existing functions that might help you to test this?
e.g. test with just W and X
W = 1 X=Y=Z=0 is the identity
I can tell you that 1,0,0,0 produces the desired "forward" rotation, so yes, must be WXYZ
And 0,0,0,1 produces black screen. :)
ah ok lol
so just rotate the indices
Why do you say:
> <-0.707 0.000 -0.000 0.707> is also right
because from one of the lines in your code I deduced that you took quaternions to be XYZW
 local v1x, v1y, v1z, v1w = v1[1], v1[2], v1[3], v1[4]
but now that we've established that this is not the case, it's just a simple matter of rotating the indices
I mean, if I'm looking down the -Z axis, I want the identity quaternion. What I'm getting is <-0.707 0.000 -0.000 0.707>, which is not the identity. When I rotate that to either <0.707 -0.707 0.000 -0.000> or <0.000 -0.000 0.707 -0.707> I still see black.
ohhh ok I see what the problem is now
different axis convention
I assumed that X = side (right), Z = front and Y = up
and that's just a case of swapping S, F, U
Ah, that is a mismatch. GL is +X right, +Y up, -Z forward.
oh I see, I'll try to fix that
I can quickly try permutations here, since Lua supports parallel assignment, e.g. F,S,U = F,U,S
brb, coworker needs help
Oh in that case you can just swap the order when performing the cross products
Back, testing.
Getting NaNs again, wtf, hunting.
Ha, I set target and camera both to 0,0,0. Dumbass.
After I rotate the quat, the along-the-axis case works perfectly. Crossing fingers for raising camera up.
:( Still doesn't change quat.
Debug dump incoming.
dammit (bets on the glm code still working though)
Looking from <0.00 5.00 20.00> to <0.00 0.00 0.00>
F: <0.00 0.24 0.97>
S: <1.00 0.00 0.00>
U: <0.00 0.97 -0.24>
A:1.000 B:-0.515 C:-1.485 D:1.000 I:0.000 E:1.000 V:0.707 M:0.354
quat: <0.707 0.000 0.000 0.000>
great. Even glm doesn't work with this. what the heck...
ooh! But using your new FSU conversions with your original S/O answer is proving promising as I lift!
Looks to be 100% correct rotating around arbitrarily. Adding in one more test.
wait why is that working while my current glm stuff is broken
Coordinate conversions are hrrrd. Thank you so much for your help!
oh so it's working on your end now? great!
Seriously, you got a way I can send you a little shwag to unfry your brain?
well it's quarter to 11pm here in the UK so I guess some sleep would do the trick :)
Yup, when I use the new FSU derivation with the EuclideanSpace code, everything is perfect.
You certainly get the bounty, but I may try to hassle you later to alleviate my guilt. I, and NVIDIA, thank you :)

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