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Q: Simplifying nested functor transformations

TusharSay I have 2 Functors f0 and f1 and I have some code that looks like — => => f0f1(v0, v1))) Is there a way simplify this such that I can use a for expression and make the code cleaner — for { v0 <- f0 v1 <- f1 } yield f0f1(v0, v1) The map function is available thr...

In my case its actually something like — IO[Option[X]]
I don't want to actually care about what the container of my value is, I want to apply transformations to what's inside
@LuisMiguelMejíaSuárez what are you all talking about? Where does Future come from, all of a sudden? Which implementation of Functor has a map which takes a single argument? They all take two arguments, and the function usually comes second. Unclear what you're asking, please provide a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example.
@AndreyTyukin I am using Cats because of which map is added as a syntactic sugar.
@Tushar then it's unclear what the syntactic sugar is added to. What exactly are f0 and f1. They aren't instances of Functor[F], as it seems.
@AndreyTyukin I have added the syntactic sugar that's automatically inserted by Cats
How are snippets from Cats supposed to clarify the types of f0 and f1 in your code? We know what the code in Cats looks like. We don't know what f0 and f1 in your code are.
Hi @AndreyTyukin
Hi there!
I am not sure if I understood ur question
can u please elaborate a little ?
You used the expressions f0 and f1 in your code. You have not specified how to obtain those expressions. You also have not specified the types of f0 and f1, so one cannot even write val f0: T0 = ??? and check whether it at least compiles or not.
If you don't provide any code that defines the values f0 and f1, you should at least provide their types, otherwise that's not a [mcve].
def combine[F[_]: Functor, G[_]: Functor, A, B](f0: F[A],
f1: G[B]): F[G[(A, B)]] = { => => (v0, v1)))

does this make any sense ?
Looks like valid code, yes. Does almost what you want, except that it does not take any functions as argument. Are you looking for a similar method, but which additionally maps (v0, v1) using some function f (or f0f1, however you call it)?
I think I have a more fundamental question
What am I actually doing here — Composition or Concatination
Is this a concept that can be generalized ?
Secondly (my original question) instead of using such nested map functions can I make it look a little better using for expression?
I don't know... What do you think about the for-comprehension in the answer, does it look "better"? It doesn't look much shorter, that's for sure, so I'm not sure whether it's "better". The map-function is something that everyone understands, and it's actually shorter than the for-comprehension, so maybe there is no good reason to replace it by for-comprehensions.
I guess you are right
Whether this "combining-composing-concatenating"-construction has some name... I'm not sure, have to think about it for a moment...
For myself, I've reformulated your question as "What is so special about the ambient Scala category that for every type A, every element a: A and every functor F we can readily get from F[X] to F[(X, A)]?", and if you iterate it twice: "What is so special about the ambient Scala category that for every type A and B and every functors F and G we have canonical morphisms from (F[A], G[B]) to F[G[(A, B)]] and G[F[(A, B)]]?". Those are both somewhat interesting questions.
...but I'm not sure whether those reformulations are interesting for anyone except myself. It seems to be kind of obvious because of cartesian closedness, so it's not all that surprising either...
Not sure what to do about that. I mean: yes, you can gen from F[A] and G[B] to F[G[(A, B)]]. That's nice. Does this mapping have any special name? I don't know, doesn't feel all that special or frequently used to give it it's own name. If you call it combine and use it a few times, that's perfectly fine.
4 hours later…
thanks a ton @AndreyTyukin. I am new functional programming so some of what you just said kind of bounced off my head :P
I just tried to formulate in an informal kind-of math-esque way what your question might actually mean. I did not expect that those vaguely formulated sketchy ideas would be of any use to anyone.
If you don't understand anything of what I wrote, that's totally ok, because I probably won't understand much of it either in few days, because I'll have mostly forgotten what I've been thinking here...
It's not terribly important, and not mandatory to understand. Glad that I at least could help a little bit with the for-comprehensions.

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