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Q: Segmentation fault in C while using isdigit() and argc

logankilpatrickI am having the following issue: Segmentation fault (core dumped). I looked around at the other questions on StackOverflow and didn't see the correct answer to my question. Here is my code : #include <cs50.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> int ma...

isdigit() expects to be passed a char. You are passing it a string (which I assume is typedef'd in your cs50.h to a char *).
@SeanBright Should not cause segfault though.
what happens if you change isdigit(argv[i]) == 0 to isdigit(argv[i]) == false?
@dangee1705 Would you expect it to change anything? I wouldn't...
@EugeneSh. no I would not, but I don't know how true and false are defined in CS50.h so I am verging on the side of caution
Can you edit your question to include the many compiler warnings you are receiving?
@SeanBright there are no compiler warnings, because the code compiles. This is what is known as a runtime error
@dangee1705 There is a difference between compiler warnings and compiler errors. A program can very well compile with a zillion of warnings, which many beginners tend to ignore.
hey OP, can you re compile your code with the -Wall flag and show us the warnings?
@dangee1705 the warning is at the top Segmentation Fault (Core Dumped)
@SeanBright yeah I know I'm trying to see what happens if he recompiles it with -Wall. Ok buddy?
Anyway, somehow I don't believe this code will segfault.
There's a cs50 stack exchange site, if you're interested.
@SeanBright yes, sorry I meant to comment to the op
string argv[] Arrrgh. CS50 strikes again. Hiding char * behind the string typedef is a horrible abomination to students trying to learn C.
@AndrewHenle I think that's the secret plan. Reducing the competition on the market :)

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