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@TopCat GooDMorning
@AliAshiq GM bro
Good Morning
@AliAshiq @TopCat anyone have experience with CursorLoader?
Please check this question if you can help in that
Q: Fetch Genre name list which have songs in it

iDroid ExplorerI am fetching Genre list from media content Provider of android using CursorLoder class. below is my cursor query to fetch the list of Genre. public Loader<Cursor> onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args) { // currently filtering. Uri baseUri; baseUri = MediaStore.Audio.Genre...

GM :)
Morning All
Mornig @All
@DIVA Hows you?
@DIVA See this
@PiYusHGuPtA good ...Y@u?
@DIVA me too
@PiYusHGuPtA thx i deadly need this UI kind of things
@PiYusHGuPtA see this for creating buttons in app
Hi Guys

I am having a problem with facebook integration.

I have provided permissions of Publish permission as ("publish_stream") and Read permissions as ("email","user_friends"). Everytime I logged into my application. It shows me two dialog prompts. I need only one dialog prompt.
Can anyone please help me out
@DIVA Oh this is also too good
@DIVA Sliding menu app will start
no i mean i didnt undertsood ur question'
@DIVA My new app based on Sliding menu
ohh nice
Hi Guys

I am having a problem with facebook integration.
As per facebook all read permissions should come in one dialog but in my case Default Read permission(Public_profile) and Read permissions as ("email","user_friends") appearing in two different dialogs.
Everytime I logged into my application. It shows me two dialog prompts. I need only one dialog prompt.
Can anyone please help me out
@LuminiousAndroid Using new latest SDK??
yes piyush
@LuminiousAndroid I have worked on FB since last 1 yr. don't know familiar with new. but though show me snap shot will help you may be
piyush if you look into image, you will see all the permissions are coming togather
but in my case one dialog is coming for public profile and another dialog for email and birthday
I think i have seen this before. It may be sure display because my two or more friend has also same dialog both.
all read permissions are not coming togather
You mean ... this will surely appear ?
But I did not get anywhere written on facebook
@PiYusHGuPtA can I show you my code ?
Yeah i think though i will ask to my friends about this
@DIVA There?
@PiYusHGuPtA yes
u hv nexus?
Can you show me ur latest app link on google play store if u have implemented?
@DIVA No but want to test?
how to add camera shortcut to lock screen nexus?
@DIVA programmatically??
na na manually
but in nexus
@DIVA Long press on camera icon from menu and put to lock screen not working?/
how to put in lock screen?
opps sorry camera isnt in my device
@DIVA Oh. Then how u put?
@DIVA which device u have?
nexus 4.4.2 rooted
@DIVA Oh Okay.
No camera on ur device?
on but after insall also
no t showin
@DIVA show me link please if u have latest app on GPlay
@DIVA Also have u worked with GTPay ?
Hii @PiYusHGuPtA
u dere
@Adi Hi. Yes
"ProspCustCode": [
"value": "9618"
"value": "9618"
"value": "9618"
"value": "9618"
sorry for posting here
but can u parse this
Yes. ur first tag is JSONOBject
i need to save the values to the array
@Adi can u give me that class which i have given you
i dint bookmarked it
sorry :(
@Adi Oh
@Adi Oh so its urgent or after lunch.
yes after lunch will be finbe
@PiYusHGuPtA no i dont hv latest app on play
@Adi Okay then nope. I will be give you in 10 mins after lunch so stay in touch here.
@DIVA Oh okay nope.
and ping me
after lunch
HI All
I have to javascript functions I want to use them in my app, how can I do this?
@PiYusHGuPtA I want little help related to androdid?
@MuhammadZeshan yeah ask
Can you give me a sample regarding this one ?
A: Any Idea how to create this layout in android. and more over how to handle click events of irregular shapes?

AbsUsing a RelativeLayout. Make sure the circle comes after the squares in the xml, so it'll be in front of them. <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:background="@android:color/ho...

@MuhammadZeshan want to create this layout?
but no idea how to do this
you can use Framelaut as a parent layout and in one linear layout put all four images of rectangle and on top of that linear layout put your circle image.
Can you give me a sample code
@MuhammadZeshan right now i have no any ready made demo. you have to make by urself
@Divya Wel come!!
i m diva niot divya :(
Q: How to show Multiple Headings and Points in Single Activity

MysteriousI am following this SO solution, and i have successfully parsed JSON, but don't know How to show both the headings and points in TextViews. this is how my JSON looks: { "technology": [ { "title": "Android", "description": [ { ...

Hi I am using Json parsing which taking too much time to load so how can i overcome this problem. Any Idea??????
@DIVA oh sorry
I have to show images in listview so it taking lotsof loading..
@user1404672 use universal image loader class
yes but json parsing fill arraylist first which have lots of images. I think this is my prob.
@DIVA hello
can you help me? if free..
@user1404672 show some code
for (int i = 0; i < jArray.length(); i++) {

							JSONObject json_data = jArray.getJSONObject(i);
							Favorite fav = new Favorite();
@DIVA had ur lunch?
@user1404672 and now show how to retrieve it?
on postExecution()
adapter = new MainListAdapter(MainView.this, Common.list);
@Mysterious hey
@PiYusHGuPtA yes u?
U have to load ur images in ur adapter from your arraylist @user1404672
@DIVA will you try to help me pls ?
@DIVA yeah me too
@Adi have you checked?
@Mysterious whats the isuuee btw there r so genius people here @PiYusHGuPtA @Prince and all
yes same i am doing
@user1404672 show that
.getsImgPath(), img);
@DIVA i am looking for experts help, who ever free please feel free to resolve my issue @PiYusHGuPtA
@user1404672 right. show me your full custom adapter class
I am using only this line of code
@Mysterious aree but what is issue?
I think json parsing taking too much time
@Mysterious Need to use Spannable String or use "/n/n/n"
@DIVA i want to show something like this:

[dot] Google
[dot] Samsung

[dot] Kitkat
[dot] ICS
But getting something like this:

[dot] ICS
@all hello
@Mysterious that means you have just got your last value
can we overcome this prob. with parsing..
@Hope hello
@user1404672 using AsyncTask?
yo bro @PiYusHGuPtA
@PiYusHGuPtA yes
any one have ksoap lib experience
@Hope any issue?
once you will see my complete question, you will get more idea about my issue
Hii piyush i have done it
@PiYusHGuPtA i dont know how to add it in eclipse
@Mysterious means u r getting only last saved value
@Mysterious qyesrion link plz
@Hope u have to import it and copy in ur workspace
i follow some links but did not work with me
though my response was something different so tried something else but thanks for ur help man @PiYusHGuPtA
copy it in lib folder
@Adi Oh great.
@Hope means it is jar file
Q: How to show Multiple Headings and Points in Single Activity

MysteriousI am following this SO solution, and i have successfully parsed JSON, but don't know How to show both the headings and points in TextViews. this is how my JSON looks: { "technology": [ { "title": "Android", "description": [ { ...

yes but i dont know with me it bcome in shape of rar file
@Hope Is it rar file?
not its a jar
if jar then u have to add as a external jar file @Hope
@PiYusHGuPtA javatutorialspoint.blogspot.com/2012/02/… i follow this steps but not working
@Mysterious problem with your parsing may be.
helllo every one
@Mysterious in your category Manufactures

[dot] Samsung


[dot] ICS
i have query so plze help me
Q: How to add SMS into Sim Memory in Android?

Piyush MachhoyaI want to add sms to sim card memory but unable to achieve it. I googled alot but unable to get any help. I know how to fetch SMS from sim card memory but unable to do with insert operation. Any help will be highly appreciated. Code to fetch SMS from Sim Card ArrayList<SmsMessage> list = new ...

@Mysterious u got something like this??
no bro i parsed everything
@Mysterious see my above conversation
problem while setting to TextViews
how to handle large number of array?
@Mysterious my mean are u getting all data of Manufactures and platforms?
@Adi So now all work finish?
@PiYusHGuPtA ??
@PiYusHGuPtA yeah bro i am getting everything and want to show something like this: Manufactures
[dot] Google
[dot] Samsung

[dot] Kitkat
[dot] ICS
pls answer me
@Hope then it would be
that's why i said please read my whole query ... once @PiYusHGuPtA
but i dont know why is say source not found
@Mysterious wait
@Mysterious so basically u hv parsed data right?
@Hope clean ur project once
@PiyushMachhoya yes
android in first time api call(load data) after api not call ..... how ?
yes just don't how to set data in such manner i am trying to set @DIVA
@Jigsh what do you want?
@Mysterious ok i can try that at my end can u pass me json response link if possoble?
Hi I am using Spinner with default value . But after i want to fill new data with parsing to remove first index value. how can i do this?
how to handle large number of array like 500 entries
but i am using Xampp
@Mysterious ok
@user1404672 .... api response ..get after remove first position(index) ...
@Jigsh For that u need to use Database
THIS is how my JSON LOOK: pastebin.com/U3UPRKe9 @DIVA
hello @TopCat
@Jigsh hi
how to handle large number of array like 500 entries
categories = new ArrayList();
After parsing
for (int i = 0; i < Common.list.size(); i++) {
dataAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(MapView.this,
android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item, categories);

// Drop down layout style - list view with radio button
// attaching data adapter to spinner
@DIVA got ??
@Mysterious yes title and description is different textview right?
so i wnt to remove hi text befour parsing
@DIVA yes i want to show something like this: i.sstatic.net/sqemP.png
@Mysterious got it
In place of Why We Like It, i want to show Manufactures and in place of Need to Know, i want to show Platforms (with their respective points) as shown in Image.
@PiyushMachhoya sorry no idae. never worked
@PiYusHGuPtA thanks
if you require my code, then let me know
hello every one plz give me ans of this question
Q: How to add SMS into Sim Memory in Android?

Piyush MachhoyaI want to add sms to sim card memory but unable to achieve it. I googled alot but unable to get any help. I know how to fetch SMS from sim card memory but unable to do with insert operation. Any help will be highly appreciated. Code to fetch SMS from Sim Card ArrayList<SmsMessage> list = new ...

@user1404672 do not add this line ....categories.add("hi"); and add hint
@RahulDevganiya Means we can add hint on spinner?
No @PiYusHGuPtA Hii @Jigsh
@user1404672 yea
@RahulDevganiya how plz tell me
@Adi OK
give me ans pls @Adi @PiYusHGuPtA
@Jigsh if you have large amount of data then you need to store in database
@user1404672 xml in add android:Hint="hi"
@PiYusHGuPtA hi

I am using this ones so how to add hint?
but display time whole screen is black
how it can be solve it?
@maven hi
use runonuithread @Jigsh
@Mysterious ur previous code was write
hw's u rbo @PiYusHGuPtA
@Jigsh have you retrieve data from database/?
thing is u oerwriteen in same textview @Mysterious
@maven fine
have u worked on online ocr api
no but retrieve data for database then same problem occur
Hey guys, sorry for getting in the middle. But if any of you are geeks who are really interested in science as a whole, check out this new Area51 proposal Scientific Imagination.
@Jigsh then u need to retrieve it onrunonUIThread or call AsyncTask for it and retrieve ur data in background and display data in onPostExecute() method
let me try
@DIVA so what would you recommend me
2 mins ago, by maven
have u worked on online ocr api
@maven oh sorry didn't noticed. No bro i haven't
@Mysterious first tell me do u want 2 text view for 2 set of data?
i am new whatever you think best and good way to achieve that @DIVA
@Mysterious ok let me try at my end
Thanx @PiYusHGuPtA @ChiragPatel
@PiYusHGuPtA thnx
@DIVA sure
@Jigsh WC :)
@PiyushMachhoya Sorry, no idea.
thx @ChiragPatel for responce
any one is here
Thanks everyone for the attention and feedback.
gallery image upload on Facebook friend wall and text parameter name @ChiragPatel @TopCat @Adi @PiYusHGuPtA
sorry buddy i dont know @Jigsh
ok @Adi
what's up @Adi
Good Evening All
gud eve @PiYusHGuPtA
@Mysterious how abt using webview?
isnt that much easy?
@Mysterious m done solved !!!!
gallery image upload on Facebook friend wall and text   parameter name
Q: How to add SMS into Sim Memory in Android?

Piyush MachhoyaI want to add sms to sim card memory but unable to achieve it. I googled alot but unable to get any help. I know how to fetch SMS from sim card memory but unable to do with insert operation. Any help will be highly appreciated. Code to fetch SMS from Sim Card ArrayList<SmsMessage> list = new ...

@PiyushMachhoya Please edit your question and add the code you tried
@Mysterious checkout my answer
@droid_dev check update
please give me ans frds
Q: How do I programmatically upload pictures to facebook?

Greg McNultyOk, so here was my first question: How do I allow visitors on my site to share my photos on their facebook news feed? After implementing it I realized what I really want is to upload the image as a photo to their photo album. How would I got about getting an image on my site, to upload to their...

Social auth exmaple
u can do by using SDK also
@Jigsh may I know ur problem?
not for android
@Jigsh then ?
js html asp.net
in this link
@Jigsh buddy this room is for android
yup but you give me link that not for andorid
@PiYusHGuPtA hey
@PiyushMachhoya hi
if posible plz help me
see this query
Q: How to add SMS into Sim Memory in Android?

Piyush MachhoyaI want to add sms to sim card memory but unable to achieve it. I googled alot but unable to get any help. I tried following code to add sms to sim card but it doesn't work. Add SMS to Sim Card ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put(Telephony.Sms.ADDRESS, "+91xxxxxxxxxx"); val...

@PiyushMachhoya sure would like to answer but after reaching home :D cya leaving office
Bye @all @PiYusHGuPtA
@Jigsh sry i was in .asp mode and sorry for the late reply
try this
byte[] data = null;
Bitmap bi = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(photoToPost);
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
bi.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, baos);
data = baos.toByteArray();
Bundle params = new Bundle();
params.putString("method", "photos.upload");
params.putByteArray("picture", data);
AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner = new AsyncFacebookRunner(facebook);
mAsyncRunner.request(null, params, "POST", new SampleUploadListener(), null);
When making the Intent:
result is the path to the image on the device.
no problem @maven
7 hours later…
gn all @Adi @Piyush @Top @Diva and all
Sorry for the trouble
Just wondering how can I improve my help-vampire-ism appearance?
Thanks for asking a good question. Give quality answers on SO to users other than yourself and help others in open chat rooms
ok thanks I will try my best.

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