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@Prince issue solve.
@nads wah re kya news sunai he tune :)
Hi anyone have worked on ffmpeg on Android
@SameerZ. No buddy. never worked.
@Prince: thank you for response
Welcome dude.
@Prince bohat muskil se hua yaar.. but there was small mistake only.
@nads Hmm right.
@Prince i have one doubt. when i create a tablet emulator in eclipse, size of it look very big, how could i set that it look alike device tablet.
@Prince ree i wnt to know why they look bigger than original tabs
@prince I have List of running application that include system running task also but i want ti only list of running application which is downloaded can you suggest me how can i do this...
@nads done?
@KaranMavadhiya No idea buddy.
@Prince hi, actually my prob is i have tablet of size 1024 * 600. and hve static 200 dp pane on left. as per remaining width would be around 800. but as i m settng image of 800*200 image. it shows me small. much of space is remaining on right. but as per calculation it should fit remaining right pane screen
@Prince na nt done..
@nads Tablet size : size 1024 * 600 and your image size : 800*200 ?
@Prince yes
@nads How you want to set your image? fill to width and hight ? or center + wrap_content ?
@Prince fill widht and height
@nads Then you need to select bigger image, this size is not good for your tablet
@Prince how much bigger would be enough
xlarge screens are at least 960dp x 720dp
large screens are at least 640dp x 480dp
normal screens are at least 470dp x 320dp
small screens are at least 426dp x 320dp
@Prince one issue
@nads hiii how are you..??
@BinaryCode what is .WARC File ?
@Aze Hey how are you?
really i dont know
I am awesome Sir.. ;D
Ok awesome Sir :D
@Prince it's one type of archive file
by using that file we can access entire website offline
WARC = Web Archive File.
i want to read that file in android
to prb kya hai..?? :D
I am not able to find any good tutorial or sample code
i googled lot
read my question i have describe my issue in detail
@Aze do u have any idea?
@BinaryCode just searched about this.
can give you more details after lunch
ok thanks
@BinaryCode kya bola professional developer..??
@Aze i stuck on issue and need to reply client untill evening
@BinaryCode thanks kisko bola professional developer ese pu6 raha hu..
@Aze acha!! ab realize hua tu kon he,pahle pata hota to thanks na bolta bhai :)
@feeds This is really funny!! Feeds :P
@BinaryCode walaikum assalam.. :D
@BinaryCode it had to be.. :D
@feeds appreciate your idea
@BinaryCode SK is SK.. ;)
@feeds khud ki tarif achi nai lagti
@BinaryCode hahahahah
yar solve my issue
@BinaryCode InshaAllah in break.
@BinaryCode non tech msg me aa jaldi
abe vaha kya kam he
i am working
@BinaryCode ek issue hai be
ok issue he to atahu
@Roadies welcome back after huge time :)
@Roadies helios how are you...??
@feeds @Prince fine
@feeds m gud
After hearing this I am toooo good
struggling in fragments :P
1 hour later…
@nads ohh thats good..
does anybody knows how to use ffmped in android?
@Roadies actually i want to crop videos on android
i compiled the ffmpeg but i dont know how to do cropping
@Prince u der
@Prince i send u a demo in morning
@Prince i m having issue in back stack
@Prince do u have it now..
@nads you told me you solved it so not started it
yes i have
@Prince yeah i told it dat solved to get back stack, but der is one issue coming new which i knew knw...
Which one?
@nads what issue now ?
@Prince did you saw the updated comment in ques i posted.
Let me check
@Prince when i press back from the detail one it goes to list prod fragment.. but when i again click on button in list prod fragment it crashes.
@Prince i should open prod detail frag
@Prince der
@Luksprog sorry bothering you again. But when i press back,one child fragment in poped up say ProdDetailFrag and the ProdListFrag is visible. And again when i tap on button in prodListFrag to open Detail frag. It is throwing me exception java.lang.NullPointerException at android.support.v4.app.BackStackRecord.run at android.support.v4.app.FragmentManagerImpl.execPendingActions could you please guide me where i m wrong. — nads 2 hours ago
@Prince haan solution bolo na koie
checking + finding
Q: FragmentStatePagerAdapter with ChildFragmentManager - FragmentManagerImpl.getFragment results in NullPointerException

prom85EDIT 2 I now managed to get rid of the error with using the trick from here https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=42601#c10 so that's the reoson why my last edit is placed on top of my question. But this led to the next error: java.lang.NullPointerException at android.support.v4.a...

Q: Fragment addToBackStack crashes app

oohabaI have a FragmentActivity that loads one custom ListFragment at startup, and replaces it with a new fragment after an item is clicked. In the fragment activity subclass: public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { ... FragmentTransaction ft = getSupportFragmentManager().be...

hi all, quick question, is there an Tumblr SDK? I need to share a picture on Tumblr, I found some code examples, but I didn't find the SDK on their developers page
@Prince i guess this is wat i m also facing stackoverflow.com/questions/13393693/…
@Prince but solution kuch samaj nahi aya
@nads This exception is (eventually) thrown when you call FragmentTransaction.remove(null); and FragmentTransaction.commit();
@Prince how to solve that
@nads wait ak kam che
Hi all :)
Hello @kvirair
@Prince ok np.. m trying to solve..
@All, can you tell, which build tool you use? Ant or Maven or Gradle? And tell why please
@nads Now tell what happen.
@Prince, can tell what build tool you use? :)
@kvirair means?
@Prince ant or maven or gradle for build Android apps
@kvirair I am using eclipse indigo.
@Prince, i'm about build automation tool, for example, eclipse indigo, uses standard apache ant
question not about IDE :)
@kvirair Oh.. No i am not using any ant
@Prince, looks like you misunderstood me :)
@Prince, in your project exist build.xml, right?
@kvirair yeh didn't getting you brother.
@all hello
@Prince a little help on java please
@Prince the link justpaste.it/dphd
@Prince solved it.
this code plays sound thoroug PC speakers
@nads wah re Mithu developer :)
@kittu88 ok then?
@Prince I wanna increase the volume, what should I do?
@Prince any idea
@kittu88 thinking bro, never worked with it
@Prince ok dude please look into it
@kittu88 what is volumeControl in your code ?
@kittu88 i am not sure,it may increase the volume,if getValue() is a method
else it wont
@Prince it defines the volume
Did you checked all methods of this volumeControl ?
Any body help me to solve my problem
look a girl @Ann
Nov 8 at 9:23, by Prince
Nobody Free but Everybody helps.
Now I am trying to decode json data
Like this
this one is an image, how can I decode this image and set into a image view ?
I think its base64 String. Am i right ?
Try this :
byte[] decodedString = Base64.decode(strBase64, Base64.DEFAULT);
Bitmap decodedByte = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(decodedString, 0, decodedString.length);
Hope it works.
yz.,I try the same coding ...
one problem..
I know this is foolish, but
I try to add one data into single sting .
hehe developers have lots of foolish tasks :)
but it showing error
Invalid escape sequence (valid ones are \b \t \n \f \r \" \' \\ )
@Ann what is your string ??
This base64 ?
yz..to check the image I taken one data and placed in one string.
byte[] decodedString = Base64.decode(imgDec.getBytes(), Base64.DEFAULT);
Bitmap decodedByte = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(decodedString, 0, decodedString.length);

where imgDec is a string
while I am copy "contact_image":"iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAgAAAAIACAYAAAD0eNT6AAAgAElEQVR4nOy9eZh‌​c1Xnn\/zm39q27utXdUmtBrbWRQNAgYzy2M2psiO14E3iJM3ZAJE4yxnEs.."
this data into string it showing "Invalid escape sequence (valid ones are \b \t \n \f \r \" \' \\ )"
@Ann Are you sure this string is pass in your code ?
print in Log and check
@Ann you get this error when escape sequences are there in string
A: Invalid escape sequence (valid ones are \b \t \n \f \r \" \' \ )

Óscar LópezWhenever you're writing regular expressions in Java, remember to escape the \ characters used in the string that defines the regular expression. In other words, if your regular expression contains one \, then you HAVE to write two \\. For example, your code should look like this: ^(?:(?:([01]?\\...

hello all :)
A: Invalid escape sequence

Ωmega ΔYour code has two issues: Your pattern is wrong, as it allows more digits - see http://regexr.com?32u3e Java requires double escape slashes... Use regex pattern \\b(?=[A-Z]*\\d[A-Z]*\\b)[A-Z\\d]{4}\\b

@HimanshuJoshi, hi
@kvirair hi
thank you...
Anyone, use Gradle? :)
oh, how many answers :)
Is someone here knows about codenameone with eclipse?
Hi Dudes..Is it possible to reject the incoming call
from Code
@ArunKumar, yes, give me a second
hey guys, anybody up here already developing for 4.4 and could give me a hint on this topc stackoverflow.com/questions/20264121/…
i think this resolve you problem, working with aidl?
Hi All
@John, hi
Can any anybody tell,,,, how to upload large files (approx 30 MB) in PHP Server via Android
Guys any of you know, how to fix this bug: cutils-trace: Error opening trace file: No such file or directory in android log cat.
No file available in the given path
can somebody help me with this?
Q: Get User Info from Tumblr

rosu alinI first get the Token and verifier from the browser like this: CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer consumer = new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET); CommonsHttpOAuthProvider provider = new CommonsHttpOAuthProvider(REQUEST_TOKEN_URL, ACCESS_TOKEN_URL, AUTH_URL); ...

@kvirair how to measure screen size, ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi.
and also get this error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget
because the bitmap you use is to big
@John, what exactly you need measure? Please, tell more
try to set the applications heap form the manifest as: largeheap = true
@John, yep, that really problem, i think you forgot bitmap.recycle, what you doing to get this error?
@rosualin, i test with largeheap, and my app really get slow :) You think this solution?
just a temporary one, until you optimise your code, what do you want to do with the bitmap? or do you use more bitmaps?, I need to know a bit more details
i tack image via camera size 640X640 something like that. but i need to scale it small size based on screen resolution minus 50(w), 100(h) without reduce image quality.
how can i achieve this.
I had a function that done this
you need to save 2 bitmaps
the original one you have, and the resized one
and you will always resize the original bitmap (not to reduce image qualitY)
@rosualin @John
Hello. Did anyone use Sourceforge JDBC driver to connect to mssql?
nope, sorry
Damn. I'm getting java.lang.VerifyError. My app can't find some java class.
I think i can help you
Thanks, gimme a minute to read it
hey guys anybody could give me a hint how to completely disable the notification bar in 4.4
my DialogFragment gets cut of on top cause of this "hidden" notifictaion bar
Sounds like it might work @kvirair. I'm going to implement it. Thanks!
Always welcome
@kvirair @crazyh
@KarthickM, yes, what question? :)
How to send sms frequently like sending message daily morning ,weekly,monthly etc like that
@KarthickM, i think you need write service with runnable, and call postDelayed
or better way, use alarm manager, i think this is exactly for you purposes
actually i did some scheduling time and sending message using alarm manager,but for me if i select the frequency of sending sms daily,weekly like that,i want to do
has anyone used jumblr for Tumblr?
@KarthickM, for this, use service, with Handler and Runnable, and, how i write above, call postDelayed method
but use carefully, check memory management, avoid memory leaks
@kvirair do you know any examples of code,i want to learn how can i do that one
i want to know some examples of code like that to learn that one
can u see this link how they did for frequetly sending sms for that i want to do
@KarthickM, i think this solve you problem perfectly developer.android.com/reference/java/util/concurrent/…
any example code dude@kvirair
@KarthickM, this article have example :)
which one that above developer site ah dude,there is nothing clear in that one
@KarthickM i about this example pastebin.com/raw.php?i=qC80jQTL
Can i know how to use endless listview with an asynctask in android???
@android_developer i have No idea
Can anyone know how implement custom image cropper ?
@All you use ActionBar (back-port or default) or write own header?
@KarthickM how to implement custom image cropper?
sorry dude dont know
ok ...
@Ace, where you want implement custom image cropper?
i don't understand clearly, but i think android library — picasso resolve you problem
@android_developer, sorry for delay, you still thinking about this issue?
Yes I am still looking for a solution
what difference between with async task or without?
i think it same, but you should check if task not running, use method asynctask.getStatus()
Asynctask I am using as I have the json parsing to do my data is coming from the server which I parse in asynctask
by the way, try use like this: pastebin.com/raw.php?i=UUdAcNJU
i tack image via camera size 640X640 something like that. but i need to scale it small size based on screen resolution minus 50(w), 100(h) without reduce image quality.
how can i achieve this.
@John, that method, which you advised, not working?
@kvirair oh
What is refreshlist(offset) method uaed for???
is method where you start task, offset — which next data should be load
like you load data from 0 to 10, offset 10, ...
So I need to pass an integer value for the next set of loading data???
If possible can you send me a small code snippet for this please
Yes, it be very small, like in your activity you write:
private int offset;
and in your async task you increase this value
Can I get a code snippet showing asynctask usage sorry ask you so much but I am new to android so cnt understand much hope you understand
Okay, use like this:
but i can't write async task code, because i don't know what you need inside task
in code above error, i mean new SuperTask(offset) instead new superTask(offset)
Hello everyone
those anybody had a link for a tutorial for creating services in android studio? the ones I'd look are really old and many things are depreciated
Ok thank you can I ask you further if I hv some doubt??
@android_developer, yes, of course, but soon i go offline, tomorrow will be here
@Elsanty, hi, you mean Service in android? Or i misunderstand something
What time shall you be online again tomorrow??
Sorry I cnt code now as my office is shut can you tell mw the time when I can meet you again here??
@android_developer, after 12 hours i think :)
from now moment
hi kvirair, yes
I need to create a service in android and be recurrent, I mean, that if the application is closed it keep running
@Elsanty, give me a sec, i find you good example
Hi guys i would like to ask one thing
@kvirair : hi
@Murali, hi
@Elsanty, this answer help you?
can we publish android apps not through by google play
I am going to start programming it kvirair
thanks for the example
@Murali, yes, you can
yes Murali
you can
bye all :)
Hi guys have you ever created your own apiv2 mapfragment I need a help
@SpeedEX505 sorry, I have not. Have you worked with ExpandableListAdapter before? That's what I have a question on...

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