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Q: Best practice for nested fragments in Android 4.0, 4.1 (<4.2) without using the support library

Mathias LinI'm writing an app for 4.0 and 4.1 tablets, for which I do not want to use the support libraries (if not needed) but the 4.x api only therefore. So my target platform is very well defined as: >= 4.0 and <= 4.1 The app has a multi-pane layout (two fragments, one small on the left, one content fr...

I dont have API level 17 in my eclipse so i cant test it
Test and tell me is it helpful?
ok @Prince
@nads test karya bey demo ?
@Prince karu chu yaar
@nads Ok karo and pachi kaho.
@boosshuru welcome
@Prince yaar 1st link is something related to wat i want. but i m not able to understand that
@nads what you not understand?
@Prince dey have used FragBackStackHandler to handle nested
Yes i think that is : private Map<String, FragmentBackStack> backStackMap;
fragment... but not going to have all nested frag only some are going to be nested
@Prince now my fragments which are not nested i m directly going to handle them in my main act .. how to collaborate both thing that i m confused for
@nads So demo which you are created and this one both are completely different ?
@Prince yes
@nads did you checked MainPagerAdapter.java -> onBackPressed() ?
@Prince i dnt mind in changing this.. but how..for nested they are maintaining the back stack..
public boolean onBackPressed(final int currentPagePosition) {

final String currentFragmentTag = getFragmentTag(currentPagePosition);

return FragBackStackHandler.getInstance().popBackStackEntry(currentFragmentTag);

@Prince yes i have noted that
@Prince but my prob is wen i traversed in main menus which are proably not nested there on back press you should move out of app.. n on nesting to sub menu of menu on back press you should traversed in back stack..
@all I am making an App for Smart Camera Samsung Galaxy, i developed custom Camera as well, but want to know what are the functionalities i can provide in my app ?
@KLAmitSuri you can apply various photo effects in custom Camera
@nads yeh got your point
@Prince okay so for nested one they are using FragWrapper n simple on FragRegular so i can use the FragBackStackHandler only for my nested one and for other do it simple way which i am doing right now.. wat say ?
@nads ejjectly
Perfect one...
@Prince lemme try..
@Prince thnks
@Prince ok can i know some more like zoom, crop ?
@KLAmitSuri yeh its plus point..
@nads welcome :D
any other, you think possible to provide in Custom Camera @Prince
Oct 29 at 4:37, by Prince
@Roadies https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.macadamian.mobile.android.monk‌​eycam
You can integrate this one
Its openSource project
oh thanks, but brother in my app, i have to provide some major features, while user takes the images
yeah i don't need many functionalities, few feautres are enough but those should be much useful... so what you recommend me to give
I have given, Not have more idea about it.
no problem
Q: Select checkall in listview to check all the checkbox

Karthick MI am having an listview with checkboxes,from the top i am giving an "select all",while check the select all,i want all checkbox has to select it.But now while checking the select all is not selecting all the checkbox.Seperate checkbox is working fine. This is the layout for select all for listvi...

how to solve this issue
@Prince @user3033687 @nads @KLAmitSuri
@kvirair: hi.. can yu pls come help that.. have you worked on android NDK.....
@All: Hi.....
@KarthickM single work but all at a time not working ?
@Manu-iAndyDev hi
@Prince i am not getting you
@Prince: Hi.. can you pls help me out ?
@KarthickM the select all is not selecting all the checkbox.Seperate checkbox is working fine ?
@Manu-iAndyDev what is query?
@Prince if i click the select all button,its not selecting all
@KarthickM You need to iterate loop
Q: Selection of all check boxes in listview

AndroiderI want to select all check boxes in a listview but I'm not able to get checkbox objects from the listview. I can select a single check box but not multiple check boxes. Your suggestion are appreciable. Code: public class MainActivity extends Activity { @Override public void onCreate...

@nads Status ?
@Prince yaar tu toh manager ki tarah status mangta hai :( :(
@nads are nai ase hi puch raha tha
@Manu-iAndyDev Never worked :(
@Prince aree actually i jst did research on link u send.. afterwards i was doing other thing.. so i have not yet implemented..
@nads Ok continue :P
Hi all :)
Hello good morning buddy.
I started develop compass view library (https://github.com/kvirair/Compass-View-Library) can anyone check out?

Known bugs:
— Wrong coordinates on album orientation
— Sometimes arrow rotating over 360°
Q: Multiple dex files when using addtional.jar and httpmime-4.2.5.jar

RajConversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lorg/apache/harmony/awt/internal/nls/Messages I got this error when i add mail.jar,activation.jar and additional.jar. I also have Httpmime.jar in My project. But when i remove additional.jar from project proje...

@Prince Im using ExpandableListView. in this when click the list view the child view is not updated. it update after the fragment is changed for honeycomb only
Hi, @M.J. i think this should help stackoverflow.com/questions/16087341/…
i think you confuse in many dependencies in project
Kindly provide suggestions on stackoverflow.com/questions/20234771/…
any body have an idea about soundpool
in Smart Developers' Lab, 1 min ago, by BinaryCode
I want to implement image zoom functionality without pinch zoom effect,just have Zoom+ & Zoom- Button clicking on any button effect of Zooming should occur,Any one have idea?
@ankitbumblebee, hi, sorry, i miss your question, can you repeat please?
you have an idea about sound pool
in andriod
hello, does anyone have some spare time for me?
I have a problem with may app in android 4.3 up.
and I'm loping for you advice.
@ankitbumblebee, what exactly you need?
@NiamhDoyle, what problem? I think i miss your question
Hi, thanks.
@kvirair: my app malfunctions in Android 4.3. It works flawlessly with android below 4.3. It shows that its has problem with URI in Android 4.3. The problem is I can't figure what I did wrongly. Can you help?
@NiamhDoyle, i don't understand what error you receive, please, can you explain more?
Please have a look at my question: stackoverflow.com/questions/19855648/…
@NiamhDoyle, can you show what logcat display? What error exactly?
Sure, in a moment.
I think you wrong write Uri.parse... and in Android 4.3 device not found this path
Please have a look at the log cat:
11-27 15:50:35.019: I/[KadictProvider](20285): >>> KadictProvider is ready <<<
11-27 15:50:35.119: D/dalvikvm(20285): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed 40K, 4% free 2548K/2652K, paused 37ms, total 38ms
11-27 15:50:35.130: I/dalvikvm-heap(20285): Grow heap (frag case) to 4.010MB for 1536016-byte allocation
11-27 15:50:35.179: D/dalvikvm(20285): GC_FOR_ALLOC freed <1K, 3% free 4048K/4156K, paused 40ms, total 40ms
11-27 15:50:35.499: D/libEGL(20285): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_emulation.so
11-27 15:50:35.519: D/(20285): HostConnection::get() New Host Connection established 0x2a1c48b0, tid 20285
@NiamhDoyle, i understand correctly, you have app crash?
Nope, it doesn't. It just does not work
And Log.e(MAIN_TAG, "Error = " + ex.toString()); not calling?
My app is a language dictionary one. And in this case, it doesn't crash but it doesn't look up for words
Yes, this i understand, i think it not crash, because you wrap your code in try:catch, and exception really throws, can you, please, set debug point on line above? And tell what error you receive
Can you have time now to have a direct look at my code thru join.me or team viewer?
@nads @nads
@NiamhDoyle, sorry, not now, but you can record video if can :)
All right. I'm working on the debug point to see what error I may get.
@Prince yes
@kvirair: debug = Source not found.
@nads solved?
Any issue ?
@NiamhDoyle, what you mean source not found? No error at this line?
@Prince na not yet... m doing it nw.. lunch pe gyi thi
@kvirair: sorry, I can't find anything problematic with the debug or I can't yet understand what error is.
If anyone can have a look at my code to seem how the app run, it would be very grateful.
@nads OKey!
@NiamhDoyle, also, maybe try reinstall your app on android 4.3 device?
I have, but it doesn't help.
@NiamhDoyle, if i understand correctly, on this device your result is null?
It has that problem with both android 4.3 and 4.4 (in eclipse emulator)
@NiamhDoyle, you install content://doyle.app_name.app_ContentProvider/dict/ on this devices? Or it same app?
Yes, @kvirair,
@NiamhDoyle, you can try launch on real device? Not emulator?
content://doyle.app_name.app_ContentProvider is a change of content://viettien.kadict.KadictProvider/. The later is the real app one.
Anyway, I have install on real 4.3 device, and it has the exact problem.\
@NiamhDoyle, this is interesting, you did same steps on, for example, android 2.2 and android 4.3?
like install same apk, ...
In fact, from Android 2.3.5 to 4.3
@NiamhDoyle, and your cursor (you call this variable as result) is null? Not empty (count = 0) ?
Yes, it is null. I suppose the problem may lie somewhere else.
@NiamhDoyle, data placed on own app, or another app?
Strangely, my app works flawlessly on android 2.3x and 4.x.x to 4.2. But the problem arises in Android 4.3 and 4.4. I guess there must be some big changes in 4.3 and 4.4
that affects the function.
Anyway, the data (sqlite db) is placed on the sdcard.
@NiamhDoyle, i see your app_ContentProvider class and, in this case
Log.e(PROVIDER_TAG,"app_ContentProvider - Unsupported URI: " + uri);
//This is where the problem is seen.
on android 4.3 and 4.4 returns null?
@Prince i got stuck
@nads what happen?
Definitely, in this case CODE_CONTENT_FROM_WORD:

//Log.d(PROVIDER_TAG,"CONTENT_FROM_WORD word = " + word);

c = mDBEngine.getCursorContentFromWord(word);
c = mDBEngine1.getCursorContentFromWord(word);
c.setNotificationUri(getContext().getContentResolver(), uri);

return c;

//throw new IllegalArgumentException("app_ContentProvider - Unsupported URI: " + uri);
Log.e(PROVIDER_TAG,"app_ContentProvider - Unsupported URI: " + uri);
//This is where the problem is seen.
return null;
hi @na
@Prince stackoverflow.com/questions/13757875/… this was my problem.. bt got solution..
@NiamhDoyle, i don't understand, on android 4.x case — default?
@nads abey got solution ?
@Prince this fragments are eating my head.. uffff...
@nads ok
@Prince m trying to find solution...
@Prince did u saw last ques link i send..
@kvirair: I mean android 4.0, 4.0.4...
@nads yes currently open
@Prince i have doubt in ans... OuterFrag the layout has a text view..
@NiamhDoyle, and on android 4.3 what case? Default?
@Prince now answer says, remove the text view and add a container layout.. and the addd the child fragments here.. so i need to remove the text view from outer_frag and make a extra child fragment for it and add there...
@Prince had i got right ??
@nads ha sahi he
@kvirair: I think it's 4.3 only
@nads TextView ki jagah layout rakho
@kvirair: I think it's 4.3 only, API level 18.
@Prince leemee try this.. now i need to change my outer_frag layout.. need to add one container n shift it.. and in that outerFrag i need to add that FragmentBackStack wala class.
@nads Yes ejjectly
@NiamhDoyle, tell me please what case returns on android 4.3, because i don't understand
Sorry, @kvirair, I still don't understand "case", you mean?
@NiamhDoyle, in class app_ContentProvider, you write switch (uriMatcher.match(uri)) and many cases, what case happen on android 4.3?
Ah, only case CODE_CONTENT_FROM_WORD returns null. The others have no problem.
@NiamhDoyle, and on android 4.3 'default:' case not used?
@NiamhDoyle, i think there a problem
@kvirair: so, what is the bug?
@NiamhDoyle, please try, for example, use without switch:case block, and write, like this:
int wordId;
Cursor c;

c = mDBEngine.getCursorContentFromWord(word);
c = mDBEngine1.getCursorContentFromWord(word);
c.setNotificationUri(getContext().getContentResolver(), uri);
return c;

in code above i use CODE_CONTENT_FROM_WORD case, it right case?
hi , i design ruler scale in android , play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=kr.sira.thread
any suggest?
@kvirair: All right, thanks. Let's see what we may have.
how to manage sound in sound pool
how to manage sound in sound pool
@ankitbumblebee, you see this? stackoverflow.com/questions/17601117/…
@kvirair: i manage more than one sound
@kvirair:GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 5754 objects / 361600 bytes in 81ms
arise this type of error in logcat
@Prince hey
@ankitbumblebee is a error? Please explain in detail what you need, and what your problem
iam working on fragment
on two tab
@kvirair: no luck, code error if 'default' is removed.
@nads Hey Hey
@NiamhDoyle, i mean without all switch:case block
@NiamhDoyle, write only right case, where 100% returns data to cursor
in one tab in textview create list view
@NiamhDoyle, clearly explained? :)
in list view show the name of sound
@Prince OuterFrag (having only a container) -> innerFrag ( having some list view) -> detailInnerFrag ( should open on click of any item of list in innerFrag ) stuck in lst step
@kvirair: OK, let's do it again...
@kvirair: on select one item click play the song
@kvirair:but more thn one sound is not playing
@ankitbumblebee, you stop previous song?
but in my app play two song simultaneously
@NiamhDoyle, if i not clearly explain, please tell me, you use code like i write above? I exclude switch:case code block and keep only code from CODE_CONTENT_FROM_WORD
are you woriking on sound pool previously
Hah, @kvirair: there's a development -
it shows "11-27 17:22:00.319: E/[Kadict](4143): Error = java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException"
It now can find a word typed in but get crashed when that word is chosen.
@nads stuck in detailInnerFrag ?
@ankitbumblebee, i think this article solve you problem androidsnippets.com/play-single-or-multiple-sounds-in-any-class
@NiamhDoyle, in all android sdk's? (2.x, 4.3)?
@kvirair: I'm on 4.3.
@NiamhDoyle, can you test on both sdk's please?) It important
OK, @kvirair: one second, please.
@Prince yes
@nads What is issue in that ???? bolna
@Prince in OuterFrag i have the addChild func which add child.. by it i added the InnerFrag fragment.. and by using same func i m trying to add InnerDetailFrag from InnerFrag.. But throws exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: Activity has been destroyed
@nads getParent() or something try kiya?
@Prince ok
@kvirair: confirmed: the same output with other sdk's - word input appears but the app get crashed when the word is chosen.
@nads bcz innerFrag is your parent and detailInnerFrag is child.
@NiamhDoyle, same error?
like on 4.3
@kvirair: Yes, like in 4.3
@NiamhDoyle, good :) i think problem in 'switch (uriMatcher.match(uri))', it is no best way to use in new android sdk's, you need write another switch, for example, like this:

switch (category) {

return cursor;


i understand clearly? :)
@Prince i think i m doing something wrong, actually i m using the fragbackstackhandler class u shared me link in mrng tday..
@kvirair: I think in principle I get your point by now, but
@nads Ok then?
@NiamhDoyle, you need return your code back to switch:case, but replace switch variable from uriMatcher.match(uri) to int variable, also for the 'case'
@Prince its nt working
@Prince throwing exception i told u
@kvirair: I know it's not that polite but I wonder if you can give me a sample based on my code. I think I understand what you mean but don't figure out the actual process yet.
A: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Activity has been destroyed using fragments

TamilanThis one is solved my problem so try this...Hope this will help.. This seems to be a bug in the newly added support for nested fragments. Basically, the child FragmentManager ends up with a broken internal state when it is detached from the activity. A short-term workaround that fixed it for me ...

please help
Q: Database of Artist image which allow license for selling?

Ankit SrivastavaI wanna know if there are any online data base which provide artist images,which can be used in a commercial app.Basically i was using the api of last fm ,i even developed code for that and i contacted them for a commercial license key and they said that artist images cannot be used for commercia...

@Prince i tried this solution.. nt working :(
@NiamhDoyle, in your class app_ContentProvider, write:

private int category;

and setter for this variable. After, in needed moments, like before search in sqlite, you need use method setCategory(int category), where 'int category' is your constant, for example:

public static final SEARCH_BY_WORD = 1;

after that replace your switch (uriMatcher.match(uri))
to switch (category) {



also for others cases
@nads really te onDetach() method ma code karyo ?
@AnkitSrivastava No idea.
@Prince OuterFrag ma onDetach() kariyu mein..
@nads why you add it in OuterFrag ? how you come to know this?
From answer : A short-term workaround that fixed it for me is to add the following to onDetach() of every Fragment which you call getChildFragmentManager() on:
@Prince i m calling getChildFragmentManager() in OuterFRag
@Prince its ok
@kvirair: all right, I'll try myself to see if I could tackle this headache. Thank you very much for your time and kindness.
@nads but tare InnerFrag -> InnerDetailFrag karvanu che
@Prince i m completely lost now
@NiamhDoyle, always welcome
@Prince outerFrag,OuterFrag layout has a container layout which open the innerFrag as child,and now i want to open InnerDetailFrag from InnerFrag.
@nads ok
@Prince k
@all can i advertise my github libraries here? :)
@kvirair i don't have any problem
but i am not the owner of this room
@Prince, what you did say?
i need some feedback for my libraries :)
@Prince i am facing similar problem stackoverflow.com/questions/14321771/…
@Prince used same project
@kvirair which library buddy?
@nads okzz checking.......
@kvirair nice :)
@EngrWaseemArain, hi
@EngrWaseemArain hi
I have work on finger guesture, some confusion
@nads send me demo if possible.
@EngrWaseemArain, what exactly problem?
@kvirair this is also nice
@Prince, thanks :)
I have draw the Circle now i want to paint within circle, not goout the circle,
@EngrWaseemArain, okay, draw by canvas, or what?
@nads @nads
@kvirair yes
@EngrWaseemArain, and what problem draw inside circle? :)
@Prince yes
@nads Su thayu ??? start karyu ??
@Prince na i have left it.. i nt getting solution of it..
@nads Okey
@EngrWaseemArain, you solve your problem?
Hello all, I have a viewflipper with images which flips images at some interval.. I have static images. Now i want to add a background shadow image to each of images. how could i add.
@nads, hello, you need edit your item_layout, which you use, know what i mean? :)
@kvirair could you please elaborate more.. what item_layout
how you add childs to viewFlipper ?
@nads, how you add images to viewflipper? Can show some code?
@kvirair i am just adding image view inside viewflipper in xml
@nads, like: imageView inside linear layout ?
@kvirair i have 5 images so i am adding 5 imageview inside viewflipper and setting flipInterval
@kvirair yes
@nads, you need change linear layout to relative layout, and add shadow like imageView, familiar with RelativeLayout?
@kvirair yes, little bit
A: Custom ImageView with drop shadow

kcoppockOkay, I don't foresee any more answers on this one, so what I ended up going with for now is just a solution for rectangular images. I've used the following NinePatch: along with the appropriate padding in XML: <ImageView android:id="@+id/image_test" android:background="@drawable...

@kvirair i have this hierarchy <RL> <VF> <IV/> <IV/> </VF> </RL> RL - relative layout VF - view flipper IV - image view
@kvirair solution you are telling i m not able to understand
@nads abey imageview me change kar
You will get shadow in imageview
@nads, yep @Prince solution clearer :)
but, please, don't use px!)
@John, solve your problem with dominant colors?
@Prince i tried this but shadow image is show on upper side
@nads value change kar k dekh padding me
@Prince i guess there is some problem in image, as image is of 500 * 250 n shadow image is of 500 * 20
@Prince i need to have shadow image of 500*250
@Prince ?
@nads ha
bye all :)
4 hours later…
Hello androidians.. Please help me in this issue :: stackoverflow.com/questions/20249538/…

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