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A: Handling label encoding, transformation and estimation in one object

Daniel R.I have implemented the categorical encoding with pandas, and as a classifier I have used SGDClassifier. Your code above calls MyClassifier(), but it is not defined inside the code itself. import numpy as np import pandas as pd # from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder # No longer used fro...

Thank you, I can see that I did not emphasize enough the fact that I'd like to have all these functions in one object only, for conceptions purposes. Here the decoding of the predict values of the Pipeline pl could not be done with only information of the Pipeline pl only. I'd like to have on object that have the data necessary to handle encoding, transforming, prediction, and decoding.
I am not sure this is possible with only one object, you have to write a function that sequentially encodes the targets, passes targets and training input variables to the pipeline, then fits. Then another that passes the test input variables to the pipeline.predict(), and decodes the output. Pipeline obj does not allow to do what you want, by itself. However, I'm thinking: would you consider to change task from classification to clustering? In that case you could LabelEncode all X's and y's after calling numpy.hstack(X,y), and this can be fed to a pipeline object.
Thank you for the feedback, this is useful information. However I don't see the process you described in your second part of your comment could work for me.
Let me try to pull up something, keep however in mind that since your X's are not categorical variables, but rather continuous values, the output of the clustering done on .hstack(X,y) will not have any way to be interpreted by humans. Also StandardScaler will have to be pulled out of the pipeline.
Nevermind, after testing it looks like LabelEncoder does not perform column-wise encoding on 2D arrays. You may have to change to keras, sklearn does not provide a way to do what you want.
Related. You cannot put LabelEncoder in a pipeline, You can however create a custom label encoder that accepts two arguments, only processes one, and passes both to the next step of the pipeline.
The problem is, as far as I understand Pipeline, I could do a custom LabelEncoder that would take 2 arguments in fit but Pipeline does not provide a way to transform y and pass the y transformed through the pipeline. Only X can be altered if I'm correct. There's a 'swap' that I have to do when going through the fit of LabelEncoder that I cannot do.
I have been trying to create a custom class along the lines of the post mentioned above, and also tried to copy and rewrite the LabelEncoder without success: I kept getting the error you mentioned. I am now thinking: what if we give the variables to the pipeline in reverse order, thus (y, X), and add a class between the encoder and the classifier whose sole purpose is to return the two arrays in reverse order, thus swapping them? I'll try to implement it.
I think we'll hit a wall there as transform only returns 1 value, X or y, but never both. My plan was to create a class inheriting from Pipeline but that would take an encoder (like LabelEncoder) to encode y. Then I'll overwrite the methods (like fit, transform, predict etc) to encode y then call the superclass (Pipeline in this case) method.
I have implemented a customlabel encoder and a swapper, which do as intended. However the classifier I use, SGDClassifier, returns a ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence. now
I'll paste the code so far.
import numpy as np

from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier

class CustomLabelEncoder:
    def __init__(self):


    def fit(self,input1,input2=None):
        return self

    def map_dict_to_values(self, dictionary, values):
        list_of_mapped_values = [dictionary[value] for value in values]
        return np.array(list_of_mapped_values)

    def transform(self,input1,input2=None):
I think the problem here is that the Swapper transform methods returns return input2, input1 while a transform method should return only one array.
Then when it is passed to SGDClassifier, it doesn't understand why he get input1, input2 instead of just something like input1
Someone answered it
I don't really know yet what to get from that answer though.

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