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Can you add console.log() and die() in the correct places to see what data's being sent?
@Gacnt what CouchDB class?
This is literally my validation code:
    jQuery("#signUpname").validate({ expression: "if (VAL.length > 2 && VAL.match(/(.+)( )(.+)/)) return true; else return false;" });
    jQuery("#signUpemail").validate({ expression: "return !!VAL.match(/^[^\\W][a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-\\.]+([a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\-\\.]+)*\\@[a-zA-Z0-9_]+(\\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/);" });
It does nothing but check if entered data is in correct format.
@DemCodeLines That doesn't answer my question.
"Beware of the above code, I have only proved it correct, not tested it"
Yes, I am doing that, one sec.
I added console.log(); to the submit event of the form and nothing shows up in the console.
wait. Literally that line of code?
Do you know how console.log(); works?
(caprica will be back online in a few)
Is it for the !!/mute changing room status thing?
@SomeKittens Sorry, I left for a few minutes. That is not the only line, one second.
@SomeKittens Do you know what I've had for lunch today?
if (['bob', 'tom'].indexOf(cat) > -1) {alert('meow');} actually isn't that silly at all!
@DemCodeLines Do you know how console.log() works?
@SomeKittens I have some other stuff, but I added console.log("Submitted"); for the event when the form is submitted.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'll hazard a guess it didn't involve pork or frog.
@BenjaminGruenbaum (unfortunately no, I don't think I'll have time implementing it today)
@DemCodeLines and?
@SomeKittens The answer is Pasta, a whole bowl of copy-pasta . Delicious
Well, it certainly didn't display the message when the form was submitted.
@BenjaminGruenbaum mmmm, my favorite.
@DemCodeLines Ok, so what else can you check?
If the form submit event is correct?
$('#signUpHome').submit(function() {
@DemCodeLines looks about right. What else?
@MikeBoutin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum can you find pork in Israel?
Even though you're not religious, since the country mostly is...
I've heard most aren't practicing there.
In fact, I even put alert("Submitted"); and even that didn't work.
You can find beef and pork in Mumbai, but Abhishek says you can't in most other places in India
@SomeKittens ...
3 mins ago, by DemCodeLines
In fact, I even put alert("Submitted"); and even that didn't work.
@SomeKittens the country is historically a religious one (history being less than 60 years ago here), so I think it might still hold true
Also, I heard religious people in Israel deliberately made lots of kids to overpeople non religious ones
> Before I had studied Zen for thirty years, I saw mountains as mountains, and waters as waters. When I arrived at a more intimate knowledge, I came to the point where I saw that mountains are not mountains, and waters are not waters. But now that I have got its very substance I am at rest. For it’s just that I see mountains once again as mountains, and waters once again as waters. ~ Ch’uan Teng Lu (The Way of Zen)
Dunno if that's true though.
@DemCodeLines What else can you test?
Just dropping that off. Zen has some mindblowing stuff, which really connect with the inner programmer (that guy who always talks about simplicity and complexity)
@SomeKittens I am not sure if you are genuinely asking me or testing me, but I don't know what else to test.
@FlorianMargaine AFAIK it's not really "deliberately". One of the Jewish commands is to give forth plenty of children. You could see those things in historical books, especially when there's the mentioning of ghettos - families of 8 were common among really religious people
@DemCodeLines There's several. I'm genuinely asking so I can determine how much you know about debugging practices.
It's like in some parts of Christianity
For instance, do you know what die();does?
@SomeKittens I know little about it. It strips all the events associated and halts the whole process.
I honestly don't know what else I can test or at least I can't remember what else there is.
You're sending data to the server, right?
can you log that?
You're sending data back from the server, can you log that?
Where can you log that?
@FlorianMargaine I had pork this morning, it's the jQuery of meats or something.
Anyway, I'm off to sleep night.
@SomeKittens Are you strictly talking about the email validation method now?
@DemCodeLines anywhere you can log additional data (in the PHP or JS), is helpful.
@SomeKittens I am unable to log anything, as I said that nothing is printing out.
@SomeKittens are you still there?
yeah, yeah.
Could we please restart on this instead, since I am doing an awful job of debugging as well as explaining the problem which is essential for you to help me.
write logging statements to determine:
- What data's being sent to the server in the AJAX request
- What data the server receives.
- What's pulled from the db
- What the server responds with
- What the JS receives
Ping me when (and only when) you have the actual logs from those things (not just what it should be)
I am not able to log. I said it above twice. Its not printing out anything.
I don't even have a legitimate email validation method.
@SomeKittens Your questions can't be answered because I don't have a email validation in place. Sorry to ping you and disappoint you, but there is no way I can answer your questions if I don't have the necessary tools to possibly answer what you asked me.
if you want more help, try to reproduce your case in a jsfiddle or something. Right now, there's nothing we can do for you even if we wanted to
@DemCodeLines I will help you when you get me those logs.
DO NOT ping me until you have those logs, or I will block you.
@DemCodeLines i can send you php ajax code for validation but it will be without your library, js validation
I have been asked to create JSFiddle twice before, but I don't understand how I would integrate PHP form submission in there.
@web2students.com We can try that.
@SomeKittens I'm not dead! Honest!
!!are you sure?
@SomeKittens Indeed
'She's dead, Jim.'
@DemCodeLines you can try getting logs in your submit handler already
@FlorianMargaine I could, if the logs would actually show anything.
@DemCodeLines in jsfiddle.
Here, console.log("Hello"); doesn't work either.
good night everybody
@web2students.com That is such a pile of fail code.
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
!!/mute DemCodeLines 950 "learn to code: codecademy.com/#!/exercises/0";
!!/mute web2students.com 9999 "Your advice is bad and you really should rethink your life"
hey database connection and email checking not done
@DemCodeLines Quit copy pasting code and learn how to write code
@web2students.com Learn the basics before you position yourself as an authority.
(@SomeKittens sorry, try again)
@CapricaSix Did it manually.
Ahhhh, do you guys hear that?
@Kasper Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@3boll Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Why are we gallery??
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
@BenjaminGruenbaum Nobody is muted
@CapricaSix thanks babe.
@web2students.com Please avoid making statements you are not sure about in the future.
@DemCodeLines Please consider placing a bounty on your question if you think it deserves more attention. I don't think lurking here will get you much help
@BenjaminGruenbaum ok and thanks for unbanning me. anyway bye all
@DemCodeLines, perhaps you should try a different approach
@BenjaminGruenbaum Don't worry, I learned my lesson to not ask others to help. Its okay.
@DemCodeLines It's not about asking others to help. It's about how you ask
What part of the validation requires it to be done on the server? Are you checking for existing accounts?
@phenomnomnominal Yeah, he is
People come here and ask questions and get helpful answers all day
@DemCodeLines, can you get the page to just return something dumb and see if you can log that?
Before I leave, I just want to say that I know how annoying it is when a guy keeps coming to you and asking the same thing again and again. Unfortunately, I am in a position where I have to ask for help in order to finish this task as soon as possible and don't have enough time to master the concept before I finish it.
@DemCodeLines The problem is that you don't know how to ask your question and this originates in lack of understanding of the language and usage of code you don't understand. Honestly if you don't mean to learn how JS actually works, just use a bounty.
Anyways, back to the "annoying" part. I won't annoy you guys or tick you off anymore because of my extremely stupid questions.
> don't have enough time to master the concept before I finish it. // Recipe for disaster.
@DemCodeLines There are two options if learning is not an option (and learning always is an option!). Place a bounty (likely won't help a lot), or pay someone. If your problem really is as business critical as you make it out to be, a good developer would surely sort it out for you for ~30-35$ per hour which is very affordable
It's not a difficult concept, if you had spent half the time you wasted in here asking for answers on trying to work out what is going on, I'm sure you would have it by now.
1.) Its not a business thing, 2.) learning is an option, I just can't delay this more than I already have, 3.) I actually tried to learn before I asked, during I asked and after I asked. The reason I came here in the first place was because I couldn't understand.
If it's not 70$ important chances are it's not that important. I suggest you follow the video tutorials SomeKittens left you
wow! Now, Android Studio (their new IntelliJ based IDE) is pretty neat.
@OctavianDamiean JetBrains are pretty sweet
Not sure which "video tutorial" you are talking about, but I will proceed on to page 6 of google's search results after dissecting the results on the first 5 pages.
I will do it, but you really think they will teach me about how to use remote and live validation?
They'll teach you how to write proper JS
Okay, that is great and all. But after spending 20 minutes and completing it, how exactly did I progress in my mission to create the email validation in the form?
You should understand the basic mechanics of a language before you can really dive into solving real-world problems.
Man. He must have been slammed in other questions/answers. 43 question upvotes and only 2 rep.
Is the "Work from home if you're a dog" bit real?
If not, that's also a pretty awesome touch
Sleepy time. Laters.
Q: While inside for loop produces infinite loop?

JohnI apologize for being a newbie, but why does this loop run forever? for i in range (1,3): while i < 5: print ('ha')

I have done that thing in codeacademy...now?
All of the code academy tutorials?
the jquery/js one
I had done most of them from before, but hadn't finished them. I finished them now.
Now what?
Have you read Eloquent JavaScript yet?
Also, the MDN JS tutorial is pretty good
Again, it is not helping me with the task at hand.
Someone give him a good debugging tutorial.
No, lurking here is not helping you with the task at hand, learning JavaScript not only helps you with the task at hand, it helps you with future tasks too.
The problem isn't what you know, it's that you don't know how to find out what is going wrong.
@phenomnomnominal Tried. See above.
@DemCodeLines, dude, just learn to debug
@DemCodeLines You're trying to build the seventh floor of a building. It's not going to work until you know how to build the first six.
My problem is with the remote part.
@DemCodeLines the remote part (with a jquery plugin) is the seventh floor. How do you expect to work on the seventh floor when you don't have a foundation?
First of all, I do have the foundation. I might not have made it clear due to unfortunate circumstances, but I do have it. Second, I haven't even placed the remote part yet, so I don't know what you want me to debug.
It's quite clear from your inability to perform even basic debugging that the foundation is not solid. Let's build from first principles, shall we?
Wait a minute, what do you want me to debug?
The bit of your code that isn't working?
(we need the ability to just message room owners)
Which doesn't exist.
What do you mean it doesn't exist?
I am unsure on how to integrate the remote code to my already existing jquery validation code.
you need to make a fiddle
I don't care how you do it, you need to put your PHP code somewhere on the internet
You need to set up a basic use case and you need to show us what is happening,
You are so far beyond the point where you can help yourself that you don't even know where to start, so please, just spend some time on working out how to do that
@Demorus Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hey guys
whats up phenom? by the way, is Capica Six a bot?
@phenomnomnominal Kiss me where it smells funny :<
@Gacnt, you smell really bad all over...
I can smell you from NZ
I have that affect on people
guys check this out 8dio.com
some crazy design
IF I wanted to torture somebody, like make them beg, and beg, and beg for me to stop, I would put sprinkles of sand on their mouse pad, and when they brushed them off, I would throw some more
Who can tell me why this would break? I know why, just want to see how dumb I am for not seeing it straight away:
objects = if index then objects[index] else objects
Welcome to StackOverflow! Thanks for the attempt to help me with my question. Please see this. When you perform a ToList() you're pulling all the data from the database and converting it to objects. Querying those objects would be very expensive and not practical. Linq to Entities maps your code to SQL and it runs on the data base. This suggested solution is actually slower than the approach I'm currently using and not satisfied with. Thanks for the effort though. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 8 secs ago
@phenomnomnominal I have no idea what index is in this context, but I'm sure it's something on that one line, I have no idea and I'm on a horse
Non C# people, I just got the equivalent of "convert your array to a NodeList and use query selectors to manipulate it"
Maybe reserved name, i dunno
@Gacnt, well, index is a number.
objects is an array
what happens if index is 0
@Demorus Is that your site?
created it
@phenomnomnominal It returns the first item?
@Demorus How many times have you been in this room before?
because if index will be false.
4 times. You guys helped with my own homepage before
@phenomnomnominal ahhh, good catch, I would have been stuck on that, I'll remember that ^^
@Demorus nice design
; )
I about to create a 3 dimensional website in my free time
Pre-load the background images, that causes flicker at the moment
the idea is to create a website with 4 different sides. Like a cube which the user can also scattter and bring together, also rotate.
ok benjamin
Also, I think that in menu on top the pop-out then pop-in effect doesn't have a lot of integrity
you think the site loads slow?
@SomeKittens nice!
33/39 , was hard :/

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