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Wasn't aware that there was an arraybuffer type in js
@yahya.can Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Yeah it's used in like the WebAudio API and stuff (only example I have :P)
Yeah, or WebWorkers.
@phenomnomnominal you are jealous
dude, do you even poutine ?
Pffft, that sounds gross and Canadian
also @Loktar I need fucks to be given about 72pins.com
delicious beyond delicious
Damn, looks yum
@rlemon I don't get it
ArrayBuffer has slice already doesn't it?
@phenomnomnominal yes
@RyanKinal I have like 3 games from there
from 72 pins
And @Shmiddty 's solution doesn't work
So... they back-port games to NES? Is that what's going on here?
@phenom but its slice returns arraybuffer
There might be no better solution than to iterate...
@Shmiddty ahh, of course
@RyanKinal no... they just put a new sticker on it
but imagine how bauce your collection would look
^ my starcraft cart
ok so Loktar knew about it already
!!> [].slice.call(new ArrayBuffer([1,2,3,4])) // doesn't work
@dystroy []
I'm still confused. What is the actual product?
oh I pinged @RyanKinal sorry lol
its just a rebranded nes cart basically
with a retro designed sticker
@RyanKinal they take old NES carts and make a new sticker for them to look like a modern game
the old game is still on there and (works?)
its just a random ass game
posted on June 04, 2013

In slightly more than a week CSS Day will take place in Amsterdam. There are still 35 tickets available, and we thought it’d be cool if we’d sell out. This will be a one-off event; we’re not going to repeat it next year. So if you want to hear eight top-notch speakers on eight cutting-edge areas of CSS, this is your only chance. What do you get? Did we mention Eric Meyer?

@dystroy, that's weird. I don't see why it shouldn't
Sorry, @rlemon, but I give zero fucks.
so it's like your friday night?
ohh burn
Which do you think is better code?
WTF mario! Why don't you ever level up!
Yeah, not working for me :(
Version 1:
 if (self.rating == 'BUY') {
       return "TipRanksBuyRating";
 if (self.rating == "HOLD") {
     return "TipRanksHoldRating";
 if (self.rating == "SELL") {
     return "TipRanksSellRating";
 return "INVALID";
Thanks though
No no no, that's when I get zero fucks.
Version 2:
return ({
            })[self.rating] || "INVALID";
Extract the map to a variable.
var typedArray = new Uint8Array( [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] ),
    normalArray = Array.apply( [], typedArray );
normalArray.length === 4;
normalArray.constructor === Array;
You can also make it a truth map, since the values seem linear
from mdn @JoeyMorani
pfft. Switch all of the things.
maybe use regex
@BenjaminGruenbaum Cleaner, methinks.
@Zirak I'm mapping a rating to a CSS class
then clean it all up in an eval
Nice. Thanks! I'll give it go.
Use two arrays, and indexOf
var table = { ... };
return table[something] || default;
Looks nicer than inlining the table.
@JoeyMorani, where UInt8Array is a view on an ArrayBuffer
prefix all of your variables with an underscore... just for kicks.
prefix functions with Benji_
var VAR_foo = "foo";
function FUNCTION_foo() {
  return VAR_foo;
!!remove ziraks upvote to take away his power or not
best naming ever!
@phenomnomnominal remove ziraks upvote to take away his power
@phenomnomnominal FOOL! I have already gained more rep than you can ever imagine!
Like 10 or so
Has anyone attempted to do this sort of thing in javascript (three.js maybe?): youtube.com/watch?v=teD6vq8DVVE
!!/stat Zirak
@dystroy Zirak has 5013 reputation, earned 15 rep today, asked 15 questions, gave 163 answers.
@Neil, frequently
@phenomnomnominal link?
@Neil Yeah, I saw a demo doing water physics. Was pretty cool.
i think i am doing it wrong..
i have test,html
which reads like this:
<script src="jquery10.min.js"></script>
<a href="#">default click action</a>
<div id="log"></div>
$("a").click(function(event) {
$.get('test2.html' ,{id:1},function (res) {

and test2.html
which reads like this:
what is the error; i can't find it..
Same one, but minus the bullshit
Canvas ^
I was going over this yesterday
Yeah, the work pc i'm using sucks
@phenomnomnominal exception in chrome
Is it fairly fluid on an average pc?
@phenomnomnominal nevermind, works in canary
I have a 2011 mbp and i'm getting 60fps
I kinda wanna buy some gallium
just for kicks
still doesn't work very well
can't draw on the water
@phenomnomnominal Wanna trade yours for an IBM ThinkPad circa 2003?
somebody help nah
@phenomnomnominal do you use an nvidia card?
Works fine for me in chrome stable
2 mins ago, by rlemon
gravity works, but no reflections
start 2d
AMD on here
Broken on Chrome Dev as well?
Not working for me either.
OS X stable works fine
Cool, i'll try it when I get home then
@Zirak tempting
very fine for me (bad lenovo / linux / chromium)
@Gacnt Asked system76, and they won't be shipping here any time soon. So it's a "no".
Finally someone who isn't a dropkick!:
(function(e,t){var n,r,i=typeof t,o=e....om=1)),l.removeChild(n),n=d=o=r=null) in jquery10.min.js
Random planet generation!
But I might have a friend who's going abroad next month, and I definitely have relatives come in around August...so it's a maybe.
@phenomnomnominal wuzzat?
@Zirak procedural textures. Most of the class did like wood and sand and shit. This dude does entire planets.
That's awesome
@phenomnomnominal It doesn't look so random
The one on the right looks like south america flooded
The one on the right isn't haha
You can load textures into it to and it bumps them
what the f.... open link in a new tab not working...
Call 911
room topic changed to JavaScript for Noobs: Everything JavaScript | New User? Read rules.javascriptroom.com [2.9] [ecmascript] [javascript] [scientology] [six-seasons-and-a-movie]
Also, you will now have this stuck in your head forever.
@ShotgunNinja Este vídeo no está disponible. Why I can not see the video?
!!/YouTube Michael higgins daybreak
that will be stuck in your head forever
@phenomnomnominal Command daybreak learned
Thank god that I don't have speakers on my work computer and I don't have a penchant to click on strange links.
it's smooth jazz.
it's amazing
What's string about a dude playing a 6 string bass?
Community opened me up to a new genre of music
yea I think thats right.
!!/mustache AndrewMartinez
@phenomnomnominal make it 7, make it djent! :D
6 is typically more interesting than like an 8 string. 6's are normally tuned BEADGC, whereas an 8 is tuned EeAaDdGg
$.javascript = function(script) {
@rlemon, wow you just fixed jQuery!
I know right.
I am so awesome. JR should be reading this crap
Someone ping John Resig!
!!/mustache TheSnooker
Dude, you could implement jQuery in jQueryScript
well i found the problem.. actuaaly when i am running the php with xamp the jquery isnt working, i tried with just loading page in the browser (click and drag) then it works..
@phenomnomnominal jquery quine?
@phenomnomnominal doesn't matter, all you need for djent is just a really, really deep tuned string
@GNi33 haha sweet!
window.jQueryScript = $$ = Object.extend((window.jQuery = $), { javascript: function(str) { eval(str); });
I love how old church organs sometimes have that really low pipe, too low to hear, that just makes you feel uneasy
@Julien Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
haha, sometimes I actually listen to some of this stuff
Should I (or we) poke balpha or other mods with this?
I spent like 3 hours on that.
I love Youtube. doesn't matter what I'm watching, it just suggests that I watch Alison Brie rap.
@ThiefMaster Could you campaign us with the above in the next...uh...moderator summit?
Or moderator sacrificial circle?
I think pinging balpha when he's back is enough. We don't really have regular moderator meetings that are useful to suggest ideas
I could listen to ^ album for ever
@balpha We need you!
Love us!
whispers love us...
@balpha ... y u no love us? @ThiefMaster is here like instantly when we beckon him.
@ThiefMaster 2.9
@chetanmehta Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Try pinging him in the tavern, he's not in here
@phenomnomnominal that 2.9 thing is so clever I think i'll use it
Go for gold bro
@OctavianDamiean .29
9x - 7i > 3(3x - 7u) (solve for i)
!!buy horse mask or wait for unicorn mask
@rlemon wait for unicorn mask
I was hoping for "both"
@phenomnomnominal How corny of you
You know it
@phenomnomnominal Just a guess, but it's "3u > i"?
i <3 u
Yeah, that's what I said
3u > i
You said it wrong duhhhhh
You're being mean and annoying
@phenomnomnominal you = fun*me + clothes (solve for fun)
yeah, I'm sorry.
you minus clothes on top of me?
this room changes names every 5 minutes
Don't like the topic? Wait 5 minutes.
It's to keep the vamps out
It's a feature, not a bug
@phenomnomnominal You know it.
We have to be constantly vigilant
room topic changed to JavaScript for Dummies: Everything JavaScript | New User? Read rules.javascriptroom.com [2.9] [ecmascript] [javascript] [scientology] [six-seasons-and-a-movie]
@phenomnomnominal why not "JavaScript Discussion. No Questions." then?
that's better
room topic changed to JavaScript for eazimmerman: Everything JavaScript | New User? Read rules.javascriptroom.com [2.9] [dummies] [ecmascript] [javascript] [scientology] [six-seasons-and-a-movie]
Happy now?
no pointer fingering.
I <3 avocado
room topic changed to Eat, Pray, JavaScript: Everything JavaScript | New User? Read rules.javascriptroom.com [2.9] [dummies] [ecmascript] [javascript] [scientology] [six-seasons-and-a-movie]
Guacamole is the best
@phenomnomnominal I feel popular.
I love interesting JS questions. I demand questions. (but not the next one)
well... not anymore
@phenomnomnominal "50 Shades of JavaScript"
Make it so.
!!/nudge 5 change topic
@Zirak Nudge registered.
room topic changed to 50 Shades of JavaScript: Everything JavaScript | New User? Read rules.javascriptroom.com [2.9] [dummies] [ecmascript] [javascript] [scientology] [six-seasons-and-a-movie]
room topic changed to 50 Shades of JavaScript: Everything JavaScript | New User? Read rules.javascriptroom.com [2.9] [dummies] [ecmascript] [javascript] [nsfw] [scientology] [six-seasons-and-a-movie]
"Javascript: The Merc with a Mouth"
What's ?
"I can't believe it's not ECMAScript!"
@dystroy < 3
2.9 < 3
"The Good, The Bad, and The Javascript" [jquery]
@ShotgunNinja Well... You have to know it ^^
'JScript's successful brother'
room topic changed to 50 Shades of JScript: Everything JavaScript | New User? Read rules.javascriptroom.com [2.9] [dummies] [ecmascript] [internet-explorer] [javascript] [nsfw] [scientology] [six-seasons-and-a-movie]
room topic changed to JavaScript: New User? Read rules.javascriptroom.com | But you probably won't... Banana. [2.9] [ecmascript] [javascript] [six-seasons-and-a-movie]
too many tags.
pushed down my star list.
@phenomnomnominal I still can't understand how sixseasonsandamovie.com is not taken
The last tag doesn't seem essential.
ecmascript doesn't seem essential
While seems more important.
@rlemon, should we buy it?
And put a JS clone of the game on there?
!!/urban "six seasons and a movie "
@phenomnomnominal I'm thinking about it
@rlemon six seasons and a movie What you say about a television show that is on the verge of cancellation but you believe is [streets ahead]
Because then you could actually have the scripting language
!!/urban "streets ahead"
@Zirak *nudge* change topic
@eazimmerman [streets ahead](http://streets-ahead.urbanup.com/4910592) cool or awesome

As seen on Dan Harmon's Twitter and his show "Community".
@eazimmerman, you're streets behind.
Where's @copy?
@copy Your date is here
Eurgh, stupid marking, now I'm going to get fuck all sleep tonight.
@zirak you're a clever guy
I need help with a golf
I'm so tired ...
Zirak is unavailable right now. Have you tried calling...um...Zirak?
for(a in r=readline(i=0))putstr(r.slice(~a)<'!'?' ':r.match(/\S/g)[i++]) :D
streetsahead.com is taken :(
From now on, he shall be known as Zrk
bcs vwls r rshls
Q: re-write javascript array

JonI am using a long array of over 300 var & 7,000 lines of code written like this: var a = []; var b = []; var c = []; var d = []; var e = []; a[0] = "a"; b[0] = "b"; c[0] = "c"; d[0] = "d"; e[0] = "e"; a[1] = "1"; b[1] = "2"; c[1] = "3"; d[1] = "4"; e[1] = "5"; a[2] = "one"; b[2] = "two"; c[2]...

fucking "Matt Serlin"
@Shmiddty back off.
> sixseasonsandamovie.com is already registered, but these options are available:
anyone can help me with appcache and sencha cmd?
!!/youtube six seasons and a movie

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