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@Zirak Too much moneys?
If I was able to purchase it at original price, then I'd be okay. But shipping or local purchase nearly double it.
Yeah, not worth that much money, I wouldn't pay it either
HAve you checked out System76?
I won't go Ubuntu again
system76.com/laptops/model/bonx6 (You don't have to use Ubuntu :))
in the jquery site it states:

$.get( "/users.php", {
userId: 1234
}, function( resp ) {
console.log( resp ); // server response
what is resp ?
I'm actually in the process of setting up Arch on my main desktop
i mean where is it defined?
@Zirak Those S76 laptops are chunky, but they're beastly
@blackbee It says in the comment. Server response.
It's an argument.
@blackbee this is what jQuery hands to your callback
@Gacnt I'm 100% sure it won't be available locally, and shipping again...the local market has failed me.
Dude where do you live
lol, apparently
with penguins?
He's, the penguin whisperer
Last episode of Hemloch Grove, and it's the best show I've watched in so long
My neighbour is homeless
So depressed right now
I have an older macbook pro, I'll sell to you for $600, not sure if it will turn on, I don't have the charger for it :)
so my php page which also includes html files in it.. will be returned with console.log(resp) ?
If it's part of the server response, yes
Which stackexchange is appropriate to ask about Game of thrones?
@O0oO0oOO0ooO check Arqade
Today I tried to attempt to even out my Q:A ratio, after 3 pages of jQuery plugin questions I said
drat. It's not a game.
Gets or sets the year. Accepts numbers from -270,000 to 270,000.
@Gacnt Alright, I'll ask system76 about shipping
There are some shorthand keys as well if you're into that whole brevity thing.
@Zirak you might like this library
@Zirak Good stuff
@JanDvorak The momentjs source is wacky
In a bad way
She fingered her own son, who is a juvenile, as the culprit.
...interesting wording
She emerged only briefly to hurl an obscenity and then slammed the door.
Q: Is Theon Greyjoy's penis famous?

ASandhiyudhaIn the recent GoT episode The Bear And The Maiden Fair we heard the girls and the torturer talked about the supposed fame of Theon Greyjoy's penis. Don't you want us to see it? Oh, come on. Let us see it. Everybody talks about it (one of the girls) I felt something. Oh, Lord Greyjoy / [r...

it may seem to be retardish.. but i have to use a form to use $.get() .. i was trying to just use the hyperlink instead
you don't need to
$.get("example.php", {key:value}, function(response){...})
but if you do have a form, you can use $.serialize
You have a link like <a href="http://example.com/?foo=bar">
or add the jquery form plugin
$('a').click(function(e) {
    $.get(this.href, function(){});
should work as well
@FabrícioMatté return false
oh true ;)
this is nice
edited it in the hardest way :P
If you've got a link, that's not a link...why not make it a button?
And what if instead of clicking on it, a user tabs and hits enter?
I technically prefer preventDefault as it is more explicit than the magic that jQuery does by returning false, as well as preventDefault can be placed anywhere in the event handler body w/o turning the rest of the code unreachable
If you want a link...make a link. If you want a button...make a button. That's logical and immensely helps with accessibility.
yawn I guess I should start a work turn soon.. or do some of my late work.. or stay vegetating
yes, what if the use tabs and press enter... in js i could check if the keybaord input is 13
@Zirak AFAIK, a hit with enter triggers the click handler.
no wait
it does
Yeah, it does
I had forgot to include jQuery in my fiddle previously lol
A button is still better if you're not navigating the user anywhere
too lazy to open the console to check for errors
What a weird test case
am I the only one using forms?
@FabrícioMatté tinker.io/653cc
Do note however that tab->space doesn't trigger the link click, but does trigger the button click
@FlorianMargaine It's a grim reality...
is this valid: function(res){$("#content").append(res)}) @FabrícioMatté
@Zirak Makes perfect sense
tinker.io/653cc/1 pretttyyyyy
I like this line
document.body.onclick = showtext
I had an habit of pressing buttons with the space bar
don't ask
In fact, I still do
@blackbee the code on its own is a function expression with an ) at the end, but I assume it is the closing parethesis for $.get( so it looks valid
BTW @Zirak I like how the button's active state syncs with the space bar press, just that
    in index.php
    i have:

    <a href="#" id="questions">Questions</a>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    	$(document).ready(function() {
    	$('#questions').click(function(e) {
        $.get("./links.php", {id:"questions"}, function(res){$("#content").append(res)});
    and in links.php
    i have <?php ?><html<body> hello</body></html>
    but nothing happens..
do you the jQuery library included above?
@blackbee missing > in <html>
skip that typing misttake
38 secs ago, by Fabrício Matté
do you the jQuery library included above?
If the script is placed after the elements it reacts to, $(document).ready is not needed
where is #content I believe you have to create the div empty with id content in file links.php
we're not in a filesystem...
Is there a #content element in the script's page?
@blackbee open the dev tools, check if there are any request sent.
i have a contents div
oh wait syntax error there
you're closing the click handler but not the DOM ready one
lacks a }); before </script>
also, lacks indentation
Yes I just noticed it thanks to JS beautifier
Step 1 to any debugging: fix the indentation
^ That's step 0, do it before even thinking about debugging :P
There should be a close vote reason "not correctly indented"
or better, write correctly indented code and you don't have to waste time indenting
@dystroy rather a part of the quality filter
@dystroy but then the newbs won't get their 2 rep from suggesting an edit to fix indentation
well, they may get it and then we get to spend reopen votes
@FabrícioMatté "too minor"
@JanDvorak Well depends, when the question is in incompletely unreadable indentation then it often goes through
@O0oO0oOO0ooO why is IE on top of the other browsers?
I'm just jealous I didn't manage to get those 2 points enough myself...
earned 12 reputation from suggested edits
And there are quite a few people that apparently don't even look at the preview screen before posting
@FlorianMargaine I guess that's a kind of ignore filter : people like me will assume he doesn't know the web and won't bother him
@FabrícioMatté maybe if the preview screen was repeated on the next page and you had to actually confirm it?
Looks good, but may be just more clutter slowing down the overall progress and spoon feeding people
@JanDvorak Some users would be like "Yes, it's like in my code, I see no problem, indenting is for noobs, I don't need to indent"
well, maybe it could be applicable to new users
    $('#questions').click(function(e) {
        $.get("./links.php", {id:"questions"}, function(res){$("#content").append(res)
    <a href="#" id="questions">Questions</a>
    <div id="content"> </div>
still nothing..
@dystroy I'm more concerned about those "accidentally not formatted as code" issues
@dystroy rofl true that. Though, not sure but SO can (or used to) identify code outside of code blocks and didn't let people post without formatting it. I guess that's why we have so many blocks with no indentation
@blackbee as long as you try hitting ./links.php, you're never getting anywhere
@blackbee missing closing paren for click()
i tried with links.php results are same
yeah because your code has tons of syntax errors
@blackbee open the console please
@blackbee Have you ever thought of turning your faith over to Node.js?
i just started jquery.js
@Gacnt with those syntax errors?
ueee @blackbee observe with Ispect element for find error or see the pass when execute the script's interest!!!
@blackbee I learned 99% of my JS through Node.js :P
18 secs ago, by Mirko Cianfarani
ueee @blackbee observe with Ispect element for find error or see the pass when execute the script's interest!!!
Get an IDE that throws errors in your face, like netbeans or cloud9 or whatever people is using nowadays ;)
makes me think of the bot's sentence...
yes @FlorianMargaine with Debugger....
@blackbee Whenever you're developing, leave the dev tools open
or similar how Firebug with Firefox
@FabrícioMatté Are you using an IDE to code JavaScript ?
On chrome, CTRL+SHIFT+I I think
no.. just notepad
@dystroy I usually have all my JS and PHP open in an IDE
@MirkoCianfarani I just meant your english sucks
that's about 30-50 files per project
wait, is that real?
@FlorianMargaine iterm2.com/#/section/home You ever check this out? I use it and it is the bees knees, cats meow, dogs bark, so on so forth @Zirak , incase you ever get a Mac :P
@FlorianMargaine It's better than MS Word
@dystroy does emacs count as an IDE?
@FlorianMargaine basically a window you can type into
i don't know any ide's for js on windows ...
Don't use an IDE
@Gacnt I'm using it since... I don't know, 2 years?
@dystroy Though you have a point, I can write JS just fine in a text editor such as sublime
@FlorianMargaine Oh hehe :D
@FlorianMargaine That depends on the question intent. Here I wanted to know if @FabrícioMatté depended on the code control features of his IDE
this is a example
@MirkoCianfarani I can see you don't have my userscript
"yeaaaah animated gif tom"
That's not Windows
@dystroy I do not "depend" on it, but as for starters, I recommend IDEs as these speed up development by showing errors much before you try to test it
dafuq i closed my entire chrome window , i thought it was the image.
@vincent reopen last
@JanDvorak he said window, not tab
@FlorianMargaine my comment still stands
I use IDEs mostly for organizing and refactoring projects, but to simply write code I'd prefer my custom ace editor/cloud9 build
@JanDvorak your wm supports this feature?
My Chrome does
thanks for the tip @FlorianMargaine but I need also that you correct my english...
but chrome was closed
@blackbee the only IDE you should ever need
cloud9 ??
o wat is dat ide
@Gacnt look at the bottom status bar too :)
@FlorianMargaine What am I looking for :P?
cloud9 is a browser-based IDE, I find it rather decent c9.io and it was someone in this chat that recommended me to check it out
works on windows?
@Zirak where is the vim/emacs recursion screenshot?
@Gacnt tmux
I'm not sure whether it has Ace's ScriptManager installed yet, which works like an emmet for any language
@FlorianMargaine The hell is tmux :P
I've made a custom local build just so I could use the ScriptManager
@Gacnt the hell is google
Terminal multiplexer?
Yo dawg, I heard you like emacs & vim, so I put emacs in your emacs so you can vim while you emacs. http://t.co/DVHXygrU
!!/learn help
@Gacnt Could not process input. Error: msg is undefined on line 2466
c9 is supposed to have emacs and vim keybindings support soon if it doesn't have it yet
@Zirak What's the args for !!/learn
@Gacnt yeah. Windows/tabs in terminals
!!/tell Gacnt help learn
@Gacnt learn: Teaches me a command. /learn cmdName outputPattern [inputRegex [description]]
Hey @Zirak I just pushed you over to 5k
@phenomnomnominal is there a privilege for that?
I have 5k rep? Weird
YEAH! I can approve/reject tag wiki edits!
@phenomnomnominal thanks ;)
@Zirak I wanted to make a learn called !!/lmgtfy, e.g. '!!/lmgtfy @Zirak Let me google that for you' would return something like 'Caprica Six: @Zirak lmgtfy.com/?q=Let+me+google+that+for+you';
@Zirak have fun looking at the copied content ;)
I'm not sure how to do that though, but I'm sure you can :)
@Gacnt Look at the wiki, play in the sandbox, you'll get it
!!/tell Gacnt help
@Zirak bot won't talk to me in sandbox
@Gacnt You need to learn how to debug
I had a major lag spike
So my message went through then internet dc'd
I see it now
has anyone here use html2canvas plugin?
i dwlded the gui executable.. vim.org/download.php#pc it shows a white editor with options to exit it.. how do i start wirting ??
One does not simply start writing in Vim
@rlemon sorry been ill. Will try and get it done later this week sir.
Q: Unable to reset level in Box2d using javascript for html5 game

VillanI am using Box2dweb for my box2d ball game. I am unable to reset the game. The world is destroyed completed after the ball is thrown once. could any one figure me out where i went wrong? var b2Vec2 = Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2; var b2BodyDef = Box2D.Dynamics.b2BodyDef; var ballbody = Box2D.Dynamic...

i remeber i downloaded this thing once.. and deleted it... how to use it?
Google it
i think it will be easier if you tell it...
There are two modes. The typing mode and the command mode
No it won't...
I can try and explain what's been explained 500 times by people better than me...or you can read what they wrote.
searching takes a lot of time.. damn..
@blackbee m(
It's what we all had to do at some point in our life.
Reciever Transmitter Frequency Modulator?
!!/tell black urban rtfm
Read The Fine Fucking Manual
@black RTFM Read The Fucking Manual
o i c
@DineshVenkata me i used
what's your problem with html2canvas ?
so, I'm just going to give this horrible flashCanvas a try
@GNi33 flash?????? flashcanvas????? flash + canvas?????
for what? :) video player?
You missed a question mark
because IE8 will go all WTF on your canvas - element
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone the method html2canvas seems to be working only when used in document.ready
@DineshVenkata you want to call the method on page load?
as i remember it has to keep the html element before to being used
i mean it's ok to use on doc ready
what's more .. ?
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone when I use it on a button click the element is not being rendered
but when I use it in document.ready it works
cause you probably using onclick="" right?
that's why I don't answer at late night lol i.imgur.com/Nu47XvD.png
@DineshVenkata use it on doc.ready what's the problem? :)
doc.ready( on(click( go ahead )));
deleted & content erased within the 5 minutes but the comment is still there for those with 10k rep stackoverflow.com/a/16912907/1331430
Well I also do terribru things every now and then but hardly ever erase the contents after deleting
@DineshVenkata you using jquery right?!
s/deleted/deleted and mutilated/
Wrote 58 A4 sized pages about OOP in 3 hours \o/
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone yes my problem is that I have to capture the image when the user hits a button
Overkilling the examiner :D , wikipedia i friken love u <3
!!/tell badbetonbreakbutbed lmgtfy this+is+a+test
@Gacnt Command lmgtfy does not exist. Did you mean: lmgtfy, lmgtyf
@DineshVenkata ok but what's the problem on using document ready click !?!?!
Fuck you bot, you're griefing me at this point, I'm going to bed
i don't see the problem
lol yesterday night i got Arabic hackers attack on my server
@Gacnt You taught it the command lmgtyf :P
but they loose lol
Rocking house here so people stay quite ... fly down
@OctavianDamiean guess what i bought on my way back from college :D
and it was just 10 bucks :D
That's a really good book
10 USD FOR IT :D ... so much win! ... since its brand new ... i love indian publishers :D
@Zirak indeed it is :D
@Darkyen used html2canvas plugin?
@DineshVenkata why would i summon such a scary monster ?
@Maybe2013 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
isnt that like one api call in mozilla browser
can i restrict deplayJava.runApplet method to work on only button click not on pageload
fuck hte font is too shmaal
I love it when a system upgrade results in a negative net upgrade size.
does that ever happen on Windows?
@JanDvorak nope
a system upgrade on windows results in negative windows performance
and positive windows size
Hy :) can anyone help using youtube API "gdata" i just want to send .get request through ajax for some video where user will input youtube url in some textbox. I googling it but cant find example
Yay jail broken iPhone
guys, I just built a project using grunt. There's a subfolder of the scripts - folder, where I asynchronously load files using require.js, but all the files in this folder just seem to fail with HTTP status 500
just tried chmod 777 on all those files, but nothing changed. What could I do about this?
Who's the owner of that files? ls -o
Mac OS X
@OctavianDamiean let me check
root. dammit
Permissions show that "everyone" has read&write - access
@GNi33 what does apache say?
oh balls
error 500 -> error.log
The webserver could read them, but he doesn't do it for security purposes
sorry, this hasn't got anything to do with permissions
@FlorianMargaine yeah, sorry, my head just switched 500 and 405
or 403, well anyhow, pretty sure it's a PHP - error
all I want is to test this goddamn flashCanvas :D
@GNi33 tail -f /var/log/apache/error.log
yeah, I suddenly realised what the problem was, it simply can't work
tried to test this stuff locally with files that are used as handlebars - templates
but those templates get built directly to the server, so they already contain some PHP - stuff too
I simply don't have the environment locally that is needed to render those files on the server-side
that sucks
I mean, really
yeah, it's pretty shitty
could roll a version back and change a little something in the config-file for local, but somehow I just don't want to do that for this small test :D
you don't have ready-made dev environments?
$('#questions').click(function(e) {
$.get ( 'links.php', {id:'questions'},
its not happening...
@blackbee Wish harder.
helpp meeee
did that do?
@FlorianMargaine yeah, but not locally. thank god the build to the dev-server is pretty fast
the url just changes to index.php# and then nothing happens
Q: update_option in javascript

John Timson RimeišisSo there's function in wordpress to update a named option/value pair to the options database table: <?php update_option( $option, $new_value ); ?>. And what I'm trying to do implement this function in javascript so when you hit the bottom of the page an option would update. I am using this script...

Q: Reorder Dynamic rows with jQuery

svgI am working on a project and our requirement is that the 1) User gives some input and a table is dynamically generated for the same. 2) When the table is generated all the rows for the table would be generated dynamically too. our requirement is we need all the rows in these table to be dyna...

Pro-tip: as long as you don't format your code-blocks, chances are small that people will look at them
@GeoA.Fragedakis Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@GNi33 Do what I do, just commit minified sauces.
That's brilliant.
(1)Get condiments.
(3)Use condiments.
Infinite sauce!
@DaveRandom You're a genius
That's what they tell me. Although I'm not sure they really exist so I don't know if I believe them.
@DaveRandom I was referring to blackbee's code up there
Yeah. Solipsism really brings up trust issues.
That's just a fancy word for schizophrenia
@Zirak what is wrong.. now brackets are fine too...
@blackbee Have you tried debugging, googling your problem? Do you have a better description than "not working"?
yes... i saw quite a few sources the syntax is correct.. their's working mine isn't
Syntax isn't the only source of problems. Check and see if you've got errors, investigate, do something
Hi all
I have a doubt in calculating duration for between dates in javascript
Q: Calculating year, month, days between dates in google apps script

chockaI have calculated using the below function and it gives the o/p in the format of "X YEARS, Y MONTHS, Z DAYS" and for some dates its giving some wrong o/p. I think I did some calculation missing in the formulas. The function is, /** * @param {Date} startdate * @param {Date} enddate * @return ...

any mysqlers? I'm trying to know if I can set up a trigger that would send an http request
but I think I'm dreaming

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