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randomly jumping in @m59 what are you trying to do
Nah bro, don't get me wrong, the orthographic projection isn't exactly basic maths
And you'd be manually setting a CSS3 matrix
It just is possible
@ThomasShields jsbin.com/eguwiv/17/edit exactly this
It scales with the window even if the center piece width (change in js) is changed
ugly scaling
but I could hide/show
So all you want is to maintain the angle on the edges no matter the distance between them?
Ya know, even the angle isn't SO important
Well then why not just use a perspective transform?
Someone did suggest css perspective, but it was horrid
Maybe it is a better feature than I concluded from my experience with it.
looks great. what isn't right?
Nothing! That's why I'm quite happy! But apparently it can still be better.
ahh okay
Hey guys, is anyone here familiar with quickbooks?
@m59 couldn't you use some pseudo elements to save throwing a million divs in there?
@m59 I feel like the left is slanted more than the right :P
@CallMeDummy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix okay
God minuum keyboard seems like it's going to take forever to release
@ThomasShields you missed it. I had just said I forgot to change it pseudo's :)
Seriously so bored, I need a new MMO to play or something
@m59 okay cool
i'm trying something with the new CSS units right now it's almost working
not sure exactly all the functionality you want from it though so it might be lacking
@phenomnomnominal yeah, I got a trapezoid with perspective...it just has some suckness altogether.
The child rests very unnaturally on the parent, for example.
So, this css3 matrix thing....I doubt I can pull it off :(
@m59, that's because you don't really understand what's going on in 3D, i'll just whip something up
@m59 well, i'm headed out. Good luck! I was just messing around with CSS3's vh, vw units, those look promising. Might wanna check them out - maybe you can avoid the JS scaling. (my attempts: jsbin.com/avilay/1)
@ThomasShields That's awesome!!!!
Too bad I can't reliably use the border pseudo's though :(
The white background thing isn't what I'm looking for.
They have to be truly transparent.
@Hollinski Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hey which symbols will be good? ASCII or Unicode?
hey guys, so I am working in CSS, and I have a question about hover, and how I can make it so when a button is hovered over, it switches to a different ID showing a different button
@BrandonGelfand what
    position: absolute;
    left: 113px;
    width: 46px;
    top: 133px;
    height: 29px;
    background: url(
hmm, do http headers must sent to clients followed by a new line?
@BrandonGelfand What do you mean by different button
If you mean you just want to change the styles, you can just use :hover
when they hover over mCButton, I would like it to switch to the second mCButton, I forgot to put the 2 next to the second one
    position: absolute;
    left: 113px;
    width: 46px;
    top: 133px;
    height: 29px;
    background: url(
Yeah but you're missing the #
Is it possible for JS to do things like start/stop a counter-strike server
@phenomnomnominal I like it!
This is why phenom gets all the bitches
Good, now try to understand it
Would it be something like python, or would I need something backend like C# or something to hook into the program to start/stop it
@phenomnomnominal I'll check it out tomorrow. So sleepy. Should it be reasonable for me to control the pitch..so to speak?
in the z direction?
Like when you rent a gameserver from some company and they let you start stop restart the server from a webpage
@m59, either way, yes
this is going to be fun heheh
    position: absolute;
    left: 263px;
    width: 46px;
    top: 313px;
    height: 73px;
    background: url(
without having to retype that for #plus is there another way?
@phenomnomnominal well, I'm sold :) this is awesome.
I remember seeing it, but i dont remember how
the left/right side angles are getting to me
are they definitely even?
I think it might just be my eyes
They are absolutely identical
They will change when you change the width though, its perspective, not orthographic
I am definitely looking forward to learning this.
Are you able to do the orthographic?
I mean, am I kind of own my own of figuring it out?
@XCritics because they are the same button, I just couldn't get the text in the middle, I had to make the text in a separate id and put it on top of the button, how can I make it so #plus and #addButtonwhen hovered make the button hover?
@m59, you'll need to understand matrices pretty well to get it working
and that is...quite difficult?
You can use transform: matrix(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
(That's not the matrix)
There's lots of articles about it online
!!/google homogenous transform matrix orthographic projection
@XCritics do u know how I can do that?
Say you rent a game-server from some company, then on your client-side of the web-page they give you the options to start/stop/restart/reinstall the server, which all (I'm guessing) triggers some program on the backend to do whatever it needs to do.

How is something like this achieved, do they have some C#/C++ program running on the backend that is triggered by queries that does what needs to be done?
It's amazing how much js and css I've learned trying to make a scaling dock. Goodness.
@BrandonGelfand make a fiddle or something
Well, I'm off to bed. Thanks so much @phenomnomnominal
Aight, night!
The CSS?
All of it?
Just what you're trying to achieve
@phenomnomnominal my turn
@XCritics jsfiddle.net/MKvUj/1 when #threeButton & #three are hovered over how can I make it so they both use the CSS in #threeButton:hover but not make separate things
@XCritics do u have an idea as to how I might be able to do it
#three:hover, #threeButton:hover {?
is that the same as #three:hover > #threeButton:hover {
does it look the same?
do you mean hovered at the same time?
or either hovered
#three is right in the middle of #threeButton, its a calculator button, but I couldnt get the number 3 centered right
so I guess either hovered....
so what do you want to happen?
When you hover over #threeButton, you want #three to change style?
no, when I hover over #threeButton and/or #three I need it to go to a certain style
then use what i said:
#three:hover, #threeButton:hover {
that is the same for both, so instead of doing it twice, i have it using the same one
ok, got it
@FooStack Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
How do I share data between AngularJS controllers? - stackoverflow.com/q/16880340
@jAndy ^ That hand makes me suspicious man
you know what i am saying @jAndy ^_^
@Darkyen not clear which side
@ArunaHerath Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
What's child_process good for with node, I need it explained to me like im 12
Go to bed, Daddy's tired.
Love me @Zirak :(
is it possible for something in CSS to perform 2 operations at once?
Whadya mean?
Could anyone point me in the right direction? My goal is to search for set of words by traversing the DOM, then return the element in which the word was found. Preferably using jQuery.
@BrandonGelfand, what do you mean?
ok, so I made a button, and i couldn't get the text in the right place so i made it a separate ID but now when I hover the button it changes, but if u hover over the text it doesnt, so I made it so when you hover the text it does three:hover, threeButton:hover{ but this cause the text to move out of place
I hope this makes sense...
@BrandonGelfand - how does your code look like? Seems like it's a css problem and you complicated it a bit. Unless I'm missing something.
nope it is
there is over 1500 lines of CSS for a calculator
so yes, i way over complicated it
What are you using to create the button?
what do u mean?
<a href=""><span>Click me</span></a> or <buton> or <input type="submit">? Sorry, I jumped in a little late.
no, its a lil more then that... jsfiddle.net/MKvUj/4
there, thts wht i have made so far
which is the button that is causing the issue?
all of em
hover over the text, not the button
the back doesnt change
Yeah, I noticed that.
!!Should I use my Nexus 4 for a little longer or switch back to my iPhone 5 for a bit
@XCritics switch back to my iPhone 5 for a bit
so, I did this jsfiddle.net/k3Xg3
but watch wht happens..
The MA and M+ buttons are messed up, I know
I need to fix em...
I have a long chain of if else statements. Something like this:
                if(i == 0){
			el.innerHTML = "&#9814;";
		else if(i == 1){
			el.innerHTML = "&#9816;";
		else if(i == 2){
			el.innerHTML = "&#9815;";
		else if(i == 3){
			el.innerHTML = "&#9813;";
		else if(i == 4){
			el.innerHTML = "&#9812;";
how do u think I can fix this @ericg ?
anyway to reduce the above code?
I'm checking your code right now @BrandonGelfand.
Looks cool though :)
lol, ty
not exactly like it, but still pretty nice
@BrandonGelfand why didn't you add the <div class="aC"> text inside the <div class="aCButton">?
Quick fix would be to add #aC:hover {} blah
It wouldn't center properly, and I couldn't get it in the place I wanted, so I made a separate id
Or better yet, semantically correct would be to convert these into inputs.
Yes, I was getting there
<input type="button" name="aC" id="aC" value="AC" />
but thats for tomorrow when I start working in JS
yes, I know
#aC {border: 0;} blah
but first it has to look right
Then just do #aC:hover {}
You are going to end up duplicating your work
but they do the same thing of changing the back
Is that not what you want?
I'm assuming that if you hover over the text, you want the background to change as well? Correct?
and when I do #aC:hover, I cant keep AC text in the same place and still change the color of the bacl
because then the button would be a different spot
Oh I see
@Mr_Green I don't know javascipt but I see some patterns, maybe you could try something like this el.innerHTML = "&#" + (string)(9816 - i)
@CallMeDummy aaa not really... you from c#?
@Mr_Green um no I am just a beginner in java and html
I'm not sure you can accomplish this with plain css.
ohh k
anyway thanks :) @CallMeDummy
do u think there might be a way to get the text in the right area that i wanted using the HTML?
@Mr_Green yw
@BrandonGelfand you would have to do $('#aC').hover(function() { // add hover state to #aCButton element }
If you want it centered, all you have to do is <input type="button"> and then add padding 10px;
lol, this is getting into JS, I am not quite there yet, xD
it will keep the text centered and the padding would make it look proper.
I can add padding to the text?
no to the input element
can u write what it would be for like #aCButton for instance, i dont quite see wht ur saying
so i can have a visual
@Mikhail the overgrown ofcourse
Yeah, I will add it into jsfiddle.
ok, ty
# @JanDvorak
def λ (&f)
@ericg use that one, its working correctly
I like ruby better now
@Zirak that is ruby ?
@Zirak wow, nice
Yes, otherwise my statement would've been at complete random
Can you suggest an ASCII name?
lol, tht looks just like a bunch of symbols, hahaha, I am gonna have to take ur word for it
@JanDvorak Whadya mean?
@BrandonGelfand It `def`ines a function called λ (lambda), which accepts a block, and returns it.
There's a lambda construct in ruby: lambda { ... } but λ { ... } is so much sexier
can the upside down y be replace with a word?
It is a word, and it's a lambda!
That's the point
@Zirak I don't like copy-pasting symbols in programming. It looks nice but it's harder to write.
I mapped `C-\` in emacs to insert a lambda
omg, I need to learn one language at a time, lol
currently, I have the J primer open
@BrandonGelfand I added an input button that is #5. Hover over it and you will see what I mean.
*/1+i.6 = "times over one plus integers until six" = "the product of 1..6" = "factorial of 6" = !6 (which also works in J)
@ericg link?
css style #test1
and #test1:hover
Then with js you just delegate('input', 'click', function() { $(this).val() -- add the value to the screen or do your multiply or whatever you need to do with the value.
delegate is outdated. Use on ;-)
Does anyone have an idea how to search the DOM for a specific list of words, if one of the words is matched, then return the element in which it was found.
Is live() still working? I really haven't played with jQuery that much recently.
live is removed from 1.9
So all delegation type goes through on() now?
yes. on for all binding, delegated or not.
I see.
Thanks for the heads up.
$delegate.on(events, [target,] [data,] handler) IIRC
never used the data argument, I always use closures
as for searching by contents, see :contains.
!!/tell eric jquery contains
consider separating your data from your HTML, however
G2G, sorry
No worries.
I'll look at :contains
later yall
What is your favorite javascript class template?
on? I made something like a game with actors representing the element on the screen of which there are about 12
Sometimes I feel like I need a class, sometimes just an object factory
Any experience with external libraries? I am considering the top result from: stackoverflow.com/questions/387707/…
That looks reasonable
They look pretty similar to CoffeeScript classes
how to get date
from a unix timestamp in python -> javascript ?
class Person
  constructor: (@name, @gender) ->
  speak: -> alert("Howdy, my name is" + this.name);

person = new Person()
Which is CoffeeScript and compiles to:
new Date(timestamp*1000); gives me time which was a 3 month back
look at that, it look amazing
lol, i think i spent about 11 hours making that thing, and its only the CSS
var Person = (function() {
  function Person(name, gender) {
    this.name = name;
    this.gender = gender;
  Person.prototype.speak = function() {
    return alert("Howdy, my name is" + this.name);
  return Person;
var person = new Person();
now i gotta make it actually work...
@Darkyen pass it into new Date()
doesnt work
should work
@phenomnomnominal how does this look? jsfiddle.net/k3Xg3/1
try converting that :P
it was taken 16 hours ago, what does it tells u ?
tells me Jan 1 2013
@BrandonGelfand, looks nice, but the dark buttons don't work the same as the red and blue
what time was it 16 hours ago there?
Sat Jan 17 1970 08:35:04 GMT+1200 (NZDT)
@phenomnomnominal IK, I cant get a good color
:P blurr
becuase its black and all
shit it was correct (XD)
sorry i am an idiot i guess :[
@BrandonGelfand nice work! Protip, set cursor:pointer on the buttons
it said Jun i read Jan
now how the heck in js am i supposed to take out whats the date ?
i mean just as DD MM YYYY ?
k, I will do tht right now @BenjaminGruenbaum it took me about 8 hours to make it, and I am still no where near done, hahah, can't even begin to count how many times I had to restart
turns out i have lost mysself
Anyone want to implement Voice Identification in JS with me?
@phenomnomnominal i am in
when things start getting complicated or confusing, take a short break, have a cup of coffee
@Darkyen, I want to make an online password locker with voice and video identification to get into it
If my mom let me drink coffee I would @CallMeDummy
@BrandonGelfand, you can always put shower as an alternative ;p
it always helps me think straight and clear
Tht actually sounds like a good idea.... I think I will try tht in a few minutes
@BenjaminGruenbaum why is cursor:pointer better then hover ?
cursor:pointer just changes the way the mouse pointer looks when you hover over it
so where do I implement it?
in each ID?
I have to go
in the css
@phenomnomnominal voice could be do-able
using MediaStream API
where @BenjaminGruenbaum ?
its pretty mature,
but for video i am not sure
we can use a web-worker to process it :-D
and form a hash based on the changes of pitches and amplitudes when a person says "AbraKadabra"
and store it :P
// also you can use google voice api to find out what he said if you want to generalize this with saving anything.. though creating a hash works fine
there is no R in Aba Kadabra ......
@Darkyen, nah, it would have to be getUserMedia into Web Audio
@phenomnomnominal MediaStream : getUserMedia -> WebAudio
voice identification algorithms aren't that easy to implement
i was just saying a basic idea :3
real audio processing in JS is still a nada
@phenomnomnominal I know this is gonna sound stupid maybe, but have u checked around github for ideas or inspiration?
its very exhaustive :P
it helps me sometimes, just saying
@Darkyen, is MediaStream actually implemented anywhere?
@BrandonGelfand, I already know how to do it, just need to implement it
ok guys, i think its time for me to go to bed, night everyone
@phenomnomnominal Canary
and Chrome
they had a nasty bug with audio but now its patched
wanna test it :?
@Darkyen, I already tested that in chrome
@phenomnomnominal I figured u knew already, u are after all, phenomenal ;) GL with it, hope I get to see what it is ur working on soon
just call the getUserMedia with audio:true
MediaStream is seperate
Have you not seen my tuner?
oh yeah
sorry i am messing up -_-
Finally got the handshaking done
This makes me wonder why people who write specifications or manuals always forget to add really important information such as "Please include 2 more empty lines at the end"

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