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@SadStudent Write a tokenizer, have methods like expect(X) (the next token should be X, if it's not throw an error) and accpet(X) (if the next token is X consume and return true, otherwise return false
Is a procfile's name just "Procfile" w/ no extension?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm trying too
@JanDvorak something else just crossed my mind. I m using node-proxy with clusters
@SadStudent you want to split on something like "+-*/&|<>=~-[]();,{}. \""
@SadStudent what language are you compiling?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm trying to feed Java's scanner with this : "\\s+|(?=[;\\{\\}\(\)]||\\b)" regex so I can catch the braces etc but now I've realized that it breaks up my " quotation marks too :\
and I m forking some workers, common sense tells me that s why the sockets are not handshaken properly or lost
@Samson no experience in that field. I don't think WS/WSS can affect that, though
@SadStudent JAVA'S???
@BenjaminGruenbaum Java ....
@SadStudent Java is horrible ^_^
@SadStudent Java != Javascript.
@SadStudent I wouldn't rely on regex that much
@SamSelikoff Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@lawm yeah JAVA don't kick someone whos down it ain't fair :)
@SadStudent this is the wrong chatroom
so bye
!!> 'Javascript'-' Java'
@xcx "NaN"
@lawm From the rules : "The room title is Javascript, which only implies we all have some interest in the language. That does not strictly limit the topic of conversation to Javascript, and often it is not about Javascript. Please do not inturrupt and complain about this, if you have a comment about the language toss it in and if someone is interested they will stop and help." :)
This does not include Java. Java is never allowed as a serious topic.
@SadStudent But the thing is, there IS a chatroom for that. Plus, it's kinda a question too related to java
@Shmiddty Hahahahahahaahha
@SadStudent anything is allowed, but we all pretty much hate java
@Zirak XD
Compilers though... Just keep it agnostic!
2 messages moved to Trash can
I hate those things
Stop moving my ^'s around >:(
@JanDvorak can't blame you
Stop writing them in the first place
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well one was an answer to his own question...
We need a plus 1 per comment. Not a star, just an "I agree"
I want to indicate I agree with a message, I don't want to star it because it doesn't have context
We need to write our own chat.
We do.
@Zirak Starred
Oh hey, while you're here....
!!/throwerror this is what I was talking about
1 message moved to Trash can
@Zirak Or write a userscript that'd convert ^ to whatever you feel visually appeasing.
Error 400 occured, I will call the maid (@Zirak)
I hate you all
!!/help throwerror
@Zirak throwerror: User-taught command: <>
And ^'d comments could just get bigger!
I see what you did there
I made it like a half hour ago. It's just "<>" lol
Yeah, and it sends the empty message, thus giving a 400
@Zirak Ah, so she's just seeing... Nothing?
I've got like 1.5 hours to kill
It's just sending nothing
Ah ok. Just wondered. I know it's not actually a bug or anything.
Well it's not a feature.
I'm not in the dev partition. Do you have a github account? If so, please open an issue: github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/issues otherwise I'll open one
defining such command should fail
@JanDvorak True. She should have thrown an illegal command error or something.
...yes, that's why I want to raise an issue
!!/forget throwerror
@Jhawinsss Command throwerror forgotten.
!!/stat lawm
@JanDvorak lawm has 48 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 14 questions, gave 1 answers.
@Zirak Alright. I'll try to remember.
@CapricaSix wat?
@lawm sorry. You'll need to fix your grammar first
!!/learn mightwork '<> $0'
@Jhawinsss Command mightwork learned
@Jhawinsss No, right now. Do you have a github account?
@JanDvorak Why did you stat me?
!!/mightwork Should just return this right?
Should just return this right?
Alright cool it worked.
Is rails to ruby, as express is to node?
@Zirak Ugh.... Fine.
@Zirak Oops. I'll just open a new issue then.
Surely rails is to ruby as node is to JavaScript?
yeah, exactly
You enjoy my suffering
I've hardly used Github at all, ever.
Only had an account for a few weeks. But I really like it so far.
I suggest always saying "yeah, exactly" instead of "^"
@lawm Stop!
@lawm now you're just flooding
@lawm No one new has entered the room since you last asked.
Someone star that so I can star it @Jan
@Jhawinsss yeah.. but nobody has responded either
except for now
yeah, exactly
@phenomnomnominal what should I star?
5 messages moved to Trash can
@lawm If nobody answered, then they don't know or they're not interested
By repeatedly asking, you're just annoying everyone
Someone star @JanDvorak's previous message.
@Zirak ok sorry
I agree with @Zirak's last message
Ok, most of those messages deserved to be binned but this one was totally fine lol.
in Trash can, 1 min ago, by Jhawinsss
:9746353 So give up. You can't force us to respond. I don't know the answer to your question.
I'm installing Ruby 2
Just sayin ;) But I don't really care.
!!/help nudge
@AmaanCheval nudge: Register a nudge after an interval. /nudge intervalInMinutes message, or the listener, nudge|remind|poke me? in? intervalInMinutes message
@Jhawinsss so don't reply...
!!/nudge 720 "Check Prolog out"
@AmaanCheval Nudge registered.
!!poke me in 1 day
@JanDvorak Nudge registered.
> intervalInMinutes
But ok
@JanDvorak It'll poke you in a minute saying day
@AmaanCheval that was intentional
@AmaanCheval And I'll probably switch partitions between those 12 hours
@JanDvorak nudge day
Dayumn. I'll remind myself then
What're you doing that requires 12 hours cool-off?
I'll leave the tab open, though, so it won't be hard to remember
@AmaanCheval you know...
F12 ->
@BenjaminGruenbaum But I can if I want....
setTimeout(window.alert.bind(null,"Learn Prolog!"),12*60*60*1000)
I just saw a dude cleaning his hose with said hose.
Mind bending
Does anybody know any site using Open Graph data? I want to test this a few more times before switching
What are you testing?
anybody have any resources on d3 + [backbone, ember, angular..] ?
Saw CS, got excited.
12345678 87654321
1234567   7654321
123456  1  654321
12345  121  54321
1234  12321  4321
123  1234321  321
12  123454321  21
1  12345654321  1
12  123454321  21
123  1234321  321
1234  12321  4321
12345  121  54321
123456  1  654321
1234567   7654321
12345678 87654321
CFS is CoffeeScript. CS is usually Computer Science.
@Zirak EW, HAP
@Shmiddty codegolf that
@BenjaminGruenbaum Explain
C'mon you're killing me
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think we should just "ignore" eachother. Because neither of us has anything polite to say to the other, ever.
@Zirak HtmlAgilityPack
@Jhawinsss ew drama
Oh. It's the most recommended I found.
If you've got something better, I'm all ears
@BenjaminGruenbaum Exactly the opposite. Ignoring removes the possibility of it.
Well, some portions of me are something else other than ears
So really, I'm majority non-ears
You don't have to think everything I say is retarded, and I don't have to listen to how retarded you think everything I say is.
CsQuery, it's like jQuery for C#, only actually good and well written, it does indexing, and uses LINQ, you can use query selectors (which are useful in your case here), but you don't have to, you can use LINQ just as well
Ignoring someone who talks regularly and seeing part of a conversation is more annoying than just putting up with them.
It uses an actual DOM parser in the background unlike HAP, it's not just faster, but you can use all the DOM methods you like so much
hrm. If it's for realzies, then I need to ask what library/thing SO uses. But they probably won't use it anyway. Why did I write this to begin with?
@rlemon I hate you
CQ basically replicates the jQuery api and sits above the DOM api completely, you can pretty much do anything you can in an actual DOM.
Is there something without the jquery crust?
Just XPath or limited DOM will do
jQuery 2.0? :p
@copy @fizzytea @otherGolfers golf.shinh.org/p.rb?Diamond+Knockout
@Zirak validator.nu , not nearly as easy to use though
@ThiefMaster For .net
CsQuery isn't just cruft, it indexes selectors so it does queries blazing fast
@BenjaminGruenbaum Which is Java
And I only run 1 selector/XPath/getElementsByTagName.
Before I continue either way (and probably dropping it), I need more test cases
imdb and fb and think-geek seem to work
Label it Good Enoughâ„¢
When a band has a song called " The Kids Can Eat a Bag of Dicks" you know they're amazing!
you have some weird preferences
It's actually an awesome song haha
I prefer music which title does not imply penis consumption
You prefer to stay away from fun and jokes in general
heh, "The Wilhelm Scream" is a good band name
Nothing ever gets done on Fridays.
I stopped listening whey they started "singing"
I did notice some modulation but it was mostly screaming
"A" Wilhelm Scream, but yeah it is! @JanDvorak whatever!
@phenomnomnominal do you have some instrumental music in that style? I might check
preferably with a decent name
Hmmm there's very little in the genre without vocals.
I don't mind electric guitars but I don't like screaming. Singing is fine.
(I prefer female voices, but even a male can sing well)
Have you heard of Pussy Galore (the band)?
Their guitar is...unique
should I check?
Yeah, that guitar is unique
Their voices are, too
The voices sound pretty drunk, and that, frankly, describes the guitar pretty well too :-)
@JanDvorak Everything ok? you seem to be annoyed at pretty much everything these last couple of days.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I am not annoyed. Why do you think I am?
Not sure, that's just the impression I got from your messages these last couple of days. Just wanted to make sure everything is ok.
He's always like this.
"Always". For as long as I remember.
@Zirak how should I change?
More unicorns/message.
Don't change for others.
Oh, I wasn't implying anything, I was just saying that it was my impression that you were angrier these couple of days and wanted to make sure everything is ok. I'm not complaining or judging or anything :P
@Zirak I really hope that statement was made ironically
Not at all. You should change because you're dissatisfied, not because others tell you they're dissatisfied. Fuck them.
1 message moved to Trash can
Unless I'm dissatisfied, and then fuck you
Man, this is striking off a wad of sites from here
@Zirak What I get from that page: They'll only support other SO sites, and then only if you ask pretty.
Which is sad
But I still want to try
StackExchange is such a sad tragedy. They could be doing so much to help developers, and yet tighten the screw even further, forcing users to conform to what a "good" question is.
Any dissent is accused of asking "bad" questions and informed that this is Q&A, rather than "discussion"
It makes sense to have a platform where discussion is forbidden
@SomeKittens I see you hit the quality control
Multiple times, in different ways.
This question was accused of "not being interesting to experts" and therefore not a good fit for the site.
A: support for oneboxing OpenGraph data in the chats

ZirakI've built a small C# library for designed with this in mind: https://github.com/Zirak/CSOpenGraph It's mostly complete, but having no knowledge of what Stackoverflow uses internally, I pretty much picked the first Html parser which cropped up; however, with such a small thing, I'm sure it'll be...

@Zirak Nicely done.
@no9 hello
2AM, cant sleep thanks to IE10
Where you from?
@SomeKittens europe
neat. I'm in San Francisco.
so, mid-day?
nice, always wanted to ride the slopes with my car there
the sparkly way that is
is that suspension bridge really worth its fame?
probably ... its big ... and red
if anyone works with ASP (so that i dont forget the reason I joined):
Q: ASP.NET web application not working in IE10

no9Regards. I have noticed that ASP.NET web application is not working in IE10. Grid items are not click-able and several other jscript features do not work. I have been digging into this and i found out that ASP.NET fails to detect IE10 causing _doPostBack. Now before i start digging into the pro...

@no9 is that webforms?
plain old ASP.NET yeah
I did not make the app, actualy i dont do web apps, but I somehow "inherited" this along with all its problems
Well, I'd just like you to know that what you're working with is horrible, and ASP.NET is a lot better with MVC than with WebForms, which are a bad approach that was invented when AJAX was not well known yet
Anyway, run aspnet_regbrowsers.exe
I know man, the downfall is that the app is from 2008
back in the days MVC was at v 1 if I remember
Just remove that browser from the browsers list
(If running aspnet_regbrowsers doesn't work)
That should fix it

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