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@phenomnomnominal Aww, you're worse than me
@minitech That looks more like it
I don't doubt it. I'm trying to hack together the result we know we are getting, but haven't quite implemented yet. But don't tell anyone
@phenomnomnominal your secrets are safe with the internet and me
Yay for Google Indexing
It's be nice to be able to hide comments from that
Are there spider safe divs?
Speaking of comments, I found out 5 seconds ago that an unterminated comment is not a syntax error in PHP.
It's a warning.
You mean like <?php /* ?
That reminds me of <?=~žœ›š™˜—–•”“’‘ŽŒ‹Š‰ˆ‡†…;
Which prints the alphabet
Wow, and there's my entire new argument for hating PHP
That moment you realize you're an idiot for overriding sSafe = function(){ return false;}
@BoltClock Yes :(
@BenjaminGruenbaum That was the answer to Level 0, yeah.
No, I meant for level 3 :P
@BoltClock ohh god I'm reading his comments now. I assume a lot were removed, but still. This guy comes off as a pretentious little pr*ck.
I set it to return false instead of return true -_-
*comments on SO
I think my webpage is done, I'm scared to release it cause I don't think it will be used Sad face
@Mike Pennington - the stackoverflow consensus is wrong. Do not delete this answer. It is the ONLY one so far that has even attempted to answer the very specific question asked. — PP. Jun 3 '11 at 10:25
@minitech and what did you expect?
@Gordon An error.
@copy it doesn't? eval.in/31711 but the output is weird
@minitech what's fair game in level 3? Can we override built in object methods?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Still no. :)
@Gordon The encoding seems to break somewhere on the way
But any bytes you can put in that space that don't replace builtins are fine.
@rlemon You super busy, I just have 1 final test and then I'm going to deploy it @mikedidthis or you :)
@BoltClock really.. I want to see the outcome of all of this. It reminds me of okok's meta question which he claimed the fact that it was downvoted (to oblivion, like -40) it must be popular and we must all be afraid of it which is why it should be implemented.
I just realized that a valid answer can end with if(0) otherwise. Sigh.
@XCritics I might be able to find some time
@minitech I think we all assumed that was off limits :)
@rlemon Ok, I'll ping you if you're still here in a bit, found a bug
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, it's not. :)
Object.defineProperty(window, "isSafe", {value : function() { return true; },
                               writable : false,
                               enumerable : true,
                               configurable : true});
I just fed a spider to my venus fly trap
it was satisfying
Object.defineProperty(window,'magnitude',{get:function(){isSafe = isSafe.bind(null,12);return "lol"}})
@copy Tada!
@Shmiddty That works also.
(@Shmiddty's was the answer I came up with, but they both win)
I'm going for lunch
I think this room would appreciate this
@Shmiddty But that's in 15 minutes. :(
@SomeKittens tl;dr make a program / routine that will output 1 or 0 randomly?
> We really hope that there will not be a tie, but in the event that there is, one of our Daily WTF authors to choose between the finalists.
and make it as WTF as possible?
yep. Already putting together my design
yea I think I can enter that
I write some pretty WTF code as is
I am going to enter that
My challenge: Use every single language I've ever played with. This includes QBASIC, Python 2 and 3 as well as MySQL and MongoDB
I can enter it
God I love Proxyies
Just reminds me of this: random.org
my challenge: make a true/false generator in over 1000 lines of code.
and have all code hit
and make it all quasi-notpointless
can it be obviously WTF-y?
@rlemon, you should probably write it in Java
I think that is the idea. @JanDvorak
Is there any logical reason why my static child div won't center align properly to its floating parent?
When I resize the window (the parent is max-/min-widthed) the child div won't center re-align to its parent.
because static
I started writing the Object.defineProperty(window, 'magnitude', ...) trick, but then I went to eat.
I actually did delete level 4, though. I'll come back with it some day.
Should I use Relative, rlemon?
@minitech Too much of an abomination?
@rlemon ok I'm ready :D
@ShotgunNinja More or less.
It still won't align properly.
I have a container div, width 100% that is position:fixed and in that a centered container div. In the container there's a menuitem with float:left.
When I resize the window the container won't re-align. Anything that comes in your minds or do you want a jsfiddle?
@SomeKittens You here, I need 1 extra tester :)
oh fine
Sorry, all communication must be in English. (Also, your English is MUCH better than our understanding of your language.) We will work with you and ask for clarification if we need it.

Please do not let a language barrier deter you from entering. Do your best. Your code will speak for itself.
I'm thinking of submitting something using eval, with, weird indentation (I'll need @Darkyen's help), and all the bad stuff I can think of.
Okay. So. If I decided I wanted to crowdsource dice-rolling, and created a database full of "certified random" die-rolls, and served up the next one to whoever requested it (based on die type), deleting it or marking it as "used", would that completely defeat the purpose?
@FlorianMargaine Wanna help me test something really quick, need 3 people, just me and kittens atm
Accurate physics simulation of a coin flip with THREE.js
@BoltClock soooooo that user (PP) that you posted the link to his Q before. Have you read his profile?
> Having some moderator suspend you because he takes offence at a post you self-moderated (deleted) is, truthfully, abusive - and some of the moderators require suspensions. I suspect the abusive moderators are stupidly patriotic Americans - too blind with their political lust to give a s@!$ about technology.
I'm not american... but that is offensive as shit
@FlorianMargaine "My English is very poor. Can I submit an entry in my own language?"
@minitech, do it
@rlemon I noticed that. I should edit it out
@FlorianMargaine use over-the-top types-Hungarian notation with not even a hint of systems-Hungarian
good idea!
@rlemon Wow. Where was this from?
15 characters of prefixes and 1 other to distinguish otherwise conflictitng variables
140 rep thanks to reddit
maybe I'll get rep capped thanks to reddit
29 upvotes on reddit, wut
Currently rendering 1x1 pixel images at 1spp to try to find a bug. Joy.
I very much doubt that all Americans are power-hungry and full of political lust. Just the militants and politicians are, and us regulars don't like them to begin with.
@ShotgunNinja angry user who is getting a little bit out of hand in his profile. Bolt is taking care of it
> Normal rays traced : 2
@rlemon cool
@rlemon I took out the last sentence
@BoltClock YaY! and you remembered to save a-crossed all SE sites
The problem with this approach is that you're assuming your DOM element is the 'source of truth' where in fact it is the model. This provides poor separation of concerns. OP did the right thing by relying on his model as his source of truth and not the view. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 19 secs ago
I always forget to do that
@rlemon :)
@rlemon, that's going to come back and bite you when you run to be a mod
@AmaanCheval ever done anything really extensive with canvas and physics?
@phenomnomnominal never even once.
Not really
10K mod tools are all I want
@rlemon, yeah I think that's probably my long term goal too. I'm just too damn lazy to answer questions.
@rlemon I've coded a CA with canvas
Cellular Automata?
What kind?
phase relaxation
That's easy, you rotate the ball
not asking for code, but didn't really pay attention in school so forget a lot of concepts / terms
Well, I banned PP on Meta now.
@rlemon friction, gravity, force propagation. That should suffice.
@rlemon ... what does that actually do?
@minitech he speaks of Abuse and is mildly racist all the while.
well I've done gravity and force and shit in some of my demo's
and i'm begun thinking about how to apply that here, however the math I started working out was very complicated.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I opened the Flash IDE and am working in a FLA file help
it probably is supposed to be, but flying at this blind I think i'll stop and ask now
@BoltClock Cool :) Make a CC movie
@BoltClock or a Piconjo one, those rocked
code review please
@minitech well the end goal is to be able to take a 'bucket' of blocks and/or circles and dump them on a 'platform' and allow them to come to rest naturally.
@rlemon I mean in real life. What would happen?
ohh. well the square not being centered on the circle would start to fall that way, pushing the circle to the (looks like right) and the square to the opposite way. the circle would also rotate away from the square and the square would rotate according to its fall and how it came to rest.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I hope to submit more than one CC movie this year. (Yeah it's that bad.)
@Bondye .data is a horrible broken approach that violates separation of concerns. You're making your DOM your source of knowledge instead of your JavaScript objects and JSON data. Please see my "How I would do this" part of my answer. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 4 secs ago
assume in the picture the square is visibly to the left-most of the top of the circle.
@BoltClock Submit 10, all of them "B" repeating 100 times
@BenjaminGruenbaum nah
@JanDvorak What is that ?
is there a plugin similar to masonry but is better about elements with random/different widths?
@BoltClock I loved old NG :) newgrounds.com/portal/view/205774
I wanna see a game where we are all vegetables (like carrots and celery) and we are fighting crackers while riding cows. The cows can fly too.. did I mention that? and the crackers are un-salted (the most evil cracker there is). To win you must defeat the evil cracker lord and free the tomato soup princess.
Huh. Newgrounds is apparently blocked at school for me. But not <insert most game sites>?
can anyone make me this game?
No reason to block newgrounds now, they're just another lame game site today :((
@minitech, shit, dude you're 15? Hot dang.
@dievardump each cell has a value that is a point on a circle (or sphere, or a pair of points depending on parameters). Cells are attracted to their neighbors' positions. It turns out to have an interesting behavior
minitech is da bestest
@rlemon Yes. But what have you tried?
canuck to boot.
@rlemon I cannot argue with this
@rlemon, bro, you can so do that
Just do it
@minitech jQuery.makeGame("I wanna see a game where we are all vegetables (like carrots and celery) and we are fighting crackers while riding cows. The cows can fly too.. did I mention that? and the crackers are un-salted (the most evil cracker there is). To win you must defeat the evil cracker lord and free the tomato soup princess."); but it didn't work.
@phenomnomnominal Yeah he dethroned me as SO's youngest mod
@rlemon OOh, the makeGame plugin, classic
@rlemon Try using $
@BoltClock but you are too immature to be a mod. I mean shit man. I've read the meta post. How dare you fat finger anything! Mature adults NEVER MAKE MISTAKES!
Hmmm, 21, still makes me feel pretty inadequate
@minitech shhh, John Resig comes here sometimes :P
@rlemon, you should clearly be using mootools.
46 secs ago, by minitech
It's not magic otherwise
@rlemon :(
too good to be hidden.
Stop! It was already flagged once for blasphemy
otherwise instead of cows, they'll just ride dollar bills.
Feb 19 at 16:12, by John Resig
bad uses of JavaScript existed long before jQuery ever came out - jQuery being popular doesn't stop bad devs from existing, the only thing that stops bad devs is good education, which is why I've written two books and am working at Khan Academy
^ lawyered.
Guys there is something with js I really cant figure out :S
There is something with JS we all can't figure out
@Xegano oh, you're not in the right place then
@Xegano that's why you came, isn't it?
Yea it is and I posted a few questions about it but still have no solution
Maybe I shouldn't have created a jQuery appreciation room making fun of jQuery culture all day, then made John Resig and Jeff Atwood room owners then left?
Naa, it was totally worth it ^_^
Is there a chat I can ask it at?
@Xegano, try PHP, they're JS wizz-kids in there!
@Xegano Ask away.
@Xegano don't worry, we're merely trolling you because you didn't read the rules
@XCritics Sorry I was putting the kids to bed, what's up?
Oh sorry :(
Well uhm so I change my form with $().html
Yeah! Never use .html.
Oh I already hated using it :S
What can I use instead?
I cant even detect the new html with jquery thats my problem actually
@minitech never use never
@minitech HTML is awesome, you should only use HTML
manipulate individual elements
Never use never, except in the case of .html
Always use always always
Never use except except in the case of never
Trollers :S
@BoltClock you should update Bill's answer on this question
Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo?
@BenjaminGruenbaum The question is historically-locked, editing would contradict that
had had had had had had had had had had had
@Xegano huh? explain?
you have created new elements with jQuery and you cannot re-select them from the page?
/(?:buffalo )+/i
if this is so: 1) why do you need to re-select them?
2) see #1
> This question and its answers are frozen and cannot be changed.
(well mods can change it w/o unlocking but that's beside the point)
Well look
I have 3 pages Login, Register, Forgot Password
cool story, show me da codes!~
Q: What is unicorn on Stack Overflow?

asdf_enel_hakWhen I search "unicorn" on meta, it gives me about: 150 results. When I do similar search on google, it is more then 5,500 results. And wikipedia says this: The unicorn is a legendary animal from European folklore that resembles a white horse with a large, pointed, spiraling horn proj...

I change those pages using a link on the bottom and when they click on it the form changes with .html
Q: My God—it's full of unicorns!

balphaBased on this comment, I have started building a unicorn avatar maker. It's still quite ugly, and the results aren't different enough yet, but this is what it looks like so far: Question list / Joel's profile (removed the images from here to make this thing a little shorter). Is this just way t...

A: The Many Memes of Meta

TheTXIMeme: Unicorns (née Ponies) Origin: TheTXI Cultural Height: April 1st, 2009 Background: The pony meme began without fanfare early in TheTXI's time as a member of Stack Overflow. Its first recorded usages can be traced back to long-running comment threads and arguments on both Stack Overflow an...

please tell me you all use my unicorn starring userscript?
@Xegano show us the code you want criti... err, reviewed
A: Unicorn Voting - Bringing the Joy of April 1 All Year 'Round!

rlemonUnicorn Starring a userscript to bring unicorns to chat stars! Only uses the OP images. Same License. Don't sue me George Install

@rlemon, every day it brings me joy.
when you add/remove a star it gives you unicorns!
Well its kinda much can I just paste it here?
no use a paste service
or jsfiddle
@rlemon Skeetify stars is better
@KendallFrey only you want to skeet on the stars
@rlemon as if jsfiddle wasn't a paste service
prototyping service !== paste service. (but shhh, the noobs still haven't figured it out)
@BoltClock We should add go to hail! you badget reducer. it has so much potential :)
Well this is the code pastebin.com/JvLe5MD1
OK I guess I should get going it's 3 am bye
@Gordon What are you doing here go back to PHP
I remember when it was 3am

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