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@JanDvorak how did he get his rep back to 1?
@mikedidthis he changed his name to @badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone
it's not the same.
or he created another account...
only changed name+avatar
oh. thanks @FlorianMargaine
so @okok = @badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone got it.
glad to help you ;)
damn i really think i'm the best one stack user on Codeigniter
and i'll be soon on js too ;)
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone these are the "best" stack users on CI stackoverflow.com/badges/1088/codeigniter
you're quite far...
uhm nope i don't trust stack rankings, ranking is quality/speed on problem solving for me
i see many newbies in top rank
oh gosh :D 2 only users in codeigniter tag unbelievable :O
i tought they were 100K :P
silver tag
there's no golden CI tag
what it means? :P
@FlorianMargaine don't know it, will check it later
that noone reached the sufficient number of upvotes/answers to get a gold badge in the CI tag
how can i check if i'm going for some silver tag? :P
oh ok :)
@FlorianMargaine does it data-bind?
@BenjaminGruenbaum sounds like it doesn't
it's just a quick organization library helper
@FlorianMargaine I like the concept of defining behavior in the view, but that's not the main benefit of things like knockout, data binding is
when css will add some "invert" rule for hover elements?
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone Just put what you want in the 'not hover' rule in the regular, nonhover selector, and negate it in the hover one
@BenjaminGruenbaum sure but how much cool should be using a:hover{ invert:color>background}
just for example :P
@FlorianMargaine my first intuition is no (on simple.js) , it doesn't do data-binding yet it still forces me to work in a predefined construct that might be limiting. I might be wrong, I just looked at it for a minute
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone that's actually an interesting use case, does less/sass do that?
I like the effect of power there ^
@BenjaminGruenbaum dunno sincerily, i think yes since they using vars :P
but there is no specific rule this is sure :P
@FlorianMargaine awesome effect!
@FlorianMargaine i don't like this kind of music but this video it's quite awesome too for effects youtube.com/watch?v=RNBZwXHVqwg :O
@BenjaminGruenbaum sadly less doesn't have a true 'invert', but it would be possible with a mixin maybe.
@mikedidthis yep i guess you can work on it with less or sass via vars it's simple but not the same of a native rule :P
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone vars won't help you, you need a mixin and maths.
Plus that's the beauty of less / sass, it helps make things happen in your CSS.
But I have to thank you, its been a while since I looked at the LESS docs and they seem to have added a few really nice things.
eheh but Sass is better afaik :P
Meh, maybe for some things. But with power comes bloat and sass can get very confusing quickly.
Would you consider this abuse of ternary or valid use?
var sign = (self.profitOverSector > 0) ? "+" : "-";
I'd remove the parens
and valid use.
it's a simple yes/no
That's what I thought, I like the parans though, maybe I'll move it to a boolean
can you please show me a use case for ternary ? :P
didn't catched what is good for :P
you know when you have something like this:
if (thisIsTrue) {
    var blah = 'true';
} else {
    var blah = 'false';
aha.. oh oh i think i gotcha now
go on .. please
you can rewrite it as var blah = thisIsTrue ? 'true' : 'false';
right yeah i used in php now i gotcha :P
"Sure, all the production problems are under control"
@FlorianMargaine old but ROFL
also when css text-stroke will be available? text-shadow sucks in anyway :U
and i think is not needed to charge js for kind of "stupid" things :/
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone you can use shadow to emulate stroke: jsfiddle.net/Kyle_Sevenoaks/ZnfED/1
@mikedidthis i know trust me it sucks anyway, cause you have to stay in range of 1/2px :U
and it doesn't renders good :u
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone no you don't, you can go as far as you like as long as you write the rules. But you know this right? :)
var sign = (self.profitOverSector > 0) ? "+" : "-";
@mikedidthis yeah ;)
but shadow != stroke so it's just a dirty trick which doesn't renders good for me :P
a{ text-stroke: 2px solid grey;} <- done! :)
-webkit-text-stroke is in chrome I believe.
also, I can't remember a single design where I would need a text-stroke :)
yeah webkit is always 2 years steps foward eheh
@mikedidthis there are tons really, think about logos for example
if you need to use a text-stroke to make your logo stand out on a page, your doing it wrong.
at the end we has to be able to reproduce this in css :)
svg... next.
actually it's kind impossible, with a text-stroke -> TA-DA
I've got something strange :
rep cap was reached via rep from upvotes *only* on 1 days
earned at least 200 reputation on 0 days
Are the two ones really compatible ?
yeah svg nice anyway , but i think future = no images at all in web pages :P
just utopia maybe
A logo that complex is an image assest, its simple really.
a logo 100x100 what for a logo 400x 300 !? :P
font-size will help you in that case :)
my logo is svg, under 3kbs. 100px - 100000000px.
yeah but what if you will need no more psd or svg , and you'll be able to design directly from your IDE? :D
But a logo isn't to be designed directly in your browser. If you think is should be, your doing it wrong.
logo is an image sure but for web should be not needed image i mean this man :) you can have your psd or svg for papers,stickers whatever you want, but for web will be soooo coool to replicate images via css only :P
how much an svg file size?
urm no.
= 10K lines of css? more? :P
I think you need to learn more about svgs.
@mikedidthis i know svg :D vectorial images
^ that is 492 bytes. BYTES!
it could be 1px as well as 1K pixels i know :D
492 bytes = lines of css? :D
1K ?
You try making that heart, in every browser for under 492 bytes.
And then, change the inner peak on it.
@kruti Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Then change the colour of it.
uhm sec we are off topic :D i mean text logos :P sorry
like the one i showed you above :P
which actually everyone is going for , logo = text , most of times pure html text + css in web :P
If the logo is simple enough, then yes a text logo is fine.
That's as close as I can get to your 'logo' example.
lol serious? :D
That ipad is just under 2kbs.
:) well for huge images svg needed i know :)
and i'm stilll using svg in my pages :P
I don't think we need an 'imageless' web.
@mikedidthis well maybe not needed but many many more performance without :P
box-shadow can be used on lots of elements. text-stroke would just be used for logos, so what is the point? Add features that can be applied to more than one purpose.
no not just for logos, it was just a use case :P
ok @badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone I will leave it at that, you have an idea I have an idea. Time to bake some bread.
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone also can you be in this mood more often, it was actually nice to chat with you.
@mikedidthis eheh i'll be ;) nice to chat with everyone of you guys :D i learn lot of things , you may not believe this, but it's true :D
@badbetonbreakbutbedbackbone good man!
@mikedidthis <span style='font-size:10em;'>♥</span>
@XCritics Yes XCr?
We are having a problem billing your credit card. Please enter a new card or call your credit card provider for details on why the transaction failed. You can contact [email protected] with any questions.
Your private repositories have been locked until you fix this error. Thanks for understanding.
What?.. I'm a uni student then I must get 2 years of free private repositories right?
> You can contact [email protected] with any questions.
Also, you can use BitBucket for free private repos
Does this closing comment make any sense? I'm still a little blurry
Yes, the issue is stupid
And what's the take on this?
The bot is a tool, no one wants it spamming the chat with bullshit conversation
!!c> [0.1, 0.2]).reduce (x,y) -> 10*x + 10*y.
@xcx "SyntaxError: syntax error"
@xcx Could not process input. Error: unexpected OUTDENT on line 8
@xcx Could not process input. Error: unmatched ) on line 8
!!c> [0.1, 0.2].map((x) -> x * 10).reduce(((x,y) -> x + y), 0) / 10
@phenomnomnominal 0.3
!!c> [0.1, 0.2].reduce((x,y) -> 10*x + 10*y) /10.0
@xcx 0.3
!!c> [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4].reduce((x,y) -> 10*x + 10*y) /10.0
@JanDvorak 33.4
@xcx not wha you wanted, I presume?
!!c> [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4].map((x) -> x * 10).reduce(((x,y) -> x + y), 0) / 10
@phenomnomnominal 1
!!c> [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4].reduce(((x,y) -> x + 10*y), 0) /10.0
@JanDvorak "TypeError: 1 is not a function"
eh the original one was right
@JanDvorak Could not process input. Error: unexpected , on line 8
@Zirak huh?
The code CS generated has an error
Why are you "huh"ing me? You have a syntax error
@JanDvorak 1.1
@JanDvorak 1
@Zirak I thought you do ;-/
!!c> safeadd = (x,y) -> (x*100000 + y *100000) / 100000 ; safeadd(0.1,0.2) # just wanted this actually
@xcx "function (x, y) {\n (x * 100000 + y * 100000) / 100000;\n return safeadd(0.1, 0.2);\n}"
can i ask a question please, say i have to make a string that contains this
<div id="wrapper" class="Variable Class">
	<section class="main VariableClass">
		<li>Variable Number 01</li>
		<li>Variable Number 02</li>
		<li>Variable Number 03</li>
		<li>Variable Number 04</li>
		<li>Variable Number 05</li>
		<li>Variable Number 06</li>
		<li>Variable Number 07</li>
		<li>Variable Number 08</li>
		<li>Variable Number 09</li>
		<li>Variable Number 10</li>
whats the cleanest way to do it
i was looking at multi line variables
and you can use + or \
i have used the + way but i get warnings in jsLint
saying bad line break before +
but if i make it so that it has no errors it looks so untidy and bugs me
so i was wondering what the best way to do it would be
bearing in mind i have to use variables aswell
@Connor why do you want such a string? Just have a loop that creates DOM nodes
@JanDvorak im using jquery, so i just then go $('something').append(string);
@Connor my advice applies to jQuery as well
@JanDvorak ok, bearing in mind i have to make the whole block before i append, that would work yes?
var $section = $('section')
for (var i = 0; i < variables.length; i += 1) {
    $section.append($('<li>', { text: variables[i] });
@Connor that would work
@phenomnomnominal it's not recommended to reselect section in a loop
after the loop, $div.append($section)
@phenomnomnominal @JanDvorak ok thank you both very much :)
@Connor if you need to create the section before appending to it aswell, just do $('<section>', { class: 'any class names you want', id: 'blah'}); etc
@phenomnomnominal i never new that was possible :D
@phenomnomnominal I think this calls .attr() internally
It's just nice if you need to reuse a set of classes
@phenomnomnominal whats the difference? $('<div class="any class names you want">')
@Connor using HTML snippets is slower and diritier
@JanDvorak ok
ok one last question
$('<div>') or $('<div/>')
Check the documentation. I think both use createElement.
the latter is XHTML-ism
XHTML is practically dead now
so, trailing slash is optional for the purposes of detecting singletaggedness
don't use $("<div></div>"), however
Q: What are the general steps one should take to create a javascript game

JeremyMe and my friends have decided to create a space-invaders javascript game and we're wondering what steps we should take to get us there. All of us have light knowledge of programming html/css and we 'understand' php and jQuery, haven't applied it too much though. But we're real keen to get this...

It doesn't matter, they all amount to the same
yeah, but the last one is uglier
1 hour later…
Monring to you too
Quiet in here. Everybody still waking up from a heavy night?
It's monday morning here
It's the weekend. Off to the skate park with the kids.
Q: How to turn off automatic operation for Nivo Slider?

SvartepjotrI am using Nivo Slider plugin to run a slideshow on my site. It automatically runs a slideshow on top of my screen. However I want the user to do this manually (clicking to advance to the next slide). How do I turn off the automatic operation?

Jesus doing anything with the transform css property is a pain in the ass.
hehe no debug possible
Just having to constantly compose and decompose matrices
maybe it could be generated server-side?
Doesn't make a difference, it's just the maths is sometimes a bit fiddly
The right way would be to transform $().animate calls to CSS animations whenever possible :-)
It would be a waste of time to send it to the server just to compute
@JanDvorak I'm mapping HTML elements onto rendered WebGL elements and have to map the translations from WebGL to CSS3 :)
eh sry I though data came from there
CSS should support matrix transformations
It does
But I'm animating them
And I want it to be frame animations, not timing, so I have to generate the set of in between steps
which means building matrices
Just transitioning each component won't do? :-)
But obviously you want to maintain any existing properties
Not when you want to animate scale and rotation at the same time
so you want to decompose to (rotation x scale x skew) -> transition each -> compose into a matrix?
Yeah exactly
Just got it all working
exactly how do you do the decomposition?
The biggest pain is just reading the damn matrix from an element.
Well you can read the translation straight away
guys, if printed out value in unix has a "^M" at the end, then there is a not yet removed new line character right?
Then I'm just using this:
@Decompose: (m) ->
    translation = new Vector(m.m[0][3], m.m[1][3], m.m[2][3])
    M = new Matrix4x4()
    for copyRow in [0...4]
      for copyColumn in [0...4]
        M.m[copyRow][copyColumn] = m.m[copyRow][copyColumn]
        if copyRow is 3 or copyColumn is 3
          M.m[copyRow][copyColumn] = 0
        if copyRow is 3 and copyColumn is 3
          M.m[copyRow][copyColumn] = 1
    norm = null
    count = 0
    R = new Matrix4x4()
    for copyRow in [0...4]
      for copyColumn in [0...4]
cfs has a generic loop construct?
That is quite kickass
Yeah, just becomes while (true)
Told you Zirak, come to the darkside
God my left eyeball hurts like a mother this morning
@duemir Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
posted on May 26, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Finally got my brother to sign up for a twitter.

@BenjaminGruenbaum, i know right.
@Zirak When you said, that the my code had 4/5 mistakes, did you mean it in a way, that it may not work in browsers, or did you mean, I was not following the best practice
I meant that they were mistakes; you should not do them. I'm disinclined to use the word "best practice", but I will say that doing these things may work, but is incredibly ugly.
ohh, ok txs
For instance, you can open your door using a high powered laser. It's preferable that you not.
@Zirak, If you have the resources to open a door with a high powered laser, pretty sure you're obligated to do so
If you have a high powered laser, you have to do a lot of things; opening your door comes near the bottom of the list.
True, a dedicated door opening laser is probably a bit OTT
A spitting contest comes to mind
I haven't been pinged by people requesting to be added all day
But they're all probably just watching Arrested Development
Yeah, I get that. So, as a noob, I am teaching myself from w3schools, even though, that is like opening a door with a high powered laser,:) but I would love to get a simple tutorial but yet, in-line with recommended ways to codding. Until, I move on to the more advanced ones. So, if you can recommend a link, I would appreciate it.

javascript source

Feb 25 at 15:33, 40 seconds total – 4 messages, 1 user, 0 stars

Bookmarked Feb 25 at 15:39 by NullPoiиteя

I tried developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Tutorials but, IMHO, it is not a noob friendly. But, after some time, I'm sure it will be the ideal one. and thanks @phenomnomnominal I am looking at those right now
It's a collection of tutorials
@Semra Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Ohh, silly me :) thanks guys, ur the best ciao
@rlemon , @Ryankinal... pm me on gtalk
I was wondering why the chat was so dead
Then I remembered, gallery
No, Sunday.
You do know that so far, the gallery serves no purpose?
Until we mute someone, we can make this an open chat
I have one remedy for that
Except I can't remember how to spell his goddamn name
You need his userid, since he's not in chat atm
Has he been annoying enough to deserve the honours?
you could wait until he comes and shows off
Until then, since it serves no purpose..
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
and when he starts trolling, it's gallery time I presume
Wat's with the new room name?
Wat's wrong with it?
Dunno, kinda confusing for one who is looking for a plain ole javascript room to get help
Hopefully we didn't overload your brain
We have a history of funny room names
Why are the new messages flying past quicker than usual?
quicker internet?
what is wrong with this piece of code..

<button id="add">Click Me!</button>

var num1=5;
var num2=3;
var btnadd=getElementById("add");
btnadd.addEventListener( "click", function( eve) { alert( num1 + num2 );}, false);
missing <script> tags?
i have <script> tags
getElementById is not a global - you want document.getElementById
oklet me try
Hint: CTRL+SHIFT+J opens a javascript console
@ThiefMaster it worked! Thanks. That is why i love stack overflow.
No need to star this
Please don't
Star = interesting for others to read
You know that owners can cancel stars?
Hover over a starred message to the right, click the ▼, "cancel stars"
i probably re starred the comment while trying to un star it :P
@Zirak oh, thanks.

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