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@Nathan you have to have different names for the inputs
unless you're doing interchangeable radio buttons
interchangeable radio buttons?
a set where only one can be selected
otherwise, you're stuck with separates that can't be unselected
that's not what he wanted though :p
Find me a link to js web application that works
cloud9ide is too buggy
something not made by google (their near infinite resources is cheating)
Hi there
@Raynos does MS Word online editor count? not sure if it's buggy tho.
GIT didn't like my excited commit message. :-\
$ git commit -m "media queries! and a more liquidish layout! mobile! yipee!"
sh.exe": !": event not found
3 hours later…
How do I convert html element present in page and convert it to jquery object?
well, what element is it?
I'm amazed by the amount of obscure HTML tags in the 4.01 spec
some of them are really cool
Well, if you just wanted to grab all the li elements it would be as simple as $('li)
if you want a specific li tack an id on it $('#yourId'). if you want a specific group of li tack a class onto them $('.yourClass')
my best advice for learning jQuery selectors is to learn CSS selectors
@Matt example?
ins, del, q
interesting. i was aware of del but had no idea about ins or the attributes attached to them
their effects are small, but interesting
for example, q just wraps text in quotes
i wonder if screen readers take into account the attributes in ins and del...i should get a blind fold and a screen reader and actually see what my site's are like with no vision
@CharlesSprayberry I have the element as a javascript htmllielement, i want to convert that to a jquery object
purposeful markup is evident when you disable CSS
pages looks a lot better when purposeful markup is used because of the default styling
@UberGeek See my previous response. If that is still confusing to you I suggest you ask a question on SO and show some code
@Matt yes, i do that occasionally. and you're right. good markup is really key. it is, after all, the foundation of your user experience. if you have crappy markup chances are you're gonna have a crappy user experience
server > html > css > javascript
progressive enhancement
without the server, you have nothing
without html, you have no structure
that's very true
without css, you have no visual enhancement
without js, you have no "spice"
yea, lately i've been focusing so much on getting the server end down that my site's normally end up with very little or basic spice. one of the things i definitely want to work on is my javascript skills.
I've been working on enhancing my markup and the accessibility of my site
my markup is ok, i wouldn't necessarily call it great as i haven't completely swapped over to HTML5 yet. it just 'looks' ugly. but that's mostly because the framework I use doesn't necessarily generate pretty html
but, like everything...it could use some work i'm sure :P
there's no need to switch to HTML 5
4.01 is perfectly fine
the game-changer for me, I think was the discovery of fieldsets in forms
you'll never wrap form elements with divs again
you might find this interesting: vischeck.com/vischeck/vischeckURL.php
test how a site looks to various forms of colorblindness
very interesting
now i'm very glad i decided to put a name title under my navigation icons instead of just going with image only as my navigation menu, and quite a few of my images, are totally borked
I try to put a title attribute on most of my tags as well
i always make sure i use the alt attribute...perhaps i should start including more title attributes as well
alt is just for images
title is mostly for links or purposeful tags like form elements
RT @Paul_Kinlan: Web Intents: A fresh look http://post.ly/2Jekn
RT @sethladd: New post: 14 Tips for a Successful HTML5 Game Jams and Hackathons http://goo.gl/fb/5DYHX
RT @joelambert: The review I've been waiting for: TouchPad HTML5 Dev Score Card by @Sencha. Summary: has great potential but needs work ...
RT @sgalineau: Web Workers in #IE10 over at #ieblog http://t.co/FNOIzl2
RT @dalmaer: Backbone.js 0.5 is out. Major feature is pushState (with backwards compat to hashes). We are using it with love. http://t.c ...
RT @codepo8: Alright, the July Dev Derby of Mozilla is on! Topic this month - HTML5 Video - http://mzl.la/lGIqaI
RT @erikjmoller: Samsung releases open source WebCL implementation. Neat if you're a nerd. http://t.co/giAMngq
3 hours later…
1 hour later…
Q: Jetbrains webstorm jquery autocomplete not working.

CeyloPlease help me if you are using webstorm or have any idea about it.I have used it before and worked very well.But today I installed it after format my computer.Now jqury auto complete and code suggestion tools are not working.I used 2.0.1 today I updated it to 2.1.1 but still I am facing that pro...

@MattMcDonald <q> sounds like <b> sounds like unsemantic html sounds like evil
@MattMcDonald There is also no harm in switching to HTML5. It simply gives you more
more stuffs
Q: Unable to display horizontal line in HTML

JustAnotherProgrammerI am new to HTML and I am trying to learn by making real life websites. I have started with creating website like Google just for learning but I am stuck in it. I am unable to display the horizontal line after the menu list. I would be thankful if someone could help me out. Thanks in advance. &...

Please vote the above question for repoen
@JustAnotherProgrammer no.
You changed the question completely
roll it back
and then ask a new question
ok , what have i missed today ?!
btw , good afternoon
2 hours later…
What would be a good regex to find anything between twitpic.com/ and either a space, dot, comma, exclamation mark, question mark or end of the string?
Alternatively, could someone recommend me a proper URL parser library in Javascript? I'm talking about URLs in raw text, in other words not between html tags or anything.
Hey people :) Just a quick question. If I was to use the jQuery cycle plugin as a content slider, would I be able to somehow use jQuery UI to drag and drop items between the slides? Or would this have to be a custom jQuery job? maybe one long div that's inside another with overflow hidden..? As I'm thinking this can't be done (dragging from separate div containers to others)
I was thinking something like /twitpic.com\/[a-z0-9]{1,8}( |,|.|!|?)/gi, but not sure how to make it also match when the string end is the final delimiter
1 hour later…
@teresko nothing interesting
Hello friends i need suggestion for using angular.js and backbone.js
which one is cool for going to learn
What do you need
what are you making
or do you want to learn for the sake of learning
i am newbie and i have to start learning any one
base on advantages
Do you know javascript?
Do you know MVC ?
not too much
Ok well angular is a full clientside framework.
And backbone is a minimalistic mvc structural library
Really it's backbone/spine vs javascriptmvc/angular.
our company want to start develop with any one js and couchDB so they give task to
decide which suitable
I personally recommend backbonejs
But I also recommend you use a templating engine of choice with it
and probably a DOM libary (or a DOM3 shim)
3 messages moved to bin
Stop spamming
2 messages moved to bin
no actually i have slow connection sorry for that
stupid Mango tools update hogging my CPU.
RT @LeaVerou: New blog post: A polyfill for the HTML5 <progress> element, the obsessive perfectionist way http://t.co/Z0Swsth
I was in here about an hour ago and asked the following, but there was no one really active in here to reply
anyone any ideas on this: If I was to use the jQuery cycle plugin as a content slider, would I be able to somehow use jQuery UI to drag and drop items between the slides? Or would this have to be a custom jQuery job? maybe one long div that's inside another with overflow hidden..?
hi, does anyone know if there's a jquery function that iterates through an array and returns a new array where expression evaluates to true? array_filter in php and select in ruby and pretty much every language has it. Just curious if jquery library has it too for javascript.
I'm trying to go for the iPad/iPhone style app drag and drop between sliding screens
you should test it first and then report back with errors
Alright, I'll give it ago then if no one knows, just thought someone might of known to save me the time of doing it all only to find out it's not going to work lol :p
@JohnMerlino $.grep
thanks for response
Or Array.prototype.filter
[1,2,3].filter(function(v) { return v == 3; })[0] === 3
grep appears to accept an index as well
arr = jQuery.grep(arr, function(n, i){
return (n != 5 && i > 4);
now if they use 'grep' for this purpose, then this doesnt appear that it can take a regular expression and then return a new array where pattern matches
like preg_grep
So does filter
In theory you can pass in a regex.
$.grep(arr, $.proxy(/foo/.test, /foo/))
ok I see
hey are you guys ?
Can I request an external adress using ajax ?
domain is same?
I just read that you can't use ajax if the requested url is not part of the current domain
however for security reasons
but what is the security reason if we're still able to open a javascript shell on the targeted page and use ajax on
ahh so many comments, with so many differentiated, detailed opinions
also, who cares about IE10 stuff?
It will be 7 only
it's great that they add so many new features quickly
but the really need to reduce IE7/8 market share to... 0%
@IvoWetzel and to do that, they have to reduce XP market share to 0%
I'm sure they'll launch IE7countdown.com sooner or later... probably later...but... hope for the best, right?
actually I don't care
we only support FX4+, Chrome 12+, Saf 5+ and IE9+
ANd by the time we finally release something there will be chrome 15-17 who knows
lol yeah
Q: Recreate JoliCloud app list

JoshI was wondering if there was any tutorial on how to recreate the pagination system used on JoliCloud. The system shows the amount of pages at the bottom along with what page you are on. It is kind of like the iOS springboard. I would like for it to get the apps via a MySQL query, but that's besid...

@IvoWetzel I care about IE10 web worker support
@ThomasShields skip ie7countdown, we need ie8countdown
@IvoWetzel you support "chrome12+" or latest chrome stable?
@Raynos yeah i know, but ie7countdown's gonna have to come first.
And why bother supporting FF4+ rather then latest ff stable
how are you even supposed to test for a Chrome version lower than what you have?
dont auto update
and use vms
Checkout an old copy of chromium and build it yourself
that works too lol
I just support whatever's the latest for chrome
IE7+, FF4, Chrome ∞.
cheers :)
3 hours later…
Q: What's the best approach to develop a cross-broser JavaScript app?

vemvAs one of my summer projects I'd like to build an AJAX program on my own. Not too big. I'm new to the whole matter, however I have general knowledge in programming and a good understanding of the Web workflow. As for W3C standards, is it wrong sticking to them as if they were a platform? Is it ...

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