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I kinda have to agree with @OctavianDamiean . Yes its dead, but its died so we could eat it. No need to dress it like a tit :)
I'm more disturbed about the lack of respect for the animals that are still alive
@BillyMathews That means it shouldn't be treated with respect?
@JanDvorak That too.
@JanDvorak Me too.
Not to forget about the fact that it is food, you don't play with food. There are a lot of people who starve to death.
@OctavianDamiean It means there's no reason for it to be.
^It probably was going to be eaten
@BillyMathews That's downright stupid.
@OctavianDamiean Let's just agree to disagree
I wasn't expecting you to agree anyway.
Moving on..
..to child sex jokes?
^I hope you all understand that joke?
@BillyMathews too soon man, too soon.
@Shmiddty What's this?
@mikedidthis That almost made me piss myself laughing
@BillyMathews its like finding out your granddad did it.
(ノ^_^)ノ I wrote a short python script to change the background based on the current time. :)
@mikedidthis :O
Used in conjunction with these wallpapers. brebenel-silviu.deviantart.com/art/…
Crap. I can find the area. Extracting x from that formula is trickier...
@Zirak what formula?
so, you want to position two circles to achieve certain overlap?
Given two circles (the x of the 2nd one is our variable), their radii and their area of intersection, find x
@JanDvorak Yes.
hmm... I'd use bisection
you know x is between R-r (inner contact) and R+r (outer contact)
@OctavianDamiean Nice. I'll have to do the same in JavaScript now.
@Zirak give me MATH, what do we know, circles are (usually, with Cartesian coordinates) in the form of (x-a)^2+(y-b)^2 = r^2 , what do you know about them?
Yes, if A > 0
@FizzyTea I'll put it in a Gist but It won't really help you. :P
if you need something faster,
In numerical analysis, Newton's method (also known as the Newton–Raphson method), named after Isaac Newton and Joseph Raphson, is a method for finding successively better approximations to the roots (or zeroes) of a real-valued function. :x : f(x) = 0 \,. The Newton-Raphson method in one variable is implemented as follows: Given a function ƒ defined over the reals x, and its derivative ƒ ', we begin with a first guess x0 for a root of the function f. Provided the function satisfies all the assumptions made in the derivation of the formula, a better approximation x1 is :x_{1} = x_0 ...
You know both yS, both Rs and the overlap of Rs? (thus r2-r1 since they (assumingly) have the same y (otherwise rotate)
@OctavianDamiean Bits might. I'll be doing it for Windows though.
You have a^2 = R^2 and x^2 = r^2, where everything but x is a parameter. You have the overlap of these two, let's call it A.
@JanDvorak why approximate? This is a LINEAR equation that can be solved easily if we just sort things out
@Zirak x^2 = r^2 is a parabola not a circle, I assume you mean (x-a)^2 + y^2 = r^2 right? Also, overlap is in x right?
@BenjaminGruenbaum given the area of overlap and two radii, find the distance of centers? That's definitely not linear and doesn't seem easy to sort out
Yeah, sorry
So, you have x^2 + y^2 = r^2 and (x-a)^2 + y^2 = R^2 where you know R and r, right?
Yes. After some playing around, I got to the same place as here
@JanDvorak First of all, that's completely solvable, second, if I understand correctly that's not the problem Zirak is having. He just wants to figure out where to place the circles on the x axis (we can assume we place one at 0 since it's just relational)
Hello there
@BenjaminGruenbaum placing the circles = determining their distance
@Zirak @Zirak you know the amount on the x axis that the radii overlap right?
@JanDvorak Based on what?
@BenjaminGruenbaum based on the area of overlap, IIUC.
It can probably be inferred from the overlap area
Based on the length of overlap along the x-axis, that would be trivial.
@JanDvorak right, but we can assume one is placed (center) at (0,0) and the other at (a,0) right?
@BenjaminGruenbaum sure; that just reformulates the problem of finding the distance of centers
@BenjaminGruenbaum (d,0), not (a,0), if you're using the same notation as mathworld.wolfram.com/Circle-CircleIntersection.html
@FizzyTea Mine evaluates hourly and will be run every hour by cron.
I don't use the same notation as anyone :P I'm just trying to make the point this is not a very hard problem anyway. I use the same notation as I learned getting my degree
Windows has a cron-like thing.
if it's not a hard problem to solve it, then solve it please
I think it is called at on Windows.
Not sure.
@JanDvorak Didn't you just link me to a page with the solution ?
Q: How to get the text in a particular div only avoiding the text from nested divs?

Romantic ElectronI have a nested div structure as follows <div id =a> my content <div id =a1> irrelevant content </div> <div id= a2> irrelevant content </div> </div> I know I can get the innerText of the div with id "a" as document.getElementById('a').innerText but t...

Now, solve for d (A is not the variable)
awww mathematics
@OctavianDamiean Woah! I didn't know you could do that on the command line!
any javascript plugin for swipe?
I believe there is
can u link?
I only know there is one, not where it is
I also know ther is
!!/tell anonmous google jquery swipe plugin
Morning Folks!
Question on Jquery
<div id='basic-modal'><a href='#' class='basic'>Update Record</a><div id=\"basic-modal-content\"><form/></div>
Welp, I managed to get another way to represent A, but d is still stuck inside sines and cosines
I need to pass the variables to the modal box which pops up
did anyone get it?
The crontab line should be right, I'm not sure yet though.
How can i do that?
ewww but I want this pet
Anyone here to answer me?
@Zirak Extract it.
Hello @tem
@udaysagar what?
is there any swipe plugin like that of native mobile device swipe
Hello @TemporaryNickName How are you?
good thanks, what's cracking ?
@OctavianDamiean Cheers!
@OctavianDamiean You were always the smart one.
Can you answer my question?
@ANonmousChange the one our bot found for you won't do for you?
@Zirak I know, the solution is so simple, isn't it? :D
<div id='basic-modal'><a href='#' class='basic'>Update Record</a><div id=\"basic-modal-content\"><form/></div>
is that the popup div?
Man, I feel too stupid to hit math.stackexchange...they're so nice and supportive, it feels like abuse
@udaysagar Your elements are incorrectly nested
Wait, that's already arcos?
no answer?
<div id="basic-modal">
    <a href="#" class="basic">
         Update Record
    <div id="basic-modal-content">
        <form/> <!-- What's this? -->
<!-- no closing tag for basic modal -->
Current desktop setup.
@BillyMathews Billy, maybe he accidently forgot to copy the last closing div
Isn't it beautiful?
That was just a rhetorical question, I know it is. :P
here we are again :)
@TemporaryNickName maybe, but that <form/> looks suspect
@OctavianDamiean It is :p
wtf quality!
@BillyMathews I don't know
@OctavianDamiean I noticed that..
@OctavianDamiean what it was?
Can anyone tell me a little about .htaccess?
@BillyMathews what's the problem ?
@OctavianDamiean what is that?
web site?
@BillyMathews It's the configuration file used by apache webserver and it starts with dot for the file name because it means it's a hidden file in unix environment
I recommend you to use WebLogic server
I know what it is, but not how to write one
@okok Recently one of the sites I made a while ago was hacked
and you do not need to write anything for weblogic server
and my boss wants me to look into making all of our websites more secure
@BillyMathews how do you catched it was hacked and how do you know htaccess is implied?
@BillyMathews .htaccess can't help in security
@okok It was actually MySQL injection
^ so escape all your queries :)
@BillyMathews Well, to write one you just write the config into a text editor and save it as a .htaccess file.
MYSQL injection via mysql or via browser ? @BillyMathews
@OctavianDamiean Well, duh :p I mean I don't know the syntax
@okok Haven't a clue
@BillyMathews hmm, that is quite a sad story
@BillyMathews Then you rtfm
@OctavianDamiean will do
Your sql security has nothing to do with apache configuration...
@okok Use prepared statements.
Also, what Zirak said
@FizzyTea uh?
@Zirak Yes, I thought so.
I just do what my boss says haha
In your case, I'd recommend (for your boss) to hire someone who knows what they're doing, and have them teach you.
@okok AKA parametrised queries.
@Zirak Yeah, well.. I don't think that's gonna happen
@FizzyTea ok but i don't understand what this is about to !? i have no sql problems :)
@okok Then google.
@BillyMathews Then look up sql security for the language you're using
@ANonmousChange Don't just spam
@okok escape all my queries? (did I mention I'm using WP?)
@FizzyTea lol but i don't need anything, i anyway thank you :)
@BillyMathews do you modified wp source code?
@okok You need understanding. You said so yourself.
@FizzyTea eheh ok ok
Oh no, he's here again?
any page scrolling horizontal plugin?
@okok No
I just made a WP theme..
@Zirak no
@ANonmousChange do you even google?
I 've not found
@BillyMathews uhm, i can't help you if i dunno from wwhere they entered :P could be a wp problem or server problem :P
@OctavianDamiean 7 days ban :P
@ANonmousChange you found nothing from googling 'horizontal scroll plugin'?
can u help me
@ANonmousChange jquery plugin or js plugin?
there are tons out there
for jquery mobile
@mikedidthis I assume the code didn't jump right on his forehead making him fall over.
like native slide
do you use some css or js framework @ANonmousChange ?
@ANonmousChange I can help if you can be bothered to help yourself, which you clearly can't.
@ANonmousChange somenthing like this? twitter.github.io/bootstrap/javascript.html#carousel
@OctavianDamiean Yeah, I am not in the mood to be messed with today. Being lazy is a real pet peeve.
I need any plugin for jquery mobile that slides horizontal like native android app
I have database query from PHP is there anyway simply to covert it to a javascript object?
From: Array ( [0] => Array ( [type_name] => Standard Banner [size_name] => A2 [type_size_min] => 1 [price] => £5 ) [1] => Array ( [type_name] => Standard Banner [size_name] => A2 [type_size_min] => 5 [price] => £4 ) etc...
{ [type_name] : { [size_name] : { [type_size_min] : [price], [type_size_min] : [price],[type_size_min] : [price], } }, [type_name] : {}}
@WilliamJames JSON
@WilliamJames json_encode
haha stringidy hahaha
@ANonmousChange what about idangero.us/?content=article&id=45
@okok not carousel but similar for jquerymobile touch
Thanks - shall give that a go
At what point do I json it? Just on that output?
That's a fucking hilarious function name. JSON.stringidy
@okok Can you advise me on anything I can do to increase security? I have changed all the table prefix's as I've read it's common that wp_ get hacked a lot
@OctavianDamiean +1
@WilliamJames json_encode returns a string. So, yes.
@BillyMathews first of all, are you on private server, shared hosting, cloud ?
Shared hosting
@WilliamJames your output sample is not valid JSON (or javascript), though
@JanDvorak Yeh I just hit that problem
@BillyMathews ok that is one of the first problem , cause major security things hsould be done on server side
@JanDvorak Is there a way to collapse my PHP array in to valid JSON?
Morning flirters
@WilliamJames json_encode will produce valid JSON
@BillyMathews anyway , since you are using wp, and you can't change the code , you should try find out some wp plugin
thanks @BillyMathews
Yep now I have: [{"type_name":"Standard Banner","size_name":"A2","type_size_min":"1","price":"\u00a35"},{"type_name":"St‌​andard Banner","size_name":"A2","type_size_min":"5","price":"\u00a34"},{"type_name":"St‌​andard Banner","size_name":"A2","type_size_min":"50","price":"\u00a33"} etc...
good, eh?
@BillyMathews you can also check some tips like these wordpress.org/extend/plugins/better-wp-security
@JanDvorak Is there a way I can collapse the "Standard Banner" so that its like { "Standard Banner" : { Size1: price, Size2: price, Size3: price}, "Next Banner" : { Size1: price}} etc
@okok Thanks dude
np @BillyMathews i sincerilly won't like to be in your position, i hate CMS, and when somenthing happen you are always in trouble i know :/
@WilliamJames hmm ye
sigh I hate it when I have to use position absolute just because I have to mimic a goddamn image.
@WilliamJames you don't think you even need size1 size2 size3 there, you can replace them by an array
anyone using Angular.js?
{ "Standard Banner" : [123,456,789], "Next Banner" : { Size1: price}}
This is the object in my JS:
var price = {
			"Standard Banner": {
			"Size1": {
				"1-4": "\u00A35",
				"5-49": "\u00A34",
				"50+": "\u00A33"
			"Size2": {
				"1-4": "\u00A35",
				"5-49": "\u00A34",
				"50+": "\u00A33"
			"Size3": {
				"1-4": "\u00A35",
				"5-49": "\u00A34",
				"50+": "\u00A33"
		"Premium Banner": "Premium",
		"Mesh Banner": "Mesh"  };
[{"type_name":"Standard Banner","size_name":"A2","type_size_min":"1","price":"\u00a35"},{"type_name":"St‌​andard Banner","size_name":"A2","type_size_min":"5","price":"\u00a34"},{"type_name":"St‌​andard Banner","size_name":"A2","type_size_min":"50","price":"\u00a33"} is my PHP JSON
me really hate try/catches
!!/ define Exception
@xcx Exception (computing) exception
@OctavianDamiean it could be avoided no? imo
the Maybe in haskell
and why?
I have been asked to set up some Google Analytics Custom Variables to track when users are logged in and just want to make sure I fully understand how this works.
Presumably the best thing to do is to create a JavaScript snippet to fire the custom variable tag when the user starts a session as a logged in user?
Alternatively if I wanted to track a user that had made previous purchases I would need to create a piece of code to query the purchase database and fire the tag if they had done so.
it's ugly to wrap a call like that
and retro-process, when it fails
do you have constructive criticism or...?
well, finally.
It's a socially acceptable GOTO.
@FlorianMargaine a little :)
don't beat me..
anyone has a success own app?
@Neil The trouble I have with the groupBy is that the property names are dynamic
@FizzyTea Well, everything is just an abstracted form of GOTO. :P
@FlorianMargaine ok, I see it's intensively used in Lisp :p
it's a condition system, not an exception system
Exceptions have their right to exist.
@OctavianDamiean :-)
@OctavianDamiean in programs hmmm..
@TemporaryNickName Yes I do that already for the sizes but inside the sizes have quantities with attached prices. Or is this thinking wrong?
{Success, List} = json_decode(Json) matchable with {true, List} or {false, Exception}
@xcx Sorry?
Exceptions can be useful, but should be used sparingly IMHO. I think that they are best used for exceptional, unforseen events. Too often I see them used as a general error handling mechanism for expected problems, and can make code quite ugly if misused.
Is it better to stick to the format: {"type_name":"Standard Banner","size_name":"A2","type_size_min":"1","price":"\u00a35"} ?
Rather than sub arrays ?
Hello, does anyone know how I run a function again after a ajax:success?
for example, I've got this...
$('a[data-remote]').on('ajax:success', function(event, data, status, xhr){
which i need to run again as the data updates
(I'm a complete novice at javascript)
Hey, @FlorianMargaine what do you think of modifying github.com/Raynos/xtend#L15-L20 by:
Object.keys(source).forEach(function(name) {
    target[name] = source[name]
Is that dirty? :/
you want an Object.merge?
you want $.extend?
your code is not so bad
your function would look something like:

function merge(source, target) {
    target = target || {};
    Object.keys(source).forEach(function(name) {
        target[name] = source[name];
    return target;
I'm just trying to get back to work ^^
or something different?
it's not dirty per se, I'm just not finding how you want to go at it
@FlorianMargaine Stop being so shallow.
@BenjaminGruenbaum uh?
@FlorianMargaine Bad pun on shallow merging
Why that much spaces?
I'll take your Object.merge
Q: Backbone Marionette code improvement

user1966211I have this repetitive block of code and I'm looking for ways to make it reusable and as flat as possible. Here it is: Controller.showKeyboardRegion = function() { logger.info('Controller.showKeyboardRegion => CreateAccountLayoutController'); var view = new CreateAccountKey...

@FlorianMargaine Do you have 3 minutes to look at a issue I'm having?
I did a bad thing by pinging you Florian, sorry ^^
welp, this sucks. I can't find a way to extract d. Binary brute-force search then?
var price = {{"type_name":"Standard Banner","size_name":"A2","type_size_min":"1","price":"\u00a35"}, etc... I tried for(var prop in price) but I can not seem to access the data... alert(prop) just gives 0,1,2,3,4,5,6
Or can you not use a JSON_encode as a object literal?
@Shandle Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hello, I have a question. I'm using .ajaxForm to upload a file, and when the script detect submit action, the ajaxForm start... but I want to force the submit to the action page, when the file is uploaded. Could you help me please?
I used $('#upload').trigger('submit'); ... but nothing :/
@MGE the submit button has the id of #upload?
fuuuu I keep forgetting to log tomatoes.
yes @mikedidthis
@GNi33 Clairvoyant is pretty freaking awesome. Been listening to it on repeat for so long now
Anybody have any idea how to use a JSON as a object literal? Do I need to convert it first? Or is it better to just use the JSON as is? If this is the case how do you access the JSON values?
my form upload the file on submit, and then I want to force the submit to the action value page, but it start the file upload again
@WilliamJames JSON is a data exchange format you can use to serialize objects. It's text
@MGE gonna need to give us an example.
@WilliamJames it's just inspired by and very similar to JavaScript objects (Hence the name JavaScript Object Notation)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I see. So I need to parse it to an object.
@WilliamJames If you want to convert a JSON string to a JavaScript object you can do that calling JSON.parse (you might need to download the json2 library if you need to support ie7)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks. Do I need to strip the initial [ and last ] first for it to work?
jQuery has a JSON parser built in
@WilliamJames no. These denote an array
I need this code
' $('a[data-remote]').on('ajax:success', function(event, data, status, xhr){
@TaylorWilliams sure, take it
to run again once completed
@MGE can you get it up on jsfiddle, so it can be debugged.
wrap in a function, and call the function from the callback
@mikedidthis it uses external js library and css
I'm a javascript novice - i have no idea what you mean :P
I only need to know how to force a form submit
@JanDvorak JSON.parse does not seem to be working, shall find the JQuery function now
to the action page
I just understand that once that code is run, data has been updated so that javascript code needs to be run again
@WilliamJames how come it doesn't work?
@MGE thats fine jsfiddle supports external resources. I think your logic is wrong, hence no firing of the button.
@MGE but at the moment I can't help anymore.
var price = JSON.parse(<?php echo $matrix; ?>);
Gives me nothing...no popup
@WilliamJames what's $matrix?
@JanDvorak The json_encode from database
If $matrix is JSON, then embedding it into the code will produce an object, not a string
you'd be parsing twice
@MGE you have tried using .submit() like your previous one?
I think I'd kick out this designer's teeth if I'd ever meet him.
@OctavianDamiean Who?
@OctavianDamiean brave words! :)
The one who designed the screens of this website I have to implement.
@JanDvorak You in grammar nazi mode? :D
*are you?
@mikedidthis yes
but it repeats the file upload
I tried changin the form id value
@JanDvorak I have to pass it to my view as a string which I think is cause the problem here.
replacing upload with uploading
but it still uploading the file, wtf
@WilliamJames then json_encode twice
once to create a JSON, once to embed the JSON in a source code
@JanDvorak How on earth did you know to do that?

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