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Mine would be terribly pissed off.
well no, it'll be hooked up to a digital thermostat in the upper tank
They'd show you their belly. :P
@OctavianDamiean what type of fishies?
Garra rufa.
how big is your tank? planted? rock? plastic?
Planted, there are some rocks for them with little caves to hide. I'm on a 60L tank now.
We're down to two fishes now.
has anyone ever used magnific popup?
The rest died because of age.
We had five in a 60l tank.
They need roughly 10L per fish.
@XCritics sockets don't always work for me (company firewall)
yea 15L is good and plenty for those fish at that number
We had A LOT more than that though, 2 x 250L tanks, a big 500L tank, and about six 60L tanks.
I have a 10g (sorry all my tank measurements are g) with a buttload of guppies in it. requires twice a week water changes
All were operating at some point.
ten grams of water?
atm, I have 5G 10G 20G 29G 33G 46G(+10G sump)
@JanDvorak Gallons.
@rlemon why would you even? I don't...
in context I don't need appropriate capitalization
!!/google gallon
@JanDvorak Roughly 38L.
3.8L per G
@OctavianDamiean exactly..
need a bit of help.. need to access data from this file github.com/godka/phpDocsToReferences/blob/master/… in this chrome extension github.com/godka/chat-linkifier/tree/master/src
not roughly.
dunno how to patch them up
!!/convert 10G
@Shmiddty Confuse converter with G, receive error message
@Shmiddty gf likes guppies.. and they just keep fucking breeding
!!/convert 10 gallons
@Shmiddty Confuse converter with gallons, receive error message
!!/help convert
started with like 4 and now I have like 25 (don't worry, all still small so the tank still works for them, but I will have to sell some or feed em to my puffers soon)
@Shmiddty convert: Converts several units and currencies, case sensitive. /convert <num><unit> [to|in <unit>] Pass in list for supported units /convert list
!!/convert list
!!/convert 10gal
Could not process input. Error: res is not an object on line 5792
@rlemon Confuse converter with gal, receive error message
@Shmiddty Could not process input. Error: res is not an object on line 5792
no oneboxing for W/A? :-(
@Zirak the converter is broked
@rlemon We had quite some trouble with ours, they breed but the parents tried to eat the baby fishes ...
@rlemon apparently it's not exactly 3.8L per gallon.
@OctavianDamiean yea they always do
Had to separate them.
LOTS of hornwort is my best advice or a breeder tank (my 5Gal is my breeder tank)
there are at least three different gallon sizes, but only one liter size. One more nice thing about the metric system.
I am talking in US Gal
Yea, that adventure is over now.
most LFS I buy from get from the US.
@OctavianDamiean it's addictive. start a nano reef. I'll look at shipping you some frags (if it's too much fuck it)
We had them because my mother had a business.
man, 14 hours in the office is exhausting
!!/google cookie jar reef
function ajax(options) {
	var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
	xhr.open( (options.type || 'GET'), options.url, (options.async  || false) );
	xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
		if( xhr.readyState === 4 ) {
			if( xhr.status === 200 ) {
				options.success && options.success(xhr);
			} else {
				options.error && options.error(xhr);
			options.complete && options.complete(xhr);
	xhr.send( ( options.data || null ) );
I think it's good enough.
@rlemon google says 3.78541 Liters per gallon (US).
@rlemon are you still rewriting jQuery: the good parts?
@Shmiddty the urinals I've peed in my entire life say 3.8L / 1G
@JanDvorak eh, not so much re-writing it. just writing some code.
@rlemon two digits of precision ought to be enough for everyone
I just really liked their implentation of .css
@rlemon Always trust the urinals.
@Shmiddty yea, just don't trust toilets. They take too much shit.
@rlemon they just have no self-respect
@rlemon s/ajax/http_request
@Shmiddty do urinals have?
@copy I'll call it xhr
that abbreviation is anachronism
no more X in XHR
how do you use object literal notation with dynamic keys? { ""+key: value } ??
you can't
use []
{[key]: value}
obj={}; obj[key]=value
though your syntax would be nice, too
damn, was hoping to stick it all in a single return :P
That would contrast with maps/weakmaps though
interesting ;)
Or you write your own Object.fromList
@rlemon parseJSON
@RyanKinal that's eval in disguise
Sssshhhh! Don't tell anybody!
you still have to uneval the value
I challenge all comers to this golfs: golf.shinh.org/p.rb?Type+of+triangle
@Shmiddty BTDT. Beaten by two people and eighteen characters in ruby.
@JanDvorak javascript is the only golf language that I care about. :P
@Shmiddty hold on, then. Challenge accepted (cue the meme)
function serialize(form, includeEmpty) {
    function f(v) {
        return !!v;
    return JSON.stringify([].map.call(form.elements, function (element) {
        if (includeEmpty || element.value) {
            var ret = {};
            ret[element.name] = element.value
            return ret;
man I pick so many misleading names :/
Q: Getting all number from a String like this "1,2,5-9"

Jonatas GusmãoI need to get the numbers in a string like "1,2,5-9", the function should return a list with these values ​​[1,2,5,6,7,8,9] Here's what I did. Is this the best way or there's something simpler/better? function isNumber(n) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n); } function getNumbers...

Q: Get MonoBehaviour components from Prefab

Anton Garcia DosilHi I need to assign the script values for the following Prefab in Unity 3.5 Monguer_Prefab -Mono Behaviour -Mono Behaviour -Mono Behaviour -Mono Behaviour All the components have the same name. I have tried to obtain all of them in an array but the GetComponents method does not seem to work pr...

.filter(Boolean) people...
@FlorianMargaine :) you rock
didn't even think of that
stupid question what does this error mean in validation... Element link is missing required attribute property
@KirstyHarris probably missing rel, i.e.: rel="stylesheet"
@BenjaminGruenbaum what about iframes?
@FlorianMargaine That's clever
ok, is that in a link?
oh !
right cool will try that thanks
i made that to fix my script timeout issues
@KirstyHarris "A link element must have rel attribute." w3.org/wiki/HTML/Elements/link
that's <link> not <a> btw
right ok, ta.. thankyou so much
now to find it lol
thats well odd, i dont have any :S
says line 505 and i dont even have that many lines in the source :S
@KirstyHarris what file is it referencing?
Every time a dumb jsperf is run, a kitten dies
erm its not referencing anything :S
@copy a peaceful death?
thats the website, it says line 505 on the source in validator, but i cant find any <link> on their own without rels
No, it dies and in the background a Babra Streisand song is playing
function serialize(form) {
    var c = encodeURIComponent;
    return [].map.call(form.elements, function (element) {
        var r = c(element.name);
        if( element.type === 'checkbox' ) {
            v = element.checked;
        } else if (element.type === 'radio' ) {
            if( !element.checked ) {
                 return false;
            } else {
                 v = c(element.value);
        } else {
            v = c(element.value);
        if (v) {
            r +=  "=" + v;
the two repeating else statements, how can I reduce this down to one?
@copy Probably still not as bad as being tied in a sac and thrown into a river.
why doesn't this work?

var object = {
test : function() { alert("test"); },
another : function() { alert("another"); }

(function() {
maybe I'm misunderstanding something
@TheSnooker because you are never actually calling object.test?
object.test() !== object.test;
I thought that would be eexecuted right away?
the anonymous function is...
object.test <- named function ref
object.test() <- function called
that was it
@Shmiddty no comment on my serialize function above?
            } else {
                 v = c(element.value);
        } else {
            v = c(element.value);
^ i hate this
just looking at it
check for value first?
let me try something, sec
Why don't you just change your condition to else if (element.type === 'radio' && !element.checked)?
And then assign v in the next else
So it becomes this:
else if (element.type === 'radio' && !element.checked) {
            return false;
        } else {
            v = c(element.value);
return false removes the element
You could use reduce instead of map filter
let me look at the mdn page for reduce
I have a feeling that my inbox will be flooded soon. Just subscribed to a shitload of Mozilla mailing lists.
function serialize(form) {
    var c = encodeURIComponent;
    return [].map.call(form.elements, function (element) {
        var r = c(element.name);
        if( element.type === 'checkbox' ) {
            v = element.checked;
        } else {
            (element.type === 'radio' && element.checked) || return false;
            v = c(element.value);
        if (v) {
            r +=  "=" + v;
        return r;
Oh gawd
function serialize(form) {
    var c = encodeURIComponent;
    return [].map.call(form.elements, function (element) {
        var r = c(element.name);
        if (element.type === 'checkbox') {
            v = element.checked.toString();
        } else if (element.type === 'radio' && !element.checked) {
                return false;
        } else {
            v = c(element.value);
        if (v) {
            r += "=" + v;
        return r;
was mine
        (element.type === 'radio' && element.checked) || return false;
same thing really
now, that it's done and half assed tested... does it even make sense to use :P
I'm sorry @copy, I know I disappoint you daily.
function serialize(form) {
    var c = encodeURIComponent;
    return [].map.call(form.elements, function (element) {
        var r = c(element.name), v;
        if( element.type === 'checkbox' ) {
            v = element.checked;
        } else if (element.type !== 'radio' || element.checked) {
            v = c(element.value);
        if (v) {
            r +=  "=" + v;
        return r;
one immediate problem I'm seeing is that v is global
that's better
@JanDvorak how's the triangle type golf going?
how much do you think it suck to generate urls like http://foo.com/0/1/705/1/706/1/707.. basically giving a list of id's through url, it's important in case of jsonp where you can't do Post
function serialize(form) {
    var c = encodeURIComponent;
    return [].map.call(form.elements, function (element) {
        var r = c(element.name), v;
        if( element.type === 'checkbox' ) {
            v = element.checked;
        } else if (element.type !== 'radio' || element.checked) {
            v = c(element.value);
        } else {
            return false;
        if (v) {
            r +=  "=" + v;
        return r;
@Shmiddty I've got it done, but my score is terrible. I'll golf it a bit, then publish
I was doing .. /[0,1,..] json encoded in url, but that sounds like the same
@JanDvorak okay. Let me know if you can beat 135
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
@Shmiddty 144
no cheating
what was your cheat?
I have a question if someone can help me.
if noone could help, would it mean you had no question?
If I reference to a function from within a constructor does that essentially equal to me writing that same function within my constructor?
@SineLaboreNihil how are we supposed to know if we can help you.
Lol, I didn't know if anyone was active. :D Sorry, this is my first time in chat here. :)
if a function is stored in a variable, it doesn't matter much how it got there
@JanDvorak You want me to tell you, or just want a hint? It uses new Date%3 and resubmitting until the answers all line up correctly
So if I write this.name = nameFunction; Is that the same as this.name = function(){ //whatever the name function does};?
@SineLaboreNihil Do you know how to read?
@Shmiddty Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand live (perhaps you meant to execute a command? If so, prepend the command name with a /)
are welcome messages disabled?
@Shmiddty yuck. Guessing is dirty.
@SineLaboreNihil no I guess JS is not that stupiud, and can handle variable references
@Shmiddty I would prefer if you exploited the limitedness of the test cases
something that always works
@JanDvorak It doesn't guess for each line of output, it guesses which test case it is
it's fairly common on that site for poorly written questions
(not enough inputs/outputs)
you're exploiting that the test cases are merely permuted
I realize this might be a dumb question for some of you but I am a beginner and am simply trying to make things clearer for myself while I'm learning.
!!> var x=function(){return 1;}; x == (function(){return 1;});
@xcx false
@SineLaboreNihil But you can't read? because you obviously didn't read the rules.
@SineLaboreNihil show us your use case, then we'll tell you what happens.
@SineLaboreNihil ^^
It matters where you create a function - different variables could be seen then
it doesn't matter how it gets into a variable - just when, and which one.
@JanDvorak so anyways...
show me your 144 char solution
@NavidKoochooloo Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
no cheats, pretty straightforward, merely mildly golfed
r=i.split(" "),l=Math.max(a=r[0],b=r[1],c=r[2]),d=2*l*l-a*a-b*b-c*c
(newline added for the purposes of formatting)
you can [a,b,c]=readline().split(' ')
I wonder why they dont let you ping yourself
@Shmiddty, I don't know which rule I broke. Maybe the one about asking to ask a question, but I was simply checking to see if there was anyone active in the chat. I guess this rule is pretty heavily enforced here.
> just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Jan Dvorak, thank you. :)
@Shmiddty I bet it's not ES5
is it a firefox extension?
the site uses spidermonkey
then we're tied
Man that sucks! The author of liquidprompt should accept my pull request already ...
@JanDvorak I don't understand your tests
altered triangle inequality and pythagoras
I was doing something like: ...;print(a*b*c?-a-b<-c?f?f>0?'acute':'obtuse':'right':'none':'none'))f=a*a+b*b-c*c
then you need to sort the longest edge into c
I'm stealing your f?f>0?, though
two chars off, and I'm in the lead
@AmaanCheval you there?
The Story So Far just released a new acoustic song, i think you should give it a listen -> youtube.com/watch?v=y7FauV3MIUU
so blown away by it right now
is attempting to build Firefox
Wish me luck.

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