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Yeah, I was asking if you're serious, you actually own this?
$(this).slideDown(); // jQuery underwear
And my follow-up question is: (can you guess it?) where can I get one?
I know that was coming :p
$(this).contents().show(); ?
but I'm afraid its a limited edition, needled by John Resig himself
Awh :/
I'll have to make some on one of those websites
You just got to love the name and the description.
In computer programming, object orgy is a term, common in the Perl programming community, describing a common failure (or 'anti-pattern') in object-oriented design or programming. In an object orgy, objects are insufficiently encapsulated, allowing unrestricted access to their internals, usually leading to unmaintainable complexity. Consequences The consequences of an object orgy are essentially a loss of the benefits of encapsulation: * Unrestricted access makes it hard for the reader to reason about the behaviour of an object. This is because direct access to its internal state mean...
> In an object orgy, objects are insufficiently encapsulated, allowing unrestricted access to their internals, usually leading to unmaintainable complexity.
I lol'd.
you actually lol'd or you bursted out a laughing ?
> The consequences of an object orgy are essentially a loss of the benefits of encapsulation
> The consequences of insufficiently encapsulated design are essentially a loss of the benefits of encapsulation
@jAndy The latter.
I'm actually 'loling' from time to time
its so nerdy
Also, I think I got a cold.
but I can't do much about it
Oh and UPS just informed me that they printed a forwarding label for my Geeksphone.
can anyone explain this to me? <>&#{i++};</> this is in some javascript code that runs on spidermonkey.
(not sure what I'd be googling)
How kind of them, I want to know every detail, when the people in the office farted, what jokes they tell, when they press a button. Everything, tell me all the things.
@Shmiddty We need some loc before and after, this doesn't compile
@Shmiddty Looks like a template.
i is a char code from 97 to... whatever z is.
!!>var _0xc406=["\x61\x72\x65\x20\x79\x6F\x75\x20\x6B\x69\x64\x64\x69\x6E\x67\x3F","\x6‌​C\x6F\x67"];console[_0xc406[1]](_0xc406[0]);
@jAndy "SyntaxError: malformed hexadecimal character escape sequence"
yeah, pussy ass B%#!%
Who are we insulting?
for the record: that's soap in his mouth!
@Gordon ok, that's clear now. Almost.
I thought it is ice cream.
!!/mustache FizzyTea
!!/mustache Gordon
@jAndy Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand mustache Gordon (perhaps you meant to execute a command? If so, prepend the command name with a /)
Mustaches don't work on mine either.
>Was trying to take a better look at @FizzyTea's new PP
At least, not the current one
@jAndy I am unmustachable
@FizzyTea ^Did that ping you? (@FizzyTea's)
so sad, so sad :(
You are failing at all sorts of mustaches
@SOChatBot Tried it already. Never could grow a good one. :-(
@GNi33 User -1 was not found.
@RyanKinal I was just trying to make the image bigger, I knew mustache wouldn't work
uhm... what?
Can this be simplified?
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^admin/(.*)$ admin/index.php/$1 [L]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]
I hate writing the same thing twice :)
@GNi33 User -1 was not found.
how..... what? what am i doing wrong now?
Why do I find those vocals so awesome?
^haha, just the sly one down the bottom right
@phenomnomnominal iframes?
I thought this will be some educational chat here on JS . but it's fun :D
@Faizan Educational? pshhh
I mean , I thought people would be discussing issues as they do in Q/A..
@jAndy where can I buy jQuery underwear ?
@FizzyTea call me whatever you want , but I am a newbie on chat..
@Faizan We do.. sometimes.. when we feel like it ;)
^lol at @BenjaminGruenbaum
@BenjaminGruenbaum I've tried it already :p
@jAndy can I buy yours?
Ebay them
carried ?
@jAndy They're worth more used
Even more dirty :o
baah you guys are bizarr
I'm off, later folks
Later hater
@jAndy That turned you on, didn't it?
The bot has failed me.
So does anyone know where I might begin searching for documentation on this syntax? <>&#{<ascii code>};</>
not sure if it's something in spidermonkey
or in ruby
Is the bot using wordpress now too?
^you what?
also, lol at Mr T
I'm blaming everything that doesn't work, for the next week, on WordPress.
Hah, ok.
posted on May 13, 2013 by Victor Rodriguez

Hay un viejo chiste donde 4 personas están viajando en un auto que, súbitamente, se descompone. Cada uno de los integrantes propone una forma de arreglarlo y uno de ellos, relacionado con el ambiente informático, propone "Y si nos bajamos y nos subimos del auto a ver si funciona". Hoy me pasó algo similar. De buenas a primeras se me termina el crédito para acceso a Internet en mi celular as

@Shmiddty some context, pls?
This is my WordPress rage avatar.
^Haha, I really didn't expect that to work
I would have been happy with just the image
is there an IE fix for alpha in CSS?
Yeah its one of the filter properties
but thats for IE 6.0
what about later versions?
or even something that does opacity?
I'm not too sure about cross browser compatibility of the opacity property
basically trying to fix this IE fixes,... i think this is one thats gonna bug me
Gtg folks
opacity should work fine in ie9
talk laters
what about IE10?
haha, yeah, i'm pretty sure they didn't drop that property
its as if the filter property is making the whole box transparent lol
yeah, that's what opacity does
so i was thinking about opacity, but then again that will be dodgy... :S
on every browser
god bless nivo-slider...
just for the background, use rgba
@KirstyHarris ie 8+ support opacity
and for 8&&8-
and provide a transparent .png - background for older browsers
use argb, propietrary microsoft :D
i think i may just go for the bg option
and the rgba on others
for(i=j=12;j+13||print()|i--+(j=12);putstr(<> &#{65+a(i)+a(j--)};</>))a=Math.abs
ARGB, what the hell, that really is a thing
never stumbled over that one
it's obviously doing an ascii escape, but it's able to use js variables.
brb smoke
@GNi33 it is
AlphaRedBlueGreen: #ff000000
something like that iirc. i encountered this whilst using some microsofty css for ie 6-7
Wait what? Browsers support that?
none then shitty old ie does
yeah, i figured it would be something like that, but what the hell... this is some weird stuff
Ah, alright.
and that too in filters
iirc , there was something like a piece of shit.. yeah gradient
The best IE only filter was gaussian blur though
@OctavianDamiean SpiderMonkey shell.
@Darkyen Gaussian blur is my favorite.
pastebin.com/GDjZdbye Why doesn't this populate the two-dimensional array like I expected it to?
@MikeO Because you need blocks[x][y] in the inner loop.
https://github.com/Gacnt/PartySystem/blob/master/socket/socketListener.js#L8 https://github.com/Gacnt/PartySystem/blob/master/public/javascripts/sockets.js#L18

Ok, can anybody make out why when a new person joins, the anchor link for all clients is replaced with the new username instead of just appending it to the document?
I don't see anything wrong
@MikeO what should this refer to? The caller expects the callee to return a value
i was trying to make a class
that makes block objects. i read somewhere that that's the way to do it
@ShotgunNinja sadly Microsoft did one thing before google and rest
and it failed [ like all the other things it did ]
@MikeO you're not calling it like a method.
return Math.random() > 0.5
perhaps you meant block[x][y] = new block()?
then it should have been capital b
as in Block, a class
jsfiddle.net/P75Yu Why is this running once?
oh I think I know x.x
yep fixed it
Q: How do you serve a file for download with AngularJS or Javascript?

nickponlineI have some text in a hidden textarea. When a button in clicked I would like to have the text offered for download as a .txt file. Is this possible?

off topic I'm struggling to learn how to develop an autoplay function for a jQuery slider could anyone point to some helpful resources?
gist.github.com/Gacnt/6a0d87c3cf94d270edd0 Why is this not the context of the element?
oh hai, tomcat-exception, we meet again
seriously, i've never had to work with such a shitty backend before
Does anybody in here have experience developing APIs? Specifically, the authentication part? I know OAuth is the standard, but I don't think it fits my possible use-cases.
gist.github.com/Gacnt/6a0d87c3cf94d270edd0 Yet this is the right this, makes no sense
time for some goddamn agressive music, otherwise i think i'll go crazy with this java-bullshit
@GNi33 Bro, spor..
@GNi33 I hear you... Death Metal on my phone.
Can anyone give me a little help with my plugin base for zepto?
So, my question: If my possible use-cases include devices/applications that may not have access to a browser, is OAuth even an option?
@RyanKinal unlikely, but possibly
Sub-question: Is HTTP Authentication with SSL a bad idea?
@mikedidthis What's the problem?
Okay then.
I may be going with HTTP Authentication for my API
@OctavianDamiean I am a little worried if I am polluting the global namespace, and a little unsure on how I should handle private functions.
I have 5 little 'plugins' I want to release for Tumblr stuff, but want to make sure my base is as nice as possible.
Also, I am a little unsure if I should be using extend, but its what the Zepto guide says to do.
Also, crazy semi-related idea: I wonder if I could crowdsource die-rolling as a random number generator, and have it accessible via an API.
@omniowner Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Making mountains errday
Hmmm. Could work with a different font.
Cell towers?
Snow-capped mountains?
Oh lol
reminds me of an NES side scroller background.
@TheSnooker I was going to say it reminded me of this: oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/stg.ign.com/2012/06/4-Land.jpg
@mikedidthis lol yus
Why has it taken this long to come up with this? itunes.apple.com/us/app/type-n-walk/id331043123
So with sockets, can you emit to a socket.id simply by going SsJX4Xdzy88-6dg2GRFW.emit(....);
I'm drawing a blank on a logic issue...
@TheSnooker sadly to me thats a 'wtf society' moment with that app.
I mean, surely, the text isn't that important?
I'm using (function (a) { a.b = document.createElement("a"); } to create an element inside of my div. But then I need to come back around and change...
I can't word this in a way anyone would understand.
@mikedidthis whats funnier is that you can talk and walk much easier then you can type and walk.. even with a camera as the background for your texts.. why not just call the person?
Haha exactly.
@TheSnooker yep, that is a good point.
@TheSnooker That's been around as a Jailbroken tweak for about 2 years.
@JosiahSouth I feel your pain, it happens to me all the time.
Actually, that's been around since the prime of the 3G.
I don't have an iphone so it's new to me
probably an android version.
@TheSnooker True. I had one, hated it. I love my iPad though.
Of course that was back when I lived with my parents..... Every dime I made was spending money haha. Miss those days...
How can I push two things at once to a new item in an object, e.g.

usernames[username + something] = username + something;

so it turns out like

username = { username: username, something: something };
I just bought an Galaxy SIII.. cuz the price dropped with the coming SIV.
Love it :D
it makes me regret buying a Nexus 7 for X-mas .. cuz I don't use it anymore now
Anyway I figured out my problem. I was being a dumbass and trying to re-use my constructor function haha. I can just change styles instead of creating more and more anchors...
@TheSnooker Love those too. I have an HTC One X. Both cameras have stopped working, it randomly goes to full-time vibrate (never stops vibrating...), the flash LED comes on indefinitely for no apparent reason. Plenty of other things.
@XCritics Mind trying to re-word that? Or maybe giving us an example?
Have yo seen what Samsung is calling the S4?... "A life companion"
@XCritics usernames.push({username: username, something: something});
@TheSnooker Samsung is stupid.
@rlemon I thought object didn't have .push
usernames is an object?
make it an array of objects
push is for arrays, right?
As you wish, master
Yeah.... ChatBot is just spamming now.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I heard they really simplify DONg manipulation.
our artificial assistant is capable of boredom
@Shmiddty Dong manipulation? Is that like cock mongling?
@SOChatBot thats scary
@ShotgunNinja $('jimmy').onerection(function(){$(this).show();});
> By installing Java, you will be able to experience the power of Java.
no shit oracle
Hrm. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/E4X/Processing_XML_with_E4X
God damn this simple little message system is proving to be a pain in the ass when you don't know sockets
@Shmiddty You call yours jimmy? How quaint.
you should use notifier ;)
@ShotgunNinja I don't, but it is a common moniker
I call mine Excelsior. Or Frank.
Mine? 'Sir.'
because we should always vote for pedro
Zirak this joke made me think of you: gist.github.com/rlemon/37511d6466c3884d69ca
@rlemon hahahahahaha
@XCritics It happens.
Hell yeah I did it
  io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket) {
    // Here
    socket.on('adduser', function(username) {
      socket.username = username;
      usernames[username] = username;
      client.push({'client': socket, 'username': username});
      socket.emit('updatechat', 'SERVER', 'You have connected.');
      io.sockets.emit('updateusers', usernames);

    socket.on('inviteUser', function(data) {
      for(var i = 0; i < client.length; i += 1) {
        if (client[i].username === data) {
Now I can invite specific users to groups :D
Ruby is for smelly hipsters
That's rude.
Q: Review my Zepto / jQuery plugin base

mikedidthisI am looking for a starting point to code plugins, primarily for Zepto.js (with fall back for jQuery). These will provide reusable functions for Tumblr theming. However, I can't seem to find anything in depth about writing a plugin (with Zepto) as the example, apart from a small snippet on the ...

is there a way in SQL to say ALL COLUMNS but not these columns?
other than writting out all the column you want
like a SELECT * but not ...
Does nodejitsu build npm dependencies, or do you need to upload with node_modules?
what is the best practice for breaking up a large amount of code into smaller portions so the window doesn't freeze when executing all of it?
@eazimmerman The best practice is that you should do that.
also, what the heck are you doing?
you probably have too many nested loops or something.
world generation
i created a threadpool object that executes functions until they are no longer needed to run (they will return false, then are removed)
and i have it execute only so long per cycle
it works fine on fast computers
takes like 4 seconds without pausing the window
but slower computers take like 15 and sometimes have the stop script message pop up
and if i lower the time it is allowed to execute it takes a lot longer to finish the scirpt
A: Adding addthis HTML to the dom after loading addthis script

rahul maindargijust noticed twitter link on http://reggi.myshopify.com/products/change-it-tee# works well it took me to https://www.tumblr.com/login?s=&t=Change+It+Tee+%7C+reggi&u=http%3A%2F%2Freggi.myshopify.com%2Fproducts%2Fchange-it-tee%23.UZE91RwmUiU.tumblr&v=3

what kind of an answer is that supposed to be?
@Shmiddty gacnt-partysystem.jitsu.com Go here and click on my username after you type in your own, I just want to see if it works as intended
Should send me a party invitation, and depending on me clicking yes or no, tell you whether I accepted or not
@GNi33 it's probably supposed to be promotional.
Anybody can try :)
Who was w!
@GNi33 he just quoted the link (or seems to have)
@GNi33 flagged as spam
@eazimmerman go back there for a second, I wanna see what happens if I Click on your name
@XCritics accepted the party invite
Awesome, try declining
nothing happened
yay worked awesome
@samshah Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
As long as I have a back and forth I can build around this, this is progress, this is good. THIS IS SPARTAA
Why do I keep getting 8 as my offset?
@dystroy I've just noticed the linked URL comes from the question. I'd say the answer is legit, or at least not promotional
@JanDvorak yeah, but it still makes no real sense to me
@GNi33 nor does it to me. Looks like NAA but not spam to me
all he does is to paste the console - errors on the page
then it's definitely NaA
last activity in sql room was 3 days ago
so sad :/
how does one close an iframe on clicking anywhere but inside the iframe?
@canon just ask here
@JanDvorak no no, I'm looking for people with questions
Make activity. They'll come.
@KevinMurphy listen to click events, and close the iframe if open
whatever "closing" means
@JanDvorak closing = hiding
anybody played with shadowdom yet?
@KevinMurphy display:none will do as a hiding techniquee
Anyone here willing to help out with basic questions about backbone.js and restful api?
@canon "You cannot control it. This is a dangerous time for you, when you will be tempted by the Dark Side of the DOM."
@thegreyspot as long as backbone.js knowledge is not required, I'm in
Haha ok ill give it a try then
@RyanKinal but they'll die if I do nothing...
So I am trying to make a backbonejs collection out of this restfulapi source: vciq.apiary.io/contracts/1/packages however, instead of making individual models out of each "package" it just makes one model with two arrays of the "packages"
So how can I make the restful api output the json so that backbone knows to make models out of the children rather than the parent itself
@canon Your father... was seduced by the Dark Side of the DOM. When that happened, the good man who was your father was destroyed.
@JanDvorak how do i tell if the iframe is open, and detect if the click was made outside of the iframe?
@canon (Short answer: no)
@KevinMurphy events don't propagate out of frames. Every click detected on the outer document is outside the frame
@RyanKinal lol
@JanDvorak gotcha, thanks.
@KevinMurphy an element is visible if it is not hidden (display:none, visibility:hidden, opacity:0...), none of its parents are hidden (you should know which one to check), it's not scrolled out of view (you can ignore this one).
jQuery knows quite well which elements are :visible and which are :hidden
Software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster. — Wirth’s law
any electrical eng guys here?
specifically who know a lot about thermodynamics
@rlemon what's up? :)
i'm building a chiller for my reef tank using one of these. dx.com/p/…
my idea being that I can machine a hole ina block of stainless steel and run the return plumbing from the sump through it, attaching the pad to the block and chilling the block.
I only need to drop ~55g of water < 10 degrees F
I figure a 6"x2"x2" stainless steel block with a 3/4" hole bored in it with that pad should be enough?
Wait, why do you need to chill the water?
water flow up the return pipe is ~125gph
@OctavianDamiean tank needs to be at 78 degrees F
I have to heat mine.
in the summer my appt does not allow that without me running my ac constantly.
i'm top floor of a triplex
it gets hot
Oh, got you.
!!/weather 33496
@rlemon yeah i think so
@canon Whisper Walk: 30.71C (303.86K), broken clouds
I mean it's a 72W Peltier pad
it should just about freeze that water if I wanted it to shouldn't it?
yeah. but i don't think your fishies would like that

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