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nahh, i'll just work for 8666
then 9666
then 10666
then i'll stop
maybe 66666
pretty much I just want the 10K rep privs
No. He just wants the mod tools
So do I, but getting another 5k rep is so much work
hey i want them too... time to start answering question
@AmaanCheval dude, another 2.5K rep is soo much work :(
I know, right?
If only rep here was as easy to get on reddit
It could be
Find questions with many views
They're more likely to get featured in the newsletter
your line is one ass short
> LOOK MY CAT SWALLOWED SOME STRING AND IS BEING CHASED BY HIS OWN POOP BALLS HANGING OUT IF HIS BUTT! +20000 upvotes -15000 downvotes. (still viewed by like 35K people)
god I love reddit ...
I really feel this reddit thing goes completely beyond me
never even LOOKED into it
Q: How to force the browser to parse the MathML content again?

Romantic ElectronTo be specific(MathJax is not what I am looking for)I have a static web-page with some MathML in it.The "FireFox" browser parses it fine but when I try to add the same code through javascript,it doesn't parse it.How can I notify the browser to parse the content of the web page again?Even if it is...

Look at that!
my beautiful bubble coral
I only ever skim TIL on reddit. I daren't go any further after finding out what a 'trap' was.
mostly I just post pics of my fishtanks on reddit
I like /r/GameDeals/
@rlemon but who cares there about my fishtanks :( ?
/r/philosophy is interesting too, at times
/r/ReefTank/ and /r/Aquariums/
@jAndy you have fish?! BRO!
bro... do you even reef?
@rlemon no, I don't... eventho I should seriously consider it. I always wanted to have a pet but I can't really have it as single
it would starve, die of thirst and then die of being lonely again
but FISH
could be the ultimate answer
fish need to be fed one/twice a day and 10-15% of the water needs to be changed weekly.
How do I create an element with a specified ID?
everything but the water changes can be automated as well
once a month you need to rinse their filters
Is there any way to force the browser to parse the content on the webpage again without reloading it?
they do require a bit of maintenance, but it's not too bad.
can fish be bored ?
depends on the fish
I mean... what does a fish in a fishtank do all day long
I have green spotted puffer fish and they get incredibly bored
my diamond goby rebuilds his home each day, and each day I tear it down. It's kinda like a game we have
how to entertain a fish ?
@jAndy You can't cuddle with fishes though.
mostly it's just changing around their deco every few weeks
or get more than one fish, then they have friends.
@rlemon y so cruel
@RomanticElectron they are engineering fish. They make their homes by digging up my sand and displacing rocks. if I don't keep him busy he'll shift everything and ruin my corals.
I guess.. the only enternainment I could think of is, to put a bigger fish in the tank which hunts the smaller fish
win-win situation
both fish are no more bored
You're sadistic
Oh you sad little man.
@rlemon lol, for real? :D
He doesn't look like an engineer though.
they eat by putting sand in their mouth and filtering it out their gills (slits under their jaws)
he also uses this 'scoop' and move method to build caves under rocks and shit
@rlemon They filter out the sand from the.. sand?
he then build the area around up with sand.
@Neil small organisms in the sand they eat.
Sounds like catfish
if they like sand why don't they try the desert
lol, ok maybe don't own a fish.
> you look cold, wanna little hot tub microwave?
at night time he covers the entry to his own cave so he can sleep in safety. In the morning he reopens it and comes back out and builds up the walls again.
really cool fish
maybe i'll make a vid of it
posted on May 14, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Whee!

@rlemon should do
user image
Now they're engineers @rlemon.
that's hilarious
Is there a JS string compare function? Or is '==' enough?
What sort of comparison do you want to make?
@AmaanCheval Two strings
Yea, we figured that ...
@WilliamJames you want to see if they're the same?
@Loktar mowning
@BillyMathews Yes
Then, yes
== is what you want
Does case sensitivity matter?
@FlorianMargaine gawker.com/…
=== - All the things
^ or anyone in or near france
if(prop.split(' ').join('-').toLowerCase() == e.target.id)
If it's an id you probably know exactly what it is, so the case insensitive check may be pointless
Since that could match multiple ids
Like textbox and Textbox would be valid ids for two different elements
@WilliamJames Why not replace instead of split/join?
In my object literal I have "Standard Banner" which I want to call my div so I changed the name to 'standard-banner' just for the div. And now I need to compare them with the object literal to see if it actually exists
Which is why I went with the split/join/lowercase again
@Loktar looks like the same fearmongering as it was with SARS
like 10 ppl died because of it but it was another, 'the end of the world is coming'-thing :p
@AmaanCheval Ah ok - I shall remove that then
@Loktar fml, I'm so tired.
@WilliamJames It makes sense in your case. I just wanted to make sure you knew that
@AmaanCheval It did not work removing it
@WilliamJames And it won't. As I told you, ids are case sensitive.
I didn't tell you to remove it
I told you that this way you might match multiple elements, which may not be something you want
@AmaanCheval Ah :D What I could do is not change it to lower case earlier and remove this lower case now and it should work too
Bootstrap or jquery UI? Im running both atm, thinking of dropping jqueryui though. any thoughts?
@Terafor Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AmaanCheval Oh right - I see what you are saying, thanks
@Anickyan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
who is the moderator of SO?
There are a few
How in the world did my message become a reply to Loktar? o_O
There are many mods.
@Loktar Won't be long before @Zirak owns a stuffed animal of that virus
@MirkoCianfarani What's the problem? Just report whatever it is and they'll get to it when they're online
I didnt realize that guy was in a bubble
because I want delete the question 's closed@AmaanCheval
hi, this chat looks nice! i wuw SO!
@MirkoCianfarani Report the question
@XCritics Lies!
better my ass
Q: Don't function the script's change the url

Mirko CianfaraniI work with the server programmed in Mako Template. Now i have the form: <form method="GET" name="formparam" id="formparam" action="http://localhost:8100/index2"><input name="json_data" type="hidden"><input id="tag" name="tag" value="" type="hidden"><table><tbody><tr><td><label>ID</label></td><td><

it just crashed 2 of my chrome's tabs
@MirkoCianfarani Can't you delete it yourself?
This is a my stupid question
@FlorianMargaine I'll just go ahead and close that then
exactly @KendallFrey
Sorry, this question has answers and cannot be deleted; flag it for moderator attention instead
@KendallFrey I just realized how offending that line was if it lacks the word "it"
@MirkoCianfarani So why aren't you flagging it?
I don't know because now I do not remember
and I want delete the old's question because after I can ask the question
@FlorianMargaine Should have seen it yesterday when it had no xss protection, infinite while loops, my little pony wallpapers :P
What you should do is fix the question, and try to get it re-opened.
Otherwise, this will reflect badly on you, and you may be banned from asking questions.
How do check if poop is an object that can be looked over?
for(var size in obj[poop])
@WilliamJames You mean if (poop in toilet)?
@rlemon LOVE ME
right @KendallFrey but now i don't remember buaaaaaah
@KendallFrey I think so
@L to the Hizzehh.. (@Loktar) thoughts? chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/9381636#9381636
@XCritics you are loved.
but you chat is bad and you should feel bad.
@rlemon idk looks odd
@rlemon Sounds like has-a (composition) rather than is-a (inheritance/prototyping).
could do bar, and foo seperately, and then bar.foo = new foo()?
@Loktar do you just
function Foo(){}
function Bar(){}
foo.prototype.Bar = Bar; ?
isn't this bad because both Foo and Bar are now globally accessible?
well I have one func usually that I put them under
foo.prototype = {
  all of the funcs/types?
so like foo, then foo.bar = func(), foo.bar.prototype={}
Shouldn't it be Foo.prototype.constructor?
foo.baz = func, foo.baz.proto, etc
@KendallFrey I never use constructor although I know thats an option
I use it
I use foo = func, then new foo
I haven't done inheritance in JS in a long time.
@rlemon you want each foo to have its own bar?
or should the bar be the same for all foo?
I'm curious why you don't just do composition.
so socket.on works globally, io.sockets.on is client specific?
yeah this ^
function Foo() {
  this.a = "123";
Foo.prototype = { .. stuff }

Foo.Bar = function() {
    this.foo = ???; // how does this Bar know which Foo invoked it? I would have to pass it in as an argument?
Foo.Bar.prototype = { .. stuff }
@FlorianMargaine Bar is the same class object, but should be seperate per invoked foo
@rlemon I don't think that will be invoked on a foo.
uaaaaaoooooo some moderator has done the coup de grace, removing the question's closed
fuck, meetings... ping me if you got ideas and i'll get them
It's static, as it were.
function Bar(foo) {}

function Foo() {
    this.bar = new Bar(this);
@KendallFrey thats my point hence the prototype
where div is not filling with color ?
@FlorianMargaine but is that the best way to do it? does it effectivly do the same as the prototype chain?
what's wrong with this? it's simple and elegant.
functionally the same tho?
Amazing yesterday I would of used JQuery until I was blue in the face, but today I completed with the help of everyone here my first application without using JQuery at all. Thank you everyone.
I still want to know why composition won't work.
i'm trying to understand as well
@KendallFrey that's composition, basically
Q: the page not loaded when javascript is disabled

Mahdi_Ninei wrote this: $("#Submit").click(function () { if ($("#Txt_Mablagh").val().length == 0) { $("#Warning").removeClass("Invisible").hide().addClass("Show").show("slow"); } else { document.getElementById("...

@rlemon can you pass me link to your public fiddles please
Yeah, your code is.
game own scenes, scenes own emitters, emitters own particles. all must know of it's direct parents prototype. as game holds some methods that particle needs to inherit (and all of it's parents ofc)
says there is no such page @BillyMathews
is exports node specific?
How is a particle a game?
If I need to pass information back to my PHP back-end from the options selected in the JS is using a form with hidden fields (That the JS changes the values of) a good way forward? Or is AJAX better?
how are jsfiddle's user profiles accessed?
particle isn't a game, but game holds generic methods that it will use that particle will use as well
So they inherit from, say, Component?
sure. fuck I really am disliking js inheritance.
Me too.
^ @KendallFrey
I'm doing this as I told you: pass the "parent" as a constructor's argument
so you just pass this
so in the constructor you just got this thing: github.com/Ralt/Snake/blob/gh-pages/js/Food.js#L3
@FlorianMargaine but Snake and Food are both exposed in the global scope - I am trying to avoid this (for no apparent reason other than I think I should?)
jsfiddle.net/user/rlemon/fiddles/ @MuhammadRaja
is it wrong to try to expose nothing outside the game object?
gah, i gotta go or i'll be late.
be back after lunch
someone tell me why my right div isn't on right here

@rlemon was at Eilat Aquarium today, saw pretty awesome fish and corals
@MuhammadRaja why would it be?
even when I try float:right, it doesn't takes up space in body div
that's insane, when I am giving 280px to div then why it's calming all of it
Well...the 3rd movie...well...
well if you don't know these basic things then you should maybe study a little more
^ that.
^^ That
@Zirak Evangelion?
@rlemon they're not
only the child knows about its parent, that's it
@BillyMathews Hahaha
and since every child knows about its parent, you can reach Game every time
@AmaanCheval Yeah, "You can (not) redo". Those movies are just weird. They take the theme and just...do weird things to it.
Why does GitHub force you to use Gravatar, Which forces you to use Wordpress.com? Why can't I just upload an image?!
And Gravatar isn't sending confirmation emails.. dpmo
Uploading images is so 2010.
@BillyMathews you don't need to use WP for gravatar?
@Zirak I want to watch it, but there's just way too much to watch! I will get to it at some point, though
@mikedidthis You do now.
@AmaanCheval Start with Firefly. Evangelion is very difficult.
But I don't feel interested in Firefly
@mikedidthis I think you do..?
Only watch it if you have about an extra week of deeply disturbing psychological questions
@KendallFrey wow... thats... silly.
@BillyMathews sorry my mistake.
@AmaanCheval Really? How much did you watch?
@Zirak 30-40 minutes, I think? I don't remember for sure
It seemed okay
Not particularly interesting
Then watch the 2nd episode
And I'm very lazy with watching shows
I found GoT very interesting, and the last time I watched it was 2 weeks ago
even though I am applying floats now, but still not working as supposed to,

its leviosa no leviosar haha
you missed the semi-colon before float: right
@MuhammadRaja it may help if you show us what your trying to code. I believe CSS does work if you use it correctly.
@mikedidthis just trying to learn css, at least for creating a layout of page I am trying to design,
@MuhammadRaja if you show us the layout, we can help you code it.
@BillyMathews I am not able to find semi colon missing in last updated fiddle I provided

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