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@phenomnomnominal Quick question for you
$(function() {
  var datasend = $('#data');
  // When the client clicks SEND
  $('#datasend').click(function() {
    var message = datasend.val();
    // Tell server to execute sendchat
    if (!datasend.val()) {
      socket.emit('sendchat', encodeHTML(message));
That's not a question :)
datasend variable is the input type=text, the $('#datasend') is the type=button, it still sends on blank messages and I don't see anything wrong
I just don't see anything wrong there
don't do this $('#datasend').click
looks fine to me
but yeah use on
it's adding like 10 more ops just so you can use .click(fn {
it's stupid
$('#datasend').on('click', function(e) {
button#datasend Send
lul wut
Ah, was using an old jQuery
What's the difference between EcmaScript and CoffeeScript ?
i'm working on the chat linkifier plugin for chrome, have a CSV 126kb long, should i just burden the browser with this extra data as an array?
Q: client side code set up and why use apache web server

user1361914Trying to get a better understanding of the current project set up and want to know if there is an easier set up. The project is set up a 2 different components, one project contains the client side code and the other project contains the java code. The client code is html, js, css etc which n...

@jayharris Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@phenomnomnominal last thing then I'll leave you alone, if I can use 'connection' with sockets, which one do I use for waiting for a connection?
@SOChatBot just trolling trying to pick up on some javaScript tricks and tips
how can I define a global variable from inside a function?
assign it to window
var asd;


declare in here
or ^
jscompress.com replaces single quotes with double quotes. I don't think that's a good idea. What do you think?
But double quotes require twice the space of single quotes!
best practice for defining an array is var myArray = [];?
off kors
Does expecting the unexpected make the unexpected expected?
One does not simply expect the unexpected
Hi everyone, if anyone is interested please check out my question here: stackoverflow.com/questions/16483768/… I'm getting pretty desperate about making that jquery loop and if its possible to make it responsive and fullscreen background
Excuse me, uhm, does someone know whether/how I can use Raphael.js (that JS thing for drawing SVG on browsers that don't support SVG) to render SVG used in an image tag? (<img src"thing.svg" />) All I see around the Web seems to be about typing out all of the code and re-drawing the object. I don't really understand.
Q: What's the expected wage of a Creative Technologist/Creative Developer?

Matthew HarwoodI'm a student that's been actively learning interactive design. I've really taken a fancy to node.js + Backbone.js. I really like companies like AKQA and was curious, if I strive to take this learning further, what's the average pay I can expect?

Any idea what language the Ubuntu phone apps will be wrote in?
should be whatever you want
hope no java this time
A function that can't fit my screen can't not be bugged
2 hours later…
@Benjamin are you still there?
Oh, someone ! \o/
Please help me understand why this does not replace my SVG images on non-supporting browsers. :c
Nice I'll totally develop for the Ubuntu phone!
Q: Hyphens are causing a blank result

bryanlewisI'm having issues with hyphens in my slugs from a tutorial I'm trying to go through... http://wp.tutsplus.com/tutorials/theme-development/create-a-quicksand-portfolio-with-wordpress/ and I'm having a problem when my client uses hyphens in the category. The category is blank when the client puts i...

jQuery is a better language than javascript
@phenomnomnominal Broooooooo, can I treat sockets like any other thing and just put them in the routes e.g. exports.show
don't think so
So I have to write every socket function I want right in app.is?
Q: how to apply Onitem clcick using Java script

user2372154this is my HTML page : <body> <div data-role="page" id="taxmanhomepage" data-theme="e"> <div data-role="header" data-position="fixed" data-tap-toggle="false" data-theme="e"> <h4 align="center">Taxmann Demo App</h4> </div> <div data-role="content" data...

please help m e @XCritics @phenomnomnominal @DJDavid98 @SOChatBot
please tell me how i will do this
Dude don't random ping people trust me it does not make people want to help, and two fix the damn typo in your post title
@XCritics, just have a seperate module that adds the event listeners
@Joan and three, learn which accounts are human and which are robots before you spam them.
@phenomnomnominal OK, sound good
And fix all your typos dude nobody wants to answer a question that looks half assed
Obviously If youre making questions with a new account its cause you know the question you're asking is probably retarded and you don't want to be down voted on this account so you can't use chat, if you feel your question is at risk of down votes, maybe you should rethink your question. Not trying to be a dick, but seriously
@phenomnomnominal ive never made a module do I just write the code and require it, and then execute the export like sock.listen(server);?
On phone or would have asked thay better
Q: How to use checkbox to filter results with Angular?

MartijnI am trying to apply a filter using checkboxes. The checkboxes are shown correctly: <div data-ng-repeat="cust in customers"> <input type="checkbox" data-ng-model="search.city" data-ng-true-value="{{ cust.city }}" data-ng-false-value=""/> {{ cust.city }} </div> but when checking any checkb...

@phenomnomnominal Sorry just for clarification before I sleep, gist.github.com/Gacnt/2452b4f3b25fea32731c did on my phone excuse the bluntness and can I pass server arg Multiple times or just the once and I have to stuff everything into the one export
yep looks right
please tell any one how to apply On Item clcik on listview
83 ms for parsing id3 tags loading the file and demuxing streams , is that fast or slow ?// and this code is blocking, so shall i make it non-blocking ?
Hey folks
A Good Day All
Good Day
@Room ? 83-96ms for avg file
is that much blocking bad ?
@Darkyen Hard to answer without context. I guess it's javascript so I'd say "Make it non blocking!".
its v8
a wrapper/binding for ffmpeg
much in the spirit of webAudio.
Why would you do an IO task blocking ? You shouldn't think about it : make it non blocking.
Its not I/O though its just parsing, I/O already is pipe based non-blocking fashion
amazingly 7ms are taken to convert 12 char * strings to javascript cousins
Are they long strings ? Are you sure of your measurement here ? It's hard to measure short tasks.
lemme show u
6 Args = 6 keys + 6 values
thats pretty damned slow v8
Q: how to retrieve subcategory related to category in edit page of product by using javascript

A.TRIPATHYi am doing a basic product page by using javascript,php and html. i retrieve the category dropdown list from view page .but i dont know how to retrieve subcategory from the view page related the category for update perpose.i m a biggner of PHP.so pls help me as soon as possible.

Wow.... apparently char * to std::string took 0ms for alll the operations... wtf v8!
how do they get astronauts back from the ISS nowadays?
@luanjunyi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@phenomnomnominal Why would they do that ? We have no shortage of humans on Earth.
Let's be honest, the calibre of the humans up there is generally higher than the shitheads down here :)
Not false. But still, if we focus on the other way, we'll get a more useful distribution for the future.
That's a very expensive way of improving the distribution... There are a few more efficient ways I can think of!
Send them some sexy underwears ? With a camera in the package, there's probably a way to make it pay for itself...
haha sounds like a plan
@bug0r Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Premature optimization is the root of all evil
@phenomnomnominal Russian 1 time spacepods
or whatever they call them, they are launched once and then come down
Yeah found it
similar to apollo mission style tech
hi gud noon..
It is insane how much thought has gone into www.buildtheenterprise.org/
anyone is there..
What did the farmer say when he couldn't find his tractor?
"Where's my tractor?"
@SOChatBot I have one doubt
@SOChatBot, is a BOT
as in a ROBOT
It can't reply to you
ask your question, if someone cares, they will respond.
how to set mouse pointer in the beginning once audio play completed using javasript or jquery
in the beginning of what?
@GNi33 In the begining of audio file.
hey beautiful people pcdconsultancy.co.uk... any ideas why my more buttons are floating outside their divs in IE.... im stuck lol!
you want to set the mouse pointer to the beginning of an audio file? that doesn't really make any sense to me right now
The object-oriented model makes it easy to build up programs by accretion. What this often means, in practice, is that it provides a structured way to write spaghetti code. [Paul Graham]
Hey guys, in this question the OP is created a script tag and then adds it to body ... would that script be loaded immediately after the appendChild() statement? async is not used afaict.
1300 lines of changes from git status is not a good start to the week. :-/
Hi @all
Please have a look at the following question
Q: neither success nor error is working in jquery ajax

Mr_GreenI am beginner to jquery ajax. My below ajax code was working fine when I was using async: true, but due to problems in firefox I removed it after referring this link(I was facing the same issue). Now it is not working. not even showing any errors. Here is my code: try { _ajaxCall = $.ajax({...

Hi @gayathri
@Mr_Green have you checked if the request is done and what status-code is returned?
Console.log('success') is working in success callback
please give me sometime to update my issue
data: "drqlFragment=" + text, - BAD.
data: {drqlFragment: text}, - GOOD
WordPress is bread & butter for any decent website
@ThiefMaster why is that exactly bad? i'm guessing jquery will do pretty much the same when you pass an object?
When passing a string jQuery does not urlencode anything because it cannot know what's a key and what's a value.
So if text contains e.g. a & it will break
oh, okay, makes sense
@FizzyTea Sounds challenging.
!!/info karma
@OctavianDamiean Command karma, created by God but hasn't been used yet
huh, it's still there?
!!/karma c
@OctavianDamiean Deprecated command (will be removed in aprrox. 6 days). If you have any objections, comment here
Ah, cool, cool cool cool.
Q: Track Exit link and ads with php

Burhan AhmedI want to track exit links on my website and also exit ads like google adsense etc. I mean by exit ads is that when click on add i get ads dimension and ads type like google or other ads. In short i want this Google adsense 160x600 like in statcounter.com

Holy shit what!? Tickless kernels?
Except for one core
The magic words which'll open many doors are "Push" and "Pull"
@copy Yea just figured.
At least for now.
WAT!? CSS Variables :O
It was always coming, right?
I don't know. I don't really trust that draft.
I mean the publication date is April 1st.
bye bye less css?
Ha, that is a good point. I mean, with the success of preprocessors, its understandable that CSS would 'borrow' a few ideas.
Libraries are just big feature requests
It could be a hoax after all.
Good morning, can anyone give me a little help with the twitter search widget?
Yeah I don't think I can get away from LESS any time soon.
@mikedidthis @Mhche @OctavianDamiean @phenomnomnominal @skripted @SOChatBot @copy
pleas ehelp me
@OctavianDamiean no, the talk about css-variables has been around for quite some time now
@Joan do NOT do this
@joan don't ping users, secondly add a live demo.
OK sorry please help me
it's fine for me!! - i get the feeling that i'm super pro and stuff and that people need me.
but .. i can't help you.
I have this object literal, but I am unsure of how to loop through it. Should I avoid using dynamic property names? I know I can use Jquery $.each method
var price = {
"Standard Banner": {
"Size1": {
"1-4": "\u00A35",
"5-49": "\u00A34",
"50+": "\u00A33"
"Size2": {
"1-4": "\u00A35",
"5-49": "\u00A34",
"50+": "\u00A33"
"Premium Banner": "Premium",
"Mesh Banner": "Mesh" };
for(var prop in object)
function loopy(obj){
for(var prop in obj)
prop will be the property-name then, you'd just need to check for "sub-objects" within
you could use .keys too
make loopy recursive :D
But the property names are dynamic? But they will follow for example Size1, Size2, Size3 etc...
yaar please any One help me
yeah, that shouldn't really matter
you can access it then through object[prop]
Yep just tried it - excellent :)
just try it yourself. you will get it quickly.
@Joan Stop begging for help. You did all you could do on your part. If someone has the time and interest to take a look he will.
I tried putting another for() inside that outer for to get the "1-4", "5-49" properties but it just returned 0,1,2,3,4
    for(var prop in obj)
    	for(var size in prop)
@Joan So first of all, that question is horrible, beyond horrible and second, why did you post it as a different user?
Actually, forget the last part, I probably know why.
@WilliamJames prop is a string
it's just the property-name
so you'd need to do
for(var size in obj[prop])
I see, cast it - Thanks shall see how that works
but you'd need to check if obj[prop] is an object or has properties of itself first
yar @OctavianDamiean am able to On itemclick funcation But i have to get its news id
while I print news_title inlistview am able to get news_list
i want to Get news _id
@GNi33 Sorry I dont understand why you would need that check....I assume first to see if it actually an object (so you dont cast to something it can not be) and the 'properties of itself first' is what confused me
if you can be sure that every property in the outer object will be holding another object, you don't need that check
otherwise it would be a good idea, as you'll probably want to handle a number or a string differently than an object
A: javascript what is property in hasOwnProperty?

James AllardicehasOwnProperty returns a boolean value indicating whether the object on which you are calling it has a property with the name of the argument. For example: var x = { y: 10 }; console.log(x.hasOwnProperty("y")); //true console.log(x.hasOwnProperty("z")); //false However, it does not look at...

Screw this, I don't care, they quality of that question is ... meh whatever ...
u just tell me logic Only i ll write code @OctavianDamiean
@GNi33 I think I get it, safety first :)
okay, the 2nd movie was just...well, better than the 1st, but now it can be seen as an alternative story line.
It's just...well...what the fuck
@Zirak what movie?
I can't believe he dies though
But the 4th movie's release date is still TBA...how will I suffer that?
@WilliamJames That's the thing...he doesn't?
@GNi33 Rebuild of Evangelion 2.22: You can (not) advance
!!should I watch the 3rd one now or overanalyze the 2nd?
@Zirak Neither
oh, that's some anime thing?
yeah, but it's hardly ordinary. The tv show was absolutely brilliant.
On the surface, it's just giant robots fighting other giant things. But the story progresses, and it's so, so much more. It's a study of human character and psychology.
Like Death Note? Or different kind of brilliant?
I haven't seen Death Note, so can't comment on that
Watch Ergo Proxy.
I just hoped you would reply positive
Javascript isn't a real language
huh, this is interesting. bigocheatsheet.com
Well, anime isn't really my field, but it is my sister's, and she praised Evangelion for a very long time until I decided to watch it. Once again, her taste matches mine.
@dystroy about earlier
i found the culprit
js->console->log is the shittiest and slowest api have ever seen in my life
7 ms to print an object !
Can someone type a hash please
Hash # , a hash
No idea how to get it on the Mac :)
@WilliamJames you using a mac by any chance.
a hash
um, shift 3?
@mikedidthis Haha yeh
Haha cmd shift 3
@mikedidthis what the fuck
can't u rebind it ?
Nope that doesnt work
to shift - 3
it's shift 3 on my mac?
or maybe ctrl shift 3.
I know you have to press 3 buttons to get a hash.
Neither of those two work
It's 0x23 if that helps
@Zirak awesome <3
@Zirak No idea how to use that to write it :)
@Darkyen I think you can rebind it.
So for linux (or was it unix?) based, Ctrl+Shift+u 23 <space>
[Alt] + [3] or [⌥] + [3] according to : geekguides.co.uk/3/how-to-type-a-hash-on-a-mac-keyboard
Ah got it :D Alt-3
I never though to use the 'Windows Start Menu' key :D
Which is apparently Alt now
Macs are weird...
^ that.
avg 104.8 ms to parse a 7 megs mp3 ... wow this is insane fast! [ ps decompressing it on 16 threads... lol ]
Indeed. Does not help when I am using a windows keyboard and have swapped my Ctrl/Cmd key :D
But many thanks - that will save me quite a bit of time :)
@OctavianDamiean It was a bit of a shock. I didn't page it and the fucker just kept scrolling.
When there is no type hierarchy you don’t have to manage the type hierarchy. — Rob Pike
@SOChatBot It's not all trolling.
I am never really sure how to mix JQuery and vanilla JS. Should the bellow become a built up string that I then pass to the '#test tbody' html or is this ok?
function update(obj){
for(var prop in obj)
$('#test tbody').append('<tr>');
$('#test tbody').append('<th>'+prop+'</th>');
for(var size in obj[prop])
$('#test tbody').append('<td>'+obj[prop][size]+'</td>');
$('#test tbody').append('<tr>');
Sorry for the lack of formatting. Sometimes it works sometimes it does not
@WilliamJames (I use a proper text editor for any lengthy messages.)
@FizzyTea I agree. Just being under 15 lines seemed in the 'grey' area to do
@Zirak same here; in that case you will surely love Death Note
(Lengthy is >3 for me.)
I use a powerpc mac that can not run Chrome or Firefox and the version of Safari I have does not have a javascript console.
Make sure that you don't get spoilered
I have been promised a new pc for months now
@copy did you enjoy the second season?
(Vanilla is an exotic Mexican spice. Why is the word abused to mean plain?)
Do you mean the second half?
@FizzyTea actually that's an interesting question.
It gets weaker, but I still enjoyed it
just turned O2 on .... damn v8 is on fire now!
I believe the following is a better approach:
    function update(obj){
    		var output = '';

            for(var prop in obj)
            	output = output + '<tr><th>'+prop+'</th>';
    	        	for(var size in obj[prop])
        	    		output = output + '<td>'+obj[prop][size]+'</td>';
            	output = output + '<tr>';

    		$('#test tbody').html(output);
Ha it worked :)
err ..
Well I guess popular things become taken for granted. A bit like jQuery.
Should I have used getElementByID.html instead?
Or is the above just 'wrong'? I am trying to get it
@Knskan3 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
(That wasn't sarcasm btw.)
@FizzyTea Ah :)
Morning All
why is my popup not displaying as I want , list 1 and list 2 should be like on same row but different columns

@WilliamJames (Nor does it mean I like jQuery.)
(I seem to be stuck in parenthesis. Can somebody help?)
Hey guys
Haskell is better than Lisp
Scheme is better than Haskell.
Assembly is better than Scheme.
jesus christ, i just destroyed that node-process
Hey node people
I got a question about using localstorage for cookies. If the user has entered a number that number fetches json data, then the page gets refreshed. How will I be able to tell the browser to submit the number in local storage and execute functions?
what does the 'cflags' mean in the process.target_defaults
F# is best cos It has IntelliSense in Visual Studio.
Opaque build processes FTW!
Personally I think you should start at the highest level language you know to do something, only when you need more control that you should drop down a level of language.

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