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str.replace("|", "<br/>")
before that I need to check whether string is including | or not
(Also got another answer if anyone cares stackoverflow.com/a/16485030/1348195 )
@Zirak was an old issue... for definition of object u need to omit the static, if u declare it in a .h ... :D
I'm trying search function for that
but its returning 0
While it should return position of that character
Here is the Fiddle
Please check
try this
var varString = "Testing|Testing1"
@djtechie Do you mean indexOf instead of search perhaps?
@djtechie here jsfiddle.net/GGxmD
@MuhammadRaja huh?
I'm having a brain fart.. I want to setup an interval with an interval inside it.. is that possible?
Why would you want to do that?
setInterval(function () { setInterval() );
Sure. But why?!
It's crazy
because I want something to happen while somthing else is happening.
Your intervals keep growing
maybe I'm thinking about this the wrong way
Yes, you are.
I want to change something on the page every X seconds.. and I want that to happen for Y ammount of seconds.
I need a timeout not an interval :D
var id = setInterval(change, 100);
setTimeout(function (){
}, 5000): // Clear in 5 seconds.
ty :)
You don't need the setTimeout to be inside the interval, though
That'd create a new timeout in each step of the interval
I just came across a very interesting looking game on Steam. But it's already on my wishlist. I'm ninja'ing myself!
What do you really want to happen?
3 mins ago, by TheSnooker
I want to change something on the page every X seconds.. and I want that to happen for Y ammount of seconds.
log the date before the interval starts
@SpencerLockhart You're her son!? Who's the Dad!?
then in your interval function
She really named her son Spencer? Odd...
um.. in your interval function, check the date
Hey. Does anyone know if Chrome Frame supports pointer lock in IE? Can't get to work...
if the date is too old then clearInterval
Don't tell me nobody ever mentioned Tifa Lockhart to you
can't say they have
You're hanging out with the wrong people
I guess so
I hear about Spencer Tracey a lot
by the older generation
Fuck him. Tifa rocks.
yeah fuck him.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks it works butwhy search is not working I think its having same feature right
!!/tell djtechie mdn String.search
I just type what I want to find in the address bar of chrome..
"javascript string search"
works every time
Good balls gentleballs. Banana
@copy Your boyfriend is having a stroke
Too much codegolf?
Let's wordgolf famous prose.
2b or not 2b, dat is ?.
ugh, you disappoint me
So hey folks, I have a question.
Encrypt passwords on the client-side, or on the server-side?
Quick, hide
But I'm wordgolfing not codegolfing
The folks in C# seem to believe it's better to hash passwords on the server-side.
@ShotgunNinja talk from the client to the server in HTTPS
The folks in the C# room seem to be smart folks
If you're passing sensitive data, if you do that, it doesn't really matter
Encrypt passwords before the user types it in. Prencryption.
You can perform hashing on the client side, and then on the server side again, but that seems pointless. If you hash on the clientside you have to rehash and salt oon the serverside because you don't want to give away your salt
in C#, 2 mins ago, by Mike F
Most website implementations have the server process the password, but only store the (salted) hash in the DB, the plaintext password never leaves server ram
> plaintext.
Yes, they are right
Why facepalm?
@ben dude I just want 1/4 cup salt... Is that really such a big deal?
If you use SSL, you're safe anyways. If you don't there's is no way to make it safe on the client
I guess you're right. I just don't see the point of transmitting a plaintext password, when hashing works just as well.
It doesn't
Plaintext vs cleartext? Sounds like a jargonmenr
You're using https, it won't transmit a plaintext password anyway
@BenjaminGruenbaum Right. Okay. That makes sense.
Most of the password-handling junk I've seen has been not using HTTPS, because most of it was stupid stuff for college projects I wasn't working on.
Anyone have a suggestion of whats good to use for functional testing?
@twiz seriously?
Just wanted a sanity check on what I was hearing being discussed.
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes and no... ha
Functional testing, as in functional programming?
that was just a lazy question...
no testing
How do you mean functional testing?
like phantomJS?
Well, if you know of phantomJS, why not use that?
Well that's what I really meant to ask I suppose. Has anyone used phantomJS or think there is something better?
@SOChatBot Thanks :)
The entire episode is great (s2e01)
Should media queries go from larger res and narrow down or the other way arround?
I might get there someday
(for CSS)
@KevinMurphy I prefer mobile first
@KevinMurphy small -> large, like a lot of things :)
If I know what you mean...
not sure why... I guess layouts for small screens are just generally less complex...
@Abdull Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@twiz help, listen, eval, live, die, refresh, forget, ban, unban, info, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, purgecommands, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, awsm, beautify, convert, define, get, google, hang, inhistory, karma, learn, 420, 5318008, bewbs, i_am_a_robot, aliens, ym, format, 3point14, camel, ihatelanadelrey, fa, vk1, vk2, rlhd, popcap, knock, say, heybuddy, codesnotwork, lick (page 0/3)
@SpencerLockhart hehe hehe hehe hehe..... hehe hehe ... hehe
haha wow
^^^ I saw that post yesterday
its kind of amazing
Hyperbole and a Half is awesome
@AmaanCheval Agreed
Any Ember people around here? Got a question how to have an observer fire once all entries in a model array are loaded.
user image
^^ Good ol' tech support.
@KendallFrey I read this in the Heavy's voice from TF2.
Q: Getting malware through JavaScript and an img tag

user223443I was browsing a website which caused Avast to create a notification that it protected me from an infection. Over the next half hour, this notification popped up again a few times. The Avast message I get is: URL: http://b.scorecardresearch.com/b?c1 Process: C:\Users\?\AppData\Local\Goog...

this article is old
and we still hate ruby
i don't hate ruby .. i just hate rails
And don't take Jeff seriously
1 month is old?
and ruby is nice tbh
@copy how goes the golfing beeteedubya?
@JohnMerlino Jeff Atwood says Ruby is hip! Quick, everyone love Ruby now!
@Shmiddty haven't tried again
@Zirak actually if you read the article, he said he likes ruby more now because it's passed the hip stage
I've started reading The Ruby Programming Language
it has matured and ruby 2 is extremely fast
@copy and you don't want hints?
And if you've read the article, you would've known he's using ruby because of RoR
@JohnMerlino But because Jeff Atwood says it's good, it's also now hip
Ruby is mostly based on Lisp
I don't understand.
but ok
Now, it may pain you to hear this, but nobody cares.
@JohnMerlino some of us probably know Ruby more than you
Regardless of whether Atwood the Great uses it as a reverse hipster
The Ruby Programming Language is an excellent book. Covers everything from socket prorgramming to metaprogramming to the different apis
@FlorianMargaine I doubt it
also if you like functional programming it supports it as well
sum = lambda {|x,y| x+y }
hi guys, any chance somebody might have encountered this problem already? stackoverflow.com/questions/16484539/…
mean = (sum<=a)/a.size
but this isnt the place to go into details
I just wanted to show you guys where the world is moving
@JohnMerlino Ruby is a subset of Lisp.
3 mins ago, by Zirak
Now, it may pain you to hear this, but nobody cares.
nah, it's interesting to see him trying to troll us
If you love Lisp so much, why don't you have sex with it?
There's no native CGI support
@copy With all of those parentheses, he'd end up with a mutilated pecker.
...where CGI is "Compatible Genital Interface"
@copy I do.
Oh, I forgot that sex is a subset of Lisp
@Zirak we can work around that. See transexuals.
Q: Jquery Get all the array elements

user1986299I am programming beginner.. Code <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { var course_category = "<?php echo $_REQUEST['cities'] ?>"; alert(course_category); // alerts as Array }); when i do print_r in php (print_r($cities);) i get Array ( [0] => BLR [1] => DE...

@mikedidthis thank you hehe :)
@KevinMurphy no problems
any font gurus here?
@KevinMurphy use papyrus, it's the best
@Shmiddty not sure why i didn't think of that first - thanks!
@KevinMurphy what's up?
20 mins ago, by JohnMerlino
@FlorianMargaine I doubt it
and back to ignore
that was a fun read
@mikedidthis well i'm just looking for some recommendations for things such as lab briefs and technical documentations. I'm using helvetica neue but it's a bit hard to read
or.. i get tired of reading it :P
@KevinMurphy my fav at the moment is google.com/fonts/specimen/Roboto
but source / open sans would work well.
I presume you want a sans serif font.
hah I just used that font :P
@mikedidthis yes :P Roboto looks interesting. I'll give it a go thanks
I've tried open sans - not sure why i passed it up but I continued searching
@MehdiYeganeh Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
do you people, try to follow a max column length rule?
I can live with 82 every now and then
who here is good with date conversions?
I can convert all date by head since 1850
Q: Allowing IE to run on local files eliminates prompt, but will not open new window

WarrenI have tried using mark of the web as well as Allow active content to run in files on My Computer* and I don't get a prompt when starting a local webpage. The problem is the local page won't open a new page when the user requests it. My local page is very similar to this one mortgage.htm, but w...

@TheSnooker try asking here
@copy if you're interested: golf.shinh.org/p.rb?Type+of+triangle
@KevinMurphy I use roboto for all my own stuff, its delicious.
need to convert X number of seconds into Days: Hours: Seconds
@JanDvorak yes I see..
@mikedidthis yeah i'm liking it a lot too
@TheSnooker divide by sixty
!!> new Date(1368203645)
@xcx "1970-01-16T16:43:45.224Z"
var display_time = 20304021;
var LaunchDate = setInterval(function() {
display_time = Math.floor(display_time);
display_time = display_time - 1;
var days = display_time/86400;
var hours
var seconds
}, 1000);
Roboto condensed looks nice too
@Shmiddty Stop flirting with my boyfriend.
@TheSnooker hours = seconds / 3600
days = hours / 24
@xcx "1970-01-16T20:03:23.645Z"
@BadgerGirl ok. :( I'll just go kick some cans.
yes but thats the whole.. right?.. thats the number of hours total.. what I need is like a space pad launch count down.
@TheSnooker to round a number down, you can use Math.floor
I prefer ~~ (double bitwise negation) or at least |0
then just compose the output (one element or multiple elements) and play with CSS.
@BenjaminGruenbaum An Israeli friend of mine published a paper. I don't understand anything, but it might interest you: arxiv.org/abs/1305.2155
Stupid question, but any preference: var _this = this or var base = this or var self = this (to avoid scoping issues)
that or self
My favorite: $this = $(this)
Don't listen to him, he's a rubber duck
Lol, trying to save that question :P stackoverflow.com/a/16486995/1348195
@mikedidthis I rarely need them
@Zirak I can't really read that though, don't know enough formal logic.
$(this) is different to this right?
@BenjaminGruenbaum that question looks offtopic at the first glance
It's about an algorithm to do something
It's very practical imo, just badly phrased
@mikedidthis it is. Howewer, when working with jQuery, you often want $(this)
I have a secured business proposal for you. email me (kangteobengmrs@yahoo.= com.hk) For more information's.
He sent that to ~50 people. I feel betrayed.
@Zirak that bastard!
Those Nigerian Princes have no shame
From: =?iso-8859-9?Q?Serdar_=DDmamo=F0lu?= <[email protected]>
@JanDvorak understood.
@Zirak troll him back
@LuiggiMendoza he is saying what he has tried (brute force) the problem is clear, and it is programming related. I agree that it's badly phrased but it defiantly seems like an ok fit. I don't care if it's homework, I think it's an OK question for SO. There have been discussions in meta about this sort of thing, which is part of why the meta tag was deprecated. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 54 secs ago
"He" is most likely an "it"
@zirak thanks, I like the idea of that.
You should name that semantically, e.g.: var button = this
athing is a semantic name.
And then you just name it alphabetically: bthing, cthing, etc
Gotta love them smurf naming
@AmaanCheval is your number on truecaller ?
@Shmiddty true
@Shmiddty true
@Shmiddty "undefined" Logged: true
You're either stupid or unnecessarily exhaustive
!!/google smurf naming convention
What's with the hostility?
It's that time of the month again
@Darkyen I don't know. Probably
!!>'1'&'1'&'2' // should be 1, right?
@Shmiddty 0
Zirak is a girl? can't be. too smart.
@Shmiddty 0

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