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posted on May 04, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}

for(prop in a){ - yay for leaking globals
@BenjaminGruenbaum Very thorough. Good job.
@ThiefMaster fuck , k fixed - thanks :/
@acheong87 Monterrey.
does <= or >= take more processing time than < or >?
@eazimmerman on the strictest level? No
Generally? It depends
i mean on the lowest level
i'm just curious if it is doing two steps
That question is easier to answer in lower level programming languages. When your CPU performs arithmetic calculations it has a flag to say if the result was 0 and a flag to say if the result was negative
It can check both flags at once (probably some mux/demux logic there)
What you're asking in fact is "is JGT (jump greater than) faster than JGE (jump greater or equal)"
So in the lowest level (which is not >= in JavaScript) they are both one assembly instruction
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think you need to detect Arrays explicitly.
thanks, answered my question
(i was thinking in terms of assembly)
@FizzyTea Why?
@XCritics dude
it's like 7:30am
get up and game
So that Array.isArray works, for example.
On the clone, that is.
@FizzyTea Yeah, I got that, but why do I have to treat them differently?
Shrug. Because new Array() is magic.
I mean, I know that iterating through the array through property names isn't the cleanest thing to do, but I don't see why it wouldn't work
I perform Object.create on the prototype of Array
var a = []; var b = clone(a); Array.isArray(b); // false
Ah! It breaks isArray :) I learned something
I presume it will break the magic length property too.
I don't think it will
Yeah, that seems okay.
Although behaviour is slightly different on chrome
I think that's just because Object.prototype.toString.call(clone([1,2,3]) is [object Object] and not [object Array]
@copy That was excellent
(sorry Connor)
@FizzyTea Thanks! I just added that as another case
@Incognito I will be in your area sooner than later now that I've discovered the menu at facebook.com/pages/Shenanigans-Hamilton/324971874284205
yes that is a grilled cheese hamburger
probably gonna take some of these ideas and mix them intoEmblem, I didn't want null references in there anyway so these patterns might be helpful in achieving that goal
I have some very weird behaviour I can't reproduce. I reduced the length of a 'cloned' array, restored it, and the contents reappeared! I have the console transcript to prove I wasn't hallucinating.
Oh, yeah, my mistake, I can reproduce it.
@IvoWetzel I think people are just starting to realize that class based OOP isn't a silver bullet
var a = []; var b = clone(a); b.push(1); b.length = 0; b.length = 1; b; // [1]
@BenjaminGruenbaum Finally I guess. tbh. most times I just "classes" I just want to get some overall structure into the place, but I barely use any of the classical(haha) features
@IvoWetzel Finally indeed, seeing Java with hundreds of classes always makes me want to stab someone
@FizzyTea In chrome I get [undefined × 1] :O
also, I really like the way interfaces work here and I'll definitely adopt this technique
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh!
For reference: They just describe what something needs to implement in order to conform to the interface, but the things don't implement against it, they have no clue about it. The interface is merely a check later on to see if something conforms
@IvoWetzel Yeah, me too
@BenjaminGruenbaum That was with your old clone function though.
Don't see why it'd work in the new one though
Just saying that Array.isArray wasn't the only thing affected.
Anyway, I've got to go. @FizzyTea , if you feel like fixing the answer feel free to edit a fix in
I (or someone else who sees it) will approve it when I get back
No, I think the new version works!
-.- I'm stupid!
Protip: In your parser, don't add a function called "parseFloat"
which tries to call the native parseFloat...
I was looking for a lexer error for about 15 minutes before finally figuring out that unwanted recursion was the issue
Well I guess it's time to get a test suite up and running
Proof that camel-case is a bad idea. :-)
@IvoWetzel lol
Thats not the worse :-)
i commented out some code yesterday and then i was wondering why it wasnt working for 10 minutes before realizing... wait i commented it out!
how can you not see comments? Doesn't your IDE/editor color them? :/
it was in another file :->
i thought the function should work nicely when after commenting all it did was

return (400,"Not found")
400 for not found? :P That's just mean
lol :P
i am bad with error codes, trying to make that better though
400 = bad request 404 not found. Being so close but not really correct is just mean :)
:-) yeah i fixed it later
but damn man i miss my js so much
my helpers used to take care of it :[
Http.error("Not Found");
return (500, "Successful")
done :D .. basically just a good looking function
@rlemon return (503, "OK")
(413, "That's what she said")
I wanna make this on my gf's garments , when shes on road :D
(401, "Access Denied")
Guys is it possible to check foreach input of type text if its empty
@rlemon lol
if u remember right i was the one to show u this , no ?
no thinkgeek showed me these years ago
you re-showed me these months or maybe a year ago
okay :D
lets buy these for our girlfriends :D lolol
find a girl who doesn't wear any. double win
@rlemon i think somebody told u this already but i just wanna make sure
do u know u are a fucking pervert ?
no need to say thanks :D
I want it soo bad.
@Loktar you also probably would get usefulness out of this
I want to wear it and walk around the mall.
Holy shit, I want that
8-bit gaming hero would be fun
Hello All, I have a quick question, hoping someone would linkly help....
So I have an Ajax.Request on my page that updates the value in a div element. It doesn't get updated in IE (IE just shows the cached result). So I have done my googling and found that I need to append a timestamp (or something random to the url in question). So how shall I do that>
Does myphp.php become myphp.php#something_random_like_a_timestamp
In other words, I know that I should use (new Date()).getTime() and I think I can just add '#' to the end of the url and then append the timestamp.
My question: is '#' the best character to append to the url,before appending the timestamp? Many thanks in advance
@copy what should I be using instead?
@SomeKittens I thought you were about to say something, could you kindly give your opinion? many thanks
@Vin A # is reserved for a url hash. Just add the timestamp as a GET parameter
i.e. something.php?timestamp
@SomeKittens Sorry, didn't notice it went off
!!are you on
@SomeKittens Nope
It's time for your favourite time of day, Paradox Time!
!!is this sentence a lie?
@Zirak Nuh-uh
@Zirak, many thanks. OK so I shouldn;t use the hash. Would appending the url with ?timestamp be as effective as adding the timestamp as a parameter? thanks
@Vin It'll make it a get parameter, but I don't suggest blindly adding ?timestamp, since there may be parameters beforehand
Zirak. I understand. Thanks for your help. You have helped me learn something today!
This is the happiest day of my life. Enjoy
picture quality sucks.
shakey hands and taken on my phone through somewhat dirty glass :/
!!/tell AmaanCheval define culpable
@AmaanCheval culpable meriting condemnation, censure or blame, especially as something wrong, harmful or injurious; blameworthy
Know it
Damn it...
Jon Skeet, Reading, United Kingdom
561k 182 3034 4503
@JonSkeet behold sir... i will overpass u in 10 centuries :D
~2 months ago these little guys were all but dead. one tiny little polyp on them. now it's coming back strong :) they will eventually carpet the rock it's on.
I had a plant like that. Now it's growing everywhere
It's so much fun to watch something grow from practically nothing
one of the best pics i've ever taken of the zoas
it's hard to take pics from outside the tank with your smartphone
bow front tank too
418 I'm a teapot (RFC 2324)
This code was defined in 1998 as one of the traditional IETF April Fools' jokes, in RFC 2324, Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol, and is not expected to be implemented by actual HTTP servers.
How would one go about and connect a website (prefably client side due to firewall) to a desktop application?
The scenario is following:
A button is pressed on a users cellphone, something happens on the computer.
If it is possible to connect the website through JavaScript to a TCP server on the desktop computer - that'd be great.
if custom browser is an option, I might see that viable.
@Darkyen you can actually return a HTTP 418 I'm a teapot response code :P
What do you mean by custom browser? I try to make it as user-friendly as possible :)
otherwise, there's a bit too much isolation. Javascript cannot just talk to other applications on the same computer. Localhost is cross-domain, and bare TCP is taboo.
@Doorknob yeh i know
The problem for me to use php as a server side script is that it would force the user to port forward
You could communicate via HTTP, however, and the app would respond with a CORS header
Do you have any good article layin' around?
@SomeKittens I know, right?
if the local app acts as an HTTP server on localhost that implements CORS, the browser app can connect to it just like to any other server on the internet that implements CORS.
A small pattern, and it grows to over 1000 cells
I will look in to that, thanks
the rest is just implementing an HTTP server and some AJAXing from the browser.
you could even implement websockets, if you feel fancy
@StefanoMaglione Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Somebody can help me to use handlebars in backbone?
I could, but I can't
I might be able to help with the logic
can iwrite here my problem?i'm new
You can
i've fetched a collection and i've applied function toJson(),and the result is this:Object {results: Array[4]}
so i've passed thi Object as context for handlebars
but this error appear:Uncaught TypeError: Object [object global] has no method 'template'
it's all
@AmaanCheval You should stop what you're doing and watch Firefly
@Zirak Later
Middle of a game now
hey @Zirak
yesterday, by Zirak
Firefly is awesome
turns @Doorknob
There's no door
How is that...what did I...how do you...what?
@Zirak I'm locked :D
also I am connected to the door to Firefly
that is why AmmanCheval can't watch it now
I answered a strange and short question but I might be missing something :
Q: Javascript: what does this syntax mean (0,functionName)(functionParemeter);

maksbd19I was wondering into the javascript file from the source of http://www.google.com actually i do it often and try to understand what they have done there. today I was wondering inside the files and found some strange function calls. Maybe its a silly thing but I really have no idea what is it and ...

@dystroy yes, your smiley is missing its mouth :O
@Doorknob Hum... I also missing a joke :( [ok got it]
1 min ago, by dystroy
I answered a strange and short question but I might be missing something :
there is no mouth on that smiley ^ :P
An Irishman, a homosexual and a Jew walk into a bar. What a fine example of an integrated community
@Zirak Hahaha that's epic
@all Hai
How does greasemonkey recognize the pages having same url ?
@TechnocraT using the === operator.
In this case, clicking on submit directs to other page having the same url..
Why should i use Express (node)?
i can't see what it does?
@Connor It's a simple framework that helps organize requests
It also allows for "middleware," which is a harder concept to grasp when you haven't used it, but is powerful.
I dint get that clearly.. @SomeKittens
@SomeKittens ok
@TechnocraT Have you tried jQuery?
@SomeKittens Well.. I dont know jQuery..
@TechnocraT How about JavaScript? You know that?
@SomeKittens Yes.. I am currently using JS in my GM script
and you will see how the menu is broken if your browser window is larger than like 680px
@TechnocraT And how do you get the current url with JS?
well I dont have the need to get the URL..
8 mins ago, by TechnocraT
How does greasemonkey recognize the pages having same url ?
I just submit the button in a page and this loads another page having same URL..
^^ Sounds to me that either you need to get the page URL or aren't explaining your problem correctly
any ideas
let me elaborate ..
@SomeKittens have you tried javascript ?
A page has form and its submit button.. now when i click submit, a new page loads with the same URL. This page has href links.. clicking on the link takes to the previous page with new values.. All navigation is between these two pages.. I have given this URL in include of GM script..
I have actions for both the pages in my GM script.. but my script is triggered on only one page.. after submit, it does not work on other page
having same URL
@SomeKittens Have I made it clear??
@Chris_W Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@TechnocraT Yes, that actually helped a lot. You may want to look past the URL, and check for page-specific elements (i.e. if there's a form or href links) and have the script act differently depending on which "page" you're on.
@SomeKittens Both the pages have same form id and action url
<form id="form1" method="post" action="/TimeslotAssignment/faces/tsAsgt.jsp" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
They had to make this difficult, didn't they....
like this
What's unique about each page? Can you detect that with JS?
is unique
I get this using var titlev = document.title
and separated the activities of page using if(titlev) else condition
in express i asume you would do something like app.get('/contact'. ...........
@Connor Yup.
how would you do all requests
like *
@TechnocraT So what doesn't work?
@Connor Yeah. app.get('*', function(req, res) { ....
cool :) cheers
@SomeKittens The script doesn't trigger in second page after sumbit button... although if i run the script from GM console on this page it works..
Are you sure a new page loads, and it isn't a bunch of JS tomfoolery (AJAX, etc)?
im using node to attempt to build a chat app, im a noob so, i assume i wont be using php anymore? yeah/no?
@Connor Yep, you're free!
you should understand how everything works before "using node"...
Welcome to a newer, more productive world!
like, client/server, http requests, application server, the link between apache and php
@FlorianMargaine Sometimes. Other times, it's better to just dive in
@SomeKittens Yes the form is submitted in two different pages.. having different options..
@TechnocraT Are you absolutely sure the form is not submitted through AJAX?
@SomeKittens How could I be sure .. ?
looking at the source..
I think it's a reasonable guess that it's actually submitted and not AJAX, looking at the <form> tag attributes
@SomeKittens I agree.. but then why GM does not trigger atleast show an alert message
I'm not sure, my GM is shaky. Are you getting any errors?
No .. I dont.. as I said if i test the script from GM editor.. it works.. but not automatically after navigation from previous page
What are we talking about? Something interesting?
Q: Implementing vector based movement in a 2d environment

Att1caGood evening. I apologize if the title is a bit vague, I really could not come up with anything better. I am currently reading a book called the nature of code and as a side project, I am working on a small 2d game in javascript. One of the core concepts of this book states that a game object s...

Also how do I submit the right button when a form has 2 or more submit buttons
@OctavianDamiean no
heh, does anyone remember the scene from Jurassic Park where that hacker girly was trying to hack into the computer system to reactivate the power in the facility?
That's the scene I'm talking about.

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