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Does anyone know of a good resource for ajax calls/requests?
@lawm you mean, the jQuery documentation?
@lawm ...Jquery? It's pretty easy to use.
any working demos?
@Oleg right... he said "good", not "easy"
@JanDvorak well.. that too
@WhitKemmey Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JanDvorak mozilla docs are exactly that. Good, but probably not easy.
@Oleg yeah. I think I want easy.
@mikedidthis i tryed iScroll, github.com/filamentgroup/Overthrow and now trying jScrollPane
i feel lucky
@WhitKemmey reduce this by 1 character plz:
@Neal it's easy with jQuery...
for(a=readline(i=-1);i++^a;print(o))for(j=o=a*i||a;j;o=((j||i)+" ").slice(0,4)+o)j-=i||1
Oh yeah and whats a good way to do push notifications?
@lawm sockets
like.. not the annoying iOS push notifications but the web notifications that are pushed from the server
@Oleg Thats what I've spent the last hour figuring out
I failed :(
There's no good PHP implementation
@lawm I've heard about socket.io
@JanDvorak Yeah what exactly is that?
*does it do?
@Jan So uhm... about my question? Is there another way than manually converting every file and then fighting with conditional comments and whatnot?
@mikedidthis you so silent tonight, everythings ok?
@lawm PHP.... urggghhh
@Neal it's a two-way channel; primarily for Node.js, but there might be ports to other languages.
@Jan triggers a color highlight for me too
@Ariane no experience; sorry
@Oleg Well what other backend language am I supposed to use? I'm focusing on frontend here anyway.
but no sound, just highlighted
@JanDvorak But its not an actual server or what, how does it work?
Like, is it just a library>
@lawm My dislike for PHP is a biased, personal opinion. Don't listen to me too much :) I personally prefer Node.js
@lawm it's a server module + client module
@JanDvorak Excuse me for my dumbness, I don't get it really, but ok.
@Shmiddty @lawm My dislike for PHP is a justified, personal opinion. Don't listen to me too much :) I personally prefer Node.js (source)
@Oleg But its so complicated...
@lawm Node.js is complicated?
@Oleg Well I mean its an entirely different thing but sorta
just because you are lazy doesn't mean it is complicated
Last time I looked, it was much easier than PHP. That is, when you figure out how to deal with nested callbacks :)
which is the best benifit of using Node.js ?
@Shmiddty Where can I find hosting for it?
Bullshit... bullshit everywhere :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum sooooooo..... php or nodejs?
(meaning same language both on client and on server)
@Oleg true
nodejs is not easier than PHP, it's harder than PHP because PHP is designed in a way you don't have to understand how anything works in order to get productive, like jQuery and the DOM (you don't have to understand HTTP or servers to use PHP)
@Oleg uhm ... is javascript faster than server side language?
@Oleg but what about MySQL and all dat shit?
nodejs assumes you are not a noob, it lets you control what's actually happening much better and it is insanely fast
@BenjaminGruenbaum exactly
@okok JavaScript on server is faster and less memory consuming than PHP.
@BenjaminGruenbaum How can I do databases and where can I find hosting etc.?
I don't like php for other reasons, but if you want to design a personal home page (pun intended) and you already know php, don't use node
Not comparable with C++ of course.
great, but js depends on browser right?
@lawm Databases are done like everywhere else, with a driver, hosting is easy to get, nodejitsu, heroku, microsoft Azure, it's a pretty long list of hosts
!!/mustache Oleg
JavaScript depends on the environment it runs in.
@BenjaminGruenbaum OOO heroku works on it?
Stop trolling okok, you've had your warnings
uhmm ... so env for node is ?
user browser?
Oh yeah does heroku have a free tier?
@lawm Of course :) It's easy to host, and easy to develop, but it requires a much deeper understanding of both the HTTP protocol and the web browser to use correctly
@BenjaminGruenbaum pfff i'm trying understanding how node runs :/ not trolling
I think it does have a free tier, if it doesn't nodejitsu does for sure
@BenjaminGruenbaum daarn
@okok in JavaScript, on v8, google's JS engine, use google
I'm confused about the Trash can invitation.
@lawm It's worth learning for sure, I'm not sure I'd use it for building a website but I use it for RESTful APIs in production all the time
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think of the vegetable drink whenever I think see the v8 engine being mentioned
@Oleg I moved the conversation with okok to the trash since he is trolling
>_> I'm off to sleep then.
@BenjaminGruenbaum wait so if I made a nodejs hosted site I would have to code the entire server?
@lawm What do you mean code the entire server?
@okok okok, I think you're kind of annoying
@BenjaminGruenbaum Like... there's shared hosting where it's all upload dem files and get to work but with nodejs do you have to set all that up?
i can't ask anything seriously?
@okok those weren't serious questions
!!/tell AmaanCheval define nebulous
@AmaanCheval nebulous In the form of a cloud or haze; hazy.
@lawm Go to nodebeginner.org it's a really nice basic tutorial. Real life node is a lot less 'to the metal' than that, but it gets the point through
@BenjaminGruenbaum ok brb
!!/tell Shmiddty echo is a class act
@BenjaminGruenbaum looks good!
@Shmiddty Invalid command //tell Shmiddty echo is a class act
@BenjaminGruenbaum can you please, tell me reason why my questions are not serious?
@Shmiddty Invalid command //tell Shmiddty echo 'is a class act'
@Shmiddty is a class act
@BenjaminGruenbaum why don't heroku let me sign up?
@lawm Not sure, try nodejitsu I use it more, when I tried it it worked
!!/tell okok echo is worse than a troll. He's a troll without grey matter.
@okok is worse than a troll. He's a troll without creativity.
@okok I assume "Not serious" means your questions are stupid and you're an inconsiderate douchebag...
@okok Flagging that for mod.
but thats just a guess
@twiz nope, he's not a douchebag, he's just a troll, this isn't the first or 10th time
@okok is worse than a troll. He's a troll without grey matter.
@BenjaminGruenbaum meh synonyms... haha
does anyone remember the name of the game, where you make the building by droping boxes? My sister is killing me, saying she wants to play that game in my PC
@PHPfan seriously?
Well complaining isn't a good way to be taken seriously haha
I can't remember the name of the game
@PHPfan tetris?
no, it is not minicraft.
You just drop boxes and make building, but the rope swings left and right
Lol I can't handle this chat right now....
@Zirak Raise the bar, man. I know most of these words
She played that game about 5 moths ago, but I forgot the name
@PHPfan Tiny Tower or something like that, I think
@BenjaminGruenbaum ignore me , and do not look at my questions so other people can look at them, without your no-sense moderation
No, it wasn't Tiny Tower
But I think I know what you're talking about
@okok I'm not moderating, that's not my job, I'm just trying to keep the room clean of trolls so we can have constructive discussion like me and @lawm were having
It was a default game on some Nokia phones
@AmaanCheval yea
It was on Nokia, by default.
something to start with box, city building...
City Bloxx
@BenjaminGruenbaum THANK YOU
Never mind
YUP. got it.
I don't know the history between @BenjaminGruenbaum and @okok, but I find it a little hard to move entire "lines" of conversation into trashcan, thats my opinion just like that
but then again, I don't know about the history
I better let her play, before she scratches my face
thanks & later
@jAndy Well, you remember donotusetabtodigitthisnick?
Holy shit, I actually remembered it
@jAndy i agree wtf, i just asked for some node infos, he is going autism moving all to trash :/
okok's him
pff i'm out see you dudes
@jAndy He trolled the room several times and was being an asshole to everyone, eventually Gordon came and talked to him, he promised to change, he changed nicks twice, he was the donotuse crap guy
does anyone know if ffmpeg can convert to OGG?
> he is going autism moving all to trash
@okok What's that supposed to mean?
don't know how it sounds in english, when you do things no-sense like automatism
@AmaanCheval yea remembering, however I never had a real horrible situation of trolling or worse here in this channel over the past years (lucky me?) so, I still think its kinda harsh
3*^ @okok U MAD? Maybe if you stop trolling us we'll start treating you with respect
cioa cioa
I mean, censorship is no solution
@jAndy Well, I'm not someone to decide considering I haven't really seen his behavior recently
i asked serious question check WHAT YOU MOVED IN TRASH!!!!!!!!!!!
in Trash can, 7 mins ago, by okok
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes cause you retarded
@jAndy What would you suggest?
in Trash can, 13 mins ago, by okok
and v8 where it is? on browser or on server side?
This is the only question I found in the trash
!!/tell AmaanCheval define pandiculation
did u guys no js run on srvr?
@AmaanCheval pandiculation A stretching and stiffening of the trunk and extremities, as when fatigued and drowsy or on waking, often accompanied by yawning.
@BenjaminGruenbaum well I would have to crawl tons of channel history since, as I mentioned, never had any horrific experience here with anybody. So I can't decide on that, I just never saw that a guys was made, pretty much muzzled around here
@Zirak Surprisingly enough, I did know that.
It was learned flipping through random entries in the dictionary
I just learned it. Now I can show off after pandiculating.
Like flatulence
@Shmiddty rly? That m$ right?
Know it
!!play bf3 or go to bed or go to bed or go to bed
@OctavianDamiean play bf3
!!/define Pulchritudinous
@AmaanCheval No definition found
Are you serious.
@octav bf bro
BF3 beat the odds
!!/define pulchritudinous
@Zirak pulchritudinous (literary) Having great physical beauty.
!!/urban fucking tired
@Shmiddty [Fuxhausted](http://fuxhausted.urbanup.com/4025846) (fuck-sauce-ted)
1. having been drained of energy, worn out or extremely fatigued due to a prolonged sexual intercourse occurrence.

(a derivation of the words "fucking" and "exhauseted" forming the compound adjective. replacing the first 'e' in exhausted with the 'fu' in fuck changes the syntactical category and allows one to pronounce it appropriately with the meaning of the expression.)
Well, if the bot says BF3, BF3 it is.
I feel like there was a sitcom where one of the characters had a magic 8ball make all decisions for him and it had "hilarious" consequences
What's annoying about these words is that I can recognize that I know them, but not what they mean
Yeah, it's hard to remember sometimes
I remember a lot because of these classes I took as a kid
Random interesting thing of the day: HERF gun
!!/google HERF gun
@AmaanCheval What classes?
@Zirak A lot of them are so close to Latin thus Romanian as well, so I know quite a lot of them right away.
@Zirak Well, since India's schools can't be trusted to teach English, it's common to join classes to help with learning the language
@XCritics you at home?
I took them for 2-3 years
go on steam
Read lots of poems, watched movies, and learned a lot
It got really boring eventually, though
when talking english, what language do you think in? english? or your native language?
English is like my default language. It's what I'm most fluent in as well
I think once you make that step, you are fluent.
@rlemon Depends on what I'm thinking of
Even though Hindi is the first language I learned
before then you are still translating
I've never been able to 'think' in another language
Okay, bonus interesting thing of the day:
Hyperthymesia, also known as piking, hyperthymestic syndrome or highly superior autobiographical memory (HSAM), is a condition in which an individual possesses a superior autobiographical memory, meaning he or she can recall the vast majority of personal experiences and events in his or her life. The term “hyperthymesia" is derived from the Greek words hyper meaning "excessive" and thymesis meaning "remembering". As first described in a 2006 Neurocase article by Elizabeth Parker, Larry Cahill, Dr. Paul Tejera, and James McGaugh, the two defining characteristics of hyperthymesia are "1) the...
For instance, when I speak about programming in my mother tongue, I have to stop and translate my thoughts from English. But I do the reverse when talking about, say, Chemistry, where I learned all the terms in another language.
@rlemon There's a problem with that though, once you make that step it is quite hard to think in your native language, for me at least.
When I learnt Spanish at school, I'd sometimes find myself thinking in Spanish. Definitely not fluent though.
@AmaanCheval hah, I think my sister has some of that to an extent. She remembers what she wore in the past. I could point out a date, and she'd tell me what she wore that day.
I cannot believe anybody thinks in Austrian anyways
Austrians do. :)
^ for your g+ page
@Zirak Haha, really? I was insanely amused when I first learned about the syndrome. Are you sure her memory is correct, though?
@AmaanCheval Yes, I asked her about dates I could check (either because I remembered for some reason or photos were taken (knowingly or unknowigly))
I remember a lot of stuff from when I was like 1-3 years old. My mom gets freaked out every time I pull out a memory she almost forgot about
posted on May 03, 2013 by Victor Rodriguez

With Special Guest Star... Apache OpenOffice Command Line to Clipboard Unreal Engine 3 in Firefox with asm.js Dams in the Amazon: The rights and wrongs of Belo Monte

@rlemon baaahh
I don't remember anything
I don't have very good memory, and I don't tend to trust my memory too much after reading The Invisible Gorilla
I have to write my name on my hand so I don't foget
that reminds me on my disappointment on iron man 3
I still remember the first day I arrived in Austria. I was 1 year and 3 months old.
just scenes, smells, feelings, but they surround events that I can peg.
I have a terrible memory. I have to write everything down.
@jAndy Why the disappointment?
@AmaanCheval dunno, I guess its a typical "part three" problem there
I quite liked the movie
movie was okay, nice effects, sounds etc, but story.. sucked imo
@Shmiddty Haha. Hahaha. Hahahahaha. MWHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHA
I'm going to see it sunday.
Well, it wasn't day, it was night already but I do remember that day.
@Shmiddty shouldn't I tell you that Hulk appears at the end and eats tony stark alive ?
@OctavianDamiean Where did you come from? And what do you remember?
My mother fled with me from Romania.
I remember seeing my father again, the present he gave me, the smell, how warm it was, the exact place.
@OctavianDamiean I remember the moving day from ~1 years old as well. this is my earliest memory, I remember my uncle holding me in the back of the pickup as we drove down the street (we literally moved to another house on the same street) and they bleached the floors before we moved in and I remember the awful smell when I fist entered the house
I guess it was one of those special moments in my life.
All of my memories are repressed
except the ones where I was molested by priests
j/k that didn't happen <.<
@AmaanCheval A quick clarification, my dad had fled a year before us.
@OctavianDamiean Aah
A year before Ceaușescu was overthrown.
@CraigHeneveld Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I also remember how it was to have nothing. When we arrived we literally had nothing but a roof over our heads, a blanket and a pot.
@CraigHeneveld how can I reduce this code by one character?
for(a=readline(i=-1);i++^a;print(o))for(j=o=a*i||a;j;o=((j||i)+" ").slice(0,4)+o)j-=i||1
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hahaha
Does anybody else remember Gangnam-Style
@ToferCriss Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@XCritics We've moved on to this:
(Can't find the original / official one)
Lol that's older than Rebecca black, and I'm glad you can't find it :-)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hey, dude, want to have a laser fight?
Touch my tra lala
UUUUHHHH my ding ding dong
BF3 time.
@Zirak I think you'll enjoy this too
16 mins ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
does any member here & can i ask question??
Don't ask to ask
there's always someone
even if they don't answer
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hey, man. I got some Wheatos and some cream cheese. Do you know what I'm talking about?
@FlorianMargaine Hahaha
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sorry about the pings. It's just so funny XD
@OctavianDamiean S01E08 at the end when annie is stealing back the blanket you see a little ass cheek. check it out!
yeah, it's funny
why can't she just do a celebrity porn already?!
is null keyword used in JS?
!!> var x=null; x + 2;
@c'c yes, it is
@FlorianMargaine k gona use it (shorter than undefined, for a function with missing values
doStuff(1, null, myObject)
if it's an optional argument, pass it as last argument, this way it's only doStuff(1, myObject)
An organisation that treats its programmers as morons will soon have programmers that are willing and able to act like morons only. — Bjarne Stroustrup
@rlemon oh right! :D
function changePeriod(period, url){ //if you have any thoughts ...
	var a= document.createElement('a');
	a.href =url;
	var parts= a.pathname.split('/');
	parts[2] = period;
	a.pathname = parts.join('/');
	return a.href;
( ' ᴥ ' )
The scissors below my titles, I want to animate them to move to the right when the section is opened, hiding the dashed line underneath, then add a new dashed line on the bottom of the opened section.

1. How in HTML do you recommend making the scissors and dashed lines to begin with?
2. How would I do the little animation with Jquery?
I can handle moving the scissors, but I'm lost regarding hiding the dashed line.
@Ariane animate the width of the element they are on/animate the background position
@Ariane be more clever/use your imagination
for(a=readline(i=-1);i++^a;print(q+o))for(j=o=a*i||a;j-=i||1;)o=(q=j+"   ").slice(0,4)+o
Sheesh ... you guys still code golfing?
writing minified code directly
What has to be done has to be done
@copy if you could minify my changePEriod like that...
@Shmiddty Well I'm completely lost as to how to do that semantically. All I can think of is some sort of impossible combination of border-bottom and border-image and then... I'm lost. I'm certainly not gonna use <img> elements for an item that doesn't mean anything in the page, am I? D:
!!>'2 '*!!2
@Shmiddty 0
I could, but I can't
@Shmiddty 2
nah without jquery:)
@Schmid I'm being serious about this here. I have no idea how to do this in HTML, and depending on the solution, I might not know how to animate it.
@copy for(a=readline(i=-1);i++^a;print(i,o))for(j=o=a*i||a;j-=i||1;)o=(j+" ").slice(0,4)+o almost
The first digit has to be padded too
yeah I know
for(a=readline(i=-1);i++^a;print(i,o))for(j=o=a*i||a;j-=i||1;)o=(" "+j).slice(-.....)+o
for(a=readline(i=-1);i++^a;print(q+o))for(j=o=a*i||a;j-=i||1;o=q+o)q=(j+"   ").slice(0,4)
"    5".slice(-4)
"   5"
"    65".slice(-4)
"  65"
"    165".slice(-4)
" 165"
Is dart worth it?
haha ok then
for(a=readline(i=-1);i++^a;print(i+o))for(j=o=a*i||a;j-=i||1;)o=(" "+j).slice(~.....)+o
I dunno
var parts= a.pathname.split('/');
parts[2] = period;
a.pathname = parts.join('/');
just that is optimzable
for(a=readline(i=-1);i++^a;print(o))for(j=0,o=i;j<a*(i|!i);o+=("   "+j).slice(-4))j+=i||1
The padding is wrong though :-(
Numbers have to be padded on the right side
What did the farmer say when he couldn't find his tractor?
"Where's my tractor?"

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