she made a date like 2 weeks after it all happened to give me some of my stuff back, claiming "She was sorry and regretted taking my stuff", then on that day when she came she came with cops telling them I had hit her earlier that day! the cops laughed at her when they actually saw her and me, she didn't have a mark and I hadn't seen her in two weeks. They told me the best thing actually is if she pursued it because then they had to arrest her for falsifying a report
@tereško Seeing it live, in the middle of the street, out of the blue was amazing. They were performing there and were doing a general rehearsal. They just let us sit there and watch it for hours.
@rlemon I'd run away from that sort of girl like from fire, girls who feel comfortable telling such lies and being so dishonest to someone they know for a while should be avoided at all costs. It's a good thing it ended, imagine living a life with that sort of horrible person...
nahh, for that kinda stuff the cop said they really do need proof, doctors reports, eye witnesses, physical marks :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum her "best friend" cheated on her bf with the same guy three times (all three times invited him to their house) and all three times told her bf he 'raped' her
Whenever I have a friend who is too dramatic or acts like an asshole, I passively cut ties, stop returning calls, stop inviting them to stuff, I still say hi when I see them but I just let it fade
@XCritics because you've associated things with smoking - these will eventually go away as you disassociate them. Every time you see someone else light up while you are doing things like eating or drinking you'll want to have one.
@AmaanCheval It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It got the good in me and the bad. It was horrible to be a part of an organization that is military, I hated that fact, but it forces you to grow up and be independent, you have to become responsible and you have to be sharp.
My brother quit ~7 years ago when his gf got preggo and hasn't touched one since, cold turkey. however when he's drinking and i'm over and go out for a smoke he admits a little part of him does still crave it ... just a little.
I recently ran into this locked question and noticed the bottom part says:
It suggests I visit meta for more information. That does not seem very informative to me.
The word locked should maybe link to this post here in meta.
For more info visit meta could be re-written to be m...
I'm so used to lose the game nowadays, I mean, its ridiculous. My amplifier has a mode which is called "GAME", and I need to switch to that everytime I want to watch a movie via bluray player
@BenjaminGruenbaum which ladder are you ? have fun, later
Does anyone have any insight about less.js or sass, those kinds of things...regarding speed? Some sources make it sound faster than normal css. That makes no sense.
@BenjaminGruenbaum, yeah, it seems better to me if I use .less for editing and then convert to .css for the site. I have a plugin that will handle that for me :)
Say, apart from the Flash renderer, is there a way to display SVG images consistently on all browsers? Because Flash's good and all, but it won't help on a mobile browser that can't display SVG.
@Jan Well, if there's some automatic-ish way to convert and display PNG when SVG can't be read, I don't mind. Because saving every single image individually and then fighting with conditional comments and whatnot sounds painful.