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jshint or jslint?
Whichever you feel more comfortable with
But you're so much cooler than me, so I want to do it just like you. I bought yellow/orangish paint
I now have face cancer.
hi there
@SomeKittens oh it looked like you are just some kittens
a common mistake
Why would you think that?
@rlemon How'd the babysitting go?
I'm probably misleading by reading nicknames
1 hour 15 minutes.... maybe 20
they were asleep... but still o_O
Parents needed a very long quickie?
moms mom had a stroke?? she wanted to visit
i mean, legit reason. but you tell a guy 30 minutes.....
ah, that's a bit better
anyways. i'm not bothered.
A: Break HTTP file uploading from server side by PHP or Apache

Benjamin GruenbaumThis solution is as bare bones as it gets. It uses node.js, it uses the underlying TCP protocol instead of working with HTTP directly which allows you to work with the underlying packets directly. You work with the TCP protocol directly. You can handle routing in a way that would pass control to...

@Zirak you got steam?
He is allowing node.js :P
bro, do you even game?
@rlemon They call me Willie
please someone get it...
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's a really well-asked question
@Mose You may want to update your website
@SomeKittens I think my answer is the only correct one
I liked the one that had two server calls, one AJAX first to tell server about the token
@SomeKittens that doesn't solve OP's problem though
Can I ask you guys a question?
@SOChatBot sure
@rlemon hey buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudy
At gfs :-(
In an hour?
@SomeKittens I think I might have gotten carried away with my answer :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yes, yes you did.
Working on a working example XD
love node
“ Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. ” - Rick Osborne
@OctavianDamiean, @AmaanCheval help me name my idea
I was thinking "Chronos"
chronos.com is taken...but doesn't load
Kronos and Cronus are still options
Scratch that, they aren't
... cron.us is available
@zirak what is your idea so I can make you some bad ass names
It's a dirty secret
wtf, cron.us is taken?
Now I just want criticism, I updated the answer and added a working example in a GitHub repository
A: Break HTTP file uploading from server side by PHP or Apache

Benjamin GruenbaumFirst of all, you can try this code yourself using the GitHub repo I created for this. Just clone the repository and run node header. The general idea This is a great question. What you are asking for is very possible and no clientside is needed, just a deeper understanding of how the HTTP prot...

% curl -I chron.us
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: chron.us
Man, ever since you learn about the bad Uranus pun, you can't not see it
> The Mutilation of Uranus by Saturn (Cronus)
Maybe Rhea will be a better name, she's Kronos' consort
sigh rhea.com
And yes, it's important that I have a name first. What else am I going to mkdir?
mkdir stupid-nameless-thing ?
mkdir projectX
!!> with(Math)String.fromCharCode(random()*26+92|0,random()*26+92|0,random()*26+92|0‌​,random()*26+92|0)
@copy "SyntaxError: illegal character"
!!> (Math.random()*36*36|0).toString(36)+(Math.random()*36*36|0).toString(36)
@copy "m7p8"
Amalthea is also taken
There you go
Who knew popular Greek Mythology figures would have their own domains...
achille.us ... huh
Trolls, trolls everywhere amalthea.com
Cybele is taken...
Fuck you internet
Now I have to concuct a clever combination of Rhea, Amalthea and Cronus/Kronos
hah, unscythe.com is available
That is such bullshit zeus.com
Wait...what's that condition where you can register a domain (which was already registered beforehand)? What's the leeway? I mean, if it's not responding to ping, not functional...I remember there was something
Faulty DNS...something
When it's not locked or so?
guys quick question. my javascript engine seems to lock my browser up from time to time at random (my debug tools also lock up) i use chrome... im wondering what i can do to diagnose the possible places in my javascript that is causing it. =/
...even Thoth (Egyptian god of the moon, in charge of time-keeping) is taken
does it have to be a .com ?
Preferably, but beggars and be choosers
Janus is also taken...
Some variation of horae are available!!
Too bad it sucks
Ananke is better, .me and .biz are available
Why the fuck do I know all of them...
Ananke then?
!!should it be Ananke?
@Zirak Of course not
...go die
!!> 'janus'.match(/anus/);
@phenomnomnominal ["anus"]
Why is this hard...
That's what she said.
@Zirak, have you, by some miracle, ever used PBRT?
I vaguely recall hearing about something called PBRT
Damn them so hard...it's such a good name
Can anyone access chronos.com ?
What about cron.us ?
whois.net/whois/cron.us doesn't look promising
200 OK
Odd, I'm getting a "could not resolve"
Oh, that was for chrono.us
I am getting the same result as you for chron.us
Wonder what's funky about it
The universe doesn't want me to make this, apparently
The cheapest, fastest, and most reliable components are those that aren’t there. [Gordon Bell]
!!/tell AmaanCheval define auspicious
@AmaanCheval auspicious Of good omen; indicating future success.
...fuckers: khonsu.com
!!/tell AmaanCheval define asberger's
@AmaanCheval No definition found
Firefly is awesome
Yes it is
Hey @copy
Firefly is awesome
> true
huh the bot got pinged 10 times
we should crowd source another season
I like my women how I like my coffee. Without a penis
@Zirak delta-heavy.com ;)
Why do they take around the weird old dude?
What's a elegant font-family combination for css?
Something simple, yet powerful looking
Yeah that works thanks
Q: Conditionals on a chained deferred in jquery

Joey Salac HipolitoLet say I chained the $.Deferred like this. $.each(data, function(k, v) { promise.then(function() { return $.post(...); }).then(function(data) { if(data)... // here is the conditions return $.post(...); }).then(function(data) { if(data)... // here is a...

Why can't T-Rexs clap? Because they're dead
This ended up evolving to a 2 hour conversation about the HTTP protocol and nodejs in the PHP room stackoverflow.com/questions/16167935/…
Also, interesting question that resulted from the discussion
Q: Which browsers send the expect: 100-continue header?

igorwThe HTTP spec allows for clients to send an Expect: 100-continue header for large request payloads. This will pause the request after the headers have been sent and allow the server to reject it based on those headers. If those headers did not indicate a bad request (e.g. a too large Content-Len...

gg=G all the things!
ugh, how annoying orpheus.net
orpheus.com is even worse
What's wrong with you people!?
Not a clue, I've never encountered it before
Thanks anyway
How's "Khera" for a name?
Stop wasting time on name
Here is what you do with a name, you can hire someone whose job is to do this sort of thing and you stick to your strongest points
No I can't
And names are important!
Of course they are, which is why you should take it seriously
I've depleted all the serious name I can think of
Name shouldn't be cool, name should be semantic and easy for users to remember
Something like MyDateFixer.com
But that's boring
Kronos is way more awesome
And it's descriptive...ish
There are people whose job is to make these sort of decisions
Yeah, but this isn't really a business venture. It's a neat idea I might cover server expenses and maybe make $5 out of. Or maybe not.
If this was a business venture, my brain would've overloaded
Sometimes wonder what your're hiding or why, that would be hard owning a company or website though.
Good thing I don't own a company or website
I need to find time to finish my tuner :(
I'm totally lost in both the Chromium code base and the Firefox code base trying to find out where HTTP form submission is handled
I shoul;d probably try webkit
Holy crap, vertimnus.com is available
...too bad he's the god of seasons
Webkit source dir has a "WTF" subdirectory, someone there must have some humor
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's probably an actual acronym :(
@phenomnomnominal Yeah, but someone chose WTF, they probably could have come up with another acronym :)
Wireless Tea Funbags?
@BenjaminGruenbaum date-planner.com is available...
I want to hit you
that works :)
Free SEO from nervous losers, too
@Zirak Buddy, I tried set clipboard=unnamed, ggVG "+y , it yanks but not to clipboard, any suggestions? Everything on google says do that, on my OS X I had to do :%w !pbcopy or something
To copy all visually selected lines to system clipboard
With VIM
Sorry, don't remember any of that stuff anymore
Captain-Kronos is available...
Krono-Trigger ;)
Would someone care finding me a reference that says I can't add headers to HTML forms (without AJAX or anything like that)
Well...there's no way to set them
Forms send values
That I know, I guess I just wanted something more formal
Prototypal OOP should be popularized just for its acronym
SO or SU for a vim question?
thank you so much :)
it is quite interesting :)
Hi guys.
I've been playing with a game written in javascript, that I'd like to make multiplayer... but understanding WebRTC is giving me alot of trouble.
I've read most of the documentation, but it's just not clicking for me. I'm not even entirely sure it's appropriate for what I have in mind.
@JohnO Don't use WebRTC, it's too young, and for multiplayer you probably want a server and not p2p, look into web sockets
@Darkyen Come back!
I don't want a server, if I can help it. And websockets requires that. No way to open a port in js and listen for incoming connections.
Right, WebRTC is the only way to do P2P, currently it's very hard/impossible to use it without a server anyway
@BenjaminGruenbaum do one of those teaching things on code-pen and make a css3 carousel so I can learn from it ;) paypal $2 ;P
If you want to actually get something done (vs play around, which is also cool), I'd rather recommend you avoid it
@XCritics what?
@XCritics I don't understand what you asked
You know the tutor thing on code-pen so people can watch you code in real time
I'm reading a friggin 1450 lines c++ code file
Oh ok, nvm, have fun with that
I just can't find a good tutorial on making a carousel
desandro.github.io/3dtransforms/docs/carousel.html best I found, but the end result did not work
@XCritics what did I tell you over and over about these tutorials?
I don't remember x.x
There are flash tutorials which you can easily figure out how to translate to JavaScript
do that
But I know zero flash x.x
and like 5% css3 :P
gotoandlearn.com/play.php?id=92 yeah no, 8:00 im done
codecademy.com/learn no css :( How sad
I am just playing around, I'm not dumb enough to think my game's anything more than a hobby.
@XCritics they got jQuery, better than CSS :P
Not sure if trolls
where's darkyen when you need him :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Is it possible, even in theory to do it without a server?
Node.js bro :P
@JohnO In theory yes
I keep reading about the need for a broker, but can't make sense of the specifics.
I need to learn the animating part
Don't do CSS animations with complex logic, seriously, that's what JS is for
Oh really?
I just want to make a fucking carousel, why is this so difficult :P
I wanted to make my own, learn how it was done, but I guess beggers cannot be choosers
codecanyon.net/item/icarousel/full_screen_preview/… See I'd love to be able to have the talent to make something this nice
@BenjaminGruenbaum Would you mind giving me the gist of how to have two machines connect to each other in WebRTC without a broker/server?
@XCritics It's not talent, it's actually pretty simple
@JohnO Sorry, that would probably take me an hour or two to make, I don't remember the API at all and haven't messed with it for months
Well, I'll paypal you $5 to open up code-pen and give me a tutorial :P
This is the internet, so we're all equal in terms of money. The fact one chat room member has money or less money is irrelevant. However, do note that 5$ isn't a lot of money for me :P I work as a software developer, dealing with text alone would not be worth it
What do you mean text alone?
*tax, I'm testing out reading stuff to my computer
Anyway, I've got to go :) see ya
Later dude
Maybe I can convince Darkyen ;)
Well, time for bed then. This is getting to be a pain, for the rest of the game javascript is the right platform, but multiplayer networking is giving me a headache.
Python is for people with guttheria
Any one have worked on rails implementation of PHP curl?
Hi fuys
i have one question
i am stucked in between for mailto: functionality in javascript
is it possible to create hyperlink in body of mailto: functionality ?
I have no idea what you're asking
i want to add hyperlink in the body of email.
when i use mailto functionality using javascript to open email application like outlook
yes just like jefiddle you given here.. but it must have body containing hyperlink of GOOGLE
is there any way to do this?
Like when outlook opens, you want a link already in the body of the email?
yes.. exactly same
there should be a hyperlink of google
not http link
but hyperlink
so when i click on hyperlink the www.google.com should be opened
see here..
Play around with mailto:[email protected]?subject=whatever&body=whatever
here the body opened
but now when i click on "You are invited to a big summer party! ".. some link should be opened
@Nucleo Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I don't have any native email clients, tell me if this works
i got this in body <a href='http://www.google.ca'>Google Test</a>
actually there must be only Google Test hyperlink visible
on whole anchor tag
Q: MailTo with HTML body

GxGMy problem goes something like this: A client receives an email sent by Exchange Server. In the mail he has a formatted body with HTML with a couple of links that have href='mailto:etc...' My question is: can i insert HTML formatted body in the mailto: part of the href? something like href=...

A: MailTo with HTML body

QuentinNo. This is not possible at all.

thanks for support..
not i should fine another workaround for this
if u give the url in the email body, outlook is going to automatically recognize it as a hyperlink and u can click on it to open the website
yes but i have some longer url.. so i wanted to be converted into hyperlink
so that it looks better
What language are you righting in, do you have any server-side or is it just html
it is only html page..
and i used javascript
in server side like c# it is can be done
righting?!?!?!?!? i think you mean "writing".
PHP is a minor evil perpetrated and created by incompetent amateurs, whereas Perl is a great and insidious evil perpetrated by skilled but perverted professionals
Heh. Yeah, good luck doing this in php:
@ThiefMaster tired as shit, leave me alone :P
I gotta stop going on r/cringe
@Darkyen bro, Codepen a CSS3 carousel, while I watch :)
CSS3/Javascript, whatever is easiest for you :)
You can’t trust code that you did not totally create yourself. [Ken Thompson]
@OctavianDamiean Help me name stuff...I pinged you...you keep ignoring me...you don't love me
I'm gonna go eat waffle crisps
Had something similar happen to myself when I was a kid. It went as far as my father having to come to school to teach the teacher how to solve the problem right. :D
They don't judge me
@Zirak I was about to ask you what kinda of a name you're looking for. :)
A non-sucky one
Not UAndMeArrangeDate.com
Giving up cool deity names, I've been forced to accept things like meetly (taken) or timely (taken)
Mhmm, Saturn would have been a cool one but that's taken for sure.
How is it possible that doodle.com wasn't taken
I have no idea. :D
Maybe it was and they paid for it.
Conspiracy. Anyway, foresight.me isn't taken...
Well, it's not exactly related ...
Isn't it a festival?
Kronia could be good
It was a festival, yea.
Kronia.com is up for sale, kronia.me is available
Meh ... taken.
It's up for sale for $50,000.00
Cool story bro
50k sounds reasonable
if we all save up!
Are you kidding ...

                   Horae Greek Godess
                   Domain Administrator
                   Casier Postale 2490
                   St-Nicolas, QC (CA)
                   G7A 4X5
octavian y u change picture
i cant recognize names but pictures only
That's unfortunate for you. :)
@Zirak nortia.tm
@Zirak Heh! Just asked my daughter. She got it right :-)

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