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I wouldn't date use Emacs for Java
He doesn't know it, but there's a bounty on his head
@phenomnomnominal There was one in Iron Man 2
I wish concatenation was a separate operator from addition.
+ addition
_ concat
Then use lisp.
The only good that Java has done for the world is to provide a VM for running better languages.
@Shmiddty One of the rare things PHP has done right
@BobbyD Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
' '+3 should be an error
!!s/that Java/Oracle/
@Shmiddty The only good Oracle has done for the world is to provide a VM for running better languages. (source)
@Shmiddty How else would you define string addition?
Or are you against operator overloading altogether?
I don't actually care
(that much)
Ever since Oracle acquired Java, every new installation has failed in some way on my computer.
' '+3 isn't the problematic case. It's '3'+5 that is the problematic case
@BenjaminGruenbaum 35 instead of 8.
It shouldn't be 8 certainly
@Shmiddty Yeah, I've been bitten by this once or twice (when reading a file and forgetting to call parseInt for instance)
@SomeKittens Eh? _ concatenates?
It should be 'TypeWarning' to say the least
@FizzyTea . does
I'd like JS to spit out warnings when I do stupid stuff
@SomeKittens because php uses -> instead of the dot operator, right?
@SomeKittens That I know.
@Zirak instead of C-X o, is there something to move to the upper window, or the right window?
@BenjaminGruenbaum jslint.com
Doesn't have to be errors, weak typing can be very useful
@BenjaminGruenbaum strict mode?
@FlorianMargaine What is it?
"use strict";
@FlorianMargaine @Shmiddty I don't think strict mode does that (well, well enough)
@Shmiddty 'use strict'; // optimise pixels
!!> (function(){"use strict";return 5+"3" })();
@BenjaminGruenbaum "53"
(The bot is in strict mode any way)
"use stricter for Ben";
"use ascetic"
@FlorianMargaine There're windmove-{up,left,down,right}
'use dart';
Not bound by default IIRC
'use Crockford';
I bid you good night.
you would
mr nice guy
@FlorianMargaine Don't forget to tell your gf
@FizzyTea dart sucks :(
@FlorianMargaine Night, must be crazy late there.
@BenjaminGruenbaum It does? I've not evaluated it scientifically, it just looks shit to me.
@FizzyTea They have interesting stuff like futures and simpler methods for DOM
They're going against the standards, which is just plain stupid
Well simpler methods for the DOM is jQuery, and futures is everyone's favourite pet JS library these days.
Also, jQuery has futures :P
Well, there ya go!
What's "futures"?
@Zirak promises
Promises, more-or-less.
oh. eh
Is anyone here familiar with implementing async module loaders?
There is a 'difference in concept' (the level of commitment is supposed to be higher on futures than promises, futures complete , promises might be rejected. That's not really true in practice though and the terms are used interchangeably)
@FizzyTea What issue are you struggling with? It seems rather simple
got to the moving platform in the first level of @copy's game only to get slammed into the spikewall
@BenjaminGruenbaum Just a general lack of experience. Do you have references?
@FizzyTea It's just script tag injection
@BenjaminGruenbaum I've read a fair bit of code, but the high level concepts don't seem to be very well explained.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, there's a bit more to it than that!
var scr = document.createElement("script");
scr.src = "http://www.blah";
//hook on 'done' events in all browsers here
In requirejs you have define and require
Modules are just wrapped in a function you have defined before which resolved dependencies (probably with script tag injections)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, it's not just async loading, it's the module format too.
@Shmiddty Stay on the left and jump.
@FizzyTea Module format is pretty simple to come up with, you can just wrap it in a function and inject it
@BenjaminGruenbaum I get that, just not sure about details.
@FizzyTea When I wrote code which could not use any external code (reference code for my students) I did something really simple
I had one module which represented the exercise, it implemented a mediator with components that did message passing
It had like... 8 modules I needed
When I wanted to inject the, let's say UI module I called a injectUI function
So when writing the module I did something like:
    return //(whatever exports I need)
Actually, it returned a function and not an object, and that function had a parameter that was the message passing component, that was in the injectUI methodi tself
Not sure I follow the overall concept sorry. Looks like standard dependency injection.
Yeah, but that's the module loading function
Oh, right.
And the rest of the code doesn't run until it's ready?
The element code itself is defined in the DI and exposed to the window if debug is turned on, so inside the code that function gets loaded to the object. That object is the module loader
That's handled by injectUI
@BadgerGirl yeah, but the timing is hard!
I used a mediator and message passing, modules didn't have explicit dependencies
I'm just going to make a script to play the game for me
If a module wanted something it asked the mediator, the mediator would then try to grab it and notify the code
that sounds like way more fun
So, for example if your UI wants to access the business logic, the Mediator makes sure it has the business logic loaded and ready, if it isn't ready, it tells the UI that.
Well, that's the same as require(), just an object instead of a function.
That's more complicated design though, you can easily verify what's ready and what's not
@FizzyTea Not really, in my code the UI can load before, let's say the part that handles communication with the server API and start talking to the mediator asking the server for stuff
The mediator would respond with something like "I don't have it yet", optionally triggering other module communications
Modules in that sort of code are autonomous entities, situated in a specific environment, and actively seeking a goal (Get all the data as fast as possible for the server component, get the UI ASAP, etc)
It's something called Agent Oriented Programming. It really wan't the focus or my point.
Hmm. Is that conceptually different from: do stuff; require(['stuff'], function(stuff){... use stuff ...}, function(err){ ... maybe retry ...});
Yes, that is very conceptually different
That's a whole other field of programming. Also, that wasn't the point. The point is loading and doing stuff like requirejs is not very complicated and is pretty straightforward most of the time
No need to reinvent the wheel though :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh, sorry, I've misunderstood you very well then. :-)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Then why is it so big?
@FizzyTea It has a lot of nice features like shims, configuration files, support for a lot of browsers, etc
Anyway, good night :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Night! And thanks, a lot to think about there.
@FlorianMargaine I was wrong; Shift-<{up,left,right,down}> work
@BenjaminGruenbaum What time is it there? 05:30?
@Zirak Yep
Was coding until about an hour and a half ago
yay, I'm not the only one who couldn't sleep
@BenjaminGruenbaum wwaiiittt, gief input github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/issues/50#issuecomment-17264496
This: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agent-oriented_programming
hasn't helped!
Anyway, if anyone fancies a code review, I'd very much appreciate it.
!!/tell FizzyTea google "wooldridge introduction to multiagent systems"
Server error (status 500) occured (message probably too long)
Holy fuck I need to fix this
@Zirak done
lurv you
@BenjaminGruenbaum Thanks!
Software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster. — Wirth’s law
Although it appears that it's the type of information you have to buy!
is it bad naming convention to have a socket.on('register') and a socket.emit('register') ?
@eazimmerman try socket.to_me()
@FizzyTea HA. iseewhatyoudidthar
-__- oh i get it
1 hour later…
Edit resolv.conf, substituting your name servers' IP addresses and your local domain name: Whats my name server, and is local domain, localhost? or what
nvm got it
Object-oriented design is the roman numerals of computing. [Rob Pike]
@phenomnomnominal \w
How to make a string to remove all tab spaces and enters?
I mean making a string into single line
and with only single space among words
I suppose using regex.. but I have no idea how it could be achieved
Why did the boy drop his ice-cream? He was hit by a bus
@Shmiddty jeez. I forgot how to use angular, I guess. What's the solution if I want to set $scope.myProp = myText; and have it update <div>{{myProp}}</div>?
@Darkyen Nail polish talk time?
Ok which ones did you buy today?
@XCritics i am still in same problem
Thanks @XCritics
after one day
This is working fine even if we remove it jsfiddle.net/tXWWq/1 @XCritics
@Darkyen what color should I paint my nails next?
@BadgerGirl purple color with shades of black for highlights / tips . but very thin lines on black :P
a dark purple + black = <3
u might want white against black but then it looks horrible on web... so must look the same there :D
But I told you yesterday that I don't have purple.
@Mr_Green jsfiddle.net/MkUWM sorry was on phone
@BadgerGirl home ... address ? i can send u one lol
@XCritics It's ok. Actually, I want the string to be in single line.
No, I was thinking to make vim nails but I can't find any design like that on the internet.
@Mr_Green that is a single line?
ohh ya ofcourse :D @XCritics thanks
@Darkyen I love vim. I don't remember my life before vim.
meet sublime
No. My boyfriend said he would break up with me if I use anything other than vim or emacs.
hi, everybody, Good Morning
Where in the nursery rhyme does it say Humpty Dumpty is an egg?
!!Should I get VIM4 LIFE tattoo'd across my knuckles?
@XCritics I'm not so sure anymore. It can go either way
@XCritics Yes!
@XCritics No way
!!Should I paint my nails green and silver like vim?
@BadgerGirl By all means
Thank you @SOChatBot, you're always right.
Fun-fact: My cat is licking me
I am trying to create a regex which matches the words as shown below
then "hello I am here"
then hello
Have you even attempted to google? Making a regex is pretty simple
if single word is there after "then" then there will be no double quotes
I did a try @XCritics please check
is cacheing always an issue when using stand alone jasmine
Optimization is king
@BadgerGirl then your boyfriend is insane
-_- i know vim and emacs are good and powerful .. great ;D
but sublime is something that makes u more productive
Except I've been conditioned to press hjkl now and I waste time in any editor that is not vim.
@copy Why did you do this to me? I used to be normal. :(
i have a pleasant 32* C temperature where i am.
I am going to have 42 * C temperature in 4 days ... where i am going for 1 month!
Wow celcius?
It's -32 here right now, will be +7 in the morning
I'm at 36ºC now. :(
wow @BadgerGirl is living in a warmer environment then us :D
Why did you edit that, afraid of copy? :P
Functional programming is the best
I'm bored.
!!/choose compilers sleep
@BadgerGirl Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand choose compilers sleep (perhaps you meant to execute a command? If so, prepend the command name with a /)
@BadgerGirl compilers
No. I hate you.
Q: How to solve cache? issue when using jasmine standalone

Troy CosentinoWhen I go to SpecRunner.html in my browser, the unit tests run fine. The issue I am having is if I change one of the tests, or the code that it tests and refresh the page, it doesn't load the new tests or change at all. I thought that this would be a cache issue, but I have the chrome dev tools d...

anyone have any ideas?
@BadgerGirl Want to make a play date for our cats
Do you have a female cat? Here's a picture of my cat.
I do have a female cat
As you can see, he's an alpha male.
That's my cat
Is there anything wrong with the following regex?
it is working fine online
Also my cat
but showing error on my edit
@XCritics They would make a cute couple. They're very similar.
I am trying not to select "then"
a single word after "then"
I mean
then hello I am
In the above string, I am trying to select "hello" which is after "then"
Do you have bad luck? I have incredible bad luck, and I'm not superstitious but I wonder if it is cause of my black cat
@XCritics No, my life is perfect.
any help?
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. ~ Albert Einstein
That's him when he was a baby.
Cute. Ours was a rescue cat, so no baby photos.
Was awesome-gnome deprecated??
Flagged as out of date :(
Really liking Arch-Linux with Gnome, first time and it's awesome
i has no ccatss
^--- i asked mumma if he can be my pet :[ she fainted
Recursion is always the answer
Q: Expand/Collapse OR Toggle : Is there a way to work with same code in all browsers?

apdrI want to have sections expanding/collapsing or toggling or show/hide. Is there any way/technique that I will not need to use different code for IE? Lets say CSS only or javascript or whatever, can do the trick or I won't avoid the @if IE? Also another thing related to this one: I know some c...

hey dudes, anyone from Germany here?
@darkyen buddy xxx
me needs help :)
hi experts.. Hope that all of you are enjoying your life well... I have a question and the link is stackoverflow.com/questions/16314340/… .. If you know the concept please give your comments..
u there?
@Loktar July? :/ Damn!
@AmaanCheval hi
how r u doing
@AmaanCheval have u worked on with selenium tool ?
I'm alright
@AmaanCheval ok
@AmaanCheval can u give me an idea
is dere any room
Not that I'm aware of
Why don't you post it as a question to SO?
Is a metaphor like a simile?
@SOChatBot metaphorically speaking, a metaphor is a simile
That's wrong, it's too early in the morning
anyone know about mobile web dev and the <meta name="viewport"> tag?
What about it?
I'm doing it wrong xD
I'm using this:
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=1100, initial-scale=1">
Okay. And?
On page load it's zoomed in quite alot
and changing initial-scale doesnt help at all
Strange. Everything seems okay
Have you tried other devices?
only iPhone
Yeah MDN is what I'm looking at
MDN is usually great but I'm finding it hard to understand that article
Find another article then
Try another device, maybe
I don't remember having problems on the iPhone with the meta viewport tag
I want to display a messagebox on this control,

<a href="javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$m$g_8dbaa58f_d132_4042_b180_3c555d885dde$ctl00$GridView1','Delete$0')">Delete</a>
If you need your IDE's code generation tool, then your language is too verbose
@SOChatBot go wash your face
So @user13814 you want a messagebox to display when ?
PHP/PDO: Should I remove unwanted code from string before inputting it to DB or when displaying data to user?
@Olli if it's unwanted then get rid as soon as possible
if you may need to use it then store it
@AndersMetnik when a user clicks on commandfield button delete I want confirmation box
Above is it's rendered html
^JavaScript for confirmation box
@BillyMathews did you had enough sleep last night
@user13814 Nope :)
is that the answer you were looking for?
Not surprised
here's the real question,

@BillyMathews ok
WebForms == want to kill self
@user13814 Oh, maybe you shouldn't ask c# questions in JS chat :p
Don't be stupid, What if I fix the problem just using JS ? :)
Hm fair enough
You can have a hidden box which has absolute layout to place it above everything else, and display it when it is clicked ?
But why are you using a tag for buttons ?
and why can't you us confirm()?
@AndersMetnik that's the way gridview works
Billy you got a long way to go dear
I don't understand why you are asking us though. It's not a javascript solution you are looking for it seems, with all that asp.net code you have in the question....?
And on the confirm you can do "var result = confirm();"
Afaik :)
Braces should only appear on the left `if ()\n{`, not on the right
@dt192 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the [room pseudo-rules](http://rlemon.github.com/so-chat-javascript-rules/). Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AndersMetnik I know confirm messagebox, and I asked in JS room because I need to get this hyperLink in JS

<a href="javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$m$g_8dbaa58f_d132_4042_b180_3c555d885dde$ctl00$GridView1','Delete$0')">Delete</a>
"get this hyperlink in js" ???
and please stop highlighting, I'll check when I have time
how can a add a event handler to this link button without getting its reference ? oh my days stop acting like a blonde,

I highlighted you because I am talking to you and other people are talking in room too!
Okay, no help from me then kid.
At the moment I think you need my help to understand how we add events to elements in JS !
@phenomnomnominal I just solved a problem on Project Euler. I've taken the lead!
Hi all, I've written a CSV parser and i'm planning on adding options to only return a specific row or to return a range so {row:4} or {range:3,65} but i can't decide if the numbers should relate to the CSV (starting from 1) or the obj/array (starting from 0), what do you guys think?
why should it start from 1?
are you doing this for developers or for end-users
no for deveopers
0, then
i was thinking 1 because most csv files have a record per line as they are seperated by \r\n
If it's for users, 1.
yea i was leaning towards 0 myself as you can override the record separator and therefor have only one line in your csv
You can’t trust code that you did not totally create yourself. [Ken Thompson]

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