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what did you do?
@OctavianDamiean Yes! What did you do?
I just included jsFiddles normalization CSS.
The wizard I am.
@OctavianDamiean wiat, what?
the wizard
@BenjaminGruenbaum add 'display: inline-block;' to .section
which is pretty much why I did that...
@rlemon thanks, that worked :)
What language is that anyway?
looks like it
Well, thanks a ton
It's lorum ipsum in hebrew :P
Yep Hebrew. Google confirms it.. and I trust Google
my phone comes tomorrow. I'm pumped!
i just wanted to ask
I always read that as js hell instead of j shell.
@BenjaminGruenbaum do you speak english at work?
@canon I'm sure hell was picked up by your profanity filter. :D
hrmm.. can someone explain the output on jshell.net for me?
@Nexxpresso Usually not, but often
The normalization css messed up how p tags are displayed
@BenjaminGruenbaum I just wondered because of the hiring web devs
@rlemon That looks like some odd HTTP header.
yea man
Like more of them concatenated.
it's plain text
but the browser picks it up as text/html
Now it works, I did the right thing coming here :)
chrome users ..
firefox just displays plain text
firefox users ..
I'm sorry.
Oh yea, did I tell you already? I passed the Latin exam.
what was it for?
why did you learn Latin?
It was required by my school.
@OctavianDamiean congrats
so he can finally understand what "e pluribus anus" means.
that flag is so confusing :/
.. There is a time and a place for subtlety, and that time was before Scary Movie!
> "I'm pretty sure it's anus"
You folks are weird.
@SomeKittens, you're missing out
hey all i have a small sqlite q
missing out on anus? I'm ok with that.
@SomeKittens Give it time. When we start sounding sane, ask your friends if you sound weird.
upon writing an INSERT statement..if the db table doesnt exist will it not create a fresh one?
No I just wanted to be able to translate Lorem ipsum.
no, you have to check for the table first if you are unsure if it exists
@Nezam What country you from?
@SomeKittens India
@OctavianDamiean, isn't lorem ipsum made up?
Oh man, if a database could do that
Q: SQL Server: Check if table exists

VincentI would like this to be the ultimate discussion on how to check if a table exists in SQL Server 2000/2005 using SQL Statement. When you Google for the answer, you get so many different answers. Is there an official/backward & forward compatible way of doing it? Here are two possible ways of doi...

It mostly is. lorem doesn't mean anything. :D
@SomeKittens Mongodb isn't a database in the traditional sense
isn't sql
@phenomnomnominal Most of the other words actually mean something.
Like on their own.
it's based on a old text that was likely gibberish to begin with. iirc
I'd be willing to bet that mongodb uses an actual database to hold a string containing the json
probably binary
saves on space
maybe it parses first in order to extract the id
!!/define database
In publishing and graphic design, lorem ipsum Example text A common form of lorem ipsum text reads as follows: {| width=580px |width="25px" | | |} Another version of the text uses the word "adipisici" (rather than "adipiscing"; the digraph ng at the end of words is alien to classical Latin). Other versions of lorem ipsum include additional words to add variety so that repeated verses will not word-wrap on the same phrases. History and discovery A variation of the common lorem ipsum text has been used since the 1960's or earlier to provide a filler text during typesetting. The text i...
Could not find definition for database. Trying Urban Dictionary
@SomeKittens [database](http://database.urbanup.com/1881141) A [\[euphemism\]](http://urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=euphemism) for [douche bag], perfect for the work setting. The origin of this meaning most certainly came from a computer science setting, where the term "database" is thrown around so much it was eventually used as a derogatory term.
@Neil, how much?
!!/define whitey
Could not find definition for whitey. Trying Urban Dictionary
@canon [Whitey](http://whitey.urbanup.com/220641) an undesirable reaction to smoking cannabis common amongst lightweights and first-time tokers. Symptoms include dizzyness, clammy skin, nausea and vomiting.
It gets its name from the paleness of the sufferer as the blood drains out the capillaries under the skin due to a decrease in blood pressure.
@phenomnomnominal How much?
@Neil How do you define "Database"
How much would you bet?
Are you saying Mongo's just a wrapper for SQL?
@OctavianDamiean it clearly states
> [based on] On the Boundaries of Goods and Evils, or alternatively [About] The Purposes of Good and Evil
ergo, jibberish
anyone here a jquery expert?
@rlemon haha
I'm just making speculation, guys
> We don't like jQuery but it's ok to ask about it. We'd like it if you read the rules, but I bet you're not even reading this far. rules.javascriptroom.com
@user1706511 I'm an expert at not needing it...
Why don't you all google it for me for the sole purpose of being able to tell me I'm wrong? Thanks.
@rlemon Objection! I changed my mind. I kinda like jQuery 2.0
@SomeKittens, I bet Neil is a 10 year old girl.
@KendallFrey needing but wat about reading :)
@phenomnomnominal Some people think I am.
@user1706511, just aaaaaaaasssssskkkkkkkk
@user1706511 It's quite clear you haven't read the rules....
You've got about 10 seconds to convince me you're not a help vampire.
@OctavianDamiean but 2.0 supports IE9+... so there is really no reason to use jQuery anymore past it abstracting a few parts like ajax (not hard) and animations (we can now use css transitions for IE10, so a small js animation library might be needed)
you know... "or else."
Or any other sort of vampire...
@phenomnomnominal m stick on this phpform2.x10.mx/drupal/?q=node/7 basically what i want is when someone clicks on a radio button it takes them to the next question
@SomeKittens needed the answer to me q
@SomeKittens m gonna read now
@user1706511, that's an awful user interface design.
What if I pick the wrong one?
@rlemon You're probably right about that, still I like their design decisions for 2.0
@user1706511 You expect us to read through ALL OF YOUR CODE to find the problem? That's 2,388 lines, not counting external libs.
@phenomnomnominal if u click any it takes u to the next question
@user1706511, yes, and what if I meant to click a different one.
wait. You're var_dump()ing a PHP array.
@SomeKittens lol its not its like 5 jquery lines seroisly
@user1706511 Either post the code, or I start binning. You have 30 seconds
@phenomnomnominal its just like a survey which is quicker to fill so clicking on any dosent matter
(function ($, Drupal, window, document, undefined) {
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.form-radio').click(function() { $(this).parents('form').submit(); });
})(jQuery, Drupal, this, this.document);
Good first step. Now, format it.
@user1706511 That implies that the survey is void.
@OctavianDamiean but ultimately it is now a useless bloat moreso than ever. the browser support it boasts is only (really) latest +IE9 so the only functionality they are 'providing' is animations and abstracting ajax. The rest is just silly now (as in the abstractions are so similar to native methods why bother abstracting in the first place if not to shim).

I personally no longer see it being as useful as it was now that they dropped older browser support. It was kinda the defacto 'well shit, we need to support stuff. fuck it throw jQuery at it!'
Yeah, if you don't care if you get valid data, what's the point?
@OctavianDamiean i dont understand i m realli new to drupal and jquery
@rlemon did you leave terraria running, or did you get the day off?
I was like woah, hes playing a bit early lol
@Loktar left it running :/
@user1706511 You thought you'd combine two things you've never used before?
ah ok
Am I the only one who actually likes the jQuery API?
been 'playing' for a day or so now
sucks that it is not 'running' it is on the title screen
but steam thinks i'm playing
@Neil this is how i want it to be jsfiddle.net/HLvYx/10
@rlemon lol I bet you wish you wereplaying
have you seen Starbound?
@Neil gotta start somewhere :)
I think youd like it alot
but for terriara I need more people to play with
^ Ill be playing that
I'm at the wall of flesh and cannot kill it myself
and my friends and kids will too
@user1706511 How about starting with the basics? ;D
its like Terraria on crack
there are different planets.. aliens, gravity, etc.. its crazy man
... so, it's like real life?
@ViktorLeijon Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
it went on preorder and has made almost 1 million dollars
@OctavianDamiean not when someones gotta gun on the head :) gotta get the job done
just from preorders..
@rlemon Do what I did and level out everything
So that you have a nice easy path to run down screaming like a little girl
anyway @rlemon I think you'll love it, and I know a ton of people will be playing :)
Make sure you're facing the direction the wall will come from when you drop it in the lava
@MartijnHoogers Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@user1706511 So what's your actual field of expertise?
html css beginner at javascript jquery and php
@user1706511 True, I admire your gall
@Neil obsidion skin potion and water walk + cloud boots and feather fall potion
problem is I have magma armour and not so great weapons
@phenomnomnominal @user1706511 True, I admire your gallbladder (source)
I am building a huge skybridge to farm stars so I can just hang back and star canon it to death
@rlemon You can still do it. You don't need the obsidian skin potion and water walk
The real danger is getting stuck on something
but I have so many :/
So just make it so that you can't :P
when I played there was no wall of flesh
only the big skeleton dude
@OctavianDamiean So what's your actual field of expertise?
They added a bit since then @Loktar
@Neil i have done it on js fiddle here jsfiddle.net/HLvYx/10 its just that i cant do it in drupal webform
haha yeah
Now there are 3 new metal types to mine after you kill wall of flesh
@Loktar added v1.1 - wow you must have jumped right on that game the first day (not really surprising, why the "wow"? idk)
looks like m on my own on this :(
@Nexxpresso Web development. ;)
yeah was day 1
@user1706511 I wish I could help you. I'm not familiar with drupal
played it for like a week straight and burned myself out
@Neil add me to steam
@Neil no wrries
I was that even back in the ancient days of the web.
rlemon (or thegreatrupert) i can never which to search by
@rlemon I will when I get home
i do not understand terraria
i mean i bought it
played for 1 hour
and couldnt do more than at the beggining just that i had a torch
@Nexxpresso You can try to set someone or something on fire.
can you burn things?
I have no idea but that's what I'd try.
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
It took me a while to realize starting in terraria that I had to make a back wall before it was considered a house..
dat bastard
Assuming that since it is a 2 dimensional world, a backwall is rather insignificant anyway
how do you do a backwand in a 2d game?
Is anyone in here playing AOE 2 HD?
I did once
the pace is so slow vs what Im used to
@Nexxpresso backwand?
oh yeah
apple airplay is pretty damn cool :D
i bouht it
played it
stopped playing it it doesnt feel right
Did you not make a house?
@phenomnomnominal No, played the original though.
@Neil i didnt know how
I still haven't got around to getting it, want to know if it's worth it
same with sim city
I've heard different things
some say theres a lot of bugs
@phenomnomnominal Just play Sim City 4 again.
@Loktar @Loktar psh guess what ?
whoops sorry for double ping :[
CS Go..... defaulted on the shittiest graphics settings ... worse then actual source :[ ... that's scary cause like all the games i install via steam do the same... do u have any idea why ?
maybe its not detecting your card accurately
can it be because the other computer conneccted to it damn shit ?
ah yeah
cloud settings
btw when i turned into max graphics i was moved :D ... its sexy!
might be it
I know keybindings are saved across machines
settings might be too
And .... the other game i have .... is damn sexy as fuck :-]
which game is that?
CS Zero, Deleted Scenes :-> the only cs game where u see the story :D
its like playing half life.
ah cool
psh :P i only play cs...
cant download bigger games :-( my computer is shit with web
backwalls in terriara are very important
@rlemon btw thanks for that game u sent me
i can never play it but it was good :D
which game?
cool, glad you like it
it pings tooo friken high to be playable
moreover the map is way too big for 32 players
get a better connection :P
i have best in india for home.. wait a sec.
> best in india
I usually play natural selection 2 on steam
nuff said
Better play Half Life instead.
Though it's very competitive so it's not for everyone
@OctavianDamiean done that .. bored of it now
Q: Pascal's Triangle in Javascript

DeeDeeHere's the problem statement: Given an integer value, print out Pascal's Triangle to the corresponding depth in row-major format: Input Sample: 6 Output Sample: 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 4 6 4 1 1 5 10 10 5 1 I need some practice with recursion, so I tried that approach: var pascalDepth = pa...

Both parts?
Prince of Persia Warrior Within and Two Thrones are bettter
@OctavianDamiean 2nd
I didn't even like Half Life 2 all that much -.-
Or play Resident Evil.
i need to finish the multiplayer part if portal 2
Tii bug
@Darkyen That's your connection?
@phenomnomnominal Me too!
We could play it together
Bro, we will!
platform doesn't matter does it?
I don't think so
@AmaanCheval Half-life 1 was better for what concerns the story imho
I assume you're on PC?
Haven't played Half-Life 1. Got 2 as a gift, so played through a little over half of it
will it work with me on PS3?
@phenomnomnominal Yep
Hmm, I don't know. Probably not
I seem to remember something about it working, but not sure
will find out
Buying it on PS3 got me it on steam anyways
Q: Can Portal 2 co-op be played between PC and PS3 Steam linked accounts?

Daniel BallingerThe PS3 version of Portal 2 comes with a code to link it to a Steam account. Apparently this allows you to play on both the PC and PS3 with one purchase. Can this be used to play co-op between the two platforms?

Seems like we can
@AmaanCheval Well don't get half-life 1, because it kind of sucks to play retro games in general
steam profiles should onebox
Now to just find some time...
@Neil I know, that's the only reason I didn't get it
But it was a break-through in the first person shooter genre when it came out
first fps with a storyline, imagine that
@phenomnomnominal Haha, add me on Steam. We can see if it works later
Damn I should go buy Resident Evil for my PS3. Right now it is just catching dust.
@rlemon You seem to have a lot more self-control in buying games than I do.
@AmaanCheval I'm not a huge gamer
also I need another monitor and a controller
and the games I do play are slower paced as well
@OctavianDamiean, get Tomb Raider
I dislike FPS
Anyone here played PS All Stars? I thought it was pretty fun, especially with the super mechanic.
Balance was a little off.
@phenomnomnominal No! RESIDENT EVIL!
@OctavianDamiean, Nah bro... GET IT
@AmaanCheval yes
What's the fastest way to host some html/css/javascript that won't be seen by many people
@Darkyen Sweet!
:] i told u ...
@BenjaminGruenbaum ???
@BenjaminGruenbaum Host it on Google Drive?
@BenjaminGruenbaum, github
@BenjaminGruenbaum private codepen
@phenomnomnominal iseewhatyoudidthar
works the BEST*
bitbucket for free git repos
@AmaanCheval That's interesting, how?
So I'm not completely sure.
Public Dropbox?
Github pages! For realsies!
Hmmph, I just want to store some html/css/js publicly
I'd use benjag.com but it's not for me
@BenjaminGruenbaum if you are using *nix
@BenjaminGruenbaum Upload it, and set the share options. It was a feature they recently added
you can also use localtunnel
I don't want to give other users access
which is the best of the best of the best
@Darkyen I don't want to host it :P
I'd probably just use Github pages or CodePen or something, though
codepen ^ then
codepen lets you upload images?
It's HTML+CSS+JavaScript, user's always have access
Publish in a newspaper
@BenjaminGruenbaum 000web account and don't give out the link
@phenomnomnominal EDIT access
@BenjaminGruenbaum No, not like that. I think the option to let Google Drive host your page is part of the share options
@rlemon dudeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
for that u can also use webs ..
atleast they have a better ui
eh, this is the one I know off hand
now a days i just "aws" for everything :D
aws is awesome <3
I never could get a handle on their interface
@BenjaminGruenbaum just go with a private bitbucket or assembla git/svn repo
was confusing as shit like ~1.5 years ago
haven't looked again
@BenjaminGruenbaum final option jsfiddle.net
u get revision management :]

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