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@Jan If it's for debugging JS, IE surprisingly has a working tool.
@Amaan @Anders Oh, thanks! But now I have a slight problem. My textarea does resize itself when I type or whatever, which is good. But it always scrolls the page back to the top when it does. What can I do about that?
@Ariane Have you tried the WebKit console?
I don't know :)
@Ariane Need to see some code, and possibly the actual problem in action
@Amaan One sec I'll try to make a fiddle.
And nope, I dislike Chrome profoundly.
When they make their interfaces (Chrome, Gmail), Google reads my mind and does the exact opposite.
You prefer IE over Chrome?
Please say you like FF better
Uhm....... Dunno. I dislike both. But I'd say I prefer Chrome because it's much more compatible. I use Firefox.
@Amaan My script uses document.readyState and apparently JSFiddle doesn't like it. Can I do something?
If we’d asked the customers what they wanted, they would have said “faster horses” — Henry Ford
@Amaan Never mind I'd forgotten something in the copy-paste. Fiddle works. jsfiddle.net/FwLB6 The problem isn't quite as obvious there as on my web page, but you should see it.
@Amaan Do some typing. Occasionally you're thrown up then back to the bottom.
Czechoslovakia isn't even a country any more...
like those people would know
it's probably just "Europe" for them
Mindblowing ignorance aye.
They're on the internet, why can't they just look it up?
feel free to rant away
@Amaan Working on it or didn't hear?
Eating lunch, I'll check it out in a bit
Uhm, okay.
@phenomnomnominal oh wow, have you read all the "Bush kept us safe for 8 years" - stuff
it's mind blowing aye
@GNi33 haha this exactly ^
> Though, I do feel like there’s this very important date I’m forgetting.
> I swear there was just this one thing I promised to never forget and I just can’t put my finger on it…
yeah, that's just stupid
@Ariane Are you talking about the scrolling that happens when you add a newline at the bottom of the visible part of the textarea?
@Amaan Uhm, well, you just type anything at the end of the file, and it alternatively scrolls up and down.
Yeah, I see that. Remove all JS, and you'll still see that happening.
@Amaan So what can I do? I'm pretty sure it doesn't happen on any forum I've seen.
Well, it's the default behavior of the browser, so it's probably because this textarea is bigger than the frameheight
You could try locking the scroll position in
@Ama How?
e.preventDefault() doesn't work there, so onscroll, you store scrollX and scrollY and there's activity in the textarea, you set scrollX and scrollY to the values you stored earlier
@Ama Isn't this going to cause a split-second annoying up-and-down blink?
It could. Didn't for me in Chrome or FF
@Ama Okay... So it's going to be textarea.scrollX ?
No, window.scrollX
@Amaan doesn't seem to work...
I'm out of ideas, in that case
	var scrX;
	var scrY;

	function do_resize() {
		textarea.style.height = 'auto';
		textarea.style.height = (textarea.scrollHeight)+10+'px';
No apparent mistake here?
good afternoon @AmaanCheval sir :P
window.onscroll = function (){
    scrX = window.scrollX;
    scrY = window.scrollY;
That's where you should be setting the scroll variables
@Darkyen What's up?
trying to stay awa from the The Game
You're an ass
I have an ass
Seriously, whoever cares about this nonsense?
Darkyen's yours', then?
@Amaan Still not. T_T
youtube.com/… Since when is there a mario mod called Star Road that has 120 new stars, all user created
No idea what could work, then. Sorry :/
Going to play for a bit, be back later
@Amaan I give up. The textarea will only resize itself when the page is loaded.
And have fun.
uuuugh, when will ADTR finally release this freaking album :/
Your patience +1.
A Day to Remember
yeah, just listened to a recording of one of their shows, where they played a new song for the vip-guests
can't wait for that record
@Ariane you know u can use a proper js lib to do it
@Dark Don't wanna. It's a PHP lab. I'm not even required to do any JS.
then its your choice :->
the text area thing is BIG since browser implementations differ
Can someone tell me a reason why isNaN(a) || isNaN(b) || isNaN(c) would be preferred over isNaN(a * b * c)?
What's a good maximum file name length that makes sure it won't ever have a problem anywhere?
I guess in the cases where the first one you look at is NaN, you would save yourself 2 multiplies.
@Ariane, Infinity
@phen wrong answer.
But what if I want a filename of length infinity
@phen I'm setting a maximum file length. Users won't be able to create file names longer. I'm asking what that number should be to make sure no database, OS, file system, server, whatever will ever have a problem with it.
@phenomnomnominal No reason. Except if you're a moron
@FlorianMargaine, thought so!
Just sped up my renderer a FUCK load
What's worse than biting on an apple and finding a worm? The holocaust
@anku_radhey hi
@BVKrishna hi
COMPLETE WEBSITE RE-DESIGN IN 1 DAY :D awesomest target i have ever had
perfect for a css freak like me .. aye ?
@phenomnomnominal With mongo, what might I look into to managing things like microblogs (for players to leave comments on other players profiles), like blog id belongs to user id whatever
Driving myself crazy trying to make a relation
Sorry dude busy
I'll ask again tomorrow, im going to bed before I Rage
Software obeys the law of gaseous expansion – it continues to grow until memory is completely filled. — Larry Gleason
@Darkyen lol ... this must be the sound of your head banging against the wall
@tereško it sure is :D
because they told me its "just changing the grid" ... alright ... easy peasy
then i realized ... wait if i change the grid ... i needa change the section spacing
then i realize the whole sectioning is new
and then... thats the moment teresko when i realized fuck instead of editing the css i wrote its faster for me to just re-write it ... Thats when i become a super cssain :D
@Darkyen can I ask a jquery related question?
Dont ask to ask just ask because asking to ask is not worthy its like asking something thats not just worthy enough to be done
do you know by asking to ask you have wasted how much resources ?
@Darkyen according to the new tag line
Abandon all jQuery ye who enter here.
do you know just by asking to ask you made ur computer use ~0.001 W more power and then your ISP and carriers would had to use more resources in transporting it to Stack Overflow Server and then the servers processing power would be another waste and then transporting it to every person here and our computers processinga nd displaying that message so rendering it 60 frames per second taking a micro amount of more power to process and render it every time the browser reprints. and saving it in the db aswell ... so much wastage !!..
How exactly does wasting energy here make someone sleep hungry?
from commonsense import sarcasm #because the room is sarcastic^ and that was an example
room topic changed to JavaScript: We don't like jQuery but it's ok to ask about it. We'd like it if you read the rules, but I bet you're not even reading this far. rules.javascriptroom.com [google] [jquery-3000] [unpants]
@AmaanCheval How flirting with a girl gets u a baby in long run ? ... it just does! No questions asked ... purely for laughter purpose so do it -_-
@FlorianMargaine u saved poor kids :D
@FlorianMargaine so can I or can I not?
@DineshVenkata You can
yes u can
@BenjaminGruenbaum \o
@Darkyen yea I will
@DineshVenkata can you make a test page ?
:-) much appreciated :D
@AmaanCheval , @DineshVenkata , @* as you can see i am pissed off so sorry if i dont make sense ... i am just !!
Haha, it's alright
It always takes me by surprise when that line is actually in the movie
@phenomnomnominal s/when/what
replace ur when with what
Why would I want my sentence to be incorrect?
wait that would be incorrect ?
It always takes me by surprise what that line is actually in the movie ?
how is it wrong ?
Makes zero sense.
What is just incorrect there
its grammatically correct
No it isn't.
@Darkyen my office's ISP is crap
pages are loading like hell
I'm just going to go out on a limb and say that after 23 years, my English is more correct than that website.
pages are loading like hell
give me some time
hello everi1
@phenomnomnominal that your ability to speak english could ever be more correct than a web site is a logically unsound argument
@phenomnomnominal after that screenshot i agree :D
"Don't be such a fuck" = "reach deep within and find your inner kindness"
That's a bit of a stretch :P
hey sorry which is the keycode for enter and for shift, that works both on mobile and desktop?
@Neil ^
^_^ you are a genius :D
!!/karma Darkyen
@Darkyen Darkyen has 6 karma
@Neil, no it isn't.
@Darkyen Thank you, thank you. Your sarcasm is appreciated
!!/karma Neil
@Darkyen Neil has 1 karma
I speak English, much better than a computer ever could. Given that it can't talk.
@phenomnomnominal Siri beats u then ;-) ;-)
And besides the point, a spoken language is a fluid, living thing. It's FUCKING hard to capture that in a computer.
I can say things that are completely valid English sentences that would blow a computers 'mind'.
why is this jquery not working in my drupal webform whens its working on jsfiddle :( can anyone help?
@phenomnomnominal i know one
I'll grant you that, but comparing your english to a web site is a bit like comparing your car to a lawn chair for getting around
fuck hurts like fucking fuck. // would make a computer run out of memory recursively ;D
No it's not.
A person wrote the website.
Yes it is.. since when should a web site be better than you in english?
@Neil all the discussion started because of
> It always takes me by surprise what that line is actually in the movie
is that line wrong ?
@Darkyen Grammatically, no
Absolutely yes
so thats what i said -_-
There is no way in hell that that is correct.
see ... here we go again :D
@Darkyen Lets just say, it's something you say when you intend to open a discussion about why it is a strange line
I'm not surprised by the nature of that line in the movie, I'm surprised by the fact that it is in the movie.
It'd be as if I told you, "You know what's green and rains?"
When you say "What?" I say, "Huh? What?"
@phenomnomnominal And i was surprised by the actual words he said in the line
I honestly don't even know if that's how the book went word for word
I read the book, but a good time ago
Then you would say: It always takes me by surprise that that line actually is in the movie
Or: It always takes me by surprise what that line actually is in the movie
Both mean the same thing, but one is a little more open to interpretation
is actually vs actually is
oh yes... didnt saw that :D
@Darkyen Hey, I'm really busy right now, I'll get back to you and @Zirak later on today
dudes i can't fire the shift key keypress
:D okay
how do i fire that :O
@BenjaminGruenbaum About TipRanks?
Let me know as well
Geez you can only read the word Monte Carlo so many times before it looks weird
If you need your IDE's code generation tool, then your language is too verbose
@phenomnomnominal lol
@SOChatBot about that statement, would u call C++ too much verbose ?
cause its always advisable to have an IDE with C++ :P ... psh for those who have used C++ is it too verbose ? or its just at the perfect level of verbosity... i am confused if i should call it verbose or not
> Therefore the weight Wj is chosen proportional to a measure of the degree of specularity of the surface at point yj on the eye path.
it makes sense. Wj is proportional to the material's specularity (the amount of specular lighting) at that point.
I get what it means haha, they just wrote it weirdly
My friend hates cascading behavior of css..... lol that made my day
I got some crazy question related to javascript(maybe stupid one)
Is this possible that in a function while the execution is flowing step by step and in middle a statement ends in unexpected behaviour which led the whole function to rollback the changes made by each other statements in the same function?
I hope you understood the question
what changes are we talking about here?
how to add the jquery css resources on js fiddle ?
@Mr_Green, sure why not
jquery css resources?
@GNi33 I mean the jquery css files
@DineshVenkata, jQuery UI?
@phenomnomnominal yes
basically, all you need to do on jsfiddle is go to "External Resources" on the left sidebar and add the link to the css-file
var blah = function (addToShit, blah) {
    var a += addToShit;
    if (typeof blah != 'string') {
      // back the fuck out.
      a -= addToShit;
    return a;
@phenomnomnominal Can you please tell me in which condition it is possible?
@Michiel Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Mr_Green ^
ya saw it
trying to understand thanks :)
Just catch the unwanted behaviour and reverse the operations
what am I doing wrong here? jsfiddle.net/chz2g
@phenomnomnominal you are changing the value of variable blah here.. Is it possible without assigning variable to function?
@Mr_Green, no I'm checking that blah is a string, and if not, undoing the changes
Obviously, you don't have to check if it's a string, it could be anything.
Whoa, girls talk to you?
Are you like, rich or something?
1 min ago, by TemporaryNickName
hmm, girl responded on facebook
@AmaanCheval what am I doing wrong here jsfiddle.net/chz2g ?
i'm not rich =D
Haha, thanks, Zirak
@Dinesh No idea
@DineshVenkata, i'm getting there buddy
@phenomnomnominal please :)
@Zirak you are good at making fake messages on stackoverflow
@TemporaryNickName, we can pretty much all see it...
You do it all the time.
@DineshVenkata, dude, you need to actually call the datepicker function.
!!write some docs or finish re-writing define or get a life?
@Zirak finish re-writing define
You really want to get rid of that...
Ruby is for smelly hipsters
My cat is currently holding my hand and licking my thumb.
...how romankit
I think she wants something
Hmmm, I like HTML5
<video id="sampleMovie" src="rtsp://feedurl" width="640" height="360" controls></video>

RTSP client in 1 line of code
but it doesn't work on every browsers right?
posted on April 22, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} New video day!

The magic words which'll open many doors are "Push" and "Pull"
@phenomnomnominal still no luck jsfiddle.net/chz2g/2
@Zirak u got that python bot of yours ?
it was on git i remember ?
@phenomnomnominal dude ... xD
@Darkyen can you tell me what is wrong ?
lemme see
@Darkyen oh, sorry I removed it and it lost in the depths of time (and reformats)
btw i am damn sure u are lacking the .css files since you are using jQuery UI
@Zirak :[ fork you
@Darkyen added the resources man
dunno ^^
we dont hate jQuery UI for no reason :] Dunno what tantaram its doing :[
jQuery is a bitch
just when you start loving it it dumps you
shes not a bitch, shes a slut :P ,, #jQueryUI .. jQuery is okay but jQuery UI YUCK!
but just that so many libraries are dependent on jQuery and jQuery Ui it makes things easier only when works as expected
@DineshVenkata works fine
@Nexxpresso now guess why it didnt worked the first time :D
little do i know
@Nexxpresso you are using a different version of jQuery UI to begin with
works in the old one too
not for me :[
it even works in jquery 1.7
looks ugly but works
@OctavianDamiean You [will] probably like the last Community episode
I didn't watch it yet.
In fact I didn't watch a lot of season 4 episodes.
It's been a bit of a disappointment
That's not even the reason. I can't download them right now.
@Zirak, it's been a bit ave
last 2 have been good though!
knock knock Who's there? "Jehova's witnesses"
user image
@Nexxpresso yea may be an issue with the version of jquery
@Zirak lol
Good Evening
You know what? jQuery 2.0 doesn't look that bad.
@OctavianDamiean :-)
@OctavianDamiean Oh yeah.. super fast too
I don't I even need to add the minified version.. it's just so fast
but it will take time, and we will have more help vampires coming for us :D
because they will want websites to work like they did before
I'll just send them to the 1.x branch download section.
jquery 1.3 is best jquery
@theshadowmonkey :D
@Zirak :)
1.8 is my favorite
I have an embarrassing html question, anyone here?
Guys, have a question. I have a request to an external source on click. But, when the user clicks and navigates away, the request is getting canceled. So, is there a way I can force the request to complete and still go to that page?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Read the room rules u noobzorz
@theshadowmonkey Nope!
Profiling Note #76 Subject Zirak: Apparently the subject likes monkeys.
...how can someone not like monkeys?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Can I ask a question? <---- automatic fail
I have divs, when I set their height manually, when I do't, I get odd spacing between them

@Neil I was asking who's here, I wasn't interested in talking to people I don't know :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ouch
I get odd space between them when I don't set the height of them manually, the divs each have floating elements and text in them
@Neil I know you :P
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh ok
Can you prototype it in a fiddle?
@Zirak Oddly enough, can't stop watching monkey..
co-worker: "How many ounces is 500ml?"
me: "16.8 US oz"
co-worker: "What is that in Canadian?"
me: "O_o .... 500ml"
Profiling Note #77, Subject Zirak: Confirmation. The subject likes monkeys.
Why is there spaces between the div
(ignore other coding problems or design issues)
The colorful divs that is
I can has fix with negative margins, but I'd really rather not
6px margin
Wait, so the issue is that they are overlaying the navigation bar?
.feature {
width: 250px;
margin-left: 6px;
margin-right: 6px;
@rlemon what?
what colourful divs you talking bout?
they are all colourful
The bottom ones, not the horizontal ones
It works in IE btw
@MaartenBoogaard Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum felt weird... started clicking on the first div and it was on the right...
who knows how to debug js on android browsers?
You want to get rid of the vertical space between the divs?
I still don't quite understand the issue.
that's what he wants to get rid of ^
That's intentional
I'm talking about the vertical divs
nobody understood you then
You suck at explaining today.
They have spaces between them
The big ones
Yeah, I do :(
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's because of the h2
Is node.js officially seen as a javascript extension or something?
@FlorianMargaine Ah?
So the vertical space between the big ones?
@MaartenBoogaard extension interpreter
remove the margin-top on them and you get some space already
thank you, my English failed me there
With some libraries pertinent to web servers.
@FlorianMargaine What was that with the h2?

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