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But is it also awesome?
it surely isn't
Awesome enough for my needs.
@xtal why do you want this?
headjs.com is pretty small
@FlorianMargaine Want modules. Don't want bloat. Some interesting pointers at microjs.com, thanks.
@xtal take a look at browserify then
its fingerprint is... very small
and you can use npm modules.
there is a build step however.
Oh yeah, I don't want a build step :-)
you should have one for your asynchronous modules too though, asynchronous modules are fun to begin with, but they're slow on production and should be "compiled"
so you could go straight with a nice solution such as browserify.
I ain't compiling during development. I think that's a step backwards.
disagreed on 'asynronous modules are slow in production'
kinda depends how you use it, if used well, its actually faster
you mean that you're not using r.js in production?
sure, thats what I actually meant, one can't just say "asyncronous modules" are bad and slow in production
its the right mixture which makes the meal
loading 2-3-4-5 modules which are pretty rarily used if ever at all, all the time and on each page load.. is way less performant than loading those on demand if needed
just one example
I don't think so, but we've already had this discussion :)
for reference, it's because the first loading will be a very little bit slower (100kb instead of 95kb, yay), but at least it will be cached
if you change one line in those rare used modules its 95kb again, instead of 1
dude, we're talking about production, nothing ever changes :P
thats illusive :p
usually, when you release something in production, you clear caches for everything
well, not everything
but your logo is heavier than your javascript anyway ;)
also kinda depends on how big the source is and how much interactivity you create, but yea for most people its most likely true. Anyway, its more about the conceptual thing and the core architecture also
why didn't they shot the ISS in one big chunk into the orbit ? :D
what a bad analogy
you started :p
oh, I don't mind keeping at it, but your analogy is just bad
I actually meant bad analogies
by saying that your logo, in general, is bigger than your code
honestly, I do think that the js size isn't what hurts page loading
that most likely will shift more and more towards the opposite
its interpretation is usually the worst
I mean, its parsing
The point is that I don't want a build step during development.
@xtal watchers allow you to simply ignore this if you want to use browserify.
it's like when you use less or sass... you run a watcher and it feels like there's no building step
More code. :-(
grunt, watcher, auto build and as long you don't do too much magic in the build step, it should normally take longer to get back to your browser and reload than to build it
unless you're doing crazy shit like me, and generate run time method signature type checks out of your JSDoc....
@IvoWetzel well, if you have some vim plugin that automatically refreshes + switch your focus to the browser...
which is pretty awesome though :D
but after all, I just can't make up my mind with the conceptual thing, that I load probably a LOT of unnecessary code. I would also hate it to include unneeded header files in a simple C program, which I don't need in 95% of all cases.. there we are just talking about a few ticks, but bringing that to the ecmascript module loading/conception we talking about billions of ticks probably
@FlorianMargaine Point given, still, for anything over 200 lines of code having a build (+ tests) is usually worth it
its just... everything in me hates that concept :P
Franco Kernel is a beast
@jAndy if you want to talk about C... you know that you're running the entire program, with everything compiled in it everytime, right? :)
@IvoWetzel yeah sure
@FlorianMargaine talking about bad analogies :P ?
you're preaching to the choir
@jAndy actually, not really
C# or C
@FlorianMargaine my point was the unnecity
in your code, you only load whichever module you need and only that
the compiled code is full though
just like C
just use emscripten
@IvoWetzel gnaa where is the TL;DR section
@jAndy Create a linux excutable which prints out 42 in just 45 bytes :P
using a lot of wicked elf-header spec magic
@IvoWetzel ok its nice
but its not that.. I'm a... size-nazi, probably a little, I love small'ish and efficient code by any means
but we are more talking about conceptual ideas and pros/cons
@jAndy the thing is, you're confusing code efficiency over compiled code efficiency
your story is just a matter of cache
not really. I'm against that madness to transfer like all of my codebase over wire, where I could decouple it into core-parts and lesser frequently used code, which is transfered and executed on demand
and again, by doing the former you're clients will have to transfer the complete sized code chunk again, regardless how little your update/change was
imagine a site like facebook would follow that policy
any update in code would .. crash their servers to go a little hyperbolism
dude, servers are ok to handle static content, you know it
but yes, if you have several megabytes of js, it sure is better to use your solution
I'm trying to make the point, on the mad overkill you would create
thats even true for a couple of hundred kb
on huge user bases
well... facebook does exactly that :P
their all.js is always updated at once
@IvoWetzel are you for real ?
also, from what I know the file is auto generated via thrift anyways
(just take a look at the debug variant, it pretty much looks like auto generated code)
quick glance on facebook loading
its loads a shitload of small'ish js files
the whole API is provided via all.js though
AND loads js files asnyc on demand afterwards
Well, FB for me is pretty much the API :P
we were talking about frontend code and how to deal with it
Next thing you'll tell me that this is not the Java Chatroom!
@IvoWetzel really nice read
@FlorianMargaine I actually only tested out the first few steps in code, the rest is just crazy :) But it's always fun to see how far one can go
yeah it's crazy fun :P
worth a listen, too
and yes my own language is still making some progress (github.com/BonsaiDen/emblem) although procrastination is strong with me these days
hehe nice :)
probably the only module resolving system I'll ever completely understand(since I've written it my own) github.com/BonsaiDen/emblem/blob/master/lib/compiler/…
everything else... is madness!
quite simple :)
madness ?!
damn.. can't find the meme :(
Dis is Sparda!
no... wanted the $(THIS) IS JAAAAVASCRIPT thing :P
Bah. include.js does everything I want, apart from one thing.
It doesn't actually work.
I guess requireJS does to, if you don't want to compress/minify using r.js
@IvoWetzel node.js' require isn't so big either github.com/joyent/node/blob/master/src/node.js#L842
and why would it.. dependency resolution and including is no rocket science is it
@FlorianMargaine Well to be fair, that's only the one used for loading internals. the actual code for the user code facing require is in here: github.com/joyent/node/blob/master/lib/module.js
python is... well... he needs a whole talk to explain it: pyvideo.org/video/1707/how-import-works
@IvoWetzel the code is pretty small tbh github.com/joyent/node/blob/master/lib/module.js#L275-L321
the rest is about petty stuff like making __dirname available et al
If I add a 1s delay to a dependency, then include.js blocks for about 20s. And the dependencies aren't resolved properly.
@jAndy Yeah. So does curl and it's smaller. But it does stuff I don't need and is still pretty big. Maybe I could just modify it.
tbh I have no clue how 'big' the latest requireJS production file is minified/compressed
1771 SLOC.
its about 16k minified
so about 10 with compression ? maybe less
jquery's bigger
@rlemon you know C#?
what I don't like about require is the config stuff... it's so ugly :/
@FlorianMargaine do you know how big jquery 2.0 actually is minified compressed ? I just heard they shrinked it by alot
ah yeah didn't check out 2.0
84k minified...
the site say 32kb
+ gzip
thats a lot (of shrinking)
and they finally have AMD modules up
I'm officially impressed
+ source maps :P
jquery 1.9 is 91k minified
so it's not really so much shrinking...
6k out of 91k
@jAndy nice bait dude
lol just saw your msg on here
haha... needle!
Does expecting the unexpected make the unexpected expected?
holy centos
this thing really hates me
what are you using centos for?
i wanted to do some server things with python
but you cant just install python 2.7
ah cool
because that kills the system python and yum stops working
There is some software to have multiple versions of python iirc
i just used make altinstall

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