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first run
1031 first run.
so good concept for a game?
I kinda like it.
should I work on graphics?
Question for the general public, I have a popup that appears on the main page (points to an Anchor and basically says start here), if I don't want it to appear for the rest of the page visit, or to returning people, should I set a variable on the local storage?
@rlemon Yea.
@rlemon yes, it is fun, but need a more fair way to hit the ones that float too high, if they spawn on the far right, you're most guaranteed to miss them and they will float away to where you cannot reach them
@XCritics Sounds good.
@XCritics will just need me to limit the screen size
or ratio the max speed to screen size
@OctavianDamiean my suggestion, or the local storage variable
Indeed, maybe add a feature like long mouse press for more velocity?
@XCritics the localStorage thing.
@rlemon a click and hold to power the shot would add more skill ;)_
Does anyone think this is still too easy: i.imgur.com/cqDrUSR.gif
Wait Fixed
@BadgerGirl Did your boyfriend already convert you to Arch Linux?
@copy WTF!?
I tried installing it on a Mac Book and gave up after a short amount of time
@copy stop it now.
Oh yea copy, I got my printer working! :)
@OctavianDamiean I don't know, will try again later ... but I tried
@phenomnomnominal huh?
Now I need to get it recognize my scanner as well and I'll move to Arch on all my systems.
how can that possibly be fun!
I bet windows recognizes that scanner
@XCritics taken into consideration
@phenomnomnominal But making these levels is so much fun too!
@SimonSarris Of course it does ... the drivers were obviously made for Windows users.
That's not a big surprise though.
I was just being cheeky
as one of two resident windows users I have to be a shit about these things
@copy, well that's fair enough then!
But I gotta set a price for the first one who beats my game, otherwise nobody will play it :-(
think about the productivity cost of people playing that...
The cost of all the hardware that will be destroyed ... dreams
You should not be allowed to develop games, you're sick!
@jAndy, THE GAME!
@OctavianDamiean We tried but I failed. :(
@phenomnomnominal Sparticus SOON
last ep ever man :(
@Loktar, i know, i don't want to watch it
I know man..
surely they wont kill spartacus.
Im so worried about Gannicus
@Shmiddty From your example, what is the reasoning behind var video = angular.module("demoOpts", vs. just calling the function without the var?
If it was still Andy Whitfield id care about Spartacus
but.. the new guy is kind of meh
hes a good actor, its just not the same
I dont have the same connection
@Loktar, I know what you mean
but Gannicus is one of the last almost originals
I went back and started at season 1 with my flatmates, and I had forgotten how fucking badass he was
New guy is still pretty epic
yeah man
yeah if it would have started with him id be cool with it
Oh dude, how good was the two swords through the eyes though
but its a pretty jarring change..
haha yeah!
so glad Tiberius is dead too man
I hated him more than I hate Joffrey
I fell the Caesar rape scene was unneeded though..
they are talking about making a series about Caesar now
That was freaking brutal haha
and all I can think is.. he was raped in the butt..
He's a good character, I'd watch
yeah same here
good actor too
I'd have loved more Batiatus
I think he was probably the most interesting character in the whole series
I'm fairly excited about Da Vinci's Demons though.
Looks quite cool.
Just downloading the first episode now
yeah Im going to watch that tonight as well
comes on after Spartacus
Batiatus was a fantastic character, I also liked Lacretia as well, the chemistry those two had was great, such backstabbers.
...and here I was thinking you guys were talking about North Korea.
I feel the first season, and the prequel were by far the best, Vengence was pretty good because it had Glabor and Illethia still.. but this season idk
This one seems to just focus on mass killing, the other ones had way more twists
Yeah I guess it comes down to the fact that everyone knows how it ends.
They had to find a way to get there
yeah. They were supposed to do 2 more seasons.. too many actors were leaving though
it's... umm... kinda coming along?
nothings happening
ah I see line, and then it disappears
lol ouch
yeah it disapears once it hits a certain angle
oh lol theres an error
Uncaught Error: IndexSizeError: DOM Exception 1
   ctx.drawImage(this.img, this.x, this.y, this.size, this.size);
you must be drawing outside the bounds of the canvas
either - or + outside of it
I don't see it :/
I hate that error
Doesn't work for me either @rlemon, does it need to be fullscreen?
I forgot to save?
That works
nice balls!
blue: good,
green: better,
gold: best,
red: bad
all balls have a score + time modifier
If you just hold your mouse in one place and click, you can pretty much play forever
hah nice @rlemon
love the pop effect too
Maybe a time penalty if they reach the top?
I need to play with the mechanics
I think it's a good idea for a casual game
game over score: 4150.814434126951
That's accurate
would it be more interesting if each bubble swayed on it's own? instead of together?
@m59 You'll generally want to separate your Module and Controllers into different files
@rlemon make it pseudo 3D
like a carnival game
@Shmiddty hmm...I'm new to frameworks (thus MVC), what exactly does that mean? My js file is all just scope stuff. What would be the model?
!!/tell m59 google "MVC pattern"
@Shmiddty don't get me wrong :( I've read about MVC plenty.
I haven't connected the dots, I guess.
Your there's no strict Model on the client. You would most likely define it on the server.
(as far as I know, I'm a noob with angular too)
even on the codinghorror page the model is portrayed so differently.
It says it's the html and css is the view
> We've got advanced facial recognition, what should we do with it? I dunno... turn people into zombies?
then it says html is the view and server-side is the model.
no sense made to me.
@m59 There's not really a discrepancy between those statements. HTML is the view, always
That's totally a discrepancy lol. It says html is the model and css is the view
that is very different from html being the view and server-side language being the model,
> It says it's the html and css is the view
I think maybe I'm misinterpreting that.
I never "got" MVC. Seems like consultant tomfoolery to me
MVVM makes a lot more sense.
I think they just used a pretty bad example saying that.
Any programer should learn regular expressions as it brings easy reputation on Stack Overflow
Good observation, ChatBot!
Check out my Pen http://codepen.io/rlemon/pen/Iypsx on @CodePen
Anyone know how to fix youtube so it isn't so goddamned slow?
@SomeKittens good, just got home from work, doing some tweaking now :P
Quick question, how long are localStorage variables stored for, and are they site specific, or do I gotta think of a variable name that no other site has
$('#showPopup').data('popover').hide(); works
document.getElementById('showPopup').data('popover').style.display = 'none'; doesn\'t.

@XCritics, jQuery functions return the selector
Time to google, selector :P
$('#showPopup').data('popover') === $('#showPopup')
@phenomnomnominal :(
when are you watching the last ep?
If it is, than how come when I do $('#showPopup').hide() it hides the whole element, and the .data('popover'); only hides the popover? @phenomnomnominal
Whenever a HD rip comes out
@LemuelUhuru Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
let me know when you do so we can discuss!
And googling Javascript data selector only returns jQuery, any idea what I should be googling?
@XCritics, what is the data function you try to use in the second example?
@Loktar, is it good?
Overall it sucks because its the end of the series.

$(function() {
  if (localStorage.hidePopover) {
  var options = {
    title: 'Blah',
    content: 'This is the body',
    placement: 'bottom'
  localStorage.hidePopover = true;

document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].addEventListener('click', function(e) {
  document.getElementById('showPopup').data('popover').style.display = 'none';
so that makes me a bit jaded I think overall
but its not a terrible ending.
Trying to hide a Bootstrap popver when clicking anything other than the popover
Just one thing I really disliked
@XCritics, are you trying to use the the jquery data function on a normal html element?
@Loktar, dammit eztv, hurry up
@phenomnomnominal its an 'Anchor'
showPopup is an anchor
yes and why would it have a data function?
@XCritics Its important to use your apostrophe's correctly
I don't know, I was following an example on how to hide it that I seen on stack, but I'm trying to avoid jQuery for now

@copy I don't know how to mark things as code, so I just did that to see if it would mark it as code, cause ` ` doesn't seem to work for me
.data('popover') is jQuery
Never mind, it works now weird..
backticks only work on 1 liners.
@copy, "it's" :P
@phenomnomnominal It's important to use your apostrophe's correctly
@phenomnomnominal any idea how I might approach this using just JS without jQuery? The bootstrap docs only show jQuery
@XCritics well, first you need to reimplement the popover function in just JavaScript
ok one second
document.getElementById('showPopup').popover('show'); should work no?
Cause it doesn't :P
Shoulda never used jQuery in the first place, now I'm all fucked up
w3resource.com/twitter-bootstrap/popover-tutorial.php I think it might be specific to jQuery
Many noobs confuse JSON and js objects. For exemple John Resig called getJSON a function returning a plain javascript object.
@Loktar, you should watch Hannibal
1 hour later…
the chat it is dead
alive now?
i dont know
i is cold
I can't figure out why I'm getting scrollbars when the page is sized down
its 5 am
and you worry about scrollbars
@phenomnomnominal you here by chance buuuuuuudy?
we were walking arround for fucking 2 hours
trying to find a housenumber 202
@phenomnomnominal I'm trying to add the successful form submit to the newsfeed on success response from ajax, it's working great and I got it adding to the page, only problem it doesn't seem to be updating its class, its all offset and doesn't look anything like the other ones in it gist.github.com/Gacnt/2cb354e54620923ddb03
Kinda can't be fucked dude, sorry
Anybody else feel free to jump in
WordPress is bread & butter for any decent website
Q: Load a page without loading a cached page

agovizerHere is the situation I have. I have a page that is generated using a bash script (basically echo and some other command >> a html file). I have a link to this page. If I "clear private data" or never have opened the page before, or close and reopen, the page is downloaded from my server and the ...

@XCritics nice. Any more thoughts on the job?
@SomeKittens sill thinking :)
But shhhh ;)
Guys this is a stupid question, if an existing protocol is pretty crap (e.g. streams low quality images) so if I improve it by redesigning it then does it mean I have created a new protocol?
never mind
@phenomnomnominal one last thing then I'm going to bed, is there a way to actually point the page to an url, using res.render('index') when I signin, still leaves me at /session.html instead of /index.html
I tried res.send, but thats just straight data
Not sure what you mean
Uhh, if I signin which is app.post('/session.html'), and it works successfully, it calls res.render('index', { title: 'Home' }), but the url address is still asd.com/session.html instead of asd.com/index.html, so its not loading my locals of the actual index.html link causing it to crash
could i do like res.location('/index.html') right above it?
no that did not work gah
That's not how you'd normally do it
Maybe return a login success page which redirects back to index.
@phenomnomnominal with res.redirect, you can't set a title, so do I have to follow it with a render?
@phenomnomnominal thanks, I just did it in the file like res.redirect('/index.html') res.render('index' blahblah)
Going to bed now good night everybody
The only good reason to use ctrl-C ctrl-V while programing is that your keyboard misses some greek letters
@shannonman Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Hannes Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I love this comment on an APL solution to a code golf challenge:
> I can't read this, but it looks cool
Golfscript is basically a poor man's APL
@JanDvorak This solution made me want to learn APL
I'm torn between buying a new piece of hardware, learning a new keyboard layout and extreme copy-pasting.
context ?
for APL coding
Oh, you need some hardware for that ? Is that because the chars that are used are hard to type ?
Learning a keyboard layout is it, then.
or copy-pasting - until I know I want to commit to taking APL seriously
Prototypal OOP should be popularized just for its acronym
@Fairoz Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I have used ZoomIn and ZoomOut consept isn't working in firefox but it's working in chrom, can anybody help me please
does it happen with every page?
define "isn't working": no effect? Browser crash? Computer starts smoking?
i have used in one page only
can i send my code?
By other pages, I meant Google, Bing and such
If you can reproduce that in jsfiddle.net, please do
can check my js functions pls
function zoomIn()
var Page = document.getElementById('mybook');
var zoom = parseInt(Page.style.zoom) + 10 +'%'
Page.style.zoom = zoom;
return false;

function zoomOut()
var Page = document.getElementById('mybook');
var zoom = parseInt(Page.style.zoom) - 10 +'%'
Page.style.zoom = zoom;
return false;
formatting please
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="zoomIn()" class="readr_ico">
<img src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>images/zoom_in.png"/>
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="zoomOut()" class="readr_ico">
<img src="<?php echo base_url(); ?>images/zoom_out.png"/>
I said formatting, not flooding
select for editing => CTRL+K
I wouldn't rely on the prowser reporting the zoom as percent, even if you set it as a percent value. Could firefox report 0.1 for 10%?
Also, the zoom style is quite... uncommon
so any other way to do?
The zoom style is uncommon because the associated behavior is uncommon, so it's not really a reason to avoid it.
as for how to parse the value: determine the format the browser is serving you, and parse it as such
If the format is /^(\d+(?:\.\d*)?)$/ (I'm trying to be tolerant here), use parseFloat($1). If the format is /(\d+)%/, use parseInt($1)/100.
i have past my code on jsfiddle.net, how to run
hmm... try clicking the "run" button
Perhaps you'll like to "save" the fiddle later, and copy the resulting URL here.
but it's giving no result
perhaps your code is inside a function that you never call?
can i remove function
perhaps you want to call it instead?
error: missing radix parameter
also note $1 was not meant to be understood literally. Have you used regexes in javascript?
no i am new to javascript
!!/tell fairoz mdn parseFloat
I hope that helps :-)
!!/tell ' ko
@NullPonyPointer Could not process input. Error: Unexpected end of input: Expected ' on line 1333 on column 2
@NullPonyPointer Could not process input. Error: Unexpected end of input: Expected ' on line 1333 on column 5
@zirak line 1333? Huh? You're leaking information
“ Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand. ” - Martin Fowler
my requirement is inside a div i have a reader, for that purticular div i have zoom in and zoom out, can anybody help me please...........
Please answer this
@JanDvorak like it matters
image not found
Weird, shows up for me?
not even after a hard refresh
If I visit the URL directly, I get a redirect to a page containing the image
The mirror works
> Asking for permission is like asking to keep a rock someone just threw at your head
I like my women how I like my coffee. Without a penis
@JanDvorak never saw cv thing here before
Q: Close vote seeding in PHP chat getting out of hand?

Steve RobbinsI don't mean to point fingers or cast blame on an individual, but I've noticed that PHP chat has a lot of cv-pls requests on questions that I believe are valid, to varying degrees. See here While I am all for cleaning up questions that don't belong, are off topic, etc, I worry that this cv-pls ...

@JanDvorak lol .....
1 hour later…
anyone ever written xmbc plugin?
Q: how to constantly update the datatables when records change in the database websockets or long polling implementation

indagoI am using datatables as my grid on a webapp. The problem is, the user has to refresh the page always to get the current data from the database,is there a way this can be done automatically? because several apps write to the same table and the webapp is just for monitoring,but it beats the purpos...

anyone ever implemented long polling on datatables?
@JanDvorak No, it's because he didn't match the single-quote.
I think I'll eliminate accepting both double-quotes and single-quotes.
hi guys!
anyone ever implemented long polling on datatables grid?
World hunger will be solved by eating cats
@SomeKittens Nice! thefreebundle.com is similar
@rlemon That's awesome! The basket idea sounds interesting
/me needs some shit to capture screen video on win7
@JanDvorak Virtual keyboards
@FlorianMargaine also doing some .. to mexico
Q: Test different timezones

pufferfishWhat is a simple way to temporarily change the timezone in Chrome so as to test how a site renders for different locations? On OSX Mountain Lion, I've tried as bash script with: export TZ='Indian/Mauritius' date open /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app ~/status.html where status.html * contains

@TheFuture Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!will it work on the first try?
@Zirak No
hello everyone
@AmaanCheval but thats boring
What are Preparation A through Preparation G?
youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ASO_zypdnsQ Just so you can tell people you saw it when it had 300 viwws
301 views, but 46k thumbs up?
That's how youtube cdn's work, every server has a local view counter and it syncs to the global one once per some period of time

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