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@XCritics yah
Wow, digital songs for $0.16. I'm starting to like Flipkart
Do you have your own company?
Where the hell has @plodder been?
@XCritics Sorta. Not incorporated or anything, but working on it.
Can I ask you a question in private chat about it?
@user1447679 You'll have to send me an email, I can't get to Gmail on this laptop (two-factor auth fail)
sup people not here for 20 minutes and you miss the whole conversation
@rlemon Page 46, of 1083
CoffeeScript sucks
someone here good at building custom pcs ?
I used to a lot
I've built one
nowadays... I havent needed to since 2008
this is essentially why: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5536163
(from last night's hacker news)
@AmaanCheval would you like to share your system's specification
@SimonSarris same but I needed a really powerful development desktop and I can't afford ones already built and sold by companies
Intel i5 2500k
Corsair 8 GB RAM
what @AmaanCheval said
Want more? Like the PSU and case and all too?
they are not even consuming latest gadets that are available in market, e.g. motherboard or processors
nope thats enough for now
@MuhammadRaja get an asus laptop
they are cheap and powerful
Mine cost me ~$1000 but that's because it's India and even slightly outdated tech costs more
@Darkyen Not only did you not answer my mail, you're also giving bad advice
@cygin Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Laptops are slow and don't play nicely with multiple monitors 99% of times
Majority of the people here don't like laptops as their primary devices
@BenjaminGruenbaum i replied ... lemme resent
You won't gonna find cheaper then this one anywhere
@Zirak bot greeting works nicely now
but screen isn't big enough
Eatliz is pretty awesome
Thanks, @BenjaminGruenbaum
@AmaanCheval Actually, thank @Zirak
It's his recommendation
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh, right. You recommended the other Israeli band
@MuhammadRaja I linked dievardump to a decent cheap laptop a while ago. I'll see if I can find it
But that looks like a pretty good price. Something must be wrong with it
@SimonSarris You know, you may be right there. I don't even have a dedicated graphics card, and most games work just fine for me
(I've got an SSD too)
@BenjaminGruenbaum i replied ... lemme resent
@Loktar got a minute
Just got it
I can't even remember my graphics card
I think its an HD 5850
which is so old now
to make the balls 'bounce' off eachother I just need to vx,vy *= -1 right?
(reverse the velocities)??
@rlemon That wouldn't be optimal
But for something very basic, yeah
Getting the angles isn't hard
that will be very wrong :P
Math.atan2 does the work
@rlemon no
jsfiddle.net/rlemon/4vZD3/2 scroll to bottom, oncollision.
find out there angles and do maths
you have this (particle) and this.collision_partner (object came into collision with)
I don't want to read all of that code :/
If you haven't gotten an email from me yet, and you were interested in making some cash for some help with a current project, please post your email (or skype - preferred)
Check for collision by seeing if the distance between the two is less than the diameter of the circle. If it is; find the angle between them with Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1); and use the angle with cos and sin to find x and y respectively
no I have the collision done
oncollision is the callback
Yeah, thought so. Just said that in case you hadn't
in it you have the two particles that collisded
All you have to do then is find the angle and then the correct values
var a = this,
    b = this.collision_partner;
// what next :P
Haha, I'll just do it in the fiddle
you're pro :)
@AmaanCheval it doesn't comes with OS and it doesn't have a good quality sound car, neither looks great, but 16GB DD3 ram and i5 processor and 1TB SSD is what attracting me to buy it right now
@MuhammadRaja Yeah, looks like a pretty good deal to me
Wait. 1TB SSD?!
Cheap laptops with a lot of performance will also be less durable
@rlemon It's hard to get these particles to collide because they're random :/
I just spawn a bunch
click like 30 times in a circular motion
There's probably an easier way than having angleA and angleB, but my mind is sort of numb now
@copy I would be happy as far as it will run 3 VMs for me side by side
oh yeah, with SharePoint 2013, SQL 2012, Windows server 2012 :)
Dinner, be back later
You get Linux instead of all that crap, you could buy a 1k ultrabook
@copy Be nice.
Python is for people with guttheria
@AmaanCheval solution to the flicker.
update: function (ctx, width, height) {
    var self = this;
    this.particles.filter(function(particle) {
        return !particle.destroy;
    }).forEach(function (particle, i) {
        particle.update( wind, -0.002 );
        if (!self.in_view(particle, width, height)) {
            particle.onviewexit && particle.onviewexit.call(particle);
        if (particle.collision_partner !== null) {
            particle.oncollision && particle.oncollision.call(particle);
this.particles.filter(function(particle) {
        return !particle.destroy;
@copy when using a program like stuff & (sending to job), do you know how to send output to /dev/null? stuff & &> /dev/null doesn't work
hey ladies
@FlorianMargaine &>/dev/null & doesn't work for you?
how do I delete a key/value pair from localStorage?
this.clientStorage[key] = ''; or ....
... delete this.clientStorage[key];
@livingston_mechanical Probably delete
No wait
That's not it
@livingston_mechanical localStorage.removeItem ...
...let me verify on MDN
@rlemon you must have msged me right when I went home from work
...there is removeItem and removeKey ... what is the difference?
comments on what i'm doing then?
on the fiddle?
one sec
also Im a huge nerd.
was happy to get those in the mail today, they are pretty rare
Never heard of removeKey to be honest
removeItem accepts a key
@Loktar sweet
... looks like removeKey calls removeItem
@rlemon Im disapointed
haha that was just for the stupid demo
removeKey = function(key){ this.removeItem(this.key(key)) }
it was on click but amaan bitched
and the wind was just slapped in there as well
I never got why Microsoft doesn't do rapid deployment with its browsers
If IE would automatically upgrade like chrome and FF, there would be almost no compatibility issues at all
@rlemon Looks like air bubbles in water, maybe.
@rlemon it looks cool the jittering is a bit weird is all
hmm I refreshed and now its ok
@livingston_mechanical pretty sure removeKey removes from an object
collisions are a bit exaggerated
!!> 'j'++
@c'c "SyntaxError: invalid increment operand"
posted on April 12, 2013 by coltmcanlis

Understand how different CSS property combinations can influence the paint-time of your page.

@rlemon the way you pass in collision partner seems really ugly, why not as a parameter to oncollision
@Shmiddty yea I always like to add a momentum modifier
@c'c You can't increment a constant, 'j' = 'j'+1 makes no sense :)
@copy I was just thinking that.
the entire concept of reflectPartner was misguided
idk what I was thinking
!!> 'j'+1
@c'c "j1"
not the reflect, that function being on the particle prototype
!!> var a = 'j'.charCodeAt(0);a++;String.fromCharCode(a)
@BenjaminGruenbaum "k"
@c'c that's what you probably meant, right?
@rlemon And I think it's a very common trick to leave out the Math.sqrt and do the comparison on the square of the radius
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes
@copy I used to do it all the time, turns out it's only 8 percent faster in Chrome, was quite a shock since squaring seemed very expensive to me, guess the engine has common values cached or something like that
@copy yea but I need some better precision because this will be a shooting game
^ I remember when you figured that out @BenjaminGruenbaum
surprised me too actually
@rlemon There is no difference in precision when squaring vs. not squaring
Actually, sqrt'ing not squaring
@BenjaminGruenbaum >since squaring seemed very expensive to me
Well, you can cache the square, so it's comparing one Math.sqrt with no more computation ... but yeah, the difference won't be huge
did you mean rooting?
oh you just said that lol
In ActionScript it is huge, I guess that's because AS caches _x and _y properties in some clever way, so when acting on them directly without sqrt'ing it does further optimizations, though AS is slower than JS today
!!> Math.floor = function(){return ['Tequila','Tequila','Tequila'];}
@Shmiddty "function (){\n\"use strict\";\nreturn ['Tequila','Tequila','Tequila'];}"
Float multiplication isn't fast, I guess
@Shmiddty "NaN"
@SOChatBot Well, isn't that interesting. See the added "use strict"; ?
!!> (function () { "use strict"; return (function () {}); })()
@Zirak "function () {\n\"use strict\";\n}"
@Zirak that's in your code though, you tell the bot to slap strict mode on functions
I even remember reading it and wondering at some point, figured it was something about globals or stuff
!!> (function(){})
@BenjaminGruenbaum Maximum execution time exceeded
@SOChatBot @Zirak wait wat?
!!> (function(){while(true){}})
@eazimmerman "function (){\n\"use strict\";\nwhile(true){}}"
!!>(function(){return function(){return function(){return function(){return 'cheese'}}}})();
@Shmiddty Maximum execution time exceeded
@Shmiddty "SyntaxError: function statement requires a name"
@Shmiddty "function (){\n\"use strict\";\nreturn function(){return function(){return function(){return 'cheese'}}}}"
@Shmiddty "function (){\n\"use strict\";\nreturn function(){return function(){return 'cheese'}}}"
@rlemon When where what?
the random
Ah. Yeah, it was hard to get them to collide with no pattern to them
$2400 I have to pay in taxes
If a chicken had lips, could it whistle?
@Shmiddty that sucks man
I ended up paying $7500 :?
@Loktar I expected to have to pay something, but not quite that much.
yeah it sucks having to pay lol
I used to always get refunds
I was on 1099 for the first half of the year
yeah thats my problem I get a 1099 from google
and my wifes a realtor
@Loktar Do you do estimated tax payments quarterly? (I didn't)
I should
might do that this year idk
I knew what to expect though for taxes, I actually expected to pay more
just sucks because then my sister gets liek 8k BACK..
What's worse than biting on an apple and finding a worm? The holocaust
@Shmiddty hi
@Loktar Have your wife pop out some kids.
I have 4 already :P
3 with her, and a son in MI
@BenjaminGruenbaum That isn't correct for all inputs.
Well @BenjaminGruenbaum I now have additional bruises on my head from beating it against the wall.
@AmaanCheval would you like to help me tackle this project?
@user1447679 What project?
Are you the user I gave my email to earlier?
I sure am.
Ah. You didn't send me an email after the one saying you were just sending the email for confirmation
It's likely that I'll have ongoing and multiple projects and tasks that we will need help with.
I did I did.. I swear.
What are they about?
I'll check my spam
Holy shit. All of my "spam" emails are mistakes. They're all legit
Dafuq Gmail
@rlemon You came highly recommended by a prominent user in this room. o.o I would love to talk to you as well.
about what
@user1447679 You realize that that sort of means he procrastinates a lot, right? :P
shhh you
I need to hire someone on a part time/ as needed basis to help with misc. jQuery and other jobs.
Ooh, jQuery? walks away slowly
^ that
Would be great to have someone that's regularly available that I can just send a message to when needed.
@AmaanCheval that's $, but also $$$
@dystroy Touche!
@AmaanCheval, I know how you feel.
@Loktar You must make lots of money that 3 dependents doesn't negate any owed tax
C&H is starting get a lot of fun again after their Kickstarter campaign
@AmaanCheval don't hate jQuery so much. If you use it wisely, it's a great tool and don't comes too much in the way.
@dystroy I don't hate it. I haven't even used it more than a few times when it was included already
I just don't take contracts which require jQuery because the quality of my work would probably be subpar considering I have no experience with jQuery
A JavaScript master is a jQuery master after a few days. The most important to be good in jQuery is to be good in JavaScript.
Fair enough
I do fine until it gets interconnected with multiple functions spanned throughout several files. Then you have IE. . ahh.. IE.
Or, forms. Forms are my enemy. Perhaps not for long, but as of now...
@rlemon Why did that get starred? :@
Did you do it using the SOChatBot account? :P
Was there some content in the last stared comment ? I see nothing :(
I starred it...
because jQuery is great.
@AmaanCheval click on the image... he modified it
@AmaanCheval look close at the last frame in mine
Oh, haha
I'm a dumbass
!!/choose Sleep Play
Someone should go make a problem
@AmaanCheval Sleep
Okay. Later!
Oh my. $1000 to contact candidates in the job section.
@user1447679 What?
@user1447679 You're in a better place to find experienced javascript coders
Yeah, on the SO Careers page... in order to contact people it's $1000 for a month.
@dystroy Trying :( No one wants my money
@AmaanCheval Don't be so tact-less, take that money !
@user1447679 What timezone are you in?
o.o What's an average rate for part time development assistance? jQuery, Javascript, etc.
I'm just about to go to bed, but tell me more about it
I'm Central Time (US/Canada)
It's 3:23pm.
I should really change my display name.
Yeah, please
Damn, conflicting timezones. It's 2AM here
Just email me some more details, though, will you?
Sure thing. But it's loaded full of jQuery.
Send me a sample problem you might have? I'll tell you if it seems like something I'd be able to do a decent job at
@user1447679 even i earn more then 1k$ , and i have an extremely crappy job
1k$ is a joke
@tereško Dude, you work a lot
unless you are looking for a highschool graduate
@tereško Stack Overflow charges $1000 for me to contact candidates
I didn't mean, what I was paying someone else.
@tereško Don't judge by age -.-
Hello guys
@XCritics ... true, don't know why they put that in the refernce.
Okay, time for bed. Later!
Have you all seen this yet? findyourwaytooz.com
Anyone could help me with this?
PR.registerLangHandler(PR.createSimpleLexer([["pln",/^[\t\n\r \xa0]+/,null,"\t\n\r Â\xa0"],["com",/^%[^\n\r]*/,null,"%"]],[["kwd",/^\[@-Za-z]+/],["kwd",/^\\./],["typ",/^[$&]/],["lit",/[+-]?(?:\.\d+|\d+(?:\.\d*)?)(cm|em|ex|in|pc|pt|bp|mm)/i],["pun",/^[()=[]{}]+/]]),["‌​latex","tex"]);
what notation does this hold?
Maybe a regex lexer?
Q: Where's the separation between Presentation and Logic in Javascript MVC frameworks?

ClashAll my life I learned that following piece of code is bad because it is obstrusive javascript and mixes presentation with logic: <a href="" onclick="archive()" id="archive"></a> The best practice was to add some sort of identifier to the link element and then bound an event to it on a separate...

@AlexDresko , if you want to figure out MVVM pattern (assuming that you have a solid grasp on MVC core ideas), then this article should prove to be helpful: martinfowler.com/eaaDev/PresentationModel.html
@AlexDresko yes, it is regex lexer, but how to decrypt it? :D
@tereško I've been using Knockoutjs for about six months now, so I'm learning. I've totally read that article before though. :)
sup guys
Q: Image Map in Nivo Slider

hanleyhansenI am having trouble adding an image map to my nivo slider. Below is the code I am using and here is the link to the site. Any suggestions? <div class="slider-wrapper theme-default"> <div id="slider" class="nivoSlider"> <img src="wp-content/themes/sourcetone/images/1-difference.png" d...

Functional programming is the best
Q: Google Spread Sheet Script: Deploy once and use in all Spreadsheets

DiodeIs it possible to create a Google script and deploy once and installing that app can we use the functionality in the app inside all the spread sheets? As it turn out to be, all the examples are creating of scripts and have to run for very spread sheet before getting the functionality. Is there a...

I need an help on this please
@user1447679 $50USD/hr
(is on the low end of the experienced devs)
key word being experienced
lol , that's almost what i earn in a day
@tereško McDonald's?
web development (php/js/sql)
@tereško how many years of experience?
approximately 8
shrug Move to America?
@Shmiddty Yea same here.
I mean it's the same in Austria.
just when I think I got collision detection down... jsfiddle.net/rlemon/4vZD3/12
stupid bullets think they hit the stupid balls before they do
one more vote and I will have my first Great answer badge :D
:D thank you
I'm towards my third.
I have 0 :(
I think
who wants to fix my code?
I would but I'm kinda drunk
(disclaimer: iced in day... so i'm drunk)
thats my line!
is studying for the LPIC 1 exam
well I wrote (most of) it drunk
so it's pretty solid if you ask me
Is that the reason the balls are flying around randomly?
It's, not, that, I, couldn't, do, it, while, drunk, it's, that, when, I'm, drunk, I, don't, really, want, to, do, it.
they were going to be bubbles.
shut up
I think that sentence needs more commas.
that's better
phahaha I'm a tit ... fucked up my sudoers file by accident and now I'm locked out. :D
@copy duh. Thanks for the suggestion that will probably work.
Dem mad skillz!
@rlemon the problem is just that the collision is happening too soon, correct?
omfg what a douche ... now I need a live system to rescue my sudoers file sigh
Hahaha noob, you didn't use visudo did you?
I did but for some reason it didn't catch the error.
I should probably report that.
The point is, you shouldn't attempt to alter your sudoers file without at least making sure you have assigned a password for the root user.
But... it's ugly on ubuntu to have root with a password
Just for the sudoers file change.
After that you can disable it again.
How do you disable it?
Now excuse me please, I have to reboot into a live system.
I tried once a long time ago, couldn't find it
Q: Disable root account in Ubuntu?

NESI was asked for root credentials to setup my printer in Ubuntu. This seemed to be caused by a bug. And the suggested workaround is to create a root password. Since it is default that no root password is used in Ubuntu, i wonder how i could revert this changes. Once i have set a password for root...

So basically
$ sudo passwd -l root
Yeah, I just googled, found the doc on first result. I guess I was drunk or something.
I've maintained my poker face for 5 minutes straight after reading the question and this comment stackoverflow.com/questions/15981253/…
I mean the account is not exactly disabled but locked.
trying to figure out whether it was sarcasm or not, but seeing from the question's 2 upvotes, looks like it was serious
Aaaand closed.
@OctavianDamiean go away, you should be rebooting
Oh neat!
Q: How to modify a invalid /etc/sudoers file? It throws out an error and not allowing me to edit again

YumYumYumHow do I edit an invalid visudo file? Here is what happens: $ sudo visudo >>> /etc/sudoers: syntax error near line 28 <<< sudo: parse error in /etc/sudoers near line 28 sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting

@OctavianDamiean did it work?

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