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@echo_me Np
A: function nested in if statement

nimgrgJavascript hoists the function declaration to the top of the function so your first declaration of downloadXM() gets overwritten by the second downloadXM(). Javascript does not have any block scopes like the one you are trying to do with the if statements.

meh @ the comment
@jAndy even if i would call you with skype
give me a second
did you change your mobilephone nr in the last 3 years?
dammit, i need this as my ringtone
@Nexxpresso which one you got ?
@jAndy ending on 553
the first fire, needs to be clicked twice.. after that it's fine.
@Nexxpresso yea thats old, where do you have that from ?
your website
@captainrad better ?
@Nexxpresso wud ? link me please
@dystroy cool, thanks
oh boy, "your website" sounds like it literaly is printed somewhere on "my website". Domain lookup/whois is a big difference :p
should have phrased better
so we have to digg deeper
Another vague attempt at humor:
If the history of programming languages since 1950 is any guide, the price of parenthesis and curly braces keeps pace with the price of oil.
So to get your phoneno i had to call gertrude and ask nicely
@simonsarris Quite the opposite, actually. The more history, the less parentheses. Look: Lisp is old and has many, CS is new and has none.
I mean that new languages have fewer because oil is more expensive!
thus lisp has many, ruby and python not so much
I read the opposite :(
the higher oil price, the more parentheses
but less parentheses = bigger parsing overhead
Parsing "overhead"?
Rather more parentheses = more typing overhead
parts of my brain agree with both of you :(
@RyanKinal those Chefs knifes are dangerous. I was working in a kitchen so they were sharpened professionally every week.
is it only possible to add inline css with js?
if so what about media queries?
what do you mean "only" possible?
use js to add another stylesheet
you can add inline css with html declarations
<div id="move" style="width: 600px; overflow: auto; word-wrap: break-word;"></div>
var s = document.createElement('style');
s.textContent = "@media screen { ... }";
@rlemon cool thanks :D
guys! I have found a song worse than Friday!
Doubt it
Dont doubt me!
its one of the worst songs I've ever heard in my life
calling it a song seems wrong
saved it for later use
cant watch at work :(
In class, can't see
I am afraid to click
Anyone watch teen mom?
Its one of the girls from that
trying to hold onto the spotlight I guess idk
but its TERRIBLE
I just learnt how to use chrome's debugger it's the shit!
@BillyMathews Are you user1706511?
I don't think so..?
Oh.. some guy earlier left to learn about chrome debugger, sorry :P
and he was never seen again ..
probably creaming himself over its usefull-ness
do you know how to stop it stepping into jQuery every time I use one of it's functions?
click step out or over
dont know which one
use step over, not step in :)
step in goes into the function
step over goes to the next line
and step out leaves the function you are currently in
if you step into by accident, use step out to move out of the function you're in
will step over go to the next function in the chain?
or next line?
Also, I wanted to step into some functions inside a .each() function.. There just aint a chance is there?
@BillyMathews add a breakpoint in it, click "run"
> Follow 9GAG on Pintrest!
ok, thanks I'll give it a go
what happened?
why did OCZ drop so much?
didnt release compliance stuff on time, they are seeking another extension
@Loktar I can give that song a run for it's money
so lets buy some ocz now and wait until they reinstate?
not even close man
the song I posted is an autotuned rant
with home video footage
@SimonSarris how are you managing your pennies in stock market?
@Loktar did you listen tto the song I posted?
yeah its instrumental
I vote yours is at least so ridiculous it's artistic. if you listen to the twlight one there is lyrics and they make no fucking sense at all.
but they are trying too.
what makes it even worse: my gf loves the song and listens to it all the time
@FlorianMargaine what do you mean? Its not hard
setup a an account with an online brokerage and boom
@FlorianMargaine lots of OCZ, some TGT and INTC right now
start loading up funds and buying stocks
online brokerage? which one?
I use scottrade
etrade! it's like the godaddy of penny stocks
usaa isnt bad either from what I've heard
I have an etrade account too, but scottrade has a local office
so I switched fully to them
all my banking = USAA so I dont bother with anything else
I have some amd stock in my etrade account
@SimonSarris your family military?
@copy any revelations? I'm out of ideas.
@Loktar father was in vietnam
ah ok
usaa is military-only?
it used to be, now you can get some of the things without military
yeah, have to be related to a vet basically
@SimonSarris you ever look at the car buying service?
thats the only thing I really use from USAA
long ago after WWII(?) nobody would insure military personell for car insurance because they were considered a "high risk group", so a bunch of officers created their own insurance company. The banking arm is fairly recent.
yeah I looked at some mazdas through it, seemed like a pretty good deal
yea we got our van through it
no negotiating hassels which is nice
doesnt usaa restrict trading to certain times?
unless im thinking of somewhere else
there was a place a guy used here that restricted trading to 8am, 12pm and 2pm or something like that
also intc is doing well now :?
I have a lot of amd lol
@Shmiddty no idea
@dievardump hey :)
Hey Florian
how ya doin?
where are you now ?
pretty good thanks
Still in Montreal. only 10 days left :(
where are you going then?
my house
he wishes
@Loktar INTC is doing horribly thats why I bought it :D
its hovered in the teens-20s for a while
higher now then last time I paid attn to it
^ that is awesome
theres a video of it on that page
> Thinking of taking the Treadmill Bike to the grocery store? Be sure to stock up on ice cream while you're there. You will have earned it.
I hate crystalreports so much
@Loktar I want one
I couldnt run outside with one
id be too embarrased lol
It's a "blizzard" here
out of nowhere
@Shmiddty To call you.
omg.. dx.com
everyone needs to know about this site
free shipping on anything
@rlemon OMG facebook, it's like myspace but better
prices on everything is like 1/8th the prices I pay in Canada for similar components
@rlemon You can connect with your friends and all them, send them messages and stuff
@BenjaminGruenbaum no, I cannot make my own hacked CSS stylesheet to make it look so bauce. not better, worse.
@Kevin Of course you can...
Did you change your name to Kevin o_O?
Kevin, Greendale, WI
7.5k 1 17 51
I don't know what you are talking about
bad case of changnesia
You brave soul :O
Anyhow, I've been using dealextreme for over a year now, the quality is low but everything works. I can guarantee they're not scammers.
@BenjaminGruenbaum we've used them for work stuff for years, I just never realized the shipping was free on everything
@Kevin Yeah, I order 2$ things all the time
guy got a strip of surface mount resistors (maybe 40 of them) for like $.88 - they shipped it in two days
I just signed for it and noticed the packing slip. my god.
Hey guys, this is killing me and I cannot figure out what's wrong - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15887466/if-option-selected-add-remove-multiple-attributes-from-multiple-fields-with-jqu/15887621#15887621

Where can I find someone to help out? I'm sure it would take 10 minutes for someone who knows what they're doing, i'd be happy to pay it just annoying me so much I've spent hours looking.
@BadgerGirl For why?
1 hour ago, by Amaan Cheval
She likes being creepy
LaoNongZhuang British Style 3D Eagle Pattern T-shirt for Men (XXL) lulz
@Jambo so you don't know if the answer works because you don't know how to implement the answer?
@Kevin Haha well I have implemented it in the way that I think it should be implemented...
@FlorianMargaine Lyon :(
@Jambo if your implementation was not this: paste.ubuntu.com/5692962 then it is wrong
@dievardump you're coming back to see your friends and all :P
@Kevin The jQuery function is in a separate file, called just below jQuery.js in the header of my page. The form is already present, I just don't see a change
@FlorianMargaine well, yes
@Jambo mine is at the end of the body. Meaning the HTML has been parsed and the DOM is available to JS. If you don't wrap in a DOMContentReady or put your scripts at the end of the HTML you cannot presume the elements 'exist' when you try to retrieve them
make sense?
@dievardump but you still never visited me :(
@Kevin I think so, yes! I need to read up on this...
anniesboobs and I have been talking about making some space in the vent behind the bathrooms for you to bunk in.
@Jambo just remember, the ext scripts in the head are downloaded first, and the body waits for them before it is parsed. The body parses from top to bottom, so if you include jQuery in the head but your application code in the body just before the </body> you can guarantee elements AND jQuery are available when you want to call on them
javascript is so overrated. just use jQuery!
ay ^
@BadgerGirl Why do you like being creepy?
Oh, wait. I see. Being a creepy girl must be fun
Also, @Jambo don't use .attr('data-' anything. .data exists to 'shim' or at least offer the functionality of datasets in jQuery. use element.data() api.jquery.com/data
@AmaanCheval I just want to know what all the people in the chat room sound like.
@Kevin hmm okay...
@BadgerGirl I sound sexy. Wanna hear?
@Kevin I'll try and play quickly
@Kevin Yeah, what's your phone number?
you can hear me there ^
@BadgerGirl Fair enough. Record them and share them, please? :p
@AmaanCheval No, call them yourself. BTW, I have your phone number already but would it be okay to call you?
you have Amaans or mine?
So, the company I work for finally launched the product, got a lot of press.
@BadgerGirl i'm kinda disappointed in you. 1) i've posted my number in the chat multiple times (transcript) also I do own webpages :s you've asked for my number a couple times and never went looking for it?
(Can't seem to include all the links in one news.yahoo.com/… )
@Kevin this isn't working, so I guess it's still wrong? pastebin.com/EaWx5dbL
element.attr('data-foo', 'bar');
turns into
element.data('foo', 'bar');
they are supposed to mimic element datasets in JS
!!/mdn dataset
@Kevin I don't know. Ever since I called HostileFork I've been more careful of who I call.
dont get offended ppl
why are there no green planes?
@kevin :'( I don't really have any idea about javascript...can I pay you? ha i'd rather get this sorted and then learn when I have time
@Jambo well depends on what you are doing? If you just need your question fixed then maybe. if you need a shitload of work done then no. I also have a shitload of work to do :P
@Kevin it is literally just that haha. I've done everything else, probably very shoddily, don't judge, it's just validating a section of a form that is hidden by default but shown when the value of the select box is changed
ok well then don't worry about the .data stuff for now. It was just a suggestion for cleaner code - however what you are doing might very well work
I'm changing the code and testing with MAMP but just can't get it to apply any type of change to these fields...
@BadgerGirl you realize I(Kevin) is rlemon.
I'm confused. Why is @Kevin pointing to @rlemon?
@Shmiddty refresh the page.
The idea is a few attributes are added to each field which allows client-side scripting with parsley.js
@Kevin Yes. I still see your old name.
@troll I see
@Shmiddty I don't see how my username chang would make me a troll.
@Octavian would appreciate it
@phenomnomnominal as well.
@Jambo do you have a production site I can see the code working (or not working if that be the case)
@Kevin I thought about sending you a dead badger something instead of calling you.
Hello people
@Shmiddty Troll? Changnesia is a serious disease
@BadgerGirl my cats would have loved the sentiment.
I have a parked domain "tricolor.com.uy" redirecting to "http://www.elnacional.com.uy/registrarse-tricolor-com-uy/".
Does anybody know how to mask the URL and show tricolor.com.uy instead
@sanchy How is Uruguay ? I heard it's beautiful there :)
@sanchy Anyway, that depends on what you're hosting, how are you hosting that?
maybe just a cname entry
Yup mod_rewrite, but how :x
@BenjaminGruenbaum Uruguay is great, I wouldn't change it for any other country :)
@sanchy That site looks like WP, who is hosting it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Hostgator
@sanchy Who is hosting the domain?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I have 2 accounts at hostgator
@sanchy Right, so both the domain and the website is on HostGator?
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes, on different accounts
@sanchy This is what you have set up now? support.hostgator.com/articles/cpanel/…
The redirect i'ts done
Right, but you actually need the name-servers to point at that page
@BenjaminGruenbaum they do
And you'll be using cPanel for this? I think it has that sort of thing built in
Where is @copy?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Now I want to hide the long elnacional.com.uy URL and show tricolor.com.uy instead
Humble Bundle has 15 minutes left for everyone interested
@sanchy Yeah, I get that, let me check how that works in cPanel
@BenjaminGruenbaum yes I did the redirection with Cpanel, with a Parked Domain
@sanchy Under cPanel, do you have under the area 'Domains' a section that says 'Simple DNS Zone Editor' ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum sure do
@BenjaminGruenbaum wtf is it xD haha
@Kevin liveassured.co.uk
@sanchy One sec
@Jambo ok and what do I need to do to make it break
@sanchy It can't stay a 'Parked domain', Parked domains just minim the main domain with a different name
@BenjaminGruenbaum alright..
@kevin The top select option will show a new part of the form, if you change this to 'Yes' and then submit the form with empty fields, you will see that the first part of the form shows validation errors
@kevin the second part that was just revealed by the option box however doesn't show the validation errors. The jQuery that i want to work should add attributes to the form fields in the second part of the application when the option box is changed to 'Yes', and remove them when they are 'No'...if this is possible. That's what my question I linked to earlier was about
ok because there is an error on load
one sec
@sanchy My cheap cPanel hosting doesn't have the options I need and I don't remember them, sorry. I think it's something called 'addon domains'
@Jambo ok, to explain what happens for you:
you load the new form parts via JS (jQuery) and so when the page loads and you try to attach the .on handler to the new form parts they do not exist. You need to trigger that code when the new form part is displayed.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm ussing addon domains to redirect domains to a subfolder on the same hosting.
Q: Facebook App doesn't work when user logged in

Lex KeroI'm new here. I am creating a Facebook app. My problem is that it works correctly when it runs locally. That is, it requires the Login dialog when user is not connected and executes operations when user is already connected. However, it doesn't work when I try to run the application on a Heroku...

Right, isn't that what you need?
@BenjaminGruenbaum no because this 2 are on different accounts
@Kevin so do you think I can combine it with the javascript that shows/hides the second part of the application?
@BenjaminGruenbaum let me try.. lol
@Jambo wait.. no.. nvm
@BenjaminGruenbaum you're probably right and I just denied it because I didnt think of it before
@Kevin the code is all over the place...apologies
I'm glad I helped
@sanchy Also, the PHP room are probably more knowledgeable in this area. It has been years since I dealt with cPanel and PHP and Apache and stuff. I do my server-side in other technologies nowadays.
@BenjaminGruenbaum well no, addon domains don't work for different hostings
@Kevin there are several PHP files contributing to the HTML of the one page...it's confusing and I just hack things around. If I can get this to work I'm happy though ha.
no, no, it's that you seem to have something that mutates jQuery
.on is not available
@BenjaminGruenbaum well anyways bro, thanks a lot for the help! :)
@sanchy forward via your domain provider
I can see the selector returning the proper values but .on is not available on the jQuery object.
ohh f u man. f u
@Loktar I do. Now I want to mask the url so people don't notice the actual site they're on
ahh ok
you include jQuery 1.9.x then you include jQuery.core.js for 1.5
seriously. Jambo, f u man. you just made me question my own sanity
yeah can't do that unless they are hosted on the same act unfortunately
is jambo working with wordpress?
@Kevin jQuery.core was included as part of this hacked up theme I modified...
@Jambo well it's the core for 1.5
and above that you include 1.9
ditch all the other jQuery crap that isn't explicit plugins
@sanchy explain your issue in a single sentence pls
@Kevin I will happily PayPal you as an apology for being a dick if we fix this.
lol i'm being sarcastic
better idea: Don't use wordpress
@Kevin yeah but it shouldn't be hahaa
@Loktar Sure? Because I remember years ago I used to get ".co.nr" free domains and host the site somewhere else. And the URL would show the ".co.nr" domain
@shmiddty It's not wordpress dude
@Jambo remove this line <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery-core.js"></script>
Nah not a CMS
@Kevin it's gawwwn
then hard refresh and try again
@sanchy just point the dns to the hoster and add a serveralias for it on your hoster
eh maybe I dont understand the full issue then.
@FlorianMargaine alright I'll see what I can come up with
I assumed you had foo.com hosted somewhere but want to forward forward.foo.com somewhere else with masking
@Loktar If you go to "tricolor.com.uy" you will be redirected to "http://www.elnacional.com.uy/registrarse-tricolor-com-uy/"

I'd like the URL address bar to show "tricolor.com.uy" instead. Hostgator support told me I can achieve this with .htaccess.

But everything I find on google is about redirecting and not about my issue
@BenjaminGruenbaum in how many cases is {P ^ Q -> not R} true? I have five but the solution says seven.

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