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That, and photoshop templates XD
thanks @JanDvorak
that helped me figure out why the tooltip was not displaying.
It was because I'm trying to attach it to content that is loaded by AJAX. How do I attach a tooltip to AJAX loaded content?
@Sid you'll need to do it after the content loads
How can I determine in jQuery/javascript if the content has loaded? I thought if I place the tooltip code after the call to load the content it will suffice, but evidently not.
the AJAX call takes a callback as an argument, that is called when the AJAX completes
The async library's source code is pretty readable, defiantly a good read for those of you who are wondering how it works.
I started sending my University spam when they send me uninteresting mail
Hi guys
@JanDvorak Thanks again dude. I've now got it working.
came with challenging question
can anyone resolve this?
var str = "{height: '580', bVOD: 'true', bEvent: 'true', bChat: 'true', bAuto: 'hi this i's'}";
@phenomnomnominal I now hate you a little :)
i want to create object using eval in javascripe
@phenomnomnominal that just made me laugh out loud in class, everyone was looking at me all weird
@RaviTuvar reason?
@BenjaminGruenbaum, hahaha you're welcome
"You made me get dick milk all over my keyboard."
Hi all just any one know how to include .NET 4.0 to the to the .EXE when creating the exe using Advance Installer
@JanDvorak i want to use this to create in one object where i can set height, bVOD, bEvent etc
using that object
the only problem i get is in bAuto value
@RaviTuvar any reason you're using eval? Eval is slow and evil
the current value is -> hi this i's
if i keep it like this - > hi this is
it works great
is there another option?
"Are you secretly conversing with someone? I use to be a telemarketer like you...but then I took an arrow to the stupid."
@phenomnomnominal stop that, lol
@JanDvorak is there any other option to create object from this?
@phenomnomnominal :D the segway - one is hilarious
I'm leaving
The whole thing is brilliant!
@rlemon Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand ?nudebeachconstant (perhaps you meant to execute a command? If so, prepend the command name with a /)
@rlemon 0.4887634182931323
If you want to build javascript object literal strings by hand you'll have a hard time escaping your variables properly.
@RaviTuvar in your case, just do var obj = {height: '580', bVOD: 'true', bEvent: 'true', bChat: 'true', bAuto: 'hi this i\'s'}
I'm telling you guys... i'm on to something here.
!!> Math.tan(0.4887634182931323)
@rlemon 0.5318008
turn your monitor upside down (tee hee hee)
actually in realtime scenario i am using these functionality in dataoverriding
using iframes
so here is my function
!!> Math.acos(1.01)
@c'c 0.7903732467283023
@c'c 0
@c'c "NaN"
!!/quote eval
@c'c eval has no karma
@c'c Command quote does not exist.
and i have the value of argString = "{height: '580', bVOD: 'true', bEvent: 'true', bChat: 'true', bAuto: 'hi this i's'}";
so it can not execute at eval
@RaviTuvar formatting please. Select for editing and press CTRL+K
!!> JSON.parse( "{height: '580', bVOD: 'true', bEvent: 'true', bChat: 'true', bAuto: 'hi this i's'}");
@c'c "SyntaxError: Unexpected token h"
Hey How are you?
looking for a bit of help here
@c'c it's not valid JSON. JSON needs double quotes
@RaviTuvar Please learn how the chat formatting works
function GetOverrides(overrideType) {
    try {
        var hostFrame = window.frameElement;
        if (hostFrame) {
            var argString = hostFrame.getAttribute(overrideType);

            //convert styleOverrides string into a Javascript hash
            if (argString) {
                //do the object coversion
                var obj = eval('(' + argString + ')');
                return obj;

    } catch (e) {;
the catch semi is redundant
eval for object conversion is yucky
@phenomnomnominal thats gold
I just wasted half an hour reading the whole site haha
I got to the one where the kids shitting himself.. maybe the one after
@rlemon Hahaha
@AmaanCheval sorry
@JanDvorak Oh, it's cool, I'd already read it
"My fart smells like Morgan Freeman."
that one made me actually laugh
is it sad I have so many pictures on my pc it's faster to look at the transcript than to look for the picture on my HDD
@phenomnomnominal That's brilliant
@rlemon I laughed so hard at this one
Hey Guys how are you? - needed some quick here here Jquery
I've posted almost 10 thousand links :(
That is Raven as fuck.
^ using it
@rlemon Out of 78k
I just read the skyrim one
I've posted 2k
"Is someone telling you what to say?"
@JerryS. what's the issue with this one?
Me: "They probably look like two limp, greasy fried eggs dangling from a roofing nail."
I'm using waypoints to have the sticky navy move down the page
i wanted the nav to get drop off at a particular ID on the page
and then when im scrolling up back for the nav to be picked up
currently its kinda of jumpy and buggy-
hahahahaha "swagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswagswag"
I have to try that
wanted some help to clean it up and to make it a bit smoother to avoid the jump when i'm going up back the page
@JerryS. it seems smooth to me.
@phenomnomnominal DUUUUDE
@JanDvorak It it gives that jumps when its going up back.
@JerryS. if it's done by a plugin, I see little chance to get it fixed
I don't know that plugin, though
@Zirak, it's the best
lol "Plumped Dumpers"
We talked about that a while ago
Boston Dynamics is awesome
crazy clever stuff
@phenomnomnominal yea, I totes reddgurgitated this last week
!!/choose "go to sleep" "keep stumbling"
@phenomnomnominal keep stumbling
I use to be a telemarketer like you...but then I took an arrow to the stupid."
34 mins ago, by phenomnomnominal
> "Are you secretly conversing with someone? I use to be a telemarketer like you...but then I took an arrow to the stupid."
yeah I know
but it had to be posted twice
At some point tomorrow I am going to use "I used to be a designer like you..."
Put a wig on him and he'd look like an eight year old Snookie.
@phenomnomnominal That is hilarious! :D
I just can't stop
I lost the game
this almost becomes a tradition :p
I don't lose the game even when I'm playing games or working on them or reading about them. See jAndy, and I insta-lose.

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