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Blah blah, you know what I meant
Sounds like PHP
Because php took just the fat arrow and didn't allow the equivalent
I mean, like $$a in PHP
I really like bracket syntax for objects, it's powerful, but I do think more powerful object literals would be nice
Then instead of a being a string, imagine a function call.
Which is completely useless (or not, I don't know)
object literals are really central in the language
({ foo() : 4 })
({ arr.length : 4 })
@Zirak this is valid in Harmony iirc
@Zirak {a(b,c):4} is a function with two parameters that returns 4
How's the distinguishing done between literal keys and expressions?
Or something like that, not sure 100% about the syntax specifics
Are you missing my point on purpose?
Oh, I'm not saying it's what you mean, I'm saying that syntax is taken for function keys in object literals
arr.length() : 4 would define a function called arr.length with return value 4 or something like that in the current proposal
The majority of which should be burned anyway. But I'm not talking about that, I'm not talking about syntax, I'm talking about something more abstract.
Will it be better if we used random unicode characters?
You want something like bracket notation in object literals (or a more advanced pattern matching version thereof) , or am I understanding it wrong?
({ arr.length ¶ 4 });
({ foo(17) ¶ 4 });
Yes. "Inlining" the subscript notation.
Well, the only way you can do this sort of pattern matching for keys is Harmony proxies, I don't think it's even possible today in a clean way
...pattern matching? why? Expressions!
You know how you can have arbitrary expressions as values in object literals? Same thing, only replace "values", with "keys"
Would the expressions be evaluated on access or on declarations?
Declaration of course
So bascially cleaner bracket notation in literals?
I didn't ask for much
I think switch... case should be changed, the current syntax is stupid and pointless
the break after every case is stupid, the fact the cases are constant is annoying, and pattern matching would rock :)
what are your thoughts on using an object with functions instead of a switch statement?
Depending on the way the ? : operator is implemented, having a (expression : expression) might result in parsing ambiguities
@david Elaborate?
@david usually what I do, very rarely use switch statements
@IvoWetzel That's (among the reasons) why another symbol instead of : needs to be used.
Just today I had something like :
return stackMem[parts[0]][parts[1]](parts[2])
(decision table'ish)
still, I think it's quite prone to errors. Unless you're serializing, I don't think it is that useful.
to use the key you need to have the exact same expression in place later on
which means the same expression must always map to the same value (basically a pure function) and at that point it's little more than a static value coming from somehwere else, hm
Disagreed. In dynamic contexts I've often had variable key names.
@Zirak like you have an object, with its keys being the case values, and the values being functions that would get called
I think what @IvoWetzel is saying is that cleaner bracket notation isn't really much cleaner and (maybe) that pattern matching would be much more useful
(Well Harmony Proxies kinda let us do something like that)
@Zirak Well maybe I'm biased... I'm currently given my own compile to JS language another go (and that one is staticly typed)
During the last month, I remember thinking on more than 3 occasions "I wish js had dynamic keys in literals". It might not be the brightest diamond, but when you need it, it'll rock your world (like the not-too-known string.search)
@Zirak Thanks! Didn't know about string.search , then again I don't really get what that's used for :)
I agree with the fact that there are some occasions where it might be useful, but I don't think that adding a helper for everything is worth it. I'm also not a huge fan of languages where there are 20 different ways to do the exact same thing (Ruby and Coffeescript come to mind here)
Or the incredibly useful string.blink
Oh, if anybody is bored and want's to read some code, feel free to rant: github.com/BonsaiDen/emblem
@copy Oh yeah, bunch of those, I remember the shock when reading the source code of some JS interperter
Stuff like string.big string.bold etc
Of course not...I'm with you on that one. However, the most important thing is that it stays true to js' creed, so adding it isn't a sin, it's an extension.
string.big is actually useful in codegolf to determine if something is a string
btw: I have to give credits to coffeescript.... this thing was better than any other bison grammar tutorial I could find maxtaco.github.com/coffee-script/documentation/docs/… (basically the coffeescript grammar in coffeescript)
@IvoWetzel Oh yeah, I remember reading that, it was a good read
(not complete yet, want to get the basic types in before adding structures like if, class etc)
Since I want operator overloading, I've got to declare the type programmatically. Which also means that the basic types also need to be declared programatically github.com/BonsaiDen/emblem/blob/master/lib/compiler/types/…
I spent so long in that grammar file trying to add explicit closure syntax ><
the last part of each define call is basically the template for the code generator, I'll need to convert the emblem source in the overloaded function operators into special functions on the global type table and then put these in in the generator... loads of fun :D
I wouldn't take all that stress and just create an OS instead of a programming language
I read parts of the stuff there... let alone getting the processor to boot you up and hooking into stuff like grub seems like an adventure in and of itself
I've written an x86 emulator, I know most of that
fun stuff like: wiki.osdev.org/A20_Line
@copy Oh, now that's cool
I'm not so much into OS dev though, I enjoy languages and networking
Yeah, languages are cool too
Hi people...
I want one favor...
I am Italian but I want only the vote for the competition
having a discussion with a girl about swallowing or spitting cum.... priceless !!
I have a div slides in on hover, but once I added a button to make it move position on click, the hover effect stopped working. Any way around this?
You can see what I mean here: www3.carleton.ca/clubs/sissa/html5
not, or now?
Hey ppl
Guys, how do you host your mongoDB or Hadoop db for your application? Do you host them on Cloud (I think this is pricey) else what other options do you have in order to cut price down for hosting these DBs?
!!should I work or sleep?
@Zirak I expect so
...your reasoning is flawless. oooohhhh
Damn, I knew I shouldn't have hoisted it...
well, I guess I'm just going to keep using good old VPS then
Is it possible to "right click" in chrome using a touchscreen?
just wondering why they made the buttons on the right-click menu larger...
touch with two fingers?
I've never used a touchscreen laptop, so I have no clue
I guess you could right click with a mouse and then use the touchscreen... but that seems stupid
Why do you keep doing that? If you're gonna remove the message after a minute, don't send it in the first place.
yeah sorry
If a rabbit's foot was actually lucky, wouldn't it still be attached to the rabbit's leg?
Nope, the rabbit's FOOT is lucky, the rest of the rabbit not so much
Q: wp_register_script stops wp_enqueue_style working

AhhhhhhhhhhhhhdfgbvAmbiguous title, yes. Sorry. I am using the roots framework to register scripts and stylesheets. When I include the wp_enqueue_script('main_js'); my style sheets come out as <style media="" data-href="/_css/main.css?ver=5"> rather than <link>. If I comment out the wp_enqueue_script('main_js'); ...

I didn't know he was dead; I thought he was British.
@user2015201 are you from Mexico?
@copy yes he is
hii good morning to all
Do any body have idea of how to add jquery plugins to eclipse??
@user2015201 more specifically, from Michoacán?
Never heard of jquery, is that something cool?
isnt that a database language?
jQuery is a cross-browser JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML.
I dont know how to add plugins to eclipse
@Venkat Oh I think I have heard about JQuery but what is eclipse?
Holy shit, this looks awesome!
$("#result").math('+', 2, 5);      //7
eclipse is ide
@Venkat Pardon my ignorance, but what is ide?
integrated development environment
hey guys, which js framework is poised to get very popular in the future - ember or angular?
@Loktar Look at my boyfriend's game: copy.sh/iw
it is too difficult to play @BadgerGirl
@Venkat Go play My Little Pony
ok byee @copy
Your spelling skills tell me you're Indian
wish you the same @copy
Spaces are better than tabs
hey there
Can someone explain me the process of file download when a file is send with headers Content-Disposition:attachment
Wait wait wait, you mean to tell me, I MISSED ANOTHER TROLL?
Every time I come home, I always miss some epic trolls
Don't you EVER try to change my definition of epic :<
@all any body used kendo ui grid
Guys, do you know why my jquery functions doesn't seem to work with timer functions? for example
animate(... , '5000',...); or delay(2000) doesn't work at all and these parameters look like they are pretty much ignored
But I do not see any errors in console panel
.animate({'height': "70px"}, {duration: '5000', easing: 'easeOutBounce'} does not actually animate for 5 seconds but it happens instantly
make a fiddle
ok, delay works fine on jsfiddle
but still, time value for animate does not work as I expected
@TemporaryNickName remove the quotes from the 5000
Actually I had to use queue after delay function =P
No, you just need to get rid of the quotes
I was struggling with figuring out the callback function for delay lol
Oh snap
thank you all
Just outa curiosity, I did this for learning purposes, why doesn't the newHeight += 1 work at all? jsfiddle.net/YSprf/2
show me some code please?
You forgot +'px'; at the end
ah woopsies
@BadgerGirl I don't bug you often enough, Do you use MongoDB by chance?
@XCritics I don't.
Damnit, I cannot figure out why this will not work to save my life
Q: In MongoDB, how come my userFound.email is returning undefined?

XCriticsIn my Node.js express app, I'm just setting up a user sign in, this is my first time going through this just kind of self teaching. I have this function here, var db = require('mongojs').connect('localhost/busapp', ['users']), crypto = require('crypto'); exports.new = function(req, re...

The magic words which'll open many doors are "Push" and "Pull"
@BadgerGirl what do you use instead?
I am not currently working with databases.
Where is @SomeKittens when you need him :(
@XCritics same problem that I told you how to fix yesterday... haha
I got a new problem now though
When I search for an email that doesn't exist, it crashes my entire app
the same one you had yesterday? haha
click that link again :P
haha deja vu
i can find the email just fine
if it exists
but if it doesn't exist, my app crashes
yea, but then you had this problem as well
yeah, and I couldn't find the answer :/
and I didn;t know how to fix it
I'll look though
24 hours later, same problem :D
oh well I kind of know the problem
if (userFound === 'undefined') wont work
oh sorry, that was a test I did, I always forget to putit back to original
needs to be if (typeof userFound === 'undefined')
I had !userFound originally
or that I suppose
If the email doesn't exist, I get this error:               ^
TypeError: Cannot read property 'email' of undefined
other than that, it retrieves the email just fine
@XCritics which variable is undefined, user or userFound?
Guys, I have a scope issue, can someone please help me here, How do I get the alert values in a function defined outside the scope. I dont know how closures work. I dont even know if closure is needed or what is the solution
I think
Then there is still a problem with you if
This function never gets called
function getCustomAddress() {
			console.log('We have fixed the error, hooorraayyy!! ' + userFound[0].email + " " + userFound[0].password)
is the line that throws the error
Yea, it shouldn't ever get to that line though
Yeah I know, that is why I am so confused X.x
You need to change this line } else if (!userFound) {
To what?
what does console.log say the value of userFound is?
for which if statement
the last one?
When it throws an error, nothing, I don't see the console.log anything just errors
before any ifs
I mean add in a console.log
yeah nothing, I added it and nothing
Just errors right away
soon as it enters that find thing which is weird, because if I search for an email that DOES exist in the database, I see it
you added it before the ifs?
db.users.find({'email':user.email}, function(err, userFound) {
		if (err) {
			console.log('We have an error :(');
		} else if (!userFound) {
			console.log('We couldn\'t find the user ' + user.email);
		} else if (userFound) {
			console.log('We have fixed the error, hooorraayyy!! ' + userFound[0].email + " " + userFound[0].password)
oh, change it to console.log(userFound);
An empty array yeah?
oh ok, then just check if it has .length===0
and yea empty array
yay it works now!
Express server listening on port 3000
We couldn't find the user [email protected]
[ { email: '[email protected]',
    username: 'Gacnt',
    password: '3f9c5506da67dad6557975ec9788d2d0684a2f
    dateCreated: Fri Apr 05 2013 23:06:01 GMT-0600 (M
    admin: 0,
    activated: 0,
    _id: 515fad398137d68017000001 } ]
We have fixed the error, hooorraayyy!! [email protected]
Thank you good sir! I find this is the best way to learn, because you'll be damned sure to remember something you've been trying to fix for 24 hours :P
haha well you momentarily forgot the other problem
What's that x.x
the question you originally posted
Oh no, that is fixed now
So at the moment, I am error free :P
Just curious, have you read Javascript: The Good Parts?
Yeah, why did I do something wrong :P?
No, was just going to suggest it.
Oh haha, yeah I read it, I think I'm gonna re-read it again though, I also have the Definitive Guide 6th edition I'm gonna start reading here soon
I've never been able to bring myself to read through that haha
its like reading the dictionary
I've had it for like 3 years though... ha
haha I know right, so intimidating
brb quick smoke, then to figure out how to create cookies and modify the page based on user login :D
I should probably do something productive......
I think I will
“ Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it. ” - Donald Knuth
@Zirak up for some help
How do I check the version of jade I'm using, npm jade --version?
@twiz Wanna help me fix one last thing before I go to bed :P
@XCritics Whats that?
I'm just trying to push to heroku, but I keep getting an error with Jade, I've been googling the shit out of it, and all the answers say, remove /bin or /tmp from .gitignore, and other things, I'm starting to think it's a heroku specific issue but I have no idea..

291 error Error: ENOENT, chmod '/tmp/build_htb3av307zzc/node_modules/jade/bin/jade'
292 error If you need help, you may report this log at:
292 error     <http://github.com/isaacs/npm/issues>
292 error or email it to:
292 error     <[email protected]>
hmm yea, I have no clue
matt damon
I've used jade on AppFrog though if you feel like making an account on it...
matt damon...?
so anybody up for a C++ challenge ?
We just don't tell anyone but I think this happens every month
here is the problem
I have a base class B , which i derive to C , D , E , F each are containers of different datatypes
@Darkyen does the challenge involve not konwing C++? Cause I'm down for that
i wanna write a virtual function that i can use to get value of any data type :D how do i do that ... in JS it'd be hell easy .. but in C++ ...
I mean you could just use a switch.... ha
in case you want to completely avoid thinking
@twiz use a switch eh ?
although it has been so long since I used C++ I literally don't remember a thing about it
class Value{
enum __datatype__;
getValue(){ };
so you REALLY need to ignore me
now tell me how do i implement get value :D i guess ... pointers is my only go
hmmm it turns out that by "don't remember a thing" I really did mean I have no fucking clue how to read C++
only zirak is enough knowledgible in here
lets try Longue<C++> help mates
jquery is really awesome, it goes well with Grails
Any idea how to view older versions of packages on npm, im gonna try using an older jade to see if heroku likes that one
I think you can specify the version, but I don't remember how. Just google it
Yeah I know how to specify the version, I just have no idea what the older version numbers are, thats why I'm wondering if you can browse them in npm some how :P
i love how everytime i try to use C++ it rapes my ass :D
that tells me how less i know :D
@Darkyen I know dat feels breh
without using anything i can't write from scratch
C++, whats that? Some kind of ancient language...
or i will quit programming :P
@twiz C++ is beautiful douche check out the C++0x11 syntax
it now allows you to write stuff like

acceleration a = 2mps / 2s; // yes units! though u have to implement them yourself
wait... should I be horrible offended by that? ha
I don;t know what you mean by implement them yourself
but either way it seems like it will ruin lives
nop it will save :P
you know a nasa mars landing project
missed landing zone by 450 miles
because somebody forgot about UNITS
I call that badly named variables
@twiz not badly named variables
it was MKS to CGS conversion
or something liek that ..
C++011 is beautiful :D
and @dystroy :D :D its sooo good to see u D:
1996 World Champion 'Robowar'
I got this year's first place in this contest fun programming.
ohhh I see that is kind of nice, but still seems odd to me that its built into the language
@twiz its a feature :P
you will have to create them yourself :-)
watch Bjarne Stroustrups keynote on C++0x11
I'd rather not... haha
but if I ever decide to send something to Mars, I will check it out
@twiz then you suck :D
C++ domain is amazing :P
your v8 is written in pure C++
// sadly i cant use the new specs :P
// and dont wanna copy v8
true, but doesn't change the fact that videos like tend to be horribly boring
I'd rather just google it
@Darkyen It's so good to see me ? It's not like if I was absent for more than a few hours, you know.
Nodejitsu or Heroku
@dystroy somebody who knows more languages then JS in this room is always helpful :P
btw can i ask u some C ++ ques ?
Hum, no, I've not done enough c++ and it's very very old... I would only say stupid things
i just wanna implement a multiple data-type container :D
with bare C++
no stl :P
Where did you find the sentence in English "I got this year's first place in this contest fun programming." ? Did you use a translator ?
but damn cool you are world champ!
You should probably ask the c++ room, no ? Seriously, last time I was in a C++ conversation I was lost as all that I knew had changed after I stopped using this language...
Regarding JS : this guy is inventing bad practices...
A function that can't fit my screen can't not be bugged
gacntapp.nodejitsu.com/register.html What do you think of my jQuery form validation :D
Somebody try to break it
@XCritics step one: boot up fiddler and delete some post vars. Are you prepared for that?
@XCritics never trust the client
I have some server side validation too, that validation is more for the guy that needs his hand held while registering
@JanDvorak Nodejitsu or Heroku?
@XCritics you don't allow one-letter usernames in email?
@XCritics I can sign up with an invalid email if I edit the first name last
... or the password, for that matter
@XCritics or if the passwords don't match, if I edit the first name last
@XCritics A@eeeee is a valid email according to you?
I can't really use regex for checking emails so I'm just using the browser validation with checkValidity()
@XCritics a@a. is an invalid email and displays red, but [email protected] is an invalid email and displays black
Yeah, I'm not sure of a good way to check emails other than the browser validity, regexs seem to always have something wrong
@XCritics it's not the browser's fault that you let the form submit as long as the first name and the last field edited are both valid
First name as in username?
@XCritics you call the field "username" but the error message says "first name"
Oh right I forgot to change that, I originally had first name and last name but just replaced it with a username
@XCritics ping me for the second round ;-)
I will for sure! But bed for now, thanks
Should I try to hack the server in the meantime?
I can't do much for the email validation but I will work on the other issues
What does cracking it entail?
I'll try to see if I can erase your database and hard drive
while trying not to actually erase the hard drive (entirely)
How much wind could a windbreaker break if a windbreaker could break wind?
But it's on nodejitsu!
I have gone ahead and waived the past charges and also will refund or waiver the current charges once completed. I have also added $20 to cover for future charges so once you cancel the instance you don't get charged.
This is how awesome AWS people are.. the best people on the earth
I am definitely going to use AWS for really huge projects
Helo Folks
i Need help regarding Gmap v3
i need to change language of map dynamically eng to arabic
any idea how to do it.
anyone there.?
There once was a girl fron Nantucket...
!!/Karma Blink
@BenjaminGruenbaum blink has no karma

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