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da hell
You: ever had sex?
Expert: 42.
@Jan-StefanJanetzky What expert?
How'd you get it? I don't see anything like that on any questions
Expert: Let's start over. What exactly do you want to do?

You: this

Expert: We're talking past each other here.

You: cant be

Expert: Are you trolling me?

You: i'm dead serious

Expert: While we're on the topic, calling via javascript is a pretty interesting challenge.
You're aware that you're talking to a bot, right? :D
I miss P.E.E class.
@OctavianDamiean i know.
@phenomnomnominal I wonder if such a thing actually exists :P
Somewhere there must be
Maybe PE teachers aren't taught, maybe they just grow.
Do you know the x86 assembler instruction for the Signed EXtension?
$10 dollars someone flags that.
I'm not waging
@phenomnomnominal googling SEX x86 didn't get me quite the results I expected
@phenomnomnominal not in my country
@AmaanCheval wtf... why was I not here for this
@rlemon :D
user image
I would have been prepared.
Dammit, just finished all of Community again. Damn you weeks with no new episodes.
@phenomnomnominal yea I just got myself caught up with season 4
tbh season 4 has been pretty shitty thus far
It's been okay
The seasons do start off pretty slow
idk, the stories seem lacking/forced compared to season 2 and 3
They just don't have as long to get ramped up to the awesome this season...
the entire "Kevin" thing. really?
Yeah and there's a couple of things I don't get, like at the end of season 3 they make it look like britta moves in withtroy abed and annie, but then they're all "ooh, abed can't know we're sleeping together?"
@phenomnomnominal why is annie and jeff not doing it yet?!
> "and we're going to sleep together" - opening song season 3
I'm pretty sure they are.
@rlemon dude, it's a serious disease, you shouldn't make fun of it :(
I can't believe there will probably only be 6 more episodes ever made.
changnesia... closely related to fucktarditis
@phenomnomnominal well it had to end eventually
@rlemon Well there's one thing I didn't like so far. Alternative History of the German Invasion.
I expected them to stretch it to 5 or 6 seasons
THink of the money they would make.
@OctavianDamiean, yeah, it was a total swing and a miss.
Especially the historical inaccuracy.
There's a big difference between giving Germany something and being taken over by Germany.
Yeah, i think it was meant to be funny, it just wasnt
@OctavianDamiean Germany never did anything wrong to anyone in history
I did like the deans speech at the end
nah, Germans didn't do anything wrong. Austrians did.
> Interests: Taking lemons and making lemonade, seeing the forest for the trees. Either that or hospital administration.
I will start watching community
@rlemon, did you see the game??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!??!?!!?
please, no spoiler.
@FlorianMargaine, START TODAY
yeah, I will
just need to wait for my gf to wake up.
@phenomnomnominal yea, looks like terriara
> Acoustic Guitar Club - Do you spend your time at home playing Guitar Hero by yourself? Stop doing that! Come join our acoustic guitar club and make awesome music with awesome people.
was thinking that all along
@FlorianMargaine, wake her up, it's !important
!important should never be used!
I watched the hobbit last night btw
and I wasn't bored during the 2h40
#community {
  watch: now !important;
I just watched it too
but god I was disappointed at the end :(
Watched it too.
It's not bad.
@rlemon i knew this would come!
My parents had never seen LotR, so we watched it over easter
It should be a rule that every room owner has to watch Community.
We should all get Delta Cubes tshirts
!!s/every room owner/everyone/
bot ded?
@rlemon Kinda.
Wrong message ... yea he's kinda dead.
wow, so logged him out
he was at main page
@rlemon I awoke on Mon, 01 Apr 2013 12:29:27 GMT (that's about 26 seconds ago), learned 76 commands, teleported 53 goats
@rlemon are you at work today?
oh right
it's only in France that today is vacation
@FlorianMargaine No, Austria as well.
@rlemon Command fools learned
I got friday off.
But it's Tuesday here now
@jjpd Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
yea we (Canada) got friday off, some businesses give monday off as well. not mine :P
@phenomnomnominal No it's not! Liar!
@OctavianDamiean, I promise, it is
@Hope Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
How can i place text at the middle of a dropdown list
@raj Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Hope What do you mean, exactly? Add an option to the list? Center the text?
@phenomnomnominal What the hell? What system are you using there?
@Hope I believe that's rendered by the user agent and there's no standard CSS to do that. You could, however, try text-align:center to the select or options
Which, by the way, is a nice addition to this chat's body.
Hy its simple.... Normally whean add an option to a select list it wl be place at the right hand side of the drop down. But how can i place it at the center
Normaly the text in a dropdown is aligned to the left (unless you're arabic)
Moving the dropdown arrow icon to the middle would be stupid
@userabuser Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BharatSoni Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Q: How to disable an input with jQuery?

omg$input.disabled = true; or $input.disabled = "disabled"; Which is the standard way? And,reversely,how to enable an input?

i hate when people get so much rep for such a question
@user2232102 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@OctavianDamiean os x
Is the chat with an expert flyout a new feature or have I been oblivious to it?
:( changnesia.com is taken
I was going to buy it
@Incognito Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@canon It is a new and very serious feature.
nm, thanks, meta...
@SOChatBot Listen punk, I've been a member of this room since before you were wearing binary.
what is life without a little whimsy
@kush Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Zirak the 'welcome a new user' feature is nice... but maybe have it check rep first. or joined date of the chat.
we don't want to annoy 1k+ rep users or people who have been in the chat for > couple weeks
@SOChatBot thank you SO ChatBot. I got fooled :( adviza.stackexchange.com/transcript/l6fPotvkr0mT
You: !!/google expert

Expert: Let's say "sufficiently knowledgable."
@jAndy Because you suck.
@jAndy Welcome to zombocom
@jAndy it seems room owners are omitted
we need some april 1st channel topic
use your huge male brains
@jAndy they are huge alright

jQuery appreciation room

The _best_ programming language. Got a jQuery question, let us...
He'll be all over that room now.
ES7 preview was released, and we're going over to CoffeeScript Syntax it seems
room topic changed to JScript: All about JScript. [coffeescript] [jquery] [jscript]
@jAndy The Game
mhh needs to get better :p
@jAndy do you really want to do that, even today?
@canon do what
room topic changed to JScript: All about JScript. [coffeescript] [dart] [go] [jquery] [jscript] [typescript]
oh, god
lol, getting there..
I just lost The Game.
room topic changed to "Jay" Script: All about JScript. [coffeescript] [dart] [go] [jquery] [jscript] [typescript]
today is like.. troll feast
if we don't jump on it.. who will ?!
googled "best april fools troll pictures"
this appeared
For an extra value i have now data: {key: 'value'} but i want that the key is an array with multiplude values. Is this the correct wat then? data: {key[]: 'value1', key[]: 'value2' }
@Arthur Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@TwistedInferno Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!/tell jAndy fools
@matma Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
looks better smaller.
is that for real ? bot spams this message for every new user ?
@bharatdesai Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ohh gad I am disabling that
posted on April 01, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} JP is the evilest dad ever.

^ lol
I'm a .net / mvc / js developer but I'm looking to do a little side project in game development. I want my game to be available on most phones so I'm thinking about using canvas and js. Can anyone help me get started, what engine to use, what tech to use etc (xna looks great but is that ok for all platforms etc)?
@Zirak IO.unregister('userregister') is correct?
@BadgerGirl Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
nope, guess not
@SOChatBot WTF Bot. You told me yesterday.
Working on it
I had a very interesting conversation with An Expert early on, it was quite intense and deep going, sometimes I had the feeling as if there was something special between us
@Zirak might be useful to store the 'seen' users in localStorage
Someone ping me please.
refreshing the bot means the seen list is emptied and users like Badger get pinged
Damn it ... didn't work.
what you trying to do?
Desktop Notifications combined with Chromify OSD.
yay! :)
@OctavianDamiean You kiss-ass
room topic changed to "Jay" Script: All about JScript. i.imgur.com/ABEPQRV.png [coffeescript] [dart] [go] [jquery] [jscript] [typescript]
yay, bot works again
yea i'm going to move to a new host
and new machine
less power, but more stable ISP
I love the Joffescript picture
Is the 'how to wear a hat' from community real?
> "Can I deepfry that?"
holy gifload batman
and yea that was in an episode
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol
@rlemon you make any progress with node.js over the weekend?
but I did make lots of tweaks to my fishtanks
spent all day friday working on my main tank
Real fishtanks... or html5 canvas fish tanks?
real fishtanks
@rlemon How's your anemone by the way? Is it happy again?
Alison Brie sucks in 5 years engagement, stopped watching it after 20 minutes after wife wanted to watch a movie with
No the wat was more like a wat I didn't get it
Oh, community reference
joyscript, gayscript
lol gayscript would probably be so stylish
community sucks
@OctavianDamiean I don't have an anemone
@rlemon What was it again?
communism rules
  purple goniopora
  kenya tree
  green brain coral
  purple tree gorgonian
  purple star polyps
  -- fancy mushrooms (assorted, couple of each) --
    bullseye mushrooms
    green metalic mushrooms
    umbrella mushrooms
    knobby false mushrooms

  Blue-Green Clown Goby
  sixline wrass
  3 X Blue Chromis

  2 X Hawaiian feather dusters
  3 X Peppermint shrimp
  Nassarius snail
  Assorted cleaner hermit crabs and snails (~6 crabs and ~8 snails).
the gorgonian was all but dead
got flesh narcosis
but seems to be slowly doing better.
the star polyps almost died as well. only got like 5 actual polyps on it now, but again, seems to be doing better.
I lost a metallic mushroom (pink), but still have the green ones
ohh and my featherduster that dropped his crown has started to regrow as well. so I'm confident I figured out what was pissing everything off.
Ah, rlemon's fish tank chronicles.
indoor barrier reef
salt water tanks are time and money pits
What's the capacity of that tank, btw?
Oh god shark tank, lol
I have a 10 gal, 33 gal, 46 gal, and 5gal.
@rlemon You really know how to do your share of trolling
I want a 100gal, but living in an appt i am afraid to go any larger than 46 (think when it comes time to move)
yea not something ugly like that :P
like a 100 gal corner tank would be nice
i'll probably get a 28 gal nano cube this summer
Do you eat fish?
not the fish I put in there, but yea
God, I love seafood.
however my fish eat smaller fish... so
Me too, it's so hard to get here :(
the pressure must be high there ^^
in fact, my freshwater tanks are guppy tanks so I can breed live food for my saltwater tanks.
Possibly my favorite thing to eat in the world:
Unagi (うăȘぎ) is the Japanese word for freshwater eels, especially the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica. Saltwater eels are known as anago in Japanese. Unagi are a common ingredient in Japanese cooking. In Japanese cuisine Unagi is served as part of unadon (sometimes spelled unagidon, especially in menus in Japanese restaurants in Western countries), a donburi dish with sliced eel served on a bed of rice. A kind of sweet biscuit called unagi pie made with powdered unagi also exists. Unagi is high in protein, vitamin A, and calcium. Specialist unagi restaurants are common in Japan, ...
I remember when I was in woods hole, a lobster is like 8$ there
Lobster is expensive here
you can get cheaper salmon and sole. haddock is pretty cheap here as well
Everything that isn't Kosher is expensive here, and really hard to get fresh
You can't buy lobster or shrimps or mussels at the supermarket
best fresh seafood I had was in BC
but that was caught the same day :P
kinda hard to beat that
You have to go to a 'deli', it costs a lot, and usually isn't very fresh
Oh, I had plenty of fresh fish, fish aren't the issue, you can go to the docks and buy them from the fishermen
yea muscles here are easy to get as well.
maybe $4 a lb
@OctavianDamiean I awoke on Mon, 01 Apr 2013 12:29:27 GMT (that's about 1 hour ago), got invoked 6 times, learned 77 commands
Here it's 20nis (about 5$) for 100 grams, and it's frozen :(
in a lb bag maybe 95% of them are alive and good
I won't touch a muscle unless it's cooked from live.
The frozen ones aren't dangerous here, but it tastes like crap compared to the fresh ones
Same for shrimps, and other non-fish seafood
yea shrimp here are expensive 'fresh'
Where at, @Ben?
but the frozen ones are not bad.
In tel aviv it's more common, but in Jerusalem it's very hard to get
@ShotgunNinja Israel
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh right, I think you said that the other day.
Also, did you guys look at the link I put up? That's a site devoted to reproducing the food at the restaurant where my girlfriend works.
2 mins ago, by Shotgun Ninja
And that's the kind (and size) of seafood dishes they serve there.
I just about came buckets when they set it out in front of me.
Oysters are really hard to get here too
I can imagine
I wish seafood was listed. I'll look for a current flyer.
prices in my local supermart
gives you an idea of what I spend on food.
well there is a bag of frozen shrimp there
but I did goto highschool with the son of the owner of caudlescatchseafood.com so I generally go there if I want seafood.
Also, hard to get pork here lol
just found out that windows folders are notcase sensitive, it automerges
@crl only with FAT32
prices are not bad, and the stuff here is grade a stuff.
There are no 'medium' price range sea-food restaurants here, if you want see food, expect to pay at least 50$
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm on the hard-drive (NTFS), windows 7 :?
80500 message in the JS room. (Today I also hit 99995km on my car... I can't wait to roll over 100000 on the drive home)
seems exciting :p
it is. I have a friend who drives an old cab. he rolled over 1 million
it was more exciting
propane cars (if taken care of) last a shit load longer
@rlemon maybe it's just old cars
you know how it is. New designs should be made to last long enough to not seem phony
@rlemon fyi, lean ground beef in Austria around $12.46 / kg.

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